New Video Interviews released from SA's office 11/21

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That's what I couldn't figure out either ..

Why did George chase Casey anyways???

And why not call the police that day if GA was scared enough to chase after KC to find out either where she was keeping Caylee or why she had another of the A's autos?
I just Finshed CA's "new" part of interview released last night. I think there is still one more part to CA's interview. Media has got to be holding back on them! At the end of this one the FBI guys say to CA, "let's take a break but we have some things we want to go over with you!" Plus where are LA's I'm sure they talked to him too??

I agree that this questionnaire was done for the fbi "profiler". They are building a profile on kc. Many of the questions asked were to discover if there might be any sociopathic tendencies. A few times ca slipped. She admitted that KC did some lying. And she admitted that she had no shown guilt or remorse. CA actually agreed with KC that there was "no need" for her to feel remorse about "losing" her child.
Wait a minute! Did I just hear CA say that JG was overly connected to Caylee? That it was abnormal? WTF!! JG thought he was Caylees father for crying out loud! It would be weird if he WASN'T overly connected to her. This woman is nucking futz.
And rub her head ..

Geez, I don't think I've ever seen someone touch their head so often ..
Maybe she was hoping for good luck ..

When I was younger my mom could always tell when I was lying, because I would touch my face or my hair.
Wait a minute! Did I just hear CA say that JG was overly connected to Caylee? That it was abnormal? WTF!! JG thought he was Caylees father for crying out loud! It would be weird if he WASN'T overly connected to her. This woman is nucking futz.
I thought it was weird when Caylee was already born, JG thought he was the father, and he got chewed out by Cindy and almost in an altercation with GA for being in the perp's room fully clothed! Ridiculous in light of the fact their daughter just had a child supposedly with the man and was engaged to him. This wasn't 1960 and the A fam doesn't appear to have "moral values" when it comes to anything else! GMAB! It is and was all about control.
Wait a minute! Did I just hear CA say that JG was overly connected to Caylee? That it was abnormal? WTF!! JG thought he was Caylees father for crying out loud! It would be weird if he WASN'T overly connected to her. This woman is nucking futz.

Here is a guy who was willing to "step up" and insert himself into massive dysfunction and now CA throws him under the bus. His only "crime" is he actually cared, at least while he was under KC's spell.
Casey was employee of the year??????????

Wait a minute! Did I just hear CA say that JG was overly connected to Caylee? That it was abnormal? WTF!! JG thought he was Caylees father for crying out loud! It would be weird if he WASN'T overly connected to her. This woman is nucking futz.

I feel she should have been happy that a decent man cared enough about Caylee and KC to want to take care of them. JG found out a few days after Caylee was born that he wasn't her father, but he still fell in love with her and wanted to eventually provide for her. I think that says a lot about his character and none of it is negative.
In listening to Cindy's interview, part 1, I found it interesting that in explaining what a perfect mother KC has been, she made this statement at approximately 24:30.

“If she took her to a neighbors to watch for an hour or so, she had everything little thing there that she could possibly need with instructions, phone numbers, blah blah blah”

The puzzling thing to me is the fact that the alleged ZG allegedly kept Caylee for close to two years, and the A's didn't even know her name (except Zani), phone number or place of residence. If KC were that picky about making sure everyone had all the information they needed in regards to Caylee, she made an exception where ZG was concerned. Cindy didn't even realize what she was telling.

YES ..
I noticed the same thing ..
It's amazing in this new interview how Cindy talks about herself so much when asked questions about Casey. There is no separation to her. They are one and the same person. I've never heard anyone do that to that extent.

In that, this single 'CaseyCindy' person is perfect. We know, for example, about all the stealing and lies on Casey's part, we know about all the lying on Cindy's part, but there's no acknowledgement of it. 'CaseyCindy' has never lied prior to Caylee's disappearance, and each part of this dual entity, Casey and Cindy, has a valid reason for lying (from Cindy's perspective.) It's eerie.

The other thing that stood out to me is how frequently Cindy ends up talking about what a great mother she's been.

I think these 2 things are the crux of why Cindy is the way she is. Caylee's murder by the other half of her self (Casey) is a reflection on what she is as a person. It's also a reflection on how she's mothered Casey, because how the 'Casey' part of 'CaseyCindy' mothered Caylee is enmeshed with how the 'Cindy' part of 'CaseyCindy' mothered Casey.

If the Casey part of CaseyCindy is bad, then the Cindy part of CaseyCindy is bad.

Cindy isn't trying to save Casey, she's trying to save herself, that is, what little of herself as an autonomous individual is left.

Cindy is simply not able to see outside of 'CaseyCindy' far enough to see her obligations to Caylee in all this. It's Cindy sitting in jail, Cindy being "vilified by the media", Cindy's life on the line, etc.

Oh another interesting thing is when she's asked about Casey feeling guilt or remorse. She not only tells us that Casey doesn't feel guilt, but that she herself does not feel guilt. 'CaseyCindy' is a sociopath.

:clap::clap::clap: Exactly! You have said everything I feel about CA, only I just shortened my version on another thread to "all about Cindy".
Cindy rambles on about how Caylee was musical because she put classical music up to Casey's belly which she also says she did when she was pregnant with Casey. I think this was just another attempt to show how Casey was a loving, caring mother. No one even knew Casey was pregnant until her 7th month. I would assume the final two months of pregnancy were stressful for them all.
CA states that Casey told her last Dec/Jan that Casey lost alot of money in the stock market. And Cindy thinks that's why Zanny/Amy/Ricardo were teaching her a lesson? The fact that Casey would have money to lose in the stock market is hysterical.

I just about fell over from laughing so hard about the whole stock market story .. :D
I was just on youtube watching this very part and when GA said that KC took CA's car and left her car at the house (CA home) the thought just popped into my head "well I wonder if CA drove KC's car somewhere and took care of the problem in the trunk for her"??!! I can't believe I just thought that. My next thought was "well that would explain the call from KC in jail to home, where CA says you aren't telling me where she's at and KC says coz I don't f-ing know where she's at....are you kidding me???!!!" IDK I just kind of freaked myself out. Is this possible?????? JMO

I don't think so because AH was witness to CA laying into KC at AL's apartment. CA was insistent on July 15th that KC take her to wherever Caylee was right that instant. KC's refusal led to CA making the first 911 call later that night in an attempt to scare KC into fessing up. CA had no idea, IMO, that she would lose all control of the situation after that call was made.
I thought it was weird when Caylee was already born, JG thought he was the father, and he got chewed out by Cindy and almost in an altercation with GA for being in the perp's room fully clothed! Ridiculous in light of the fact their daughter just had a child supposedly with the man and was engaged to him. This wasn't 1960 and the A fam doesn't appear to have "moral values" when it comes to anything else! GMAB! It is and was all about control.

That statement was so odd IMO. I really don't understand why they were so upset that the supposed father of their grandchild would not be allowed to lie on the bed with his baby!

Cindy wants people to think they are perfect with good morals! Well, can't undo what was done. Baby was already born and Obviously Casey was in a compromising position to get pregnant in the first place! :)
Cindy and Casey talked about writing a children's book ..


Please, someone help me off the floor! :D
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