FL-AMBER ALERT Haleigh Cummings 5 yrs. old - Putnam County #6

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can anyone tell me how old the dad is? alot is being said about the age of the g/f so i'm curious as to the age difference

same question I had last night. Around 24/25, so not as huge a difference as I expected. Still, the maturity level and interests? What's wrong with this girls parents?
What kind of door was propped with the brick? Sounds like someone who is familiar with trailer houses. The back door might step down if a deck isn't built there. The doors open outwards and someone wanted the prop the door open while carrying something out. IMO, something a female would do, not a crazed sexual offender.
Do we know if the GF and/or Dad are smokers? I am having a hard time buying this we lock the doors all the time thing. Now I am paranoid and don't trust people so my doors are locked and my German Shepherd will tell me you are there long before you can get to the door, but a friend of mine is a smoker with a kid, lives in a much less safe neighborhood than I do and she never locks the door because she is in and out to smoke all the time.

And what was the GF wearing when the cops arrived? I want to see a police report. Was she in worn jammies with hair that had been slept on for five hours? Was she in regular clothes? Or had she quickly thrown her jammies on while trying to figure out where the hell Haleigh was before dad could get there (which is where I think the 30 minutes between discovery and 911 went). She was hoping she was hiding and that she could "fix" this. If she truly rolled out of bed and found the child gone and door open 911 would have been called much faster.
Nancy's been showing a video of the g/f and Haleigh's dad walking around, both smoking. Maybe she did go outside to have a cigarette and propped the door open herself. I have a lot more questions though because something is very strange about this whole thing in my opinion.
same question I had last night. Around 24/25, so not as huge a difference as I expected. Still, the maturity level and interests? What's wrong with this girls parents?

Everyone is young, there are drug records for dad and bio-mom. What a disaster waiting to happen.
Both were smoking on TV earlier.
I smoke and I'm still dilligent about locking doors, but I'm paranoid.
I don't know what she was wearing, but I think it's uncanny that all of this went down as dad was pulling up in the driveway.

Maybe the GF was trying to figure out a way to handle whatever happened on her own, but when Haleigh's dad came home she had no choice but to tell him she was missing?
I'm finding the dad's 911 call slightly disturbing, mainly the language used when he's trying to get help. It just seems unnecessary. MOO

When my daughter was born she had some medical problem which caused me to get VERY little sleep. My other child was two and I fell into a deep sleep and he climbed out of his window into the back yard and I didn't know. When I woke up, I didn't know how long it had been and he was just gone. I never imagined he would unlock the window and climb out and I was insane frantic. I ran outside screaming bloody murder and was totally embarrassed when I found him in the back yard in front of everyone up and down the block. He was missing under 10 minutes. It seemed like an eternity. I can't say that I wouldn't use the same language if in his position.
WTF?????? are you kidding me. LE should have divers by the dock RIGHT NOW!!!! No matter what the stories are, if the dogs tracked her there, thats where they should look. I hope LE hasn't made a big mistake with this.

I haven't really looked into this case enough to know the details (just decided it will be my NEW case) or have an opinion on who is responsible so forgive me if i get something wrong. But thats beside the point. lol

Actually according to a neighbor, as soon as the dogs hit, LE focused on the water search. I did watch a vid where one of the searchers explained that the river is very muddy and they may not be able to see anything down there. I'm hoping TES drops their equipment down in the water soon.
Haleigh's mom is on Nancy Grace so far she has said that Haleigh missed a lot of school and that if she missed anymore that the father would go to jail. She also says that the father got custody because on a visit he never brought the kids back to her and filed for custody instead. Says she missed the first court date because the summons was sent to a bogus address.

from my experience this could NOT be true. we are adopting a child through DCF (dept of children and families) here in florida. the state would attempt to serve the bio mom with supeonas....they would be unable to find her. the state then MUST hire an investigator to look for the mom...its called "due diligence"...we were told that NO custody issues would ever be decided until the state could PROVE they did everything in their power to find bio mom. this happened over and over again...took TWO YEARS of bio mom either not showing up for court or the court being unable to locate her.

i think bio mom is embarrassed that everyone knows she let the dad have BOTH of their kids and now she is trying to make herself look like the victim.

Both were smoking on TV earlier.
I smoke and I'm still dilligent about locking doors, but I'm paranoid.
I don't know what she was wearing, but I think it's uncanny that all of this went down as dad was pulling up in the driveway.
Too many "uncanny" events going on here...
And what was the GF wearing when the cops arrived? I want to see a police report. Was she in worn jammies with hair that had been slept on for five hours? Was she in regular clothes? Or had she quickly thrown her jammies on while trying to figure out where the hell Haleigh was before dad could get there (which is where I think the 30 minutes between discovery and 911 went). She was hoping she was hiding and that she could "fix" this. If she truly rolled out of bed and found the child gone and door open 911 would have been called much faster.

Respectfully snipped
The answers to these questions sure would say alot.
Thanks Em

also wondering if there is any record of haleigh missing school, or was this just something that the mom said? my nephew is in kindergarden and i know here in louisiana they do keep strict records and send notices to parents if kids have more than 5 unexcused absences. does anyone know the laws in florids?
What kind of door was propped with the brick? Sounds like someone who is familiar with trailer houses. The back door might step down if a deck isn't built there. The doors open outwards and someone wanted the prop the door open while carrying something out. IMO, something a female would do, not a crazed sexual offender.
Mom said the door has a deadbolt, and we haven't heard anything about the door being forced open so it seems it might not even have been locked. But I don't see a SO perp propping it open with a cinder block since he'd probably be strong enough to carry Haleigh out and open the door at the same time.
Does anyone else wonder if girlfriend was in school that Monday?

Or am I to assume she was not enrolled?

Just a guess, but listening to her fractured grammar, I am guessing she is not in school; and probably hasn't been for a while.
Do we know if the GF and/or Dad are smokers? I am having a hard time buying this we lock the doors all the time thing. Now I am paranoid and don't trust people so my doors are locked and my German Shepherd will tell me you are there long before you can get to the door, but a friend of mine is a smoker with a kid, lives in a much less safe neighborhood than I do and she never locks the door because she is in and out to smoke all the time.

And what was the GF wearing when the cops arrived? I want to see a police report. Was she in worn jammies with hair that had been slept on for five hours? Was she in regular clothes? Or had she quickly thrown her jammies on while trying to figure out where the hell Haleigh was before dad could get there (which is where I think the 30 minutes between discovery and 911 went). She was hoping she was hiding and that she could "fix" this. If she truly rolled out of bed and found the child gone and door open 911 would have been called much faster.

Dad and gf are smokers, saw them on NG. They are living in a tent while house is a crime scene. Didn't hear or see any dogs.
I would love to know what LE saw when they arrived at house.
Was she in pj's, was the bed messed up, her hair, make up..........
other baby well cared for? sleeping? lots of questions yet!
I wonder if they can confirm this child was even in the house after dark? Are there dishes from dinner that supports 3 of them there? Are there dirty towels from showers? Was the clothes she was wearing that day to school in the house? Were her shoes there?

Way too many questions not being answered right now.
I'm sorry, if it's illegal for someone his age to be with a gf her age, how are the police allowing THEM to reside in a tent right next to the house together?
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