Reasons NOT To Be Annoyed with TES

There were specific areas to be searched, as determined by LE, based on cell phone pings. There was a "method to the madness".
Please consider that there are many people who traveled to search and everyone there spent time away from home and families in order to participate. The conditions were far from ideal, but nobody cared about anything other than finding Caylee and putting her to rest.
Words can be very hurtful.
I think we are all disappointed with the outcome of this weekend, but rest assured that MUCH ground was covered and MANY areas were ruled out...the efforts made this weekend were productive and meaningful, even if no IMMEDIATE RESULTS are evident.

Bless all of you who took time out to search for Caylee. I am sure everyone supports your efforts.
Right back atcha. :) Thanks for the words of appreciation. :blowkiss:
I think Tim is an angel on earth.
People (other searchers) questioned why we were searching certain response was
This man is a God send. His job shouldn't even be necessary, but it is...and he does it well.
HE GOES WHERE OTHERS FEAR TO TREAD. I will NEVER question Tim, TES, or their motives or decisions...this ain't his first rodeo!
I'm now a proud member of TES and I whole-heartedly support their (OUR) mission.
Emotions are running high, but JUSTICE (in one form or another) will take its course.

Loved your message and also noticed how cleverly you borrowed and adjusted a couple famous phrases to suit your purpose. Although as a fellow Texan, I thought "this ain't his first rodeo," was really priceless.

Thank you. I talked to Erin today regarding up coming seaches that may be happening in NC near me. We chatted about my contacts & resources in the area. I also told her we have a lot of hotel points that could be used for some free nights for searchers etc. I told her they were all welcome in my home for dinner afterwards. She said "oh honey, you dont want us in your home, we are a bunch of red necks." I had to laugh & I told her that was okay, I could still put on several crocks of chili to feed them.

We also cried together a couple times as I thanked all of them for the efforts they make in every case, but esp in THIS case. In between the first time & the second time we talked, I went & bought a card, put another ck in it for TES.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all of you who have done these searches for any missing child. Thanks to all who donate & pray. Sometimes thru evil deeds done upon those we love, God shows one the talent he has given them. That is what Tim has done & I thank God for showing Tim the way to turn evil into something so powerful.

Loved your message and also noticed how cleverly you borrowed and adjusted a couple famous phrases to suit your purpose. Although as a fellow Texan, I thought "this ain't his first rodeo," was really priceless.


I'm not a Texan, I'm a Carolina girl...but I've been told I have the gift of gab.:crazy:
Thanks for the sweet comment.
Also remember there was suppose to be 5000 or more people to be there, and they wasn't. When I got there my heart fell to my feet, there was maybe 1500 people there mabe a little more but not much. Where was all the people that was said they were going to be there? That is what really upsets me.

I believe there were at least 3000 Saturday. The count was very close to that with all the shifts. The media understated the numbers, and I don't know if it was because they counted the ones at the command station and did not know about the buses taking people to other areas or what. There were also a lot of search teams which never came by the command center.

Maybe they don't understand there are a LOT of people searching who are not searching with TES. Some choose not to because they preferred to search areas they had researched prior. Some because they had their own resources and groups. Some because they want to search with their own group of experienced searchers. We met LE search/rescue teams from 5 different states which were not searching with TES.

I am with a group which has many years experience in successful searches and choose not to search with less experienced searchers. We cover terrains which someone not experienced and in good physical shape could not navigate for any length of time. Second, we run dogs and there can be a risk to our dogs with persons not experienced.

So although, TES is the best known name, there are a LOT of other searchers out there trying to find that baby.
I very much agree. I don't know what to make of the way the search was called off-- from my standpoint, it definitely seemed premature. I know I can't begin to understand the expenses involved in efforts like these, but I would think the transportation/set up costs are a major expense--(plane tickets, volunteer travel expenses, having tents and port-a-potties delivered and set up, setting up all the equipment etc., getting permits and clearance, etc?). It seems setting up and leaving within a couple of days isn't really cost-effective or the best use of resources??

