All Things Britney Spears Part 6

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I'm not 100% on that matter katk that would be a question for Jeana. IMO For a judge to order a warrant to go into one's home I believe but not 100% one has to commit a crime before a judge would sign for a warrant to go in one's home but again each state has different laws and statues on their books so I'm not 100% sure.
Here is what I found out....
The clerk of the court will issue a Notice of an Application for a Protective Order. The clerk will deliver the notice to your abuser. This notice states that the abuser has been accused of committing family violence. Your abuser may get an attorney to defend him against this allegation. The notice also informs your abuser of the hearing date.

******Please note that service of notice is not required for a Temporary Ex Parte order****

What is a Temporary Ex Parte Order? How long does it last?

A Temporary Ex Parte Order is a court order designed to provide you and your family members with immediate protection from your abuser. In order to get a Permanent Protective Order, you need to have a full court hearing with your abuser present. A Temporary Ex Parte Order will protect you from the time you file for the Permanent Protective Order until your full court hearing. You may receive a Temporary Ex Parte Order without your abuser present.

Now...whether this same order applies to a business relationship, I don't know. I am not sure what they are accusing him with so I am not sure this information is correct.
Time to hire some police/a private detective agency to quietly camp out in Lufti's neighborhood, ready to follow him and pounce when he scuttles out at night like the rat he is.
Time to hire some police/a private detective agency to quietly camp out in Lufti's neighborhood, ready to follow him and pounce when he scuttles out at night like the rat he is.
He can't live in there forever.
Sorry Am. I disagree. I don't believe for a second they sold her to Hollywood. They didn't sell her to anything. I would venture to guess Britney wanted to act and sing. I would also venture to guess that she begged them to let her do it. I've seen her in concert before (not something I brag about - took my daughter :D ) and she is very talented. She puts on a good show.

I think what really pushed Britney over the edge was her pregnancies. The hormonal inbalances, etc. That and the fact her marriage was falling apart - Kevin was out partying all the time and she was home. She missed the spot light being on her. She'd had that for years...

I don't think her parents can be blamed for pushing her over the edge. And, in this instance, I believe they can be trusted over anyone else close to her. I think her 'manager' Sam is a snake as is the boyfriend. I think both are in it for themselves.

I agree with you, and I don't see her parents as greedy leeches. I've seen a few documentaries on Britney over the years, and from what I gathered, BRITNEY wanted a career in showbiz. Former teachers, old friends, family members - they all attested to the fact that Britney was very driven. Yes, Lynne facilitated it but I don't think she pushed an unwilling child into it. When Britney was around 10 or 12, she was in some Broadway or off-Broadway play for several weeks, and when she got tired of it she told her mom that she wanted to go home to Louisiana and that's exactly what they did. Lynne isn't some famewhore like Joe Simpson or Dina Lohan. She is in the spotlight of course, but not for herself. Lynne lives in a very nice little mini-mansion but I'm sure Britney wanted something a lot nicer than the old, small family home to come home to when she came to Louisiana.

The Spears family is not perfect and I think Jamie and Lynne would love to have had the benefit of hindsight when they were raising their kids. I just don't see them as evil, selfish, greedy monsters the way some people do. :confused:
Spears Doesn't Want Dad As Conservator

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Britney Spears doesn't want her father in charge of her welfare, her lawyer told a court commissioner on Monday, but a court-appointed attorney who interviewed her in a hospital psychiatric ward said the pop star can't even grasp what is going on in court.

This is according to adam striesand a ( lawyer recomended by Trope and Trope who have been representing britany in her divorce.) A symptom of bipolar disorder is destruction of all important relationships and britney has been acting erratically for quite a while. Since then Britney's parents have united because they are so worried about their daughter's mental health. Don't forget that the father and Andrew Wallet, an attorney, are co-conservators. While everyone was saying who is going to get Britney help? Now that her heartbroken parents have gotten Britney real medical help they are being criticized. Meanwhile the vultures are circling their prey. Please read this link.
I agree with you, and I don't see her parents as greedy leeches. I've seen a few documentaries on Britney over the years, and from what I gathered, BRITNEY wanted a career in showbiz. Former teachers, old friends, family members - they all attested to the fact that Britney was very driven. Yes, Lynne facilitated it but I don't think she pushed an unwilling child into it. When Britney was around 10 or 12, she was in some Broadway or off-Broadway play for several weeks, and when she got tired of it she told her mom that she wanted to go home to Louisiana and that's exactly what they did. Lynne isn't some famewhore like Joe Simpson or Dina Lohan. She is in the spotlight of course, but not for herself. Lynne lives in a very nice little mini-mansion but I'm sure Britney wanted something a lot nicer than the old, small family home to come home to when she came to Louisiana.

