Hank "Tommy" Croslin Jr. arrested 1/20/2010 & theft arrest

Just when I think that nothing that these people do can surprise me anymore they pull something like this. I mean, I can easily picture Tommy Croslin stealing DVD's. I can picture him stealing Gameboys. It wouldn't surprise me to find out that stealing firearms and alcohol comes natural to him.


Maybe Lindsy said they were out of the above and told him to get some and he always does his shopping in neighbor's houses. I just can't imagine in which frame of mind he'd go burglarizing a house and decide that Scotch brite pads are just the thing.

But it's always positive that Misty is rolling on people. I guess now she can because her accommodations are secure for the next few years, courtesy of the jail system, and she does not need to worry about living with Tommy and Lindsy any more.
I agree Teh - she knows. But I kind of see her as between a rock and a hard place. Does she have any family she can go to, like Chelsea did ? I honestly don't know but I can't see her being strong enough to throw the garbage out of her house while protecting a couple of kids. Weak

Uhmm.... yeah.

Lindsy has a whole lot more family locally than anyone else in that household does IF she is who we were told she was back in February.
Dunno - they were having a big sale in August - then Tommy and Lisa got arrested for their shenanigans over on Sunglow. I kind of think this is what put a stop to their planned move to Tenn.

I'm not doubting you, Raisin, but where[/] did that story about the "Estate Sale" originate? I remember reading about it on the internet, but I'm not sure where or how it was originally mentioned. thx, dude.
Lindsy has a lot of qualities I have observed with nurses. They want to fix problems. Her behavior is not unusual at all. Some people just feel better when they are helping. It is a mixed bag. She is acting and speaking like a co-dependent. She shines when things are chaotic.
Ok, first glance at this sentence, and I had to go re-read Tommy's newest charges......I remembered the dish soap and hand soap, but didn't see anything about that OxyClean stuff....

Lindsy has a lot of qualities I have observed with nurses. They want to fix problems. Her behavior is not unusual at all. Some people just feel better when they are helping. It is a mixed bag. She is acting and speaking like a co-dependent.

Am I on the real websleuths or has my browser been 'jacked or what?!

This is crazy. [Not you whips, just everything I think I'm seeing on here today.] Might be time for the white coats from Chattahoochee to come take me off for a little visit. ;D
Well, tommy may have tried harder to find misty at the trailer than we thought. That place looked pretty secure. Drug people usually lock up their homes well AND they like their privacy. I think this is most likely the reason rc moved on Green. It was very private compared to Buchanan Circle.
If you're referring to the oxyclean remark of debs, LF, I think she was making a funny. But on a side note there was a bucket of oxyclean with the laundry at the MH on Green. I noticed it during the video tour of NG's people.
One thing that remaind consistent with our local Klepto, Tommy, is his taking of guns. Is he doing this because he loves guns or is he afraid of something and wants protection?
Why does misty continually rat out her brother? Is she also deflecting?
Am I the only one that gets the feeling LE is really, really putting some pressure on HCjr?

They always have pressured him, imo, but out of this drug bust - it appears he's the one with the most focus right now (I know it's early).

JMO and all that jazz
Am I the only one that gets the feeling LE is really, really putting some pressure on HCjr