FL - Jennifer Kesse, 24, Orlando, 24 Jan 2006 - #5

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Excellent job with the photos. Thanks, for all your work.

You convinced me about the "envelope", and I'm on the fence re: the SPCA.

It is amazing that people can go back and restore film, but not get a better shot of the POI

LE says it is because of the poor camera. I think it is twofold. Poor camera and the money it would take. imo

About the case:

If LE does have prints, and possibly DNA

Why isn't LE asking every single friend who stayed at JK's condo for a sample of their prints, and their DNA.

Then, let's identify anybody who was over for the party that weekend.

Let's start with them, and then move the investigation outward.

Any one of them would not be "threatening" to JK.

In police work, there is no such thing as a "coincidence"

Let's start with the inner circle, and then work our way out.

One has to think that one of Logan's friends must have somebody who lives in Orlando, and joined them over the weekend. Doesn't that seem logical?

I know LE has grilled Logan's friends, but what about the friends of the friends, who may have been over for a beer?

I apoligize for having to post like this. But I am working under primitive conditions in a rural area with poor satelite connection and I keep getting logged off.

rd--I am somehow banned from entering or registering from the site with your photo. any suggestions how to get on?
left- i tend to agree that this POI is young, white and taller than 5'3".

checking who and what when on the weekend before should have been done-perhaps not.

did everyone leave on sunday---or perhaps stayed to monday night, since JK was not expected home until then?
BB--I agree about the white tee shirt rarely seen anymore.

Didn't LE say the colors were off too?? Hard to tell, I know since there are no photos showing the dark LE uniforms looking white, as they claimed.
left- i tend to agree that this POI is young, white and taller than 5'3".

checking who and what when on the weekend before should have been done-perhaps not.

did everyone leave on sunday---or perhaps stayed to monday night, since JK was not expected home until then?


thanks for agreeing and the links to the bicycle equip.

Can't you just hit Rd's link on page 1 of this thread. IT works for me.

Occam's theory: the simplest explanation is usally the correct one.

This case: Simple: You had several young men, in their young twenties at JK's condo. Would love to know how many other's came to have a beer, party, etc.

Two days later, JK disappears. WE have a photo. "I" for one, think this guy is young, around 25, and in excellent shape.

Let's start with the kids from the weekend. Clear all of them. Then the workers from Mosaic.

Here's my theory:

LE sees the picture of the POI. Right away, LE thinks he is short, hispanic, maybe illegal.

Plus, Jk was "worried" about her safety.

Natural conclusion, one of the workers.

Well, it is over a year later, and nothing has happened.

Now, RD blows up these pictures, I think this guy is white, young, blonde or dirty blonde hair. (just my opinion, I'm not concluding anything)

I've also said a million times, I think he is taller.

Let's go back to the weekend: Anyone of those kids could have made a copy of the key, or purposely left a balcony door open.

Sure, the cellphone guy seems too obvious, but did LE print him, and get a DNA sample. Maybe the cellphone guy called someone local in Orlando and asked him to pick up his phone.

I just think the answer lies in one of two places. Either the weekend party, or the people who reside or live at Mosaic.

In addition, left and others who have questioned the height, a close look should be done starting with what you suggest without preconcieved notion of height based on what the police have given. I think cat's 5'10" estimate is probably closer. This is probably closer to an average height guy. And he does fit left's description.

Petra, I agree, color of the clothes is the next most important thing to do. A test should be done with that type of camera to see what it turns what colors to get a result like this.

Also, please PM me and I will check on that.

I have the following question:

If LE has fingerprints from the POI, and possible DNA, why isn't LE requesting fingerprint samples and DNA samples from every person who was at JK's the prior weekend, all suspects, workers at Mosaic. etc.?

Especially the fingerprints. If LE is 99.9% certain that the POI touched an area last ( I think that is why the video is fast forwarded), then why not get print samples from everyone.

Getting print samples, running them through AFIS, and comparing them to JK's POI, is not that expensive to do.

Regardless of the expense, it is the only lead LE has, those prints and DNA. Why isn't this being done? I don't care if the supects are 4"2 or 6"4, get their prints, and compare them with the POI.

I have a gut feeling that LE has doodly squat.

bbbaaaawwwwaaa-it is so frustrating!
I have a gut feeling that LE has doodly squat.

bbbaaaawwwwaaa-it is so frustrating!

Me too.

But, Fox in Orlando is stating their sources say LE has "prints" and possibly DNA from the pOI.

Just think, there are always unidentifed prints in every crime scene. IF one of those prints, matches one of the above listed people, and they can't explain how they were ever in JK's car, you have your POI.