And I have always worried what these searches would do for the defense. I thought about starting a thread asking what "Justice for Caylee" would really mean, because I've come to worry there is going to be a trade-off-- is it better to find Caylee's remains or to punish Casey to the fullest extent of the law??
I don't know-- I have nothing but respect for everyone who was involved in the searches (including donations, prayer etc.) After this weekend, I'm really worried Caylee will never be found and also worried Casey will not receive just punishment for her crimes.

While too agree with you, I do notice a pattern here with TES and this case: it's totally compounded with the lack of the victim's family support for TES' mission in finding remains. In each and every time, there's been an expectation about the number of searchers that, IMO, is over-stated and it always ends with the amount of money that TES has spent on the search. No doubt these funds have been spent and for good reason - however, I don't recall other TES searches, even the unsuccessful ones, ending each and every time with the same seemingly "admonishment" about TES "being in the red".

Before ya'll flame me, understand that I do donate to TES regularly and respect Tim Miller greatly for his mission and purpose. He's caught between a rock and hard place trying to do the right thing and ignoring the cost to achieve what we all believe "someone" should do in this case for various and very good reasons. Problem is, the road to deficit hell is paved with good intentions and there are very few stop lights on the way in a high profile case like this. Sometimes I wish he had someone else to make those types of business decisions so he can do what I feel he does best: search for the missing.
TM bit the hand that fed him when he announced to Investigation Discovery that he blamed NG for the LP stuff. NG and LP did a whole lot of promoting for people to send TES money. TM in one comment bit both of them.

Equusearch had a ton of donations and honestly I would love to know the exact amount. I have heard TM whine about how much money the Caylee search is costing but nothing about how much was donated. I would venture to say it was over the $100k price tag I have heard TM mention.

TM promised to stay until she was found, then he promised to stay until Tues. Some people had a long weekend for the holiday and planned on being there. Sun, Mon, and Tues. but cancelled when TM announced he was quitting again. I have heard that he searches each area 3x before he considers it cleared and that there were several areas they never even searched. If this is true, he didnt even completely try.

Im sorry, I know alot of people love TM, but quitting a second time, whining about money and insulting people does not gain my respect or confidence. He knew the A's attitude about the search and the media attention before he showed up the first time.

Do I think LP is a media hound, yes absolutely. But he isnt asking for my money or my time. He is looking for Caylee out of his own pocket without ever mentioning money at all. And when money is discussed he says donate to TES. He has never lied, he has his theories, ideas and speculations... WHO DOESNT.

TM needs the public's support in order to function, he needs the media. Cases like Caylee's do not come everyday for an organization like TES and I think TM just might have burnt a very much needed bridge that he will need for future investigations.

I know personally I will never plan to go search, I did for this case twice and both times he cancelled early. I bought pizza and water for the search and donated to TES. Which I was very happy to do. But will not do it again, not because of the Caylee search was called off, but because I do not respect people who go on National TV and cry about money as an excuse for quitting.

Sorry my opinion and I am confident I am not alone..
Hi, Pink. Are you still feeling this way after reading my opening post, or did you miss it?

Friday - I did not miss your opening post. I was remiss in telling you that it was delightful and made me giggle. I appreciate the spirit of it (not only because it so wonderfully expresses your sunny attitude) but because it makes me realize all the more - just how treacherous the search must be!

Unfortunately, I still feel the same way about the search. In fact, all the more given what it takes to set it up and carry it out.

'Nuff said.

Thank you for your efforts and for sharing them with us so eloquently. :)
I drove to Orlando and searched Sat.Sun&Mon and I also am upset over the negative postings regarding TM. THis is a MASSIVE search....I have never been so sore and scratched and have not had time to read all the negative and hateful comments regarding TM. He is NOT giving up this search for Caylee, however, he is going to NC to search for 4 missing people. There are TES members still on the ground in Orlando who are going to be actively searching for Caylee until she is found and TM will be returning personally in time. The MEDIA inteferred with this search.............THIS WAS A CIRCUS. I was not apart of the LP rift....................

The family of the girl who TM is on his way to search for in NC was at the Command Center................ If I am able to arrange it I am going to NC this weekend to help in the search. TES is a wonderful organization and please do not STOP donating................... TES are not Miracle Workers and I think the anger told TES is misguided. You would not believe how many miles that need to be searched inch by inch and the dedication from MOST of the searchers. The Grand Jury has more than enough evidence that Caylee is deceased and finding her body would be icing on the cake.

