Caylee Anthony 2 year old General Discussion #43

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On YouTube
last evening Geraldo 1 and 2 videos
this morning with George talking with Fox News 1 and 2
CheckDaFacts - In your experience, are children often used as pawns in gang activity?
Yes, to hide dope on them, weapons, etc., the older ones can hold and sell. If a minor is caught up, their records will be expunged by 18. If your asking if there are any gangs who would hold a child for dope missing or not paid for, yes their are gangs out there that would do that. Some members are rogue. Gangs develop quickly for territory purpose and also come from all over. I mentioned earlier they use area code numbers to signify who they are and the area they control.
The longer nobody searches for the body (if they aren't), the less likely a body will be found. It's already been six weeks, time is short to find a body that anything can be gleaned from forensically.

I live right smack in the middle of Ted Bundy's original playground which later was the stage for the horrific activities of the Green River Killer. Bodies were found years later and they were able to get information. Would have been better sooner, of course - but those families got closure even years later in some cases.
What if it was confined to the trunk? George having noticed it because he would have checked the vehicle thoroughly. Remember Casey was missing for 30 days, too.
He had to roll down the windows on the drive home because of the stench. He released the decomp smell when he opened the door maybe...? Very ripe and intensified since Par-Tay Princess ditched it how many days (counting on my fingers here...)? Oh, yeah, 19 days.

oops-crossed with DianeB--great minds...
Just a random thought, but can you just turn a cadaver dog loose inside the house? I mean if you have a warrant etc.

You just have to have a Probable Cause warrant and I think LE could have gotten that given the hits the dogs both made in the trunk and the backyard. IIRC, I think Cindy had said that she had opened her home to LE, so I am thinking they did not see or smell anything unusual in the home.

You just have to have a Probable Cause warrant and I think LE could have gotten that given the hits the dogs both made in the trunk and the backyard. IIRC, I think Cindy had said that she had opened her home to LE, so I am thinking they did not see or smell anything unusual in the home.


Cindy says a lot of things. I'd go for the warrant anyway.
Yes, to hide dope on them, weapons, etc., the older ones can hold and sell. If a minor is caught up, their records will be expunged by 18. If your asking if there are any gangs who would hold a child for dope missing or not paid for, yes their are gangs out there that would do that. Some members are rogue. Gangs develop quickly for territory purpose and also come from all over. I mentioned earlier they use area code numbers to signify who they are and the area they control.

They also use certain tattoos.
So is this the "she was pregnant therefore hormonal" defense?
Yeah three years later. What gives with this woman? Caylee will be home by her birthday. How and where would she get that type of info, She is alone with a blanket for cryin out loud. :woohoo:
Does anyone know if Cindy and George lived together during the divorce issues? Is there anyway there is a second home somewhere?
I did an individual search on county records week before last. I did see that Cindy's showed a judgment from an apartment complex. That doesn't prove anything though.
I need to come unglued from this site to go to baseball practice...omg how do I do it now?
I am wondering if the family members are all known to have relationships, personal or friendly with those of the opposite race? Would any of them see it odd for Casey to hire a Nanny who is not Caucasian? I am not being racist at all, but wonder if this is out of the normal for the family?
Fox is re-running a snippet from the George interview. He's talking about an Arm & Hammer laundry detergent box - did Casey carry that around too, so she could do her laundry wherever?
Ok, Diane...first laugh of the day!
You know I really thought that Jessie had nothing to do with this.. but recently he started deleting people on his myspace and has been completly quiet and the LE has pretty much discounted him "hearing" Caylee on the 24th or 25th, can't remember the date right now.. I am wondering if he was used to try to help in some way?? Maybe thats why rev came on so strong to show he wasnt the father etc. Otherwise why wouldn't he just say, listen he isnt the father but thats not even important at this time, what is important is finding Caylee who WAS like a daughter to Jessie and grandaughter to this family?? I am so confused everyday. I have no idea what happened in this case. But either way, it saddens me and I only pray that God has his arms around Caylee WHEREVER she may be....
I need to come unglued from this site to go to baseball practice...omg how do I do it now?
I am wondering if the family members are all known to have relationships, personal or friendly with those of the opposite race? Would any of them see it odd for Casey to hire a Nanny who is not Caucasian? I am not being racist at all, but wonder if this is out of the normal for the family?
its not out of the norm in the area at all.
They also use certain tattoos.

I brought up the five point stars, tattoo's also gotten after a members death. Children are often indoctrinated in as mere infants.
I did an individual search on county records week before last. I did see that Cindy's showed a judgment from an apartment complex. That doesn't prove anything though.

I think this may be from George when they were in the process of divorcing, before the decided to work it out...
I wanted to throw this thought out before this thread is closed..

WHO looks in a nasty, funky smelling trash bag to see what stinks? If it stinks, throw the dang thing out! Don't go investigating it and attempt to pinpoint just what part of it smells rancid.

Food for thought.......... so to speak.
Cindy says a lot of things. I'd go for the warrant anyway.

I sure would have also, but what do I know? I just know that LE could have gotten one given the hits they got from the dogs!

not_my_kids, hang in here, maybe the forensics will be back even before the end of this coming week.

It may not be good news (as in Caylee no longer with us), but at least it will be knowing SOMETHING! All any of us have right now is guesswork and theories. Mine differ from yours, but I respect you!!!....:)
I think this may be from George when they were in the process of divorcing, before the decided to work it out...

Or maybe they signed for Casey and she defaulted.
George gave me the impression that he was not only saying the date stamps weren't right but that some of the pics were putting Casey's head on another body. I don't buy that for a minute, but he was hinting at some kind of alterations being done.
The thought bubbles?
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