Ron Cummings Arrested 2009.08.06 RE: Battery involving brother-in-law

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Maybe because Florida is the Sunshine State and it was sunny. Misty's father was also wearing 'shades' during his interview. I find it NOT out of the norm myself.

The reporter was referring to 10:45 PM, when the fight allegedly began.
He did what every other officer in his position should do. If you enter a home where the subject is known to have a weaspon...for your safety and that of everyone go ahead and restrain them. I see it as SOP and not that he was really afraid of Ronald.

I respectfully disagree with you. The 'subject' was known to have a very violent temper as was proven on the 911 tape with his references to killing someone. He has had drug problems in the past as is proven with his record. He had just been in a physical altercation and was 'out of his mind on something' as witnesses told the LE officer. NOW, having been told that as well as knowing Ronald if only by his track record and ownership of a weapon is why he placed Ronald in restraints. I think it would be easy to surmise that Ronald would still be angry and you have to stay safe. JMO, JMO, JMO.

As for it being SOP, no. You cannot just place a person in restraints because he/she is known to have a gun. You do have to make sure that person does not have a gun on their person, tho. You cannot just go putting a person in restraints just because they own a gun. JMO, JMO, JMO.

I wish I had the statute book I used to have. It covers everything you can and cannot do as an officer. You have to cover your actions by statute. And that one is not JMO.
And just how are the phone records going to tell you if she called crying or not? It won't tell anyone what was actually said. Misty claims that her brother had been calling her all day. Those are the records I want to see...because her records could just show she was calling him back.

I really don't think that we are going to see any phone records, just like we have not seen nor are we going to see any phone records in connection with Haleigh's disappearance.
i can't wait until the phone records are available. I would bet next years salary that misty indeed called them crying and shrieking that she wanted out of that house.
Later on she changed her mind after she alerted the heck out of her family, imo.
Like i said in an earlier post--this type of scenario happens thousands of times a day. If everyone would stop and look at it objectively without all their defenses up, maybe it would come to light for you.

Honestly, i could care less about any of these people involved. I want the perpetrator of the crime committed against haleigh (remember her?) to be punished--yesterday!

Pressure, pressure, pressure. Mark my words, this is the beginning. Imooc.


I respectfully disagree with you. The 'subject' was known to have a very violent temper as was proven on the 911 tape with his references to killing someone. He has had drug problems in the past as is proven with his record. He had just been in a physical altercation and was 'out of his mind on something' as witnesses told the LE officer. NOW, having been told that as well as knowing Ronald if only by his track record and ownership of a weapon is why he placed Ronald in restraints. I think it would be easy to surmise that Ronald would still be angry and you have to stay safe. JMO, JMO, JMO.

As for it being SOP, no. You cannot just place a person in restraints because he/she is known to have a gun. You do have to make sure that person does not have a gun on their person, tho. You cannot just go putting a person in restraints just because they own a gun. JMO, JMO, JMO.

I wish I had the statute book I used to have. It covers everything you can and cannot do as an officer. You have to cover your actions by statute. And that one is not JMO.
I guess we will have to agree to disagree. His statements on the 911 tape do not classify him as having a "violent temper" for starters.
if looked at logically. Obviously MC was talking to her family and the issue of coming over was discussed. That had to be for some reason. Now she MAY have later told them not to because she, as many abuse victims do, had her mind changed by someone. However, absent some communication from her, it makes no sense that all of a sudden her family shows up to help her leave. Why would they if nothing were going on. And, why would they call the police if they were up to something nefarious and illegal. They called and cooperated with the police. RC is the one who refused to talk and didn't call them himself even though he was the alleged fearful victim who had to hit his BIL because he was walking toward him. He also had to come back out of the house when they were trying to leave to go into the van after him-strange that one so fearful of the guy would come back outside and not just call 911, especially since his wife and GGM were still out there with those scary dangerous people.

Thank you for this, it's entirely consistent if you know what you're looking for.... Misty called her family for help, they actually responded because underneath it all they do care. In fact, Hank Sr. cares so much about what Misty really wants, if only out of a sense of guilt tinged with love, that he does NOT sign off on the police report, and therefore no RO.

Hank Jr, on the other hand, treats the call for help as serious, authentic, and pressing and so earns a RO.
I really don't think that we are going to see any phone records, just like we have not seen nor are we going to see any phone records in connection with Haleigh's disappearance.
It will depend on if this goes to court...civil or criminal.
again, can anyone explain the motive for the croslins to go over there since they lied about Misty calling for help? Is there a reason some see that I do not? sooooooo people just get upset when family doesnt wanna hang out so they go force themselves upon them? I dont get it tyia...
From here on out, the waters will be muddied.

Once RC gets his attorney (think Baez), we will see a different picture develop.

In the court of law, RC is the aggressor. He committed a burglary with intent to inflict harm. If you enter a dwelling (even a car) with intent to hurt a person, it is a felony. The burglary is the legal hurdle.

Has Ron's attorney picked up his case again ? Will he be representing him on these charges ?
Me thinks that you need to back up to the start of this soap opera. The part where Misty called and screamed and cried for help to leave Ron. Then go about your overly extensive description of the situation.
Alleged. You keep forgetting the "alleged" part.