I was so happy that I was able to meet so many WS's people. I was appauld Sat evening when I got back to my hotel and turned on GR and he really ticked me off....he talked about the search and made a huge deal about commenting after all the searching only a dog carcess was found. He chastised this search and I believe more than ever he is the biggest jerk and the MEDIA has hurt this search effort. Caylee will be found...and without being in the limelight................ a quiet search will continue. Geragos was on the show and his comment was even more disgusting... the only way JB will be able to defend KC is if another child goes missing and the focus is taken off of KC. The MEDIA...and the A's comments will know longer interfere with the finding of Caylee................ One day Caylee will be found due to dedicated searchers despite KC and the A's.
I drove to Orlando and searched Sat.Sun&Mon and I also am upset over the negative postings regarding TM. THis is a MASSIVE search....I have never been so sore and scratched and have not had time to read all the negative and hateful comments regarding TM. He is NOT giving up this search for Caylee, however, he is going to NC to search for 4 missing people. There are TES members still on the ground in Orlando who are going to be actively searching for Caylee until she is found and TM will be returning personally in time. The MEDIA inteferred with this search.............THIS WAS A CIRCUS. I was not apart of the LP rift....................

The family of the girl who TM is on his way to search for in NC was at the Command Center................ If I am able to arrange it I am going to NC this weekend to help in the search. TES is a wonderful organization and please do not STOP donating................... TES are not Miracle Workers and I think the anger told TES is misguided. You would not believe how many miles that need to be searched inch by inch and the dedication from MOST of the searchers. The Grand Jury has more than enough evidence that Caylee is deceased and finding her body would be icing on the cake.

I was so happy that I was able to meet so many WS's people. I was appauld Sat evening when I got back to my hotel and turned on GR and he really ticked me off....he talked about the search and made a huge deal about commenting after all the searching only a dog carcess was found. He chastised this search and I believe more than ever he is the biggest jerk and the MEDIA has hurt this search effort. Caylee will be found...and without being in the limelight................ a quiet search will continue. Geragos was on the show and his comment was even more disgusting... the only way JB will be able to defend KC is if another child goes missing and the focus is taken off of KC. The MEDIA...and the A's comments will know longer interfere with the finding of Caylee................ One day Caylee will be found due to dedicated searchers despite KC and the A's.

Thank you for your efforts. :blowkiss: I think people are just frustrated and sad. We hoped and prayed Caylee would be found this time. But yes, people do not need to direct their anger towards TES and TM. They are wonderful.
***I pulled this over from the Nov 8-9 TES thread****

So, I have to admit. I was really frustrated with the announcement that TES was pulling out.

But then after talking to someone who was out there searching this past weekend, I had to reconsider things.

I commend each and every one of you that were out there searching for Caylee and Jennifer. Although TES is leaving, you all were selfless in your actions and are all heroes. You are all truly GOOD and are helping to make sure that GOOD wins over evil.

For that I am ever grateful, and whatever happens, I am happy to be associated with people who will take time out of their lives, money to make it happen, and the strength and patience of near saints to be out there in the woods, swamps, and more to help bring some assemblance of closure to those involved.

May God Bless each and every one of you. When it is time, God will lead us to Caylee and Jennifer as well as all the missing.

Thanks again,

I believe there were at least 3000 Saturday. The count was very close to that with all the shifts. The media understated the numbers, and I don't know if it was because they counted the ones at the command station and did not know about the buses taking people to other areas or what. There were also a lot of search teams which never came by the command center.

Maybe they don't understand there are a LOT of people searching who are not searching with TES. Some choose not to because they preferred to search areas they had researched prior. Some because they had their own resources and groups. Some because they want to search with their own group of experienced searchers. We met LE search/rescue teams from 5 different states which were not searching with TES.

I am with a group which has many years experience in successful searches and choose not to search with less experienced searchers. We cover terrains which someone not experienced and in good physical shape could not navigate for any length of time. Second, we run dogs and there can be a risk to our dogs with persons not experienced.

So although, TES is the best known name, there are a LOT of other searchers out there trying to find that baby.

