WTH Are Brad's Lawyers Up To Now???? #2

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I agree that this isn't there whole case. My point is that I believe this removes the necklace as an issue. All it took was 1 photo of her not wearing it, which they have not shown. I agree with your point about the shoes...we don't know if they have found them or not. But he did say she was wearing Saucony running shoes, and he would know the difference between Saucony and Asics.

How would he know what shoes she was wearing? He was upstairs with Katie and didn't see her leave...according to BC.
If NC wore it to the BBQ and it happened to be found broken by LE, it will not help BC no matter what K&B show to the jury. If the scratch on her neck is caused by jewelry, oh well, it looks even worse. How about if it is broken, where the break is will also tell a story!

Did anyone else notice this line (below in blue) by K&B?
If BC wasn't talking to the LE he wouldn't have let them back in the house.
Is there another SW that has been over looked?:confused:
This fits the Aug 13th date put on the last SW.

Young finds significance in a pair of missing shoes from another room, of another brand, of the wrong size, a month later, in a house that was partially packed for a move.
If NC wore it to the BBQ and it happened to be found broken by LE, it will not help BC no matter what K&B show to the jury. If the scratch on her neck is caused by jewelry, oh well, it looks even worse. How about if it is broken, where the break is will also tell a story!

Did anyone else notice this line (below in blue) by K&B?
If BC wasn't talking to the LE he wouldn't have let them back in the house.
Is there another SW that has been over looked?:confused:
This fits the Aug 13th date put on the last SW.

Young finds significance in a pair of missing shoes from another room, of another brand, of the wrong size, a month later, in a house that was partially packed for a move.

Cracks me up - in his deposition Brad stated he hadn't given any thought to moving or not. Now his lawyer contradicts him by letting out that the house was partially packed as in for a move in 'August. :crazy:
I agree with NCSU95 - the "never taking it off" is not a fact. However, if she had worn it at the party and it's now broken, that's big. The party is just the type of event that it WOULD have been worn.

The brand of sneakers isn't that big of a deal to me - but the fact that they were 2 of the same foot, is.

Why make a big deal about shoes? I think this is one of those things where it points to someone that is lying providing "too much" information. Liars weave intricate stories thinking that it's more believable that way.

the right answer to the shoe question (i.e. what shoes was she wearing? or what shoes are missing?) is "How the heck do I know - she's a chick - she has like 400 pair." Simple, believable.

If he got rid of what he thought was a "pair" in order to show that a "pair" was missing and therefore that she left to go on her run - well - that slip up is likely to cost him.

Anyone think that missing clothes / shoes may have been recovered? Or that someone saw Brad or his vehicle dumping something out / placing something in a dumpster somewhere????
Cracks me up - in his deposition Brad stated he hadn't given any thought to moving or not. Now his lawyer contradicts him by letting out that the house was partially packed as in for a move in 'August. :crazy:

He was talking about moving back to Canada whenever NC moved so he could see the kids. NC had been packing and I'm sure stuff is still in boxes. Remember the whole paint story where he would not buy paint until she made up her mind as to what colors to paint the interior.

Before the custody case and arrest, he was saying that he did not know if he would move or not, now that there is really no reason to since NC is dead. I think AS was trying to see if he would move the children from Cary now that NC is dead thus removing them from their friends.
First of all, K&B's typist needs to learn proper punctuation.

K&B's need for posting this garbage is tacky tacky tacky. It is along the lines of kids running back and forth saying, "Neener neener neener. Ha ha I told you so."

The fact that K&B needs to do this silly unnecessary crap for the public to view makes them look ridiculous. If they were a bit more professional they would not resort to this. They obviously like to slam HP and JA Young (detective).

Why did Brad go to K&B in the first place? Did he not do his research to find the best lawyers? He probably didn't think he'd be found out.

He tried. But his check bounced. But that was for custody. Don't think they do criminal.
He was talking about moving back to Canada whenever NC moved so he could see the kids. NC had been packing and I'm sure stuff is still in boxes. Remember the whole paint story where he would not buy paint until she made up her mind as to what colors to paint the interior.

Before the custody case and arrest, he was saying that he did not know if he would move or not, now that there is really no reason to since NC is dead. I think AS was trying to see if he would move the children from Cary now that NC is dead thus removing them from their friends.

I remember the stories, but I also remember what he said in his deposition about moving out of the house - it still cracks me up.
I don't get the whole shoe thing anyway. She had NO shoes when she was found.

