2009.05.13 Larry King Live

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Well, guys all I can say is OMG!!! "I have a sour smell like that in my refrigerator" - WTF?!!!! This woman is doing some heavy drugs. The bottom line is, these people have zero credibility and the more they talk, the more they hurt the "loving mother's" case. I say let 'em keep talking. If the amount of traffic of Larry's site was any indication, I figure the jury will thoroughly hate them and that ought to do the trick, especially during the sentencing phase. Yep, let 'em keep blabbing their crock of turd, let CA keep p----whipping every man in High Definition and 46" flat screen and methinks everything will turn out just fine. :)
I recorded LKL and I am going to watch it again... and again... and again... and pick it apart piece by piece because I am a BLOGGER who is looking for truth and will not be spoon fed something that I don't believe is the truth especially when it is in plain as night and day..I believe in the truth and that is worth something to me!!!

((Sorry the insult to bloggers got to me:furious:))
True Cindy looks pretty irritated. She keeps looking at BC. It's apparent there is not much they can really answer and they can't answer anything without lying at this point, IMO.
I sure hope that GA is fed up with the BS after this interview. He nervousness is really showing, even pulled his hand away from cindys grip!
The only thing this interview proved beyond a shadow of a doubt is that CA is the puppeteer and George is her puppet.

George's eyes and responses makes him look and sound very unsure of his answers, and that he is not telling the full truth. A jury will see this.
I can only hope he takes the stand, cause I think he'll help the prosecution.

So do I! CA will not be able to sit in the courtroom while he testifies, so she won't be able to "direct" his testimony with her glares. If the SA hammers him a bit, he just might break.
They have the smell of their dead grandaughter in their noses and it will be there till their last breath. There is no denying that when you lay your head down at night....try as they might.

Post of the day! :clap::clap::clap:
My thoughts:

* Casey lied about working so she could spend more time with Caylee. Okay! That clears that up.

* I feel that Pious Cindy will become a nun. She will be Mother Superior. No use starting at the bottom, you know.


....spend more time with Caylee.....THAT'S ABOUT THE WEIRDEST THINGS I HAVE HEARD YET.
I wish Larry would have asked them about the undeniable stealing that Casey was doing during this whole time.

Yes, and also I wish that we'd get someone familiar with the case to refute CA's claim that KC only partied one time after Caylee was murdered!:furious:jmo
Question - should whoever killed Caylee face the death penalty. Both CA and GA said they oppose the DP

Both Cindy and George looked very glum when they answered this. Of course, because it could mean a certain death for their daughter. They Know. MOO.
GA doesn't just casually avoid making eye contact with LK, he glances around the room the entire time he speaks staring at the floor, the camera man, CA's head, anything to the point it seems he is a complete liar seeking an escape.

He is a terrible liar! (i.e., lacks credibility.)
Yes, and also I wish that we'd get someone familiar with the case to refute CA's claim that KC only partied one time after Caylee was murdered!:furious:jmo

Well, I think that very well might happen when the trial starts. Counting on it being televised.

(Paying Comcast far in advance. :)

Cindy is not very happy the way this interview is going......drumming her fingers and getting red in the face........I don't think that G C or B were expecting a lot of these questions.

Bet this is the last time they agree to go on LKL. :crazy:
So do I! CA will not be able to sit in the courtroom while he testifies, so she won't be able to "direct" his testimony with her glares. If the SA hammers him a bit, he just might break.

I doubt she be allowed to bring her own video camera this time either. :wink:
They so think their carp doesn't stink. How can they be so oblivious to the truth? I don't understand. I love my children, but I also know that they aren't saints. What parent would defend their obviously guilty kid?

I am so not of the mind-set of these people. What led them to be so egotistical? CA's brother seems to have his feet on the ground as does GGM.

I feel so sorry for the grandparents, aunts, uncles and every one of the innocent players that have to live with the unfortunate actions of one selfish and self absorbed individual.

I hesitate to call her a human, because that she is not.

JMO, of course
They do look ridiculous

Not only that....They think they're helping but Their just making things worse for Casey

I can't wait until the Prosecutor ask's Cindy why she was thinking of setting up a memorial in Caylee's memory in September.

3 Months before anyone knew Caylee was dead...!!

I would love to hear Cindy's answer to that question from the prosecutor!
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