You guys totally Rock!!!!!! I admire all of you:)
I drove to Orlando and searched Sat.Sun&Mon and I also am upset over the negative postings regarding TM. THis is a MASSIVE search....I have never been so sore and scratched and have not had time to read all the negative and hateful comments regarding TM. He is NOT giving up this search for Caylee, however, he is going to NC to search for 4 missing people. There are TES members still on the ground in Orlando who are going to be actively searching for Caylee until she is found and TM will be returning personally in time. The MEDIA inteferred with this search.............THIS WAS A CIRCUS. I was not apart of the LP rift....................

The family of the girl who TM is on his way to search for in NC was at the Command Center................ If I am able to arrange it I am going to NC this weekend to help in the search. TES is a wonderful organization and please do not STOP donating................... TES are not Miracle Workers and I think the anger told TES is misguided. You would not believe how many miles that need to be searched inch by inch and the dedication from MOST of the searchers. The Grand Jury has more than enough evidence that Caylee is deceased and finding her body would be icing on the cake.

I was so happy that I was able to meet so many WS's people. I was appauld Sat evening when I got back to my hotel and turned on GR and he really ticked me off....he talked about the search and made a huge deal about commenting after all the searching only a dog carcess was found. He chastised this search and I believe more than ever he is the biggest jerk and the MEDIA has hurt this search effort. Caylee will be found...and without being in the limelight................ a quiet search will continue. Geragos was on the show and his comment was even more disgusting... the only way JB will be able to defend KC is if another child goes missing and the focus is taken off of KC. The MEDIA...and the A's comments will know longer interfere with the finding of Caylee................ One day Caylee will be found due to dedicated searchers despite KC and the A's.

Thank you for all your inside information, those of us that cannot be in Florida and NC, are there in spirit rest assured!:blowkiss:
I drove to Orlando and searched Sat.Sun&Mon and I also am upset over the negative postings regarding TM. THis is a MASSIVE search....I have never been so sore and scratched and have not had time to read all the negative and hateful comments regarding TM. He is NOT giving up this search for Caylee, however, he is going to NC to search for 4 missing people. There are TES members still on the ground in Orlando who are going to be actively searching for Caylee until she is found and TM will be returning personally in time. The MEDIA inteferred with this search.............THIS WAS A CIRCUS. I was not apart of the LP rift....................

The family of the girl who TM is on his way to search for in NC was at the Command Center................ If I am able to arrange it I am going to NC this weekend to help in the search. TES is a wonderful organization and please do not STOP donating................... TES are not Miracle Workers and I think the anger told TES is misguided. You would not believe how many miles that need to be searched inch by inch and the dedication from MOST of the searchers. The Grand Jury has more than enough evidence that Caylee is deceased and finding her body would be icing on the cake.

I was so happy that I was able to meet so many WS's people. I was appauld Sat evening when I got back to my hotel and turned on GR and he really ticked me off....he talked about the search and made a huge deal about commenting after all the searching only a dog carcess was found. He chastised this search and I believe more than ever he is the biggest jerk and the MEDIA has hurt this search effort. Caylee will be found...and without being in the limelight................ a quiet search will continue. Geragos was on the show and his comment was even more disgusting... the only way JB will be able to defend KC is if another child goes missing and the focus is taken off of KC. The MEDIA...and the A's comments will know longer interfere with the finding of Caylee................ One day Caylee will be found due to dedicated searchers despite KC and the A's.
i think that is awesome that you all went out to search .. i mean hey that land is pretty dangerous from what i hear . and it takes alot of courage to search amongst gators and rattlesnakes for an angel that you dont even know yet love anyway ..if it were my lance or my kikabird that went missing id be begging and pleading for help .. i dont care how stupid id look on tv .. all id care about is getting my baby back ..
This is lovely what you wrote. The support for TES lives on in all the missing children/adults out there. Tim is a wonderful humanitarian and that in itself speaks volumes.

:blowkiss: Thank you.
I don't know if this has already been posted, but I thought I would bring it here for those who might have missed it.

