Melissa Huckaby, Suspect- thread #2

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Here are some quotes from the letter dated 5/20/99:

"When I was little, like sixth grade I used to pray every night that I wouldn't wake up in the morning. I just wasn't meant to live I guess. No on wants me or even cares if I live or not and I'm just in the way anyways."


Just a thought here... do you think she was relating to Sandra in some way.. almost like she felt no one cared about her either.. and in killing her she was killing the little girl she once was? Its late and I am probably really off base here.. the thought was so clear when I read that statement...

and thank you emmabella for sharing with us..
Just finished reading the thread... I'm stunned.

Here are some of the things that I'm wondering about:
1. If there is a history of MH having drugged a child in the past, is it possible that she attempted to do the same with Sandra and overdosed her? Not sure if that goes with the murder charge, so is it a possible that there was no attempt to drug Sandra, and MH just overdosed her with the intent to kill?
2. There has been speculation that MH was using meth-amphetamines. Is it possible that she was in a drug induced psychosis? Some speculations I've made that support meth use are: Between the picture of her with the fish and the one on her Myspace she has lost a lot of weight. If she has a history with depression, speed may be a way for her to self-medicate.
3. I've heard that it is common for children who latter become serial killers to kill animals. One explanation that I have heard for this is that animals, viewed by these children as lesser creatures, have emotions that they do not. Is it possible that MH was motivated to kill by something like that? If she is a sociopath or even just extremely numb from depression, could she have had a breakdown related to this envy of emotions (for lack of a better term) and lashed out a Sandra?
4. I've read that in some cases people who suddenly stop taking meds for mental illness like anti-depressants will experience extreme reactions. Could MH experienced a breakdown related to that?

I don't know if there will be any rational explanations for this... are there ever in cases like this? :cry:

:beats:Thoughts and prayers to Sandra's family, Tracy and all who have been affected by the loss of this beautiful child...:beats:
Just a thought here... do you think she was relating to Sandra in some way.. almost like she felt no one cared about her either.. and in killing her she was killing the little girl she once was? Its late and I am probably really off base here.. the thought was so clear when I read that statement...

and thank you emmabella for sharing with us..

I can see where you are coming from. As Emmabella said, it is unbelievably haunting. I was wondering if MH's deep depression at a relatively early age may have been caused by abuse. Could that be the root of her becoming an abuser?
Just for clarity I'm including the quote from from Emmabella that GetSmart was commenting on.

Originally Posted by emmabella
Here are some quotes from the letter dated 5/20/99:

"When I was little, like sixth grade I used to pray every night that I wouldn't wake up in the morning. I just wasn't meant to live I guess. No on wants me or even cares if I live or not and I'm just in the way anyways."

I'm wondering if she was struggling with being a mother. With her history of depression and suicidal thoughts, she seems to be a prime candidate to have major postpartum problems. Most female child killers take the lives of their own children, but in this case, instead of harming her own child, it seems she sought out another child to take out her abusive urges on.
Your first sentence I understand and concur. Your second sentence I'm not sure how you came to this conclusion?

I don't think that was her conclusion, IIRC that was how LE described it!
Just a thought here... do you think she was relating to Sandra in some way.. almost like she felt no one cared about her either.. and in killing her she was killing the little girl she once was? Its late and I am probably really off base here.. the thought was so clear when I read that statement...

and thank you emmabella for sharing with us..

Happy Easter, GS!:blowkiss:

Actually I was wondering just the opposite.

It seems Sandra may have been everything that MH was not. She was friendly, outgoing, upbeat and showed the signs that many people loved her. MHs grandmother talked about how they thought of Sandra and Sandra's sister as their own children. The grandmother talked about how Sandra loved to do chores for her inside her home.

Maybe MH resented Sandra for being who she was and loved by so many including Melissa's own family.

Happy Easter, GS!:blowkiss:

Actually I was wondering just the opposite.

It seems Sandra may have been everything that MH was not. She was friendly, outgoing, upbeat and showed the signs that many people loved her. MHs grandmother talked about how they thought of Sandra and Sandra's sister as their own children. The grandmother talked about how Sandra loved to do chores for her inside her home.

Maybe MH resented Sandra for being who she was and loved by so many including Melissa's own family.


ITA Ocean. I think Melissa coveted Sandra. I was thinking of a line from the movie The Silence of the Lambs........Lector: What do we covet Clarisse? Agent Starling: We covet what we see every day.

Sandra represented everything Melissa is not.
Happy Easter, GS!:blowkiss:

Actually I was wondering just the opposite.

It seems Sandra may have been everything that MH was not. She was friendly, outgoing, upbeat and showed the signs that many people loved her. MHs grandmother talked about how they thought of Sandra and Sandra's sister as their own children. The grandmother talked about how Sandra loved to do chores for her inside her home.

Maybe MH resented Sandra for being who she was and loved by so many including Melissa's own family.

I'm inclined to agree with you. Sandra was beautiful, too. The shrinks will have a field day with this.
I posted about Candice's opinion last night in the arrest thread, I'd like to know how she is so sure. Inside info, or a guess????
Well, I'll take a stab at that. Sandra was found fully clothed, and it is alleged that she was killed even before she was reported missing. Perhaps Candice's experience tells her that. She was an FBI profiler...
Well, I'll take a stab at that. Sandra was found fully clothed, and it is alleged that she was killed even before she was reported missing. Perhaps Candice's experience tells her that. She was an FBI profiler...

Sorry. I didn't see this post before I asked about speculation.

I don't think we know for sure that she was "fully clothed". IIRC Sheneman did not say that. He said she was id'd by the clothes she was wearing when she was last seen. The clothing could have been in the suitcase, or she could have only been partially clothed.
Here are some quotes from the letter dated 5/20/99:

"All I know is that I've also come up with another solution that would solve all my problems and I have seriously been thinking about it.... I have been thinking about this for a very long time and I'm very serious about it."

"When I was little, like sixth grade I used to pray every night that I wouldn't wake up in the morning. I just wasn't meant to live I guess. No on wants me or even cares if I live or not and I'm just in the way anyways."


IMO, a 6th grader, praying to die every one cares..........
me too:-( I feel so bad for her family, she is with god now so Im sure she is in loving arms...

I do feel that medications are responsible for this, Im a strong advocate of NOT medicating for many psychiatric problems, my theory is that unless the patient is totally dysfunctional, do not medicate. Look at all the previous cases where people were on these drugs and what they did, a good link and book to read about this is linked below... (im sure you will all change your mind and agree with me once you read this book) that meds cause madness, murder and violent behaviors, suicide etc etc (not all the time but in many cases).

It's not just psych meds we all need to worry about..A drug (Chantix) to quit smoking has a few very SCARY possible side effects.

Suicidal and/or Psychotic behavior!

They claim it's seen in an extremely low % of users but that's more then enough to keep me from using this "wonder" drug docs have been pushing on their patients (myself included) for the last few years.

Here's just a bit of info on it:

Unfortunately, after approval in 2006, it did not take long before reports began linking Chantix to suicidal ideations and action, depression, violent behavior and cardiovascular problems. After increased reports of a problem, the label on Chantix has since been altered to reflect the risk of suicidal behaviors and thoughts.
Sorry. I didn't see this post before I asked about speculation.

I don't think we know for sure that she was "fully clothed". IIRC Sheneman did not say that. He said she was id'd by the clothes she was wearing when she was last seen. The clothing could have been in the suitcase, or she could have only been partially clothed.

In this press conference Sgt. Sheneman does state that Sandra was found wearing the clothes she was last seen in (about 6 minutes into the conference):
TY columbo that is a very important detail!
Do you think that is speculation, or do you think she had first hand knowledge?
She can have her opinions, but it is not based on facts here. I don't think she has first hand knowledge as they have not released anything from the autopsy results. LE has been very good about not having leaks in this case due to the records being sealed. We will find out more in court on Tuesday.
fwiw I was very depressed in grade school and junior high and did not want to live... but I was a very loved child and not abused in any way. (not to say she wasn't at all though...just saying that her family history might be helpful to consider in terms of history of mental illness)

I don't think there is anything that can explain away her actions. She seems sociopathic to me (moo of course), couldn't hold a job or a marriage..... She moved from living independantly with child and husband to living with her grandparents in a trailer home. I think combine that with her mental illness (stress mental illness) and you have a situation ripe for something like this.

I also think perhaps there was a "trigger" when she saw sandra the first time. M claims she came to her house to play then left when she was told M's daughter couldn't play. I wonder if something happened to trigger this "rage" and when Sandra came skipping back up the road she just took her with her to the church (with the suitcase in the trunk!)
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