Cal-Sag Channel Search

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I brought up the idea of a boat after seeing a picture of a boat parked in the street in from of DP's house. But then it was explained that the boat belonged to one of the searchers and that it was there because the searchers were having a meeting at Sharon's house. :)

At that time it was discussed that there was no room in the backyard of DP's home for another "toy" and someone posted the aerial shot of the backyard showing the pool, the RV and other assorted toys. that the subject has been brought back up.......I don't think anyone has explored the possibility that DP might have ready access to a boat, through his brother, Paul, or step-brothers, Thomas and John Morphey. Or, through one of his police buddys........Mike Robison, or through relatives that as of now are unknown????
One of Greta's producers over at Gretawire stated that the canal has been blocked off or shut down tonight for 24 hours and they have divers going in. I wonder if they have cleared the cars and debris and then found something with sonar?
No, I think they simply blocked off the area so they can conduct their search.
Oh my gosh! How are you, Greybeard! So glad to see you around!

Indeed, it is quite interesting about this barrel that might be in the waterway - deja vu all over again, ain't it?
At the family website - there's a discussion of the canal search under the topic of "updates" page 5. Someone that has a business along the canal states that they were alerted late today that the canal would be closed to traffic for 24 hours or so. There will be no barge traffic. The poster gives a specific area that's shut down.
At the family website - there's a discussion of the canal search under the topic of "updates" page 5. Someone that has a business along the canal states that they were alerted late today that the canal would be closed to traffic for 24 hours or so. There will be no barge traffic. The poster gives a specific area that's shut down.

Thanks - here's the link directly to that page, and the poster is "From Illinois":

From Illinois on said:
Businesses along the canal have been instructed that all barge traffic will be halted so that divers can search the canal over the next 24 hours or so. No link - just what they have been told effective immediately.

...Searching and questioning has been going on but this is the first time we have had to stop business - ever.

...Not all locations but definitely the Ship and Sanitary near the Citgo refinery. There is a hunting area along there that has been searched as well. Romeoville Rd. & New Avenue.

135th an New Avenue along the Citgo refinery

...but they were blocking off roads earlier in prep. It's snowing -- at least an inch or two. Not sure if they will wait til morning but will find out then

Got a picture from Google Earth -interesting terrain and not many people living out there. That must be the refinery with the tanks:

Going back to the search in Lockport - this picture shows just how close that is to Romeoville. The canal (Ship&Sanitary?) is the dark straight line running through the middle of the picture, and the Citgo refinery that the poster said was being searched is at the top:

Going back to the search in Lockport - this picture shows just how close that is to Romeoville. The canal (Ship&Sanitary?) is the dark straight line running through the middle of the picture, and the Citgo refinery that the poster said was being searched is at the top:


What a mess of canals and ponds and well everything. The urgency to search, the 24 hour shutdown. Specific info maybe?

ETA: The weather has to make diving more dangerous. For LE to be doing the dive leads me to believe there is more specific info.
Oh my gosh! How are you, Greybeard! So glad to see you around!

Indeed, it is quite interesting about this barrel that might be in the waterway - deja vu all over again, ain't it?

Hey T/F long time no see. Sad we have meet again because of someone like this guy eh?
Well, after further review; I am trying to figure out if putting a plastic container underwater
is really a fact. I believe it was used for transport, but if she went into that canal; I just don't see it. Do you think that barrel could have been emptied and tossed separately? Ya know,
we did see mention of diving weights.
Is there a bridge where they are searching with the divers?

Like SuziQ, I am thinking there has to be something specific happening to have gone to such measures.

The areas shown on the preceding maps could have in fact some heavy duty LARGE trash disposal bins that would accomodate an empty 'container' the size that would have been used for Stacy.

Wonder IF IF IF a container like that was found by an enterprising trash haulerl Just sitting and doing my wait and see with the rest of you.

The areas shown on the preceding maps could have in fact some heavy duty LARGE trash disposal bins that would accomodate an empty 'container' the size that would have been used for Stacy. Wonder IF IF IF a container like that was found by an enterprising trash haulerl Just sitting and doing my wait and see with the rest of you.

Very keen observation. Are (werer) some of the ships hauling garbage?
For LE to close down this canal for 24 solid hours..they must have some very strong info that something specific they are looking for is in there.

I don't think it would be a cell phone, but I could be wrong..they must have some peice of evidence that is leading them to close this particular area of the canal and search. But this is huge..for LE to take this step.

And not only what is that evidence, but who or what pointed them to this area? I like Camper's idea about the barrel being found close by..but could they have kept that quiet and away from the media ? Obviously they don't want anyone else in the area while this search is going on.

Anyone local hear anything about news choppers in the area where the search is?
Thanks for posting this TF. I've been nursing a bad case of bronchitis and still trying to follow this case. Haven't been able to do any research on the area. Just going from what you great sleuthers have put up. I pictured the canal much smaller. I had no idea it was for barge traffic. Is there tree cover?? Woods? Or is it more open? How deep is it?

Thanks - here's the link directly to that page, and the poster is "From Illinois":

Got a picture from Google Earth -interesting terrain and not many people living out there. That must be the refinery with the tanks:

Wellll, IF IF my thoughts are correct, and 'the' blue container has been found, most likely they would be checking the container for signs of missing 'blue plastic particles' that were found in the Denali.

WHAT IF IF IF other fibres might have been found on the missing barrel IF IF IF they have found the container. IF IF that would be true, perhaps that could be 'the' reason for the 2nd home search warrant.

Additionally IF IF the container has been found, perhaps there are still traces of Stacy's dna in IT.

. that is interesting, Thoughtfox! (By the way...have we met?)
Well . . . here? Do I know you from somewhere else? :)

Greybeard: What if he put the body in the water, and then completely destroyed the barrel by chopping it up or something and then put it in garbage bags or just threw the pieces in a nearby dumpster? We have had to break up plastic boxes before for the garbage service here because everything has to be bagged for our landfill.

And there are bridges - see picture below: there's one over the canal, and another over a secondary smaller canal that runs parallel - is that a creek?

Pocono: There are trees all around there - those fuzzy patches:

Can someone please send me Stacey Peterson's address & Lisa Stebec's as well? I tried to Google it, but found nothing! Thanks...
Greybeard: What if he put the body in the water, and then completely destroyed the barrel by chopping it up or something and then put it in garbage bags or just threw the pieces in a nearby dumpster? We have had to break up plastic boxes before for the garbage service here because everything has to be bagged for our landfill.
Ya know T/F, seems to me one of the reporters on the TV said
they flew around and counted about 10 barrels just lying around.
That would be sometin' if the cops found the right one using a dog eh? Those darn dogs again.... from the looks of things no one would even look twice at a barrel otherwise.
I think it's just a matter of time on this one.
I vote they charge him on the other one first, then if more evidence appears they can get him again. He is worried about his love life, so I say let him have one. (wearing orange)
Scott acted the same way afterwards don't ya think?

Greybeard has the same live feed linked above, but closer and easier to see.
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