Brooke Bennett, 12 years old Randolph VT #15

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here's the one that's 40 yrs old....same site (

People Search: GAGNON, DELORIS in VT<< Search Again

1 Match Found (100 max.)
Name/AKAs Phone Address City, State Possible Relatives
Available(1) Available CULLMAN, AL
RANDOLPH, VT Possible Relatives:


Yep but if you noticed on my search i dunno if this was just a mistyped but Ray's name was mentioned twice but the other last name was Cagnon.
My very dearest RR,:blowkiss:
It is horrifying.

So much Love and Respect for you,

And for you to say this DS, after all you have seen, heard and are aware of...just makes my heart sink further.
Thank you my friend for always being so honest. someone who has studied, counseled and written some of those articles you have read I will tell you that you are right on some points..but a very wrong on the idea that the relationship is about their version of love, no it's about about control and rape and violence. Don't buy into that girl love, child love BS isn't so."

Just highlighting this point--with all due respect, I didn't glean my information from articles that I read. I stated earlier, it might've been missed--that I have worked in Emergency Services, Victims Services and aside from that interviewed many (ugh)Pedo's. I'm referring to THEIR thought process in order to better equip us and methods we can use to stop them. To prevent more victims. Of course they are raping and controlling and brutalizing etc.... and yes, they do get off on control and pain etc...But because of their reasoning and justification behind it is how they are coming up with better ways to get access to their victims.
I'll be blunt: if this ^$%##*& can afford sex toys at $700 or so, afford time-off from work to torture, rape, and kill, live in a home larger than my own (and I work full-time and sent two children to college as a widow), why the heck can't he pay for an attorney? He has quite a bit of property from the pictures - the home should be sold and the rental property to boot. Let the family revert to living in an apartment - I'm sorry but the taxpayers of VT should not have to pay for this vile and horrendous death and mode of living.

On another note: all the emails and pictures that were supposedly sent to Gagnon have supposedly been tossed. I'll bet the LE have found them on one of the computers in MJ's possession-anything he sent has an OUT file and he would never have sent stuff without copies. Copies are supposedly the lifeblood of pedos. I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg and like a spider web it will spread out and capture many other sickos in and out of VT. Anyone who has had any contact via email or cell phone etc. with Gagnon or Jacques will be hauled in for questioning and investigated. Even *advertiser censored* via the U.S. mail will be a charge, I'll bet.
yes, you mind explaining why you think Brooke may have been held captive?....just a hunch? others have mentioned, i'm also interested in 'hearing' what you have to think:)
you're right....hmmm, got to be a typo, imo

If Deloris is his mom, i am wondering if he's bringing his mom whereever he goes because Veromi is Listing's Deloris states where Ray used to stay as well. Or he could be using his mom's identity to purchase something online that's why Deloris's age was mistakenly placed at 40? There is a Maine marriage of Deloris to a Poulin.
I'll be blunt: if this ^$%##*& can afford sex toys at $700 or so, afford time-off from work to torture, rape, and kill, live in a home larger than my own (and I work full-time and sent two children to college as a widow), why the heck can't he pay for an attorney? He has quite a bit of property from the pictures - the home should be sold and the rental property to boot. Let the family revert to living in an apartment - I'm sorry but the taxpayers of VT should not have to pay for this vile and horrendous death and mode of living.

On another note: all the emails and pictures that were supposedly sent to Gagnon have supposedly been tossed. I'll bet the LE have found them on one of the computers in MJ's possession-anything he sent has an OUT file and he would never have sent stuff without copies. Copies are supposedly the lifeblood of pedos. I believe this is only the tip of the iceberg and like a spider web it will spread out and capture many other sickos in and out of VT. Anyone who has had any contact via email or cell phone etc. with Gagnon or Jacques will be hauled in for questioning and investigated. Even *advertiser censored* via the U.S. mail will be a charge, I'll bet.
IIRC the news was tossing out teasers that more arrests were to come. I think there is a *advertiser censored* ring involved.

yes, you mind explaining why you think Brooke may have been held captive?....just a hunch? others have mentioned, i'm also interested in 'hearing' what you have to think:)

I'm with CE - I am interesting in it as well. TIA
I know, but sometimes the way the body is positioned, you can tell where the trauma is...I was at an open-casket wake for a young car accident victim, and he was placed on his side to conceal the point of impact. Despite the fact that the side facing me was untouched by the accident, I found the hidden side disturbing and wished they had had a closed casket.

My brother was killed in a auto accident. My Dad insisted on a open casket. He was at 2 different funeral homes, since he was being buried in another town. The first did nothing to hide the swelling, it looked nothing like him at all. I was mortified! At the 2nd they rearranged the angle he was laying / they also put a netting over the coffin & it looked identical to him. He had ever bone in his body broken.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have been having a terrible time sleeping for the past week and a half. I spend so much time on this site, my right hand is numb from working the mouse, and my neck has a permanent 'kink' in it.

Anyway...the more I think about it, the more I think this is the ONLY thing in MJ's life where he feels he has any kind of control. Just the way he manipulates AR in the emails, "...I hear your mom is taking calls from your FATHER and flirting, and crap ... I'm a little worried about your mom and dad...there is talk around town that your mom is talking about divorcing your dad...she isn't very nice to him...snippy and bitchy to him...telling her to tell the counselor that she doesn't like the way her mom treats her dad...".

