PA - Lindsay Cassidy, 23, & Kolby O'Brien, 3, found strangled, Chester, 28 March 2008

Yes I am aware of that, there was evidence that they were strangled, but not by what or by whom. If they had a "strangulation instrument" it would have been there and they would have been able to tie it to one or both of the couple. If there are lig marks and no instrument, that is supect. Couple that with no DNA link from a manual strangulation if they felt it was actually someone's hands, again is supect.

I am guessing the entire scene was oddly devoid of physical evidence in a case like this, all the way around. Who commits suicide naked after cleaning feverishly to avoid prosecution for a crime they won't be alive to face charges for?

I think you're expections of what is found at any crime scene are too high. This isn't CSI. I do not believe that dna is "always" found in the case of manual strangulation. If the ligature was something common, like a sash from a dress or something, it could have easily been put back where it came from and would be difficult to quickly identify.

Also, I don't recall that the statement about the cleanliness of the apartment suggested a coverup. I read it to mean that it was a nice clean house rather than the sort of place that you associate with drug dealers.
Bryant's family insists that he wouldn't do such a horrible thing. Maybe not when he wasn't jacked up on PCP. The nicest guy on the planet can go berserk on that stuff.
Here's a link to what it does to you:

Note that users become violent and suicidal.

Bryant had high levels of PCP. Three other people in the apartment are dead. Nobody was observed leaving the building. The door was locked from the inside.

Looks like he did it.
As you know I dont think they have anything to put out, this is one freaky case.

I think the cops have settled on that the guy killed the two. The press release stated that nobody outside the house killed those inside.
I do too, not a popular theory I know, but I think it was an outside job.
I listened to the DA Press conf, literally 3x and my opinion has not changed
You're wrong Blink. Did the murderer break in, strangle a mother and three year old and overdose the other two with massive amounts of PCP and some cocaine, chain lock the door from the inside, lock the door on the street and pull the window down to a crack from the second floor while keeping the screen intact? Oh, and somehow not be detected on the surveillance cameras located all around the property? Why didn't the "murderer" strangle all 4 of them? Why didn't the "murderer" overdose all four of them? You seem to be an educated person, read up on PCP. For your information, it was Fyne's or Bryant or both, not an outside job! Fyne's died of a massive overdose, Bryant had 10 times that amount of PCP in his system. They were both capable of the horror that happened in that apartment. Put it to rest!
You're wrong Blink. Did the murderer break in, strangle a mother and three year old and overdose the other two with massive amounts of PCP and some cocaine, chain lock the door from the inside, lock the door on the street and pull the window down to a crack from the second floor while keeping the screen intact? Oh, and somehow not be detected on the surveillance cameras located all around the property? Why didn't the "murderer" strangle all 4 of them? Why didn't the "murderer" overdose all four of them? You seem to be an educated person, read up on PCP. For your information, it was Fyne's or Bryant or both, not an outside job! Fyne's died of a massive overdose, Bryant had 10 times that amount of PCP in his system. They were both capable of the horror that happened in that apartment. Put it to rest!

Speed- just because we do not agree, does not allow you to "will your own obvious opinion" One of the great things about websleuths is that it allows alternative opinions and anonymity- you really do not know who has inside info, or other.. Also,it allows for those of us, who choose not to be objective, the forum to weigh in on cases our backgrounds may support.
I am simply saying how I feel, it does not make me right, just my opinion..
Yes, Bryant and Fynes had lethal "mixed intoxication" doses in their systems, do you not find it odd that the ratio of coke vs. PCP is seriously off? I can tell you LE does, or this case would be closed..
Speed- just because we do not agree, does not allow you to "will your own obvious opinion" One of the great things about websleuths is that it allows alternative opinions and anonymity- you really do not know who has inside info, or other.. Also,it allows for those of us, who choose not to be objective, the forum to weigh in on cases our backgrounds may support.
I am simply saying how I feel, it does not make me right, just my opinion..
Yes, Bryant and Fynes had lethal "mixed intoxication" doses in their systems, do you not find it odd that the ratio of coke vs. PCP is seriously off? I can tell you LE does, or this case would be closed..

Well said Blink. Perhaps Speedracer has a vested interest in this case being called "accidental."
Well said Blink. Perhaps Speedracer has a vested interest in this case being called "accidental."

Thanks, reality is, there are 2 or more victims here, that is the priority here- who killed them and why- there families deserve that..
Thanks, reality is, there are 2 or more victims here, that is the priority here- who killed them and why- there families deserve that..

ITA - if LE did not suspect foul play, the case would not still be being discussed here. We don't always know what LE knows in relation to active investigations and there is a reason for that.
ITA - if LE did not suspect foul play, the case would not still be being discussed here. We don't always know what LE knows in relation to active investigations and there is a reason for that.
Exactly, and well said.
It IS NOT my "own obvious opinion" it is fact! I DO KNOW who has inside information, I DO. They were my family members who were murdered, strangled in cold blood, taken from us for no reason whatsoever and we'll never know why except for the fact that the people in the apartment with them were very bad people. I have talked to the DA and the police, so DON'T TELL ME THAT I AM FORMING AN OPINION. YOU are the one forming an opinion, and you have a problem with me telling you that your opinion is wrong. I know things that you and the public do not know about this case and never will know. Two people were murdered by the very people that were in the apartment with them. For your information there ARE NOT two more victims. The only two victims were Linny and Kolby, the other two are cold blooded murderers. The only reason this is still talked about on this blog is not because of "suspected foul play", it is because I won't let the memory of Lindsay and Kolby be tarnished by people believing that the very two who were responsible for their murder are victims themselves. Bullsh**!!! WE need people like you to put this to rest. You have no idea how hurtful it is to know who killed your family and to hear that their murderers weren't responsible and are victims will never give us peace.
It IS NOT my "own obvious opinion" it is fact! I DO KNOW who has inside information, I DO. They were my family members who were murdered, strangled in cold blood, taken from us for no reason whatsoever and we'll never know why except for the fact that the people in the apartment with them were very bad people. I have talked to the DA and the police, so DON'T TELL ME THAT I AM FORMING AN OPINION. YOU are the one forming an opinion, and you have a problem with me telling you that your opinion is wrong. I know things that you and the public do not know about this case and never will know. Two people were murdered by the very people that were in the apartment with them. For your information there ARE NOT two more victims. The only two victims were Linny and Kolby, the other two are cold blooded murderers. The only reason this is still talked about on this blog is not because of "suspected foul play", it is because I won't let the memory of Lindsay and Kolby be tarnished by people believing that the very two who were responsible for their murder are victims themselves. Bullsh**!!! WE need people like you to put this to rest. You have no idea how hurtful it is to know who killed your family and to hear that their murderers weren't responsible and are victims will never give us peace.

Hugs to you and your family.

I do believe that Bryant killed them. I don't think Fynes was innocent either but have no idea to what extent she was involved. If she wasn't involved I don't think she would have OD'd.
I'm so sorry Speedracer. This must have been a huge shock to you and your family.
Thanks, reality is, there are 2 or more victims here, that is the priority here- who killed them and why- there families deserve that..

You are wrong...the police stated that they do not think someone outside of the house killed Lindsay and Kolby so how could there be more victims unless Bryant killed Fynes or vice versa.

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