Confirmation Of Huckaby Suicide Attempt Prior to Arrest

I have believed this article since I read it and posted it.

It fits the scenarios, it fits the person "Huckaby".

In your opinion, how or why does it fit this person? I haven't read all of your posts Lamont Cranston and am not criticizing your opinion, I am just wondering why the scenario is fitting in your opinion? I guess because I am having trouble processing the scenario, I can't see it fit anywhere. :blowkiss:
I'm wondering if Melissa's past $4,000 or so in ambulance fees weren't also something like this incident. Maybe an attempt to hang on to her husband. She has an awful lot of medical bills and ambulance rides for a young woman.
In your opinion, how or why does it fit this person? I haven't read all of your posts Lamont Cranston and am not criticizing your opinion, I am just wondering why the scenario is fitting in your opinion? I guess because I am having trouble processing the scenario, I can't see it fit anywhere. :blowkiss:

Well... we had heard that she had internal bleeding, there were rumors of
the razor blade scenario, and since her arrest we have heard the make up
of a person seemingly capable of doing the most unimaginable deeds a person
could do.

How far a throw is it to conceive that she would swallow x-acto blades?

Not far if you ask me, what her intent in doing it was, is another thing
all together.

With the almost 'not even on the chart' statistics of her crime, why
would it so even be a gasp of interpretation that she could do something
to herself that is almost as equally out of the norm as her crime.

She just doesn't fall into the norm in seemingly any perspective.

Really, that's about it, and all the thought it took for me.

When did all this happen? She was in the hospital on suicide watch just before the arraignment? How did they get the blades out? It doesn't seem plausible that the doctors waited for the blades to be expelled in the stools.

Certainly the police would have known about this I doubt if it is true.
She did it before she was arrested, according to NG reports.
She was hospitalized for internal bleeding, remember?
She went in on Monday and was released on Thurs. which fits into the 72 psych hold.
Just my opinion, but I have read that anything takes 4 days to pass through your body. THs on NG said that blades don't normally kill anyone, they pass through with some bleeding. When they passed, they likely released her.
WS'ers!!! Both glving and Nurse Beem have been tellin' ya...likely the ER staff got the blades out (if true) with a nice long magnet on a scope just like vets often do when cattle ingest metal bits.
Didn't hear that on NG. They pass through in the normal fashion, with very little damage, according to the THs. This type of "suicide attempt" has been enacted by people in jail, too, according to them.
I was wondering if they were the blades in some box cutters that are sectioned off in 1/2 inch pieces (you break them off as they dull)? I don't even know how a person would get one of those down unless they wrapped it in food and swallowed?
NG showed a picture. They were the long, narrow, pointy ones.
Seems like the doctors decision to let the things pass on through would depend on how far down they were. Bringing 3 razor blades up through the small intestine, duodenum, stomach, and esophagus seems more dangerous than letting it pass through the colon. If it did cut there, they could go in and repair or remove if the things didn't pass. This thing is so crazy, I'm even wondering if she even swallowed them. Maybe she put them inside herself.
Didn't hear that on NG. They pass through in the normal fashion, with very little damage, according to the THs. This type of "suicide attempt" has been enacted by people in jail, too, according to them.

wandering, thanks for answering my question earlier.

I am responding to this quote because I am suprised that this has happened before among inmates. I just can't imagine an inmate swallowing a razor unless they plan on pooping it out to slash their wrists with. It doesn't sound like the ideal way to commit suicide (IMO).

I don't watch NG, so for all of you who do watch and update us here, I appreciate it. :blowkiss:
Seems like the doctors decision to let the things pass on through would depend on how far down they were. Bringing 3 razor blades up through the small intestine, duodenum, stomach, and esophagus seems more dangerous than letting it pass through the colon. If it did cut there, they could go in and repair or remove if the things didn't pass. This thing is so crazy, I'm even wondering if she even swallowed them. Maybe she put them inside herself.

I still can't figure out how anyone can pass a sharp object, let alone 3 sharp objects?
she probably didn't take the razor caps off...:rolleyes: i just honestly don't see how she could have done that and not have had to get surgery. of course, i have no medical training and am full of it so i guess it's possible.

Hi Joga, As an artist I always have these blades on hand and they have no paper caps like the single edge blades have.

They come side by side together and are super sharp because there is a cutting edge all the way to the tip of the point. I grimaced when I heard what kind of blades they were. I cut all my matt boards for framing with them and never have to go back and recut!

They are what you would use in an Xacto handle that unscrews to release the old blade and put the new one in. Then you just tighten the end of the handle.
This might be on the wrong thread, but there was some discussion of Munchausen's by Proxy and I wondered if the person suffering from Munchausen's ever turns the attacks back toward themselves to keep the attention on them? I am kind of wondering this because she led the police to her with her suitcase and seems to have been inserting herself into this case rather than laying low and avoiding the limelight (like it seems many murderers do)?

