Soft drink called Cocaine claims to be legal alternative to drugs

While this drink only uses the word as a name, a far more popular soft drink actually used coca leaves that essentially put cocaine in the drink as an ingredient (during their first 15 years or so of production), and was given a name that was based on the ingredients... and to this very day uses a nickname associated with cocaine. Maybe you have heard of the drink and company: Coca Cola... or better yet, its cocaine derived nickname: Coke. In the early 1900's they altered their ingredients to alleviate the cocaine in the syrup.

ETA: ooops... someone already touched on Coca Cola. LoL sorry about that. :)

I'm always late for the good stuff.
Within a short walking distance of my house there is at least 14 pubs. Things are changing alot though because of the smoking ban so alot more people are choosing to drink at home. As a result of that, domestic violence is getting worse. So many of the teens smoke weed so they dont want to be sat in pubs all night which is why they choose to hang around outside and drink and smoke. They can buy bottles of "shots" so dirt cheap in the supermarkets so thats what they do. The Government is looking at ways to try and prevent them getting this cheap alcohol so easily because its gone so bad. The teens are mixing these energy drinks with their alcohol.
As for the souped up Golfs.....the lads here will take any kind of sporty car and a Golf is a fave, stick a boombox in it then drive like maniacs. I dont think they can afford it as easily as they used to though:)

Wow, sounds like things are sort of bad over there. Of course, it has to be worse in the US because guns are very much in the mix. In Los Angeles, the Honda Civic is very popular with youngsters. My friend lived in Germany and told me everyone drives Golfs there. He said even middle-aged people soup them up, and lots of folks have fully restored vintage models from the 70s and 80s. Oh well, I guess I got off topic, but I find other cultures fascinating.
Oh they have the guns here too. Its just us normal people who cant have them...any two bit criminal who wants one can get one easily. Knife attacks are the big thing here right now though...its like every other day another teen is being stabbed to death. In my own city, the other night on tv they were showing gangs of teens with samurai swords down the back of their shirts and hammers and allsorts of nasty weapons. I saw a report somewhere today where one of our senior Policemen said that Knife crime was a bigger priority than terrorism at the moment. Its both sad and frightening really:mad:
Long after coca leaves were removed as an ingredient, I remember my mother getting some coke syrup from the pharmacist. A spoonful was good for settling the stomach.

I buy little bottles of cola syrup at Walgreens. It does work great when feeling nauseous.
Oh they have the guns here too. Its just us normal people who cant have them...any two bit criminal who wants one can get one easily. Knife attacks are the big thing here right now though...its like every other day another teen is being stabbed to death. In my own city, the other night on tv they were showing gangs of teens with samurai swords down the back of their shirts and hammers and allsorts of nasty weapons. I saw a report somewhere today where one of our senior Policemen said that Knife crime was a bigger priority than terrorism at the moment. Its both sad and frightening really:mad:

You know, I've read about the Chav gang culture in the UK. Are they the ones causing most of the trouble?
You know, I've read about the Chav gang culture in the UK. Are they the ones causing most of the trouble?[/quote

You could say that:) It just seems to be happening alot with the more "streetwise" kids. Of course there are plenty of good kids who dont get into all that stuff but the ones that do just seem to have no conscience whatsoever
I am addicted to caffeine in the form of tea, coffee and Diet Cokes. So when they came out with Red Bull and some of these other energy drinks I thought I would try them...YUCK! I havent found one yet that tastes even remotely good. Red Bull reminds me of those orange baby aspirins we used to take-sickeningly sweet...

It's back to espresso for me!


My sis-in-law drinks Red Bull mixed with some type of alcohol. I can't remember what...maybe even beer. I took a sip of hers once and it seriously tasted like cough syrup! Yuck!!!

When it comes to drinks, I'm an Amereto (sp?) sour and margurita person.

But I'm seriously addiced to Starbucks. pepperment latte with only half the amount of pepperment. I had to cut back when my hubby pointed out how much I was spending!
We just got custody of hubby's 14 year old...and yep she admitted to drinking alcohol and especially smoking weed.

My husband is a software engineer/programmer/many computer things I don't understand. He has his own company and works on contract. Rather he IS his own company. Anyway, two Christmases ago, he was between contracts and money was tight, so he started waiting tables at TGI Fridays. Most of the kids that worked there openly admitted to smoking pot. Most of them also went to his kids' high school! So he knows who they need to stay away from.:)
My husband is a software engineer/programmer/many computer things I don't understand. He has his own company and works on contract. Rather he IS his own company. Anyway, two Christmases ago, he was between contracts and money was tight, so he started waiting tables at TGI Fridays. Most of the kids that worked there openly admitted to smoking pot. Most of them also went to his kids' high school! So he knows who they need to stay away from.:)

Almost all the teens I know here smoke it. My own son who is 21 and all his friends do too, its as common as cigarettes used to be. They dont listen when you tell them anything about it either:(
Almost all the teens I know here smoke it. My own son who is 21 and all his friends do too, its as common as cigarettes used to be. They dont listen when you tell them anything about it either:(

It's as common as cigarrettes here too. :doh:
Holy moly! Check this energy drink out - 505 mg of caffeine. That's insane.

Wired X505:


You are right....thats just mad!!! Dont you just love the names they choose for these drinks:rolleyes:
You are right....thats just mad!!! Dont you just love the names they choose for these drinks:rolleyes:

Yeah! The market is flooded with these energy drinks. My local 99 Cent Store sells a slew of "off brands" such as, Ace, Bookoo, Joker Mad, Lost and Rumba. Many of these weird brands are actually made by one company- Hansen's Soda! If the can says, Canned in Corona CA, you know it's made by Hansen's.

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