I am not from the States, but I thought Fox news was considered to be unreliable in much of their reporting.:waitasec: I may be way off on that.

Plus, wasn't that early on, when LE still had the car in their possession.

Would they have made copies of all prints and retained all DNA samples??

:confused: Just wonder if they may have lifted a print at one time--but not every piece of evidence.

I sure hope I am wrong--and that LE has something and are keeping it close to their chest.
I agree with all of that, left. I am taking another look at other pictures to see if I can determine if those are plant branches/leaves in the picture. They are more to his side than I would expect a normal logo, but I don't know modern tshirt design and what kind of design they have now.

The circular pattern is solar plexus high and at least on the side only covers the midsection. The two wavy streamers below look to be to angled to be natural, such as a branch or a bag strap.

If we can determine some possible explanation for these patterns on something he's carrying, then the shirt would be all white. But the midsection oval pattern shows clearly it's not a solid oval, and it looks to be a common oval with extensions to the right and left type design. Motorcycles come to mind, but I'm not up on logos. If I see something similar I'll post it.

If it is a physical thing between him and the fence, it's right up to the sign on the gate. I will take another look at Greta's pictures of that gate.

good work on the photos. I took one of yours down as far as i could with shadow and highlite. On that area below the back collar area it was shaped like the Harley logo. small letter getting larger then gradually smaller again. Just the over all outline. Of course just an observation.
I am not from the States, but I thought Fox news was considered to be unreliable in much of their reporting.:waitasec: I may be way off on that.

Plus, wasn't that early on, when LE still had the car in their possession.

Would they have made copies of all prints and retained all DNA samples??

:confused: Just wonder if they may have lifted a print at one time--but not every piece of evidence.

I sure hope I am wrong--and that LE has something and are keeping it close to their chest.

I think it is a local fox affiliate. Don't know their reputation. But, usually the local press have "inside information". I don't know how valid this claim is or isn't.

Regardless, there has to be a "print" from the POI on that car. He put the car in reverse, then pulled in, opened the door, closed the door. He wasn't wearing gloves, and gosh I hope there is a print. DNA, I'm not convinced, but, I'm just speculating.

Absolutely, LE keeps everything from a crime scene. Garbage, JK's possessions, hairs, fibers, vacuum up dirt. All evidence is kept forever.

I would be shocked if LE released that car. Some on the board say Mrs. Kesse returned the car to the leasing company. It may be true, but, I would be shocked and disheartened if LE let evidence out the door. You always want to keep evidence, such as the car. Maybe it is true, or maybe the Kesse's don't want the public to know that Le is keeping the car for a potential trial. imo

I don't know when the fox rumor began. I thought it was recent. I'm sure Drumstick, who gave me the link, knows more.

BB--I agree about the white tee shirt rarely seen anymore.

Didn't LE say the colors were off too?? Hard to tell, I know since there are no photos showing the dark LE uniforms looking white, as they claimed.
I don't know about LE and the colors. The new imput of photos is excellent. Earlier on we discussed a skateboarder.
Do we know if there is a college in the vicinity of Mosaic? Is this guy carrying books?
I thought the car was sold.

That is what I thought. then, the other day, I think it was SS or someone, said that Jk's mom returned the car to the leasing company.

Who knows?

I can't imagine why LE would release that car in a potential homicide case. but, I'm not an Orlando police officer, so I don't know how they work. Why take a chance in releasing evidence? Who's to say that LE didnt' miss something, or wants to take a second look? It may be true, I don't know.

I do know, that the FBI still has the car Jimmy Hoffa was in when he went missing in 1971, or whatever year that was.

I took RD's blow up photo of "still #2". Darkened it as much as possible. This is the only things left on the screen. The match with the areas in her photo that are shadowed or darker than the rest of the shirt. From the top the white area is under the neck seam, then a bar would be there, then this larger white area, then under that the lock. Idon't know what it is or what is says. The stray pink would prob be on the sleeve. I don't know but this showed up, so here it is.
Ok, BB, I took a look at what you were talking about, and guess what? There is something around this guy's neck.

I had seen this dark circle on his neck in the first blowup I did, where I was concentrating on the head profile. I disregarded as shadow.

But then I went to take a look at the new head closeup, and that dark circle is still there. It is very pronounced. Yet it doesn't look solid enough to be a choker to me.

The two head closeups are on post 6 of the page, labelled "blowup of POI /suspect showing biking hat profile". It is the second group of two pictures on the page.

The top picture is the first still, just as starts to pass the gate, and the one below it is just as he passes the gate. No way is there a shadow like that from both shots.

I had not noticed how big and round that circle went around his neck. If that isn't a choker, then it looks like a nasty bruise around his neck.

Very nasty.

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