Reasons NOT To Be Annoyed with TES

I'll take you up on your dare. I'm annoyed.

I respect the organization and the people behind it. I would contribute moneys toward what they do and will continue to do so. I have the utmost admiration for their stamina and courage.

But 1 1/2 days of searching annoys me a great deal. Stopping a search after such a short period of time (the second time around) is disappointing.

I'm annoyed.

Hi, Pink. Are you still feeling this way after reading my opening post, or did you miss it?
I left Orlando this morning after 2 VERY LONG, hard days of searching in saw palmettos over my head and weeds to my armpits.
THERE IS NOTHING MORE ANYONE CAN DO!!! Please believe me when I say this...(there are tears now, they haven't stopped all weekend).
I've cried, cussed, screamed...
I understand frustration more than I ever wanted to...I am FURIOUS.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't take anger and frustration out on Tim/TES. These people are dedicated to their cause and have more COURAGE and COMPASSION in their pinky fingers than many people have in their entire body...
Reading all the negativity her about the decision to leave has made my heart if efforts made this weekend and in previous search attempts were in vain.
PLEASE don't misdirect your anger...there is ONE PERSON responsible for this tragic situation, and it is NOT Tim Miller...

Thanks so much for being so understanding--but then you were there, so you know what the problems were/are.
And I am beginning to think you're right. Today is the 1st time I have EVER felt the Anthony's may be involved in the dump.
Hello, I see that you are back. It was so great to meet you at the search. Bless u in all u do.
My own reasons for feeling others should not be upset with TES:
1. 99% of families with missing loved one's HELP provide all info to assist in the search.

2. There are thousands of other familes who will assist / time and money better spent. Not that I don't wish with all my heart that Caylee could be found but using resources when "the person" could lead them to her without wasting $$ that could be helping another is simply unfair.. Other families who truly want help deserve it. Karma will be a .... for some one day...

TES doesn't have to help anyone if they so choose, they probably know where their best resources and efferts will benefit.. If anyone had a family member missing knowing they were searching for a child whose family probably know where she was but wouldn't say sure you would prefer their help!
I left Orlando this morning after 2 VERY LONG, hard days of searching in saw palmettos over my head and weeds to my armpits.
THERE IS NOTHING MORE ANYONE CAN DO!!! Please believe me when I say this...(there are tears now, they haven't stopped all weekend).
I've cried, cussed, screamed...
I understand frustration more than I ever wanted to...I am FURIOUS.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't take anger and frustration out on Tim/TES. These people are dedicated to their cause and have more COURAGE and COMPASSION in their pinky fingers than many people have in their entire body...
Reading all the negativity her about the decision to leave has made my heart if efforts made this weekend and in previous search attempts were in vain.
PLEASE don't misdirect your anger...there is ONE PERSON responsible for this tragic situation, and it is NOT Tim Miller...
you are so right.
I left Orlando this morning after 2 VERY LONG, hard days of searching in saw palmettos over my head and weeds to my armpits.
THERE IS NOTHING MORE ANYONE CAN DO!!! Please believe me when I say this...(there are tears now, they haven't stopped all weekend).
I've cried, cussed, screamed...
I understand frustration more than I ever wanted to...I am FURIOUS.
PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE don't take anger and frustration out on Tim/TES. These people are dedicated to their cause and have more COURAGE and COMPASSION in their pinky fingers than many people have in their entire body...
Reading all the negativity her about the decision to leave has made my heart if efforts made this weekend and in previous search attempts were in vain.
PLEASE don't misdirect your anger...there is ONE PERSON responsible for this tragic situation, and it is NOT Tim Miller...

EmMomma here's :blowkiss::blowkiss: and a :hug: and even some :balloons: !

Please rest and know your efforts, the efforts of all, are so appreciated by me, someone who couldn't be there.
Also remember there was suppose to be 5000 or more people to be there, and they wasn't. When I got there my heart fell to my feet, there was maybe 1500 people there mabe a little more but not much. Where was all the people that was said they were going to be there? That is what really upsets me.

Just my personal opinion, but I think that with TES, and LP going on tv saying that this would be the largest search ever, detoured many from going because they thought that plenty of help would be there. That too, and I am sure that there are many people out there who would be scared to death of coming up on bones.
And lord please don't get me into the snake situation. I can see a tiny oak snake by my back door and I pure fill like I will have a heart attack.
Passion is what brought Tim Miller here. He is my new hero, and not because of what he has done for Caylee, his website alone and the stories of missing people properly laid to rest so their families do not have to grieve for the unknown, and for all the missing he has found alive. I gave a nice amount myself to TES, and I will rejoice if he finds anyone who is missing this week, next week, or next year. My money went for a cause, plain and simple.
EmMomma here's :blowkiss::blowkiss: and a :hug: and even some :balloons: !