I was enumerating the circumstances during the altercation as alleged by Misty which might provide one possible explanation for her pursuit of the restraining order.

I'm not sure why you think that the circumstances as alleged by Hank would have been useful in Misty's petition for an RO against him.

You'll have to help me with that.

Thanks, I'm glad someone read my post. I wonder when they're going to notice that Haleigh is still missing and this MIGHT be the beginning to bringing her home?

Does that even matter anymore?????????? :confused:
The wife of the one who got arrested and refused to to cooperate with police or the ones who called the police on their own? In my experience the victims rather than the perpetrators tend to call and cooperate with the authorities and that norm seems to be present here.

You mean similiar to her statements about the night Haleigh went missing ? The changes in her recollections of the evening the pink shirt and other important factors... hypothetical of course..:rolleyes:[/QUOTE]
So the family had to come up with about 1200-1300 bucks to bail him out of jail ?
I would have let him sit there until he got out on his own personal recognizance bond what is it a couple of days max. Let him sit and stew it does a body good...:)

Not when there are secrets to keep IMO.
Wow! There are no words to describe this situation adequately but I can say that I think that unfortunately, Misty has just broken all ties to her family. They are her closest allies and love her and apparently fear for her safety. It is very unfortunate that an abusive spouse usually separates the abused spouse from her family first. Friends, second. It is obvious to me that Ron's mother and Grandmother will not stand up for Misty, they will just turn a blind eye. Misty will have to decide for herself to save herself, noone can do it for her. JMO, of course.

I agree. This is very sad.
Slow down you guys lol... first it seems we are taking quite a few liberties or embellishing at best. HC2 did not "threaten RC w intent to do bodily harm." There was no mention by RC of HC2 having as much as raised his fist or a hand. Let's face it, depending on how shortfused or hairtriggered one is, the term "aggressive" would be used by some to describe someone simply raising their voice in anger... which hardly presents an imminent threat or danger to one's life!

Whether one believes Croslins would've been justified in immediately calling 911 to report their concerns, or could reasonably suspect LE to respond in a timely manner to do a "wellness check," surely no one here can find fault w anyone for responding to what they clearly believed was a family member in distress. Had they dragged LE into it at this point, they would have just as quickly been accused of prematurely overblowing the situation or blowing the whistle to implicate RC before verifying whether their concern was legitimate. They handled it the best way they knew, and from all reports it was HC2 who had grounds for self-defense after being shoved. At this point they had reason to question whether any assurances given them were believable or of MC's own volition. According to reports they were also all in the van leaving when a few additional punches were thrown by RC. But that wasn't trespassing, that was compassion. I hope someone would do as much for me, but especially if a call had been placed by me or red flags raised in any manner. Responding by checking in on and offering assistance to their family member was not vigilante justice. RC escalating this by initiating or instigating a physical altercation OTOH was. It isn't perfectly legal to gun down someone because you don't like the tone of their voice... and I've never to date heard of anyone successfully arguing the Psychic Moment defense.

I also do not find it the least strange that the same posters who have had in the past (and may still continue to have) issues w MC as a role model for children eg might still be concerned for her welfare should she subsequently become the victim or target of somebody else's temper or violence.

Furthermore in all fairness, I've not read anywhere a poster stating it as fact that MC was abused nor projecting their own experiences. Please let's remember the possibility of abuse was introduced not only in response to explanations given in the statements for the Croslins' arrival, but more importantly as a counterpoint to posts pointing to MC's unwillingness to leave somehow as proof that there was no intimidation, fear or threat of violence toward MC. In response to these, several posters (myself included) asserted that this simply doesn't hold true. I posted a published article based on studies of the subject. Experience isn't the only guide--statistics bear this out only too well--but experience is a wonderful teacher and give us insights which can't be gained otherwise. Hard earned wisdom that can't be bought, in most cases paid for w tears, is usually valuable and reliable.

Lastly and most importantly, whether Jr was there to witness this particular round or not, what is clear is that it isn't a healthy environment to which any child should be returned. What is needed is not violent displays of bravado or pretenses at "protecting his wife" from her concerned family members... what was desperately needed was a demonstration of self-control, and some semblance of interpersonal or verbal skills. It certainly doesn't bode well for Haleigh, nor build confidence in parenting capabilities where Jr is concerned. This too may have played a role in Croslin's attempt to handle it "internally," in hopes LE would not have to document further incidents. But don't expect me to be impressed if a few months passed since the last arrest or brouhaha.

I'm not SS.. but according to Florida Law!
Read my link above about the "stand your ground law"

It's called no retreat. I've read about people in TX that were shot and killed because they came at the homeowners in an aggressive manner and the homeowners shot them and they are always no billed. I think it's a great law along with Castle Doctrine.
(bold above by me)

Who are these "witnesses" that people keep talking about? Is that a new synonym for "participant"?

Seems so. Glad you see you around, your wit has been missed :)
Kiki...I just love you to pieces. I think I can sleep now.

THANK YOU SO MUCH! :blowkiss:
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