It seems to me he doesn't have backbone enough to stand up for himself to his wife, or even his stepdaughter, for that matter! I know he is not normal, but any HALF-WAY normal adult would talk to their spouse or child face-to-face and tell them directly how they feel, not all this passive/aggressive behavior - and not dragging children into their spousal relationship. It just makes me sick in-and-of itself...and this is not even getting so far as the sexual abuse he has been subjecting AR to for all these years. I can't help but to feel sorry for AR...the poor kid never even had a chance to get a fair shot at a 'normal life' with this sick pervert in her just makes me ill.

Thank you for letting me rant...
Thanks, DS!

My very dearest RR,:blowkiss:
You are so very welcome.

Gagnon went to Federal Court from the Chittenden facility. He was then transferred to the St. Albans facility. Gagnon is now back in Chittenden.

Jacques was being housed in the Springfield facility prior to his court appearance.

Jacques is now in the St.Albans facility.

The two are not allowed any contact at all.

So much Love and Respect,
If Deloris is his mom, i am wondering if he's bringing his mom whereever he goes because Veromi is Listing's Deloris states where Ray used to stay as well. Or he could be using his mom's identity to purchase something online that's why Deloris's age was mistakenly placed at 40? There is a Maine marriage of Deloris to a Poulin.

dang!...i hadn't thought of that....hmmm
I'm new to this board but I have been following this since Brooke became missing. I believe the question of "why" he killed her can be answered by AR. Remember, on the e-mails, it was stated that AR "knew why this had to happen". I do believe that she holds the key to a lot of our unanswered questions and that if she had indeed talked to LE, they are holding any additional information closely.

Welcome to WS lonetraveler! I think your correct.....
from the little we have heard from AR thru the emails and her statements to police she had no suspicion she was being lied to, as twisted and sick as things were, it was normal to her and she seems to have been thoroughly convinced and "on board" so to speak with the whole charade.

i havent seen anything to suggest she hated or was angry with MJ, just the opposite actually. it may even take a while for her to stop trying to defend/protect him.

her world was going to collapse at some point regardless, but for it to unfold like this, involving a murder that she took part in, to now hear that her father made this whole sordid tale up just so he could have sex with her... i sure hope they are keeping a close eye on her.

i cant help but be extremely curious about what we will hear from her next, will she be completely forthcoming now, or will she still feel some attachment to MJ even after learning of the magnitude of the deception.

as i said before, i dont think it is reasonable to expect AR to have even the remotest sense of right and wrong at this point, i wont be surprised by anything she says or does. i do hope somehow she can make her way thru this and do the right thing. i think it would go a long way towards starting her on a healing path.
THANK YOU to everybody who sent me a link to the sex machine.

My hubby happened by while this was on my screen - poor man. He never questions anymore. I once had to get him to click off a picture in the Darlie case (I wasn't expecting to see a dead little boy).

DS (my dad was a captain in the Alabama Prison System - My Mom was an account payables Clerk at Limestone Correctional Athens, AL) I would love to hear why you think she was held too.
To me, this was not an uncontrolable urge. It was premeditated over a month long period of setting this seduction up.


I agree with you petra!!!! :blowkiss:
And for you to say this DS, after all you have seen, heard and are aware of...just makes my heart sink further.
Thank you my friend for always being so honest.
My very dearest Petra,:blowkiss:
You have always supported me from day one my friend and I am very grateful for that.
Forgive me for being late in responding to your post. I need to scroll back more after I post anything to see the what was posted while I was in the middle of pecking out a post! These threads are moving way too fast.

All of my Love and Respect for you,
I am sure that AR is intensive therapy right now..and that they are hoping for a major breakthrough with her before this goes to trial..which will be quite a while from now. But for now..she doesn't trust anyone and she still will feel very much controlled by the relationship she had with her Dad and Ray. It is going to be a very long road to recovery for her..everything that she has built her life on since 9 years old (or possibly younger) is false.
Her cousin is murdered and how does she process that compared to being told her cousin was being intiated into Breckenridge that day? Sexual abuse and control she will understand in a few months..murder and her role in helping get her to the site..that's going to be even tougher for her to comprehend and come of out on the other side whole and functional.
from the little we have heard from AR thru the emails and her statements to police she had no suspicion she was being lied to, as twisted and sick as things were, it was normal to her and she seems to have been thoroughly convinced and "on board" so to speak with the whole charade.

i havent seen anything to suggest she hated or was angry with MJ, just the opposite actually. it may even take a while for her to stop trying to defend/protect him.

her world was going to collapse at some point regardless, but for it to unfold like this, involving a murder that she took part in, to now hear that her father made this whole sordid tale up just so he could have sex with her... i sure hope they are keeping a close eye on her.

i cant help but be extremely curious about what we will hear from her next, will she be completely forthcoming now, or will she still feel some attachment to MJ even after learning of the magnitude of the deception.

as i said before, i dont think it is reasonable to expect AR to have even the remotest sense of right and wrong at this point, i wont be surprised by anything she says or does. i do hope somehow she can make her way thru this and do the right thing. i think it would go a long way towards starting her on a healing path.

I hope that she is receiving immediate therapy and treatment. As I said before, she is not your average 14 year old and is WISE beyond her years. I don't even want to think of what this child has gone through at the hands of MJ and his pervy associates.
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