Paint tote

I wonder, Holdon, when you are on your computer indoors, do you have trouble getting signals from the Mother Ship? Or is that the primary source of your information?
Was there more than one "print" of PMPT published?

If not, mine does not reflect your quote above on that page.
It's there in my pb version of PMPT; however, SD forgot to type in "when the tape was applied" after the word alive.

I tried the "ignore" button too, but you can still see his posts when they are quoted in other posts. It's better just to scroll down past them.

Yeah, I know that I can still see his/her posts when they are quoted in other posts. I would just scroll past them..but, I would be tempted to read. And then I would waste my time YET AGAIN, going over the facts and evidence in this case. And I also would make the mistake of asking holdon a question that he would not (could not) answer.
Yeah, I know that I can still see his/her posts when they are quoted in other posts. I would just scroll past them..but, I would be tempted to read. And then I would waste my time YET AGAIN, going over the facts and evidence in this case. And I also would make the mistake of asking holdon a question that he would not (could not) answer.

See my post #661. :)
I wonder, Holdon, when you are on your computer indoors, do you have trouble getting signals from the Mother Ship? Or is that the primary source of your information?

LOL...holdon needs to do just a "little bit" more research. Bet hold has never read a single book on this case, or seen the autopsy report. He/she reminds me of my sister...she is IDI..but knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about this case....nadda, zippo, zilch, goose egg, NOTHING. She told me that the Ramsey's were POOR! LOL Guess she didn't see the video of that big, ole house that they lived in, that was on the news for months...either. I just sat there and shook my head...I couldn't believe what she was saying. I was like..:confused: HUH??
Did she not know that JBR was supposedly "kidnapped" for ransom? It is children of the wealthy who are targeted for this. Other kids are kidnapped for other reasons- sexual assault, custody battles. But not for money. Kidnappers risk a lot of they are caught- death or a lengthy incarceration. The money had better be worth it (NOT $118,000) . Pedophile kidnappers usually kill their victims. They don't ask for ransom. They want NO contact with the family, nor would they risk getting caught in picking up ransom. They have no intention of having their victim survive once they are finished with them. And they especially don't intend to keep them alive till they are old enough to marry.
Did she not know that JBR was supposedly "kidnapped" for ransom? It is children of the wealthy who are targeted for this. Other kids are kidnapped for other reasons- sexual assault, custody battles. But not for money. Kidnappers risk a lot of they are caught- death or a lengthy incarceration. The money had better be worth it (NOT $118,000) . Pedophile kidnappers usually kill their victims. They don't ask for ransom. They want NO contact with the family, nor would they risk getting caught in picking up ransom. They have no intention of having their victim survive once they are finished with them. And they especially don't intend to keep them alive till they are old enough to marry.

Guess not, she knew nothing else about this case...only that JB was killed..and that an "intruder did it". She DID know about the party, because she said..."I think that it was someone from that party that she went to with her parents"...(LOL, she didn't even know the name of the people that had the party....the Whites). She got really mad at me when I accused Patsy. She said.."How can you accuse Patsy? She died of CANCER?" And I said.."Well, I really do not care WHAT she died from...she still killed her daughter, but I do think that it was an accident/cover-up." And she just thought that I was AWFUL, because I thought that Patsy did it. HOW DARE I THINK SUCH A THING??? I told her about the pineapple, and she thinks that JB went downstairs and helped herself...NEVERMIND the fact that it was Patsy's prints on the bowl, and not JB's. I gave her all of the evidence...and she still is IDI. Sounds like someone ELSE I know.

I could not believe that HOTYH said that!! Like they are going to lock her away for years, waiting until she is old enough to get ridicoulous!! About as ridiculous as feeding her pineapple in the basement, so that she wouldn't get hungy on the ride over to....ANOTHER COUNTRY! "Eat this pineapple little girl, we are heading to Pakistan, and we don't want you to get hungry on the way there". :rolleyes:
I realize how handicapped RDI is on characterizing ANY intruder. How can you characterize PR, JR, or intruder, when you've already decided RDI??

So let me help.

PR: Millionaires stay at home wife, having fun with her little dress-up girl. Wants her to follow in her mothers footsteps. Teaching her to perform in front of an audience at an early age. Never harmed JBR physically or emotionally, in any way to ever have been noted by anyone before JBR was murdered.

JR: Self-made millionaire, in the booming 1990's computer industry. Way too dedicated to his work to ever get mixed up in child abuse, and would never have covered for his 2nd wife having killed his 2nd daughter out of rage.

Intruder: Self-indulging, drunk videophile with a history of violence against women. Generally a failure with women, so he's turned to weaker targets of foreign nationality. Wouldn't target anyone of his own nationality. Driven mostly by a hatred of the U.S. that was understated. Lives in an environment where neither his handwriting or behavior are subject to review. Learned English at an early age but hasn't used it much. Would've kidnapped JBR for a captive wife if the opportunity presented itself (having already kidnapped), but was OK with settling for killing her (having been a child murderer).
Hold, Patsy was dysfunct to the max;she was obsessed with pageants,dressing JB up to look like a 21 YO,constant lessons and performances,having her do sexy moves,etc.The poor child couldn't even enjoy the day prior to being off for school for Christmas w/ her school friends,because MOMMY made her sing and dance all day for the entire school.WOW,that must have made Patsy look good,or so she thought....
What I see is the last month of Patsy and JB's life resembling an on-stage 'play' of's like behind the scenes (their home life),there was chaos,sheer chaos...yet,put them out on stage,and for the time they're all 'appears' normal...even glorious.But the back-stage choas eventually overrides the perfect on-stage image ...and all hell breaks loose.
That's what I think it was like for JB.
Hold, Patsy was dysfunct to the max;she was obsessed with pageants,dressing JB up to look like a 21 YO,constant lessons and performances,having her do sexy moves,etc.The poor child couldn't even enjoy the day prior to being off for school for Christmas w/ her school friends,because MOMMY made her sing and dance all day for the entire school.WOW,that must have made Patsy look good,or so she thought....
What I see is the last month of Patsy and JB's life resembling an on-stage 'play' of's like behind the scenes (their home life),there was chaos,sheer chaos...yet,put them out on stage,and for the time they're all 'appears' normal...even glorious.But the back-stage choas eventually overrides the perfect on-stage image ...and all hell breaks loose.
That's what I think it was like for JB.