Please rest and know your efforts, the efforts of all, are so appreciated by me, someone who couldn't be there.

Right back atcha. :) Thanks for the words of appreciation. :blowkiss:
I think Tim is an angel on earth.
People (other searchers) questioned why we were searching certain response was
This man is a God send. His job shouldn't even be necessary, but it is...and he does it well.
HE GOES WHERE OTHERS FEAR TO TREAD. I will NEVER question Tim, TES, or their motives or decisions...this ain't his first rodeo!
I'm now a proud member of TES and I whole-heartedly support their (OUR) mission.
Emotions are running high, but JUSTICE (in one form or another) will take its course.
I have also had to remind myself that every search, no matter how long, tells us where she is not. Sometimes it's a process of elimination. Having these areas searched, LE can now move on to other areas. So, even though we are all disappointed that she has not been found, it's not over.
I have also had to remind myself that every search, no matter how long, tells us where she is not. Sometimes it's a process of elimination. Having these areas searched, LE can now move on to other areas. So, even though we are all disappointed that she has not been found, it's not over.

I'm not mad at Tim Miller, I sympathize with the man as the father of a murdered daughter.

But, it was well known BEFORE this search was set up, that if they searched and did not find Caylee, it would help the defense. If they searched and FOUND Caylee, but mucked up the crime scene in doing so, it would help the defense.

It almost seems to me like a lot of money was collected and a lot of volunteers were rounded up and a lot of people put in harm's way, in spite of Tim's/LE's/everybody knowing they had a 99 percent chance of helping the defense. That 1% chance of finding her body was either worth it, in which case the searches should continue, or the chance was not, in which case the search should never have been organized.

Like all of you, I have prayed that Caylee would be found. And I am so disappointed that she wasn't found. God will bring her home.

I very much agree. I don't know what to make of the way the search was called off-- from my standpoint, it definitely seemed premature. I know I can't begin to understand the expenses involved in efforts like these, but I would think the transportation/set up costs are a major expense--(plane tickets, volunteer travel expenses, having tents and port-a-potties delivered and set up, setting up all the equipment etc., getting permits and clearance, etc?). It seems setting up and leaving within a couple of days isn't really cost-effective or the best use of resources??

And I have always worried what these searches would do for the defense. I thought about starting a thread asking what "Justice for Caylee" would really mean, because I've come to worry there is going to be a trade-off-- is it better to find Caylee's remains or to punish Casey to the fullest extent of the law??
I don't know-- I have nothing but respect for everyone who was involved in the searches (including donations, prayer etc.) After this weekend, I'm really worried Caylee will never be found and also worried Casey will not receive just punishment for her crimes.
It's not fair to be angry or disappointed in Tim. TES has poured so much time,effort, love into the search for Caylee. They have recieved zero cooperation from anyone in the Anthony family. And they sure a heck didn't ever get a thank you. Despite their best attempts to run Tim out of town or have the search shut down, the Anthony's did not succeed. That is not why TES left.

With a limited amout of funds, how do you decide who to search for? There are so many missing, so many families to help. People all over the nation hate Anthony's. They have followed the case, prayed, wished, hoped, donated & searched. I think a lot of people don't feel like one more dime should be spent for the Anthony's to have closeure. I know it is not about THEM, it's about Caylee. Caylee is just bones now, her soul is in heaven. I just don't think anything else could be done at this time to locate her remains. I know her lawyer thinks no body will mean no guilty. I disagree. I think her not speaking the truth, the Anthony's own words on video tape, will do her in.

Please don't ever stop donating to TES & don't ever stop praying for them. There will always be someone missing. I always want some one like Tim around to help. It didnt make me mad they left. I didnt feel they had given up. The reality is, Caylee is such a little bitty girl in such a large area. I am so thankful to TES & all those who give of their time & talent to help those who can't help themselves. I sent Tim & his team a card of thanks today, along with another donation. Please, keep them in your prayers & please please keep supporting them. It could be one of us that needs him next.

This is lovely what you wrote. The support for TES lives on in all the missing children/adults out there. Tim is a wonderful humanitarian and that in itself speaks volumes.
I'll take you up on your dare. I'm annoyed.

