AZ - Gabriel Johnson, 8 months, 26 Dec 2009 - last seen in Texas - #15

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I cringe when I think of little Gabriel in a landfill.

Landfills are so destructive, with the crushing and spreading of debris.

If Elizabeth did indeed place him in a dumpster, his remains may never be found, because so much time has now elapsed.
The one good thing would be if she actually had put him in the diaper bag. :(
Exclusive: Police expected to search landfill for missing baby

BEXAR COUNTY, Texas -- Police were at a landfill Friday that officials previously said they might want to search in connection with the case of a missing 8-month-old baby.

Gabriel Johnson was last seen in San Antonio on December 26th. Last week, investigators informed the operators of the Allied Waste - Tessman Road Landfill located at 7000 IH-10 East about the possibility of a search.


It needed to be done weeks ago, IMO, just in case. But I am praying REALLY hard right now that they ONLY find a big bag of stuff that EJ discarded at the hotel that leads them to a healthy Gabriel. :praying:
Johnson’s grandfather, Bob Johnson, says Johnson mentioned the library during a conversation he had with her in jail on Monday. Johnson allegedly told her grandfather that she had visited the library the day she used a babysitter to look after Gabriel. Analisa Urias, who babysat Gabriel at the hotel on Dec. 21 or 22, says Johnson made contact with her through an advertisement Urias had posted on Craigslist.’s-mom-posts-on-myspace/?hpt=Sbin

uhh just noted the date on the article, NM it probably has been discussed. I just missed it.
:banghead::banghead: OK, so now we've had reports say the 19th or the 20th, the 21st or 22nd as above, AND the 23rd. Do we have ANY idea what the real day for the babysitting was?
Searching the landfill speaks volumes...apparently LE has no lead whatsoever as to anyone with Gabriel other than EJ. No video of anyone entering or exiting the hotel, no video of anyone except EJ with Gabriel. They have absolutely no clues as to where Gabriel is..none.:fruious:

I'm still believing he's alive though and his new adoptive parents must be terrified. I imagine they have waited years for a baby and now they have Gabriel. It is also very possible that the adoption was legal in the State of Texas. There was no father on the birth certificate and although the court in AZ awarded joint custody, EJ still maintained physical custody and an adoption agency in Texas would be none the wiser as to what the AZ courts had ordered. If EJ surrendered Gabriel for adoption prior to the order giving Logan full custody then I don't see how the adoption could be illegal. Immoral yes but I would really like one of our legal eagles to address this issue.
The adoptive parents either fear the adoption being overturned if they come forward or they believe it is in fact legal and see no reason to take the risk by coming forward.
If the adoptive parents truly believe it is a legal adoption the we should all be watching the Texas courts (Bexar County I suppose) for the adoption Affidavit to be filed in June...6 months after placement.
If I'm wrong about any of this...please feel free to set me straight.
LE has not made any announcements. There are two investigations. They have not closed the missing person investigation.

I'm with you, mom. I say we keep looking. That is what Gabriel deserves.
Momtective... I don't quite understand. Are you saying that no court papers would show up right now in Texas that indicate Gabriel was adopted or that it was in the process?
Momtective... I don't quite understand. Are you saying that no court papers would show up right now in Texas that indicate Gabriel was adopted or that it was in the process?'s my experience that the child must live in the adoptive placement for 6 months before the Affidavit can be filed then another few days or weeks a court date to be set before the adoption is final.

Sorry. I ran across this after Googling something like, adopt baby, father abusive...something like that. I found this person's postings interesting. All of them. The dates, the specifics (which are a little vague), and the way the person suddenly stopped posting on Dec 31st. I was thinking it could relate...if not directly, then to get into EJ's head. I know it may have nothing to do here, but it really caught my attention, thinking it could have been EJ or TS posting. I am really really strectching I'm sure, but thought it should be shared.

Searching that user name I see talk of adoption and fostering kids going back at least 18 months. oh - and she's a white supremacist.

another dead end (sigh)
Searching that user name I see talk of adoption and fostering kids going back at least 18 months. oh - and she's a white supremacist.

another dead end (sigh)

Thanks for doing that search though, I get busy with 2 toddlers. ;)
The birth mother’s parental rights are adjudicated in the Court based upon the execution of a Mother’s Affidavit of Relinquishment of Parental Rights. This affidavit cannot be signed until the expiration of 48 hours following the birth of the child. This legal document must be signed in front of a Notary Public and two witnesses. This affidavit is promptly filed with the Court. A hearing occurs and a judge enters a final order. Texas law does not require a birth parent to appear in court after executing an Affidavit of Relinquishment of Parental Rights.

Adjudicating the rights of a father is often more complex. A presumed, or legal father, has all the rights, privileges, duties, and obligations of a parent, including the birth mother. A man is presumed to be the father when he is married to the birth mother at the time of conception and during her pregnancy or has agreed in writing to be placed on the child’s birth certificate. An alleged biological father is the birth father of the child but who is not presumed to be so (generally the unmarried boyfriend or unknown individual). To have the same rights as the birth mother or a presumed/legal father, he must establish a parent/child relationship with the child, most often accomplished by a paternity suit.

In an agency adoption, a presumed/legal father would execute a Father’s Affidavit of Relinquishment of Parental Rights after the expiration of 48 hours following the birth of the child, just as the birth mother. A biological father, however, may execute an Affidavit of Waiver of Interest. This affidavit forecloses the biological father from ever establishing himself as the presumed or legal father. An Affidavit of Waiver of Interest can be executed during pregnancy (any time after the first trimester).