The Spears family is not perfect and I think Jamie and Lynne would love to have had the benefit of hindsight when they were raising their kids. I just don't see them as evil, selfish, greedy monsters the way some people do. :confused:

I so agree with everything you said. I feel the same about her parents.

I'm with you and Jules on this topic.:)
This is according to adam striesand a ( lawyer recomended by Trope and Trope who have been representing britany in her divorce.) A symptom of bipolar disorder is destruction of all important relationships and britney has been acting erratically for quite a while. Since then Britney's parents have united because they are so worried about their daughter's mental health. Don't forget that the father and Andrew Wallet, an attorney, are co-conservators. While everyone was saying who is going to get Britney help? Now that her heartbroken parents have gotten Britney real medical help they are being criticized. Meanwhile the vultures are circling their prey. Please read this link.


I'm so relieved they are getting that creepy Lufti away from her. But there's another ready to take his place. Word-Up to these losers, the gravy train has ended - Britney has her family as a united front, a truly decent, intelligent and smart Judge, great Dr. The games are over.
i dont understand what all the hype is about her .. she is a celeb with alot of problems .. isnt the first wont be the last ..
This is according to adam striesand a ( lawyer recomended by Trope and Trope who have been representing britany in her divorce.) A symptom of bipolar disorder is destruction of all important relationships and britney has been acting erratically for quite a while. Since then Britney's parents have united because they are so worried about their daughter's mental health. Don't forget that the father and Andrew Wallet, an attorney, are co-conservators. While everyone was saying who is going to get Britney help? Now that her heartbroken parents have gotten Britney real medical help they are being criticized. Meanwhile the vultures are circling their prey. Please read this link.

That is an excellent point. Jamie and Lynne (esp. Lynne) are constantly raked over the coals for their "horrible" parenting, for only wanting Britney's money. Now, Jamie has taken over, or is trying to, and made a point to have an outside party as co-conservator so as not be seen as having a hidden motive ($). The folks are damned if the don't, damned if they do. IMO, it can't be both ways.

Britney is an adult, and until now, had the right to refuse any help. Their hands were pretty much tied and they didn't have much choice or any "right" to do anything to force her into help. So they focused on the children and did their best to maintain a positive relationship w/ Kevin. My parents would do the exact same thing, be nice to my husband (or if we divorced) in order to have access to my child, regardless of their relationship with me.

I'm so relieved they are getting that creepy Lufti away from her. But there's another ready to take his place. Word-Up to these losers, the gravy train has ended - Britney has her family as a united front, a truly decent, intelligent and smart Judge, great Dr. The games are over.

That Lufti IMO has been preying on a sick girl and from what i've read recently he has avoided being served the restraining order. I hope they have served him by now. The judge is a decent person.
That is an excellent point. Jamie and Lynne (esp. Lynne) are constantly raked over the coals for their "horrible" parenting, for only wanting Britney's money. Now, Jamie has taken over, or is trying to, and made a point to have an outside party as co-conservator so as not be seen as having a hidden motive ($). The folks are damned if the don't, damned if they do. IMO, it can't be both ways.

Britney is an adult, and until now, had the right to refuse any help. Their hands were pretty much tied and they didn't have much choice or any "right" to do anything to force her into help. So they focused on the children and did their best to maintain a positive relationship w/ Kevin. My parents would do the exact same thing, be nice to my husband (or if we divorced) in order to have access to my child, regardless of their relationship with me.

tnx shopper, I'm sure they want their daughter to get well. It had to be so painful for them to witness Britney sink into her bipolar depression. They are trying to be good parents today and that's all that counts IMO.
i dont understand what all the hype is about her .. she is a celeb with alot of problems .. isnt the first wont be the last ..

