Pierce Brosnan's wife

I don't think she weighs 250. I don't know how you could even tell from a photo. If she's indeed 5 foot 8 inches, no way is she 250. I am 5 feet 5 inches, weigh close to 200 and she looks better than I do.

She does carry her weight well, still has a waist. I agree with whoever said she had an hourglass figure that was just bigger. By BMI standards, she probably is considered obese.

At my smallest/healthiest, I am still just barely within my BMI range because I am very muscular, which the BMI charts don't take into account. Which is why going by them alone could be a mistake for some people.

Should she lose weight? Yeah, if she wants to and feels winded when walking or otherwise feels bad. That's why I quit smoking and why I am now on a program to lose weight and get back into all of my clothes.

Should someone who weighs 500 lbs pay for two airlines seats. Yep. I have a friend who's required to do this and has no problem with it.

Did I miss anything? LOL. This is a very interesting thread. I am constantly amazed at how many thoughtful and intelligent folks we have here!!
i'm surprised she can wear the bikini after having two kids at all. i don't care about weight! lol!! that alone makes me have respect for the girl!
Oh I love Renoirs. :) Thanks for posting that, angelwngs.
then again... most artists who painted 'rubinesque' figures didn't include all the cellulite......LOL!!
If she is indeed 5" 8' tall as the literature says, and is as obese as the photo shows, then I stand by my estimation that she weighs around 250 pounds. I don't think the photos are retouched, because I have found many photos of her ( one in a one piece swimsuit with a see through top which is beyond horrible) and she is almost as large in those photos. I can usually estimate a person's weight to within 10 pounds due to a career which required weighing people every few minutes, every single day.

For those who are overweight or obese or whatever, this thread is not to bash you. I don't really know what it's for, except that it shows the way a beautiful woman let herself go.

Women are supposed to have waists. If your hip to waist ratio is above .90, then you are at greater risk for coronary disease.
Here is one simple chart to determine the risk.

Fat is fat, no matter who it's attached to. No way the woman is " muscled". There are other photos in this photo shoot in Hawaii and there are rolls of fat around her waist, her back, her abdomen. She is fat, obese, overweight, take your pick.

Telling the truth does not mean that a fellow poster is displaying either stupidity or thoughtlessness. The truth just IS. The photos speak for themselves. Also, mirrors, clothes size labels, height and weight charts don't lie, and neither do bathroom scales and tape measures. If more Americans kept an eye on their measurements,food portion size and activity levels, then 5 extra pounds wouldn't turn into 50 extra pounds.
then again... most artists who painted 'rubinesque' figures didn't include all the cellulite......LOL!!

If people were the size of Ruben or Botticelli women now, then they would live about as long as the lifespan of the 'models'- about 35 years or less.
For those who are overweight or obese or whatever, this thread is not to bash you. I don't really know what it's for, except that it shows the way a beautiful woman let herself go.

I so don't want to argue with anyone but I don't really like the classification of her as 'a woman who let herself go'. You can say that all you want, that's your right, but I had to say that I find those remarks very unpleasant. And this is coming from someone who's 5'10 and 140 lbs.
i'm surprised she can wear the bikini after having two kids at all. i don't care about weight! lol!! that alone makes me have respect for the girl!

You're kidding, right?
Many women have had more than 1 child and have a flat abdomen. It takes work to get rid of the postpartum pounds and do sit ups as well as aerobic exercise after 2 C sections, but it's worth the effort.
She used to be a very pretty, slim lady. She has, by way of packing on the pounds, let herself go. Her face is so fat, my DH didn't even recognize her, and he remembers all the TV babes.
then again... most artists who painted 'rubinesque' figures didn't include all the cellulite......LOL!!

MANY, MANY "skinny" and/or even anorexic looking celebs have cellulite...cellulite is NOT only a symptom of fat people....lots of so-called, skinny people have cellulite (even celebs)...
Cellulite knows NO weight, waist size, race, etc...
In fact (gasp) even SKINNY people who-have-never-had-an-ounce-of-fat have cellulite....
In fact in my drug years when I was way beyond "skinny" I still had cellulite....Reb look in the mirror at your buttocks and back thighs and see if you don't have the same...if not you're lucky b/c even skinny girls (and MANY celebs) have this!!!!
chill out, hon!! i just meant that the idealized images of the renoir figures didn't include that,, as opposed to reality.. that's all. which is why they look so good. i never said skinny folks don't have it. we all do, to some extent... that's for sure!! when your muscles are more toned it just hides/minimizes it because the fat cells aren't so 'plumped up' and the larger muscles are smoothing/flattening them out.

bottom line is.... nobody's perfect.. and even if they are close to it, everyone ages and also unexpected things can happen to anyone.. so it's best not to get caught up in, or judge yourself too much by looks. the ones whose egos are so tied up with being conventionally beautiful.. are often the most devastated and unable to deal with the changes of aging, illness. etc. but again.. it's the health issue here, that matters.

we should ALL try to concentrate on our peace of mind, keeping things in perspective, and our HEALTH-- inside and out, mental, physical, etc...
for the sake of ourselves AND our loved ones!
chill out, hon!! i just meant that the idealized images of the renoir figures didn't include that,, as opposed to reality.. that's all. which is why they look so good. i never said skinny folks don't have it. we all do, to some extent... that's for sure!! when your muscles are more toned it just hides/minimizes it because the fat cells aren't so 'plumped up' and the larger muscles are smoothing/flattening them out.

bottom line is.... nobody's perfect.. and even if they are close to it, everyone ages and also unexpected things can happen to anyone.. so it's best not to get caught up in, or judge yourself too much by looks. the ones whose egos are so tied up with being conventionally beautiful.. are often the most devastated and unable to deal with the changes of aging, illness. etc. but again.. it's the health issue here, that matters.

we should ALL try to concentrate on our peace of mind, keeping things in perspective, and our HEALTH-- inside and out, mental, physical, etc...
for the sake of ourselves AND our loved ones!

I'm not attacking you Reb...just wanted to let it be know ANYONE can have cellulite...even skinny people AND celebs....
You're kidding, right?
Many women have had more than 1 child and have a flat abdomen. It takes work to get rid of the postpartum pounds and do sit ups as well as aerobic exercise after 2 C sections, but it's worth the effort.

Well its not that I DON'T care about the weight... I am just surprised that she carries her weight so well. My thing is that if she has gained this much weight how is she carrying it so well? Looking at the before and after pics. And she must have worked out post partum since she has had two kids - her youngest is I think 4. That's what I am thinking.

I agree with your estimation if 250. I am shooting her between 235 to 250 at her height of 5'8". That's my guess.
You're kidding, right?
Many women have had more than 1 child and have a flat abdomen. It takes work to get rid of the postpartum pounds and do sit ups as well as aerobic exercise after 2 C sections, but it's worth the effort.
I agree with you. I think far too many women use having children as an excuse for their extra weight. The only reason that I am bigger than I want to be is that I eat too much and exercise too little...Plain and simple...

KKS reminds me of Delta Burke, when she ballooned up...especially that photo of her lying on the beach.
OMG are you kidding? Celebrities are like the rest of us? Wow.

Yes, people have kids, they gain weight, they get content with their lives, they lose weight, they go through depression and then get out of it and get motivated.

Good for them to live their lives without fear of having their pictures taken and splashed all over the world for people to pick at their bones like vultures.

Now that takes some sack that most celbs don't have.

last time i saw my husbands secretary she told me how much better i looked. she said i had always been pretty but i look like i feel so much better now that i had lost all that extra weight. i smiled because i knew she meant well and walked into hubbys office thinking how we as a culture get our medical knowledge from the today show and woman's world magazines. like alot of people she thinks less is better. i have lost 40 pounds so that is a good thing right?

3 months ago i posted here a few times a day. i walked regularly. i played in the yard with my kids. my check up in march had all my blood work coming back great. i kept my house clean. i weighed 200 pounds. all that has changed. my pants have come down 3 sizes and i look healthier to people who assume weight equals health. i am close to a 4th pants size down and the thought makes me cry. i am no longer healthy but the good news is maybe i will look great in a bikini 1 day. i just wonder if it is worth vomiting blood and a new biopsy every 3 months if the world now looks at me as a better person. given the choice i would take the extra pounds and my old healthy self back in a heart beat.
If I were a bettin woman, I'd bet that those of you who view Mrs. Bronson as obese and a health risk are NOT overweight.

Prejudice is such a terrible thing.

I just wanted to comment that my posts about Keely were kind and I am not overweight by any stretch of the imagination.

I agree its terrible to be prejudice towards people because of their weight.
last time i saw my husbands secretary she told me how much better i looked. she said i had always been pretty but i look like i feel so much better now that i had lost all that extra weight. i smiled because i knew she meant well and walked into hubbys office thinking how we as a culture get our medical knowledge from the today show and woman's world magazines. like alot of people she thinks less is better. i have lost 40 pounds so that is a good thing right?

3 months ago i posted here a few times a day. i walked regularly. i played in the yard with my kids. my check up in march had all my blood work coming back great. i kept my house clean. i weighed 200 pounds. all that has changed. my pants have come down 3 sizes and i look healthier to people who assume weight equals health. i am close to a 4th pants size down and the thought makes me cry. i am no longer healthy but the good news is maybe i will look great in a bikini 1 day. i just wonder if it is worth vomiting blood and a new biopsy every 3 months if the world now looks at me as a better person. given the choice i would take the extra pounds and my old healthy self back in a heart beat.

Glade your back...:blowkiss:
It's what's on the inside that counts.
Don't judge a book by it's cover, however a lot of ppl do, sadly.
this is so what I think-
when I moved to Florida 10 years ago- I bought a 1 piece- then after spending the first 2 weekends at the beach- that suit hit the trash, and have worn 2 pieces ever since- and I am now 47--I always figure there will be alot that look better than me and alot that dont, so I am happy ! besides, not out to impress anyone but dh, and he says it is good ! :)

You go girl!!! :) :blowkiss:

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