And I wouldn't lay a whole lot of creedance on that non-necklace photo, either. Remember the fingernail picture we had such trouble seeing?

Why is Kurtz attempting to play out his case on his websight? Pitiful.
I don't get the whole shoe thing anyway. She had NO shoes when she was found.

And I wouldn't lay a whole lot of creedance on that non-necklace photo, either. Remember the fingernail picture we had such trouble seeing?

Why is Kurtz attempting to play out his case on his websight? Pitiful.

Think back on MH's claim that LE tried to coerce him. Take a second look at golo - seems K & B is playing to the crowd. I don't really find this unusual for a defense lawyer - just think Geragos and his brown van.
Think back on MH's claim that LE tried to coerce him. Take a second look at golo - seems K & B is playing to the crowd. I don't really find this unusual for a defense lawyer - just think Geragos and his brown van.

Oh yeah. golo. mmmm, I tend to not read trash....

Then again, it might have been a squirrel.......
I remember quite awhile back, RC & I, as well as others :confused: (don't remember who else) spoke about dumpsters.

One we discussed was @ LTF. The reason was because BC told he had gone there looking for NC. Let's hope the LE checked out LTF and HT dumpsters since he did name those 2 places he had gone to before the LE arrived.
Oh yeah. golo. mmmm, I tend to not read trash....

Then again, it might have been a squirrel.......

I don't read it either - JMFLU has kept me well away with just her descriptions of it :crazy:

You know there are white squirrels in Brevard ? A JY trained squirrel maybe :crazy:
I remember quite awhile back, RC & I, as well as others :confused: (don't remember who else) spoke about dumpsters.

One we discussed was @ LTF. The reason was because BC told he had gone there looking for NC. Let's hope the LE checked out LTF and HT dumpsters since he did name those 2 places he had gone to before the LE arrived.

Also possibly at Cary's condo complex but I think the possibilities are pretty slim unless all of those dumpsters would have been serviced after the 15th and LE went diving right away. Not sure by that time they would have had a real clue of what to look for in those dumpsters.
Not totally. Was she wearing it at the BBQ? If yes, did she take it off upon arriving home? You can't say one way or the other for sure, so it stays in limbo.

There would be absolutely no way of knowing if she took it off when she got home. The stance was that she NEVER took it off...so if there is a legit picture of her not wearing it, then you can't say she NEVER took it off...so the fact that it was in the house is basically a non issue since we don't know if she took it off or not.
How would he know what shoes she was wearing? He was upstairs with Katie and didn't see her leave...according to BC.

He said he noticed they were missing from the garage.
If NC wore it to the BBQ and it happened to be found broken by LE, it will not help BC no matter what K&B show to the jury. If the scratch on her neck is caused by jewelry, oh well, it looks even worse. How about if it is broken, where the break is will also tell a story!

Did anyone else notice this line (below in blue) by K&B?
If BC wasn't talking to the LE he wouldn't have let them back in the house.
Is there another SW that has been over looked?:confused:
This fits the Aug 13th date put on the last SW.

Young finds significance in a pair of missing shoes from another room, of another brand, of the wrong size, a month later, in a house that was partially packed for a move.

If it is broken, that is true. But there is no evidence that it is or was broken.
Cracks me up - in his deposition Brad stated he hadn't given any thought to moving or not. Now his lawyer contradicts him by letting out that the house was partially packed as in for a move in 'August. :crazy:

They were preparing the house for a move. I don't think that is in dispute. Now when that would take place hasn't been established.
Dumpsters could have held one of NC's mops.

K&B will probably put out a new message on their site saying that all dumpsters were personally searched by them and their trained white pet squirrel. No mop was found with BC's fingerprints. Makes for entertainment and making them look desperately stupid.
He was talking about moving back to Canada whenever NC moved so he could see the kids. NC had been packing and I'm sure stuff is still in boxes. Remember the whole paint story where he would not buy paint until she made up her mind as to what colors to paint the interior.

Before the custody case and arrest, he was saying that he did not know if he would move or not, now that there is really no reason to since NC is dead. I think AS was trying to see if he would move the children from Cary now that NC is dead thus removing them from their friends.

My guess is they packed up stuff to make the house less cluttered to prepare to show it. That was why they were painting, etc. That could have been done in the spring when the plan was for her to leave. Just my opinion, I don't really know.
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