Geraldo Live at Fox News 10:00pm EST

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Yeah and Geraldo is putting way too much stock into JB's wife being hot as enough of a reason for him to remain faithful. As if.
This GR is a shell of the man he once least reporter-wise IMO.

"We are objected to the gag order at this time"

"LE has been leaking things since day one & now that we have the evidence they want a gag order"

I think everyone realizes that it is indeed the defense's job to raise doubt. While there may be some that will say that what we know at this very moment might not be enough to convict Casey (and for the record, I personally do not believe this), there are VERY FEW who actually believe Caylee is alive.

They can spout anything they'd like, but not many will change their opinion based on Baez' leaks and/or propaganda.

IMO, having a gag in place will not effect many opinions. Casey Anthony is the biggest liar on the face of the planet; or at least the biggest liar I have ever heard of. She, of her own free will, did not contact authorities when her daughter was missing. She's the one who proclaimed there was a real life Zanny the nanny, WITHOUT a single shred of evidence to show the woman even exists; aside from inside Casey's own imagination. Baez can say what he wants and it is his job and his duty to try and counter everything, but no amount of spewing on his part is ever going to change the facts.

EDIT: I see the quotes around this, so I assume they were Baez' own remarks when you said, "We are objected to the gag order at this time." Can someone help me out here? Is this even a grammatically correct statement?
If you read AH's interview she said she couldn't help but laugh when Casey started to use it.

BTW...I agree with you.

Remember the video of KC and her boyfriend at Blockbuster, renting two movies (about kidnapping :rolleyes:), on the day that Caylee was last seen alive. I believe that she was in the trunk of KC's car, either dead or dying at the time. I remember hearing on NG, that he told KC that she could come over, if she didn't bring Caylee with her. SOOOO....KC puts her in the trunk with a rag of cloroform (sp?).
Yeah and Geraldo is putting way too much stock into JB's wife being hot as enough of a reason for him to remain faithful. As if.

I agree. I have two words for Geraldo. Christie Brinkley
I was thinking about the search earlier and how all those people are giving their time and energy not to mention the money to fund this search and none of it would be necessary if she would just open her %*#$ mouth :furious:
I was thinking the same thing.When it is proven in court the Caylee is deceased there should be some way to make KC pay back the search party ~ donate to Eqsearch for example.These decent human beings give up their time and she sits on her *advertiser censored** pouting!! How can she sleep at night the stupid broad!!! IMO

Ps. someone will write a book, maybe CA use that money as payback...
Yeah and Geraldo is putting way too much stock into JB's wife being hot as enough of a reason for him to remain faithful. As if.

I'd like to get a look at Baez' wife and decide for myself.

I do agree with what you said here though. It seems that every man I have ever seen cheating on his wife has always chosen someone less attractive than his own wife (from my experience I'm not making blanket statements about every cheating husband). Can you say, Scott Peterson as only 1 example?
I'd like to get a look at Baez' wife and decide for myself.

I do agree with what you said here though. It seems that every man I have ever seen cheating on his wife has always chosen someone less attractive than his own wife (from my experience I'm not making blanket statements about every cheating husband). Can you say, Scott Peterson as only 1 example?

Ohh, I would love to be able to see JB's wife! For the most part my experience has been the same, mistress is often less attractive than wife. That's why I said that about the hot wife. May I borrow your disclaimer for a second?- (from my experience, I'm not making blanket statements about every cheating husband) LOL.
I think everyone realizes that it is indeed the defense's job to raise doubt. While there may be some that will say that what we know at this very moment might not be enough to convict Casey (and for the record, I personally do not believe this), there are VERY FEW who actually believe Caylee is alive.

They can spout anything they'd like, but not many will change their opinion based on Baez' leaks and/or propaganda.

IMO, having a gag in place will not effect many opinions. Casey Anthony is the biggest liar on the face of the planet; or at least the biggest liar I have ever heard of. She, of her own free will, did not contact authorities when her daughter was missing. She's the one who proclaimed there was a real life Zanny the nanny, WITHOUT a single shred of evidence to show the woman even exists; aside from inside Casey's own imagination. Baez can say what he wants and it is his job and his duty to try and counter everything, but no amount of spewing on his part is ever going to change the facts.