David Lohr's Straight Talk With Tim Miller
"I feel as though we accomplished a lot. Nearly all of the areas that law enforcement wanted covered have been searched. We generated far more resources than before. We now have 100 local members on the scene. They are capable of doing a good job and they are going to continue looking for Caylee. I challenge anyone to sit in my office and when the family of a missing person calls, tell them that they can't be helped until Caylee is found. Someone else can, cause I'm not going to do that. " -Tim Miller

Also-- an estimated $70,000 raised in donations! And someone donated $20,000-- Amazing!!! :clap::clap:

Also, a truly touching piece revealing The Stories Behind the Caylee Anthony Search Effort

Much respect to all those involved in the search!!​
I don't know if this has already been posted, but I thought I would bring it here for those who might have missed it.

David Lohr's Straight Talk With Tim Miller
"I feel as though we accomplished a lot. Nearly all of the areas that law enforcement wanted covered have been searched. We generated far more resources than before. We now have 100 local members on the scene. They are capable of doing a good job and they are going to continue looking for Caylee. I challenge anyone to sit in my office and when the family of a missing person calls, tell them that they can't be helped until Caylee is found. Someone else can, cause I'm not going to do that. " -Tim Miller

Also-- an estimated $70,000 raised in donations! And someone donated $20,000-- Amazing!!! :clap::clap:

Also, a truly touching piece revealing The Stories Behind the Caylee Anthony Search Effort

Much respect to all those involved in the search!!​

I think there are a couple of keywords that should be noted...

1. Nearly all of the areas that law enforcement wanted covered have been searched....

Key word, NEARLY... why not all? I think TM said he would stay until Caylee was found, but he couldnt even stay to search ALL the areas LE wanted searched?

2. Cost of search was estimated at $70k (per previous posts) and donations were nearly $70k

Did TM quit when $$ ran out? Kind of sounds that way...

I heard somewhere that Natalie Holloway case cost TM $2million, how come he isnt on National TV talking about that. Ive heard TM on tv saying you cant put a price tag on a missing child, I totally agree. So why is there a price tag on Caylee?
Thank you Friday for giving the people on this forum a vivid picture of what the searchers were up against. So many wonderful people came out to try and find Caylee. To those of you who could not be there and donated water, food, or even just good thoughts a huge thank you also. "They also serve who only stand and wait" - the people searching knew that they were being thought of and it made a difference.

Reason #1 not to be annoyed at TES: Tim Miller and the people of his organization have helped many, many families - but sometimes the best hopes in the world are just not enough. Thank you Tim Miller and TESS, you will forever be in my heart.

Thank you for that post, I was out there searching all day SAT/SUN/MON, this was not an empty search in vain. Even though Caylee has not been found yet................. other things were found which we are not supposed to discuss and LE are very grateful for. I am angry at the media's coverage of this past weekend every move at times a CAMERA was IN YOUR FACE........ you could not even talk to the person next to you without helicopters hovering over....trucks lined on the street.... etc.

I am so glad I met so many wonderful people with the same goal and we were all focused on CAYLEE. I read the suggestions about bring my own lunch, water, bug spray, boots(thank God I bought a pair) a stick and the gloves. When we returned to the Command Center it was so nice to regroup and all the donated food and water was a wonderful sight. I have so many scratches and never in my life picked out so many thorns in my body. The next time I search in my mini first-aid kit TWEEZERS are a must.

I was so upset when I returned and read the negative comments on WS I swore I would never read or post here again because I was crying so hard because of the hateful comments towards TM/LP/LE which are all wrong. The only person are anger should be directed at is KC.......she is the only person who can lead us to CAYLEE and she has no intention of doing so. Caylee will be found.............. I believe she was moved a couple of times and she did have help. I never in my life have seen so many snakes, gators and the best was being up close to deer. At least the places we searched can be RULED out that Caylee is not there and when the searches begin again there are many more quandrants that we can begin at and rule them out and narrow the search.

I will be joining the local TES people and continue to search for Caylee until she is found no matter how long it takes without all the MEDIA ATTENTION. I for one would never question Tim or Leonard's actions they might be on different pages how the search should be done, however, the main goal is the same to find CAYLEE. There was so much orchestrated DRAMA which was so disgusting that I was unaware of because I was searching and did not even hear about it until I returned home on Tues and got on WS and read the posting.......................

I am glad I met LP/TM/RG and all the other wonderful searchers and many WS'ers it is nice to put a face with a name.

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