I respect the organization and the people behind it. I would contribute moneys toward what they do and will continue to do so. I have the utmost admiration for their stamina and courage.

But 1 1/2 days of searching annoys me a great deal. Stopping a search after such a short period of time (the second time around) is disappointing.

I'm annoyed.

I totally agree.
There were specific areas to be searched, as determined by LE, based on cell phone pings. There was a "method to the madness".
Please consider that there are many people who traveled to search and everyone there spent time away from home and families in order to participate. The conditions were far from ideal, but nobody cared about anything other than finding Caylee and putting her to rest.
Words can be very hurtful.
I think we are all disappointed with the outcome of this weekend, but rest assured that MUCH ground was covered and MANY areas were ruled out...the efforts made this weekend were productive and meaningful, even if no IMMEDIATE RESULTS are evident.
There were specific areas to be searched, as determined by LE, based on cell phone pings. There was a "method to the madness".
Please consider that there are many people who traveled to search and everyone there spent time away from home and families in order to participate. The conditions were far from ideal, but nobody cared about anything other than finding Caylee and putting her to rest.
Words can be very hurtful.
I think we are all disappointed with the outcome of this weekend, but rest assured that MUCH ground was covered and MANY areas were ruled out...the efforts made this weekend were productive and meaningful, even if no IMMEDIATE RESULTS are evident.

And I understand that and recognize it for the selfless actions of caring people. But I have watched approximately 3-4 telecasts of TM stating on live TV that he will stay until Caylee is found. Then he goes. Then he comes. Then he goes. Sorry, just don't get it.
I am willing defend Tim Miller and TES to my last breath, but I doubt I would change the mind of someone who is as sure in their opinion as I am in mine, and that's ok, we will just agree to disagree. For everyone who is frustrated, sad, angry and every other emotion you can think of because of the last few days, may I make a suggestion? Wander over to the All About Caylee sticky thread. I did that yesterday morning when I was so upset because people were starting to make negative comments about Tim. One post in particular, just made me start to cry - and that actually helped ease my aching heart a little. That thread is about one thing only - Caylee - and going there to see what everyone is saying to her helped me, and I hope it helps others too.
I am willing defend Tim Miller and TES to my last breath, but I doubt I would change the mind of someone who is as sure in their opinion as I am in mine, and that's ok, we will just agree to disagree. For everyone who is frustrated, sad, angry and every other emotion you can think of because of the last few days, may I make a suggestion? Wander over to the All About Caylee sticky thread. I did that yesterday morning when I was so upset because people were starting to make negative comments about Tim. One post in particular, just made me start to cry - and that actually helped ease my aching heart a little. That thread is about one thing only - Caylee - and going there to see what everyone is saying to her helped me, and I hope it helps others too.

I visit that thread often.
Brings everything back into focus.
CAYLEE is the focus.
Picking sides is not.
I can certainly agree to disagree. Not trying to be difficult here. Just don't understand. I think I need to go to bed. I just can't take any more of this case. Overload.
If TES had not been announcing that they expected 5-8,000 volunteers, more people would have shown up for the search. I was set to go, but when I heard the numbers, I put my MH in the shop because there were more than enough people and I wasn't needed. I don't understand over-estimating the volunteeer numbers - it makes people stay home. Just a thought.

But, over 2,000 people DID show up over the 2 day period and at least some areas of interest have been eliminated. Tonight a reporter on NG stated that TES members are or may still ibe in Orlando and TES is going to return.
This is lovely what you wrote. The support for TES lives on in all the missing children/adults out there. Tim is a wonderful humanitarian and that in itself speaks volumes.

Thank you. I talked to Erin today regarding up coming seaches that may be happening in NC near me. We chatted about my contacts & resources in the area. I also told her we have a lot of hotel points that could be used for some free nights for searchers etc. I told her they were all welcome in my home for dinner afterwards. She said "oh honey, you dont want us in your home, we are a bunch of red necks." I had to laugh & I told her that was okay, I could still put on several crocks of chili to feed them.

We also cried together a couple times as I thanked all of them for the efforts they make in every case, but esp in THIS case. In between the first time & the second time we talked, I went & bought a card, put another ck in it for TES.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have done these searches for any missing child. Thanks to all who donate & pray. Sometimes thru evil deeds done upon those we love, God shows one the talent he has given them. That is what Tim has done & I thank God for showing Tim the way to turn evil into something so powerful.

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