EDIT: I see the quotes around this, so I assume they were Baez' own remarks when you said, "We are objected to the gag order at this time." Can someone help me out here? Is this even a grammatically correct statement?

I have a question about the defense's case. Is it possible that they could come forward with an insanity defense using Casey's pattern of lying, taking things to the extreme (according to George's interview) and just plain telling these strange stories as proof that she's not 'all there?' I guess I am worried that they will pull something like this out of their hats, if it's possible.

Hoping beyond hope they find that poor baby......she never deserved this.
I "thought" I heard a reference about Scott Peterson being a different SP and one of the female attornies said "well at least it's a real person" (or something similar to that).
LOL Yes, that is what you heard more or less. So she really did get a letter from Scott P...just not THAT Scott P. What are the odds?! This case just has so much off the wall strangeness all the way around! I suppose now the defense will use this letter as a prime example of how a name can be used by one person to reflect another instead of the actual person. (In other words, ZG is real...just happened that LE found the wrong one at Sawgrass...while there was another ZG there all along.:rolleyes:)

They need new straws to grasp at, imo. Their straws are all bent up and rather tattered at this point. Sheesh!
Ouch - JB is married - that was a really personal question...wonder what his wife thinks about all of this? I mean, attorneys are NOT typically linked to their clients in this way - as JB mentions it's UNETHICAL. :eek:

We've talked about Casey's manipulation of JB and that there might be some sort of attraction. But, I was surprised that Kimberly Guilfoyle picked up on that too. So, it's out there, others are seeing it.
I have a question about the defense's case. Is it possible that they could come forward with an insanity defense using Casey's pattern of lying, taking things to the extreme (according to George's interview) and just plain telling these strange stories as proof that she's not 'all there?' I guess I am worried that they will pull something like this out of their hats, if it's possible.

Hoping beyond hope they find that poor baby......she never deserved this.
An Insanity Defense won't fly in this case. There is too much that says she was capable of knowing right from wrong at the time Caylee went missing and was murdered. The list is endless of decisions she made which clearly showed that she was not insane legally. They have them on text, online, from friend statements, family statements, etc. Even her signing Amy's name to the checks shows she could make the distinction between right and wrong. Many, many things would prevent that defense.
Yes! The poor baby never deserved this. But life is NOT FAIR. As long as it didn't happen so Cindy A,& her son LA or her daughter KC would not have to pay a public penalty for their hideous crimes, she could care less. Do it in secret & if your Anthony conscience will bear up......hell keep the secret...thats what the "A"s do when the going gets tough!!! So poor more screw & Casey will spew out another one ,:mad:which we can get rid of again, when the going gets tough!!! :eek:
We've talked about Casey's manipulation of JB and that there might be some sort of attraction. But, I was surprised that Kimberly Guilfoyle picked up on that too. So, it's out there, others are seeing it.

Oh it's out there... remember he got smacked on the hand a few times for hugging KC in jail?
I was thinking the same thing.When it is proven in court the Caylee is deceased there should be some way to make KC pay back the search party ~ donate to Eqsearch for example.These decent human beings give up their time and she sits on her *advertiser censored** pouting!! How can she sleep at night the stupid broad!!! IMO

Ps. someone will write a book, maybe CA use that money as payback...

Hmmm...Nore, you may be onto something here! How about a Pay Per View Webcam in her cell so we can see just how miserable and boring it is? All proceeds to payback the searchers and future searches for the missing...
An Insanity Defense won't fly in this case. There is too much that says she was capable of knowing right from wrong at the time Caylee went missing and was murdered. The list is endless of decisions she made which clearly showed that she was not insane legally. They have them on text, online, from friend statements, family statements, etc. Even her signing Amy's name to the checks shows she could make the distinction between right and wrong. Many, many things would prevent that defense.

Yeah, you are right. I guess I am scared that she is going to be one of these cases where she gets off. I am really fearing this. But I am trying to rationalize that they must have something more than what we know to have arrested her for murder. They waited so long to charge her, they must must must have something.
I can name tons of beautiful women with cheating dogs for husbands. WTH? That sure doesn't make for a good case against it, Geraldo!
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