If you use the murder itself ("all hell breaks loose") in your argument that PR was dysfunct, then you're using a common logic flaw called 'circular reasoning'. Its better if you come up with examples of dysfunct stuff that was reported independently before the murder happened, to actually support your dysfunct argument.
If you use the murder itself ("all hell breaks loose") in your argument that PR was dysfunct, then you're using a common logic flaw called 'circular reasoning'. Its better if you come up with examples of dysfunct stuff that was reported independently before the murder happened, to actually support your dysfunct argument.

I don't have to because,if you have read any of SD's posts,then you know he recently spelled all of that out for you,as has been done before.So since I'm sure you can read,then there is really no need to repeat it,and in fact,I did list a few examples,not just the actual murder itself.So quit trying to circumvent;I'm quite sure you can read the post for what it says.
I don't have to because,if you have read any of SD's posts,then you know he recently spelled all of that out for you,as has been done before.So since I'm sure you can read,then there is really no need to repeat it,and in fact,I did list a few examples,not just the actual murder itself.So quit trying to circumvent;I'm quite sure you can read the post for what it says.

There are zero examples listed in your post. They are each your claims or POV's. Nothing was an example of an independently reported PR behavior from before JBR's murder, that would support your 'dysfunct argument.'
I don't have to because,if you have read any of SD's posts,then you know he recently spelled all of that out for you,as has been done before.So since I'm sure you can read,then there is really no need to repeat it,and in fact,I did list a few examples,not just the actual murder itself.So quit trying to circumvent;I'm quite sure you can read the post for what it says.

I am beginning to think that HOTYH doesn't know HOW to read. It is obvious that he hasn't read the autopy report, or any books on the case. Goodness knows that he doesn't listen to reason, or evidence. Frankly, I think that he just skims over all RDI posts, or maybe he just doesn't read them at all...that would explain why he has never answered not even ONE of my questions. I believe that anybody that is IDI...that reads SD posts...would switch sides. He knows his stuff!
Hold, I noticed that you have a post under mine. Just wanted to remind you that I cannot read what you post, just in case it was a reply to me. If and when you decide to answer my questions...or at least TRY to...I will take you off of Ignore. I, frankly, do not think that it is fair of you to go on and on about your theory, but refuse to answer basic questions ABOUT your theory.
I am beginning to think that HOTYH doesn't know HOW to read. It is obvious that he hasn't read the autopy report, or any books on the case. Goodness knows that he doesn't listen to reason, or evidence. Frankly, I think that he just skims over all RDI posts, or maybe he just doesn't read them at all...that would explain why he has never answered not even ONE of my questions. I believe that anybody that is IDI...that reads SD posts...would switch sides. He knows his stuff!

amen !
There are zero examples listed in your post. They are each your claims or POV's. Nothing was an example of an independently reported PR behavior from before JBR's murder, that would support your 'dysfunct argument.'

deny all you want then,but it is fact.personally I think you have some sort of personal interest in making the R's appear innocent.notice I said 'appear'.
do you not think the average person can see what the truth is? exactly what kind of twit do you think is going to believe this nonsense? the general consensus of the public is that Patsy is guilty.posting on a message brd isn't likely to change that.and I think JR would be out there trying to promote a 'foreign intruder' scenario if he thought it would be believable.but I think he knows just how silly that would look.And if he wrote that in a book,I think he is wise enough to know it would be laughed right off the bookshelves.
quite frankly when IDI's start barking over a post,then we know we've hit the nail on the head,so to speak.
and you are on my ignore list,too.enough is enough of this silly nonsense.
deny all you want then,but it is fact.personally I think you have some sort of personal interest in making the R's appear innocent.notice I said 'appear'.
do you not think the average person can see what the truth is? exactly what kind of twit do you think is going to believe this nonsense? the general consensus of the public is that Patsy is guilty.posting on a message brd isn't likely to change that.and I think JR would be out there trying to promote a 'foreign intruder' scenario if he thought it would be believable.but I think he knows just how silly that would look.And if he wrote that in a book,I think he is wise enough to know it would be laughed right off the bookshelves.
quite frankly when IDI's start barking over a post,then we know we've hit the nail on the head,so to speak.
and you are on my ignore list,too.enough is enough of this silly nonsense.

Amen Sista!! Pretty soon, Hold will be posting to himself...because he will have emptied the room. That's what happens when people go on and on about complete and utter nonsense. Hold needs to re-examine his foreign intruders theory..the fact that the Ramsey's themselves didn't actually believe that members of a "small foreign faction" killed JB...should tell him something. He is in a class...all by himself.
I thought Holdon was female?
I thought Holdon was female?

Who knows? I have heard that Holdon was female..and I have also heard a male. Everybody thought that I was a male when I first started posting here..LOL

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