If a biological father is not cooperative with the birth mother in her adoption plan, or if the identity or whereabouts of the biological father are unknown, his rights may be terminated without notice by use of the Texas Paternity Registry. Texas law requires a biological father to register with the Texas Paternity Registry within 31 days of the birth of the child. If the biological father fails to register, the Court may terminate the rights of the biological father due to his failure to register as required by state law.

After parental rights have been terminated, the agency is appointed as managing conservator of the child. The prospective adoptive parents will be able to finalize their adoption after the child has resided in their home for 6 months. During this six-month time frame, the agency is responsible for supervision of the placement as required by Texas licensing standards. After these supervision requirements have been met, and the six months has elapsed, the agency will provide written consent (as managing conservators) to the adoption. A court hearing in the court of continuing jurisdiction is necessary to grant the adoption.
Logan needs to be registering with the Texas Birth father registry! NOW!
Searching the landfill speaks volumes...apparently LE has no lead whatsoever as to anyone with Gabriel other than EJ. No video of anyone entering or exiting the hotel, no video of anyone except EJ with Gabriel. They have absolutely no clues as to where Gabriel is..none.:fruious:

I'm still believing he's alive though and his new adoptive parents must be terrified. I imagine they have waited years for a baby and now they have Gabriel. It is also very possible that the adoption was legal in the State of Texas. There was no father on the birth certificate and although the court in AZ awarded joint custody, EJ still maintained physical custody and an adoption agency in Texas would be none the wiser as to what the AZ courts had ordered. If EJ surrendered Gabriel for adoption prior to the order giving Logan full custody then I don't see how the adoption could be illegal. Immoral yes but I would really like one of our legal eagles to address this issue.
The adoptive parents either fear the adoption being overturned if they come forward or they believe it is in fact legal and see no reason to take the risk by coming forward.
If the adoptive parents truly believe it is a legal adoption the we should all be watching the Texas courts (Bexar County I suppose) for the adoption Affidavit to be filed in June...6 months after placement.
If I'm wrong about any of this...please feel free to set me straight.

I am very skeptical. To me, if these were decent folks whether they think they had adopted 'legally' or 'illegally' I'd still come forward both to clear my name, given this is so high profile as well as to defend EJ -- so there is proof Gabriel is alive.

Are they going to sit back and let LE expend lots of resources searching landfills and EJ get charged with murder?

This has gone way past wanting desperately to keep this newly 'adopted' baby and you'd be frightened of anyone talking, neighbors, friends, relatives, strangers and, you getting into BIG trouble withholding as well as backlash from the community.

I don't see anyone with decency continuining to hold onto Gabriel, they'd at least seek an attorney and have that attorney contact FBI/LE and explore the situ.

Having said that, as much as I want Gabriel to be alive I don't see EJ finding an alternate adopter who was in a position to take Gabriel on in the short time she had where this backfired --- unless she sold him into some child trafficking or bad person scenario in which case they would keep him hidden but EJ cannot be sure he is healthy, happy and, safe.

I don't buy the someone has Gabriel and he is safe and loved, he needs to be found and returned to his Father.
I am very skeptical. To me, if these were decent folks whether they think they had adopted 'legally' or 'illegally' I'd still come forward both to clear my name, given this is so high profile as well as to defend EJ -- so there is proof Gabriel is alive.

Are they going to sit back and let LE expend lots of resources searching landfills and EJ get charged with murder?

This has gone way past wanting desperately to keep this newly 'adopted' baby and you'd be frightened of anyone talking, neighbors, friends, relatives, strangers and, you getting into BIG trouble withholding as well as backlash from the community.

I don't see anyone with decency continuining to hold onto Gabriel, they'd at least seek an attorney and have that attorney contact FBI/LE and explore the situ.

Having said that, as much as I want Gabriel to be alive I don't see EJ finding an alternate adopter who was in a position to take Gabriel on in the short time she had where this backfired --- unless she sold him into some child trafficking or bad person scenario in which case they would keep him hidden but EJ cannot be sure he is healthy, happy and, safe.

I don't buy the someone has Gabriel and he is safe and loved, he needs to be found and returned to his Father.

I absolutely agree with you. Whether the adoptive family (if the is an adoptive family) thinks it's legal or not they need to come forward and Gabriel needs to go home to his Daddy, Logan.
Logan needs to be registering with the Texas Birth father registry! NOW!

Great work and I agree! This all sounds like it could be similar to the stuff that we've already heard about regarding back handed adoptions where some notification goes out the father is probably not going to see and the changing states thing.
I'm sorry if this was posted before, but I did a thread search first and did not find it.

Authorities believe that if Elizabeth Johnson did give Gabriel away to a couple, and since they haven’t come forward, that they would possibly use all methods available to disguise Gabriel, including trying to pass him off as a girl.
I posted a link the other day about the body language analysis of the Smiths'. Here's the link again.

Here is the analysis of the San Antonio babysitter by the same person.

Thank you for this link.

Can someone enlighten me as to what the story is on EJ saying that the couple brought the wrong carseat?
I absolutely agree with you. Whether the adoptive family (if the is an adoptive family) thinks it's legal or not they need to come forward and Gabriel needs to go home to his Daddy, Logan.

The bad part is that it sounds like if someone does have him, they could claim they thought it was all legal and never heard about Gabriel on the news. So, they only have their morality to risk. Ugh.

My second thought it that Elizabeth knows it takes 6 months - maybe she figured she would wait that out? I don't know if that makes sense but it could be part of her original thinking and now she could just wait and get out when the legalities become apparent. Maybe she had a deal with the Smith's, an agency, or the parents that she is sticking by. I don't know.

(ok, sorry, I just rethought this. Maybe she was not told the names and knows these folks can't be tracked until the 6 months is up?)
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