There is alot of parallels between her and Anna Nicole Smith, including the Svengali boyfriends/managers, just substitute Howard K. Stern for Lufti and Adnan, and the vilification her parents face is just like what Vergie's gone through undeservedly.
There is alot of parallels between her and Anna Nicole Smith, including the Svengali boyfriends/managers, just substitute Howard K. Stern for Lufti and Adnan, and the vilification her parents face is just like what Vergie's gone through undeservedly.

i guess what i mean to say is ... its just sad people cant leave her alone .. i think the media and everyone pointing thier finger and putting her under a microscope is doing this to her .. mabey she is just tired of having to act a certain way in public . i just think the whole thing is sad these celebs are people too . i just wish they could be left alone to deal with thier problems just like we would want to be .. even though they are celebs they are just like us (people) mabey when she got into stardom she didnt expect this and bit off more than she could chew ..those of us that arnt celebs cant sit there and say shoulda did this coulda did that ect .. we arnt in her shoes ... so no one should be judging unless you have lived that lifestyle
i guess what i mean to say is ... its just sad people cant leave her alone .. i think the media and everyone pointing thier finger and putting her under a microscope is doing this to her .. mabey she is just tired of having to act a certain way in public . i just think the whole thing is sad these celebs are people too . i just wish they could be left alone to deal with thier problems just like we would want to be .. even though they are celebs they are just like us (people) mabey when she got into stardom she didnt expect this and bit off more than she could chew ..

True in the case of Princess Diana, but Brittney invites the paparazzi to follow her, like for example to the drug store to look at pregnancy tests. I agree she should be ignored. She's no role model for young girls. I don't think Brittney would deal with her problems though without intervention/ involuntary commitment.
i dont understand what all the hype is about her .. she is a celeb with alot of problems .. isnt the first wont be the last ..

No zadari...she isn't the first nor will she be the last...that is true. However, she is a human. A human that is lost and is mentally ill. I don't like to see anyone suffer. She has the means to avoid what most would go through being as ill as she is. Most would already be homeless and probably be in jail for their behavior. She is ill and has lost her children. Those babies need her. Her family needs her. We care because she is a soul that needs to be healed before she ends up dead. True that an entertainer can be replaced. A mother, sister, aunt, daughter and friend...all the things that she is to her family and friends can't be replaced. For those reasons, I care that she gets better. JMO...I know God loves her and so do many other people in the world.
True in the case of Princess Diana, but Brittney invites the paparazzi to follow her, like for example to the drug store to look at pregnancy tests. I agree she should be ignored. She's no role model for young girls. I don't think Brittney would deal with her problems though without intervention/ involuntary commitment.

I'm not so sure that Brit invites the paps to follow her...I know that was a Perez Hilton rumor...but why would she have to invite them when they stay camped out of her gates waiting for her to make a move?

I'm not even so sure that Britney had previous mental issues...I mean if at least 30 people were constantly following me and documenting my every move,,I would for sure lose my mind. She is a prisoner to the paps which is even more evident when she started dating them and inviting them to her house....almost like she just finally succumbed to it. So much like Princes Di, and so very sad! I've heard that an "exclusive" shot of Britney can net $100,000....that is sick!!
Sorry Am. I disagree. I don't believe for a second they sold her to Hollywood. They didn't sell her to anything. I would venture to guess Britney wanted to act and sing. I would also venture to guess that she begged them to let her do it. I've seen her in concert before (not something I brag about - took my daughter :D ) and she is very talented. She puts on a good show.

I think what really pushed Britney over the edge was her pregnancies. The hormonal inbalances, etc. That and the fact her marriage was falling apart - Kevin was out partying all the time and she was home. She missed the spot light being on her. She'd had that for years...

I don't think her parents can be blamed for pushing her over the edge. And, in this instance, I believe they can be trusted over anyone else close to her. I think her 'manager' Sam is a snake as is the boyfriend. I think both are in it for themselves.

My children want a lot of things ..... It does not mean I give in to them..
I do think that the fame and celeb status distracted her parents enough to ignore her mental health issues..
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