Swallowing razor blade type objects seems like an odd way to attempt suicide?

I still can't figure out how a person swallows a razor, wrapped or not, and doesn't cut off their uvula (the hanging down thing in the throat)?

There is Munchausen's (towards self). Then Munchausen's by Proxy (towards others)

Münchausen syndrome is a psychiatric disorder in which those affected feign disease, illness, or psychological trauma in order to draw attention or sympathy to themselves. It is in a class of disorders known as factitious disorders which involve "illnesses" whose symptoms are either self-induced or falsified by the patient. It is also sometimes known as hospital addiction syndrome.

Münchausen syndrome is related to Münchausen syndrome by proxy (MSbP/MSP), which refers to the abuse of another being (typically a child) as a result of having a psychological disorder.
Hi Joga, As an artist I always have these blades on hand and they have no paper caps like the single edge blades have.

They come side by side together and are super sharp because there is a cutting edge all the way to the tip of the point. I grimaced when I heard what kind of blades they were. I cut all my matt boards for framing with them and never have to go back and recut!

They are what you would use in an Xacto handle that unscrews to release the old blade and put the new one in. Then you just tighten the end of the handle.
They are SHARP. I have used them for years on different projects and have cut myself a time or two. OUCH.

(Never once did I consider popping a couple in my mouth tho.)
They weren't razor blades, though - they were exacto knife blades. When I buy those they don't have blade-jackets.

Gruesome thought. I wonder if her "foreign object penetration" used blades.

I don't know, I just was thinking of "Sybill" and her mother's use of blades and button-hooks as instruments of sexual abuse and torment.
That was the first thought that came to my mind, Sarah. In fact, since the news first broke that the perp was a woman, I've been thinking about Sybil even though it's been 30+ years since I read the book. I just pray to God it was nothing as awful as that.
I think this one is a cry for the DP.

Instead of death by cop, death by murder?

I haven't finished reading the thread, but the only way I am buying an insanity defense is IF 1)there are documented suicide attempts PRIOR to this heinious act and Sandra going missing 2)IF it was some psyciatric medication then we need tox tests to indicate a. She was not combining her medication with street drugs AND if not, there is a study somewhere indicating people commit rape and murder when they have a rare reaction to psychiatric medication. I have heard of people-mostly teens- commiting suicide after taking things such as zoloft/paxil but I have yet to hear someone taking FDA approved meds and commiting heinious crimes against others.

Remember, SHE LEFT THE NOTE, and lied to the reporter amongst other things. This is NO crazy woman, other than HER OWN GUILT for her own actions causing this behavior.
Anyone know where her daughter is now? Hope she is getting some counseling.

I agree. The thought of my mommy did this to my playmate-my friend-my neighbor. It just kills me. I can't wrap my brain around Melissa not thinking how this would affect HER little girl as well. Entirely sad any way it is looked at.
I don't believe she's insane or crazy. I think she's highly disturbed and that is exacerbated by an actual mental illness which has yet to be properly and publicly diagnosed by an expert, along with possible sexual, mental and physical abuse along with other recently escalating criminal activities.
She knew right from wrong at the time she kidnapped, raped, and murdered Sandra. She made choices in the premeditation, choices during the act, and used rational thought to cover the crimes by placing Sandra in the bag then the pond. She lied to the police which show she knew what she had done was wrong. They can say the lies to the media were after her suicide attempt, but everything done before says she was sane enough at the time of the murder to face the DP, imo.

I absolutely agree 100 percent SeriouslySearching! Let's do lunch.
she probably didn't take the razor caps off...:rolleyes: i just honestly don't see how she could have done that and not have had to get surgery. of course, i have no medical training and am full of it so i guess it's possible.

Yeah, joga. This story is hard to swallow!
Boyz_Mom made me say that!
Perhaps she did swallow a blade with a cover on it and perhaps that passes with a bowel movement. Perhaps the hospital used a scope tool to remove them. I'm still in disbelief that anyone would chose this as a suicide method?

I just don't understand (the whole case, not your post).

What do you believe isn't her "first experience"? Swallowing razor type objects or suicide attempts?

Do you believe her inexperience is in the act of murder?

(Does she seem addicted to attention?) UGH! The questions that surround this woman and this case are too much for me to grasp.

Just my opinion...don't think it was a suicide attempt. Since she swallowed 3 blades (think 3 is correct) that suggests to me she's had practice getting objects down without gagging back up or choking to death. So am inclined to think she has some form of pica, similar to hyalophagia.

Yes, do believe she is inexperienced in the act of murder. Good in that it may mean...hope it means...there are no prior victims. And, hopefully, she will be convicted and given a sentence that disallows the possibility of future victims.

ETA Too much for me to grasp also....awful.

ETA Acuphagia is what it's called...ingestion of sharp objects. Googled it to make would not believe what was found in the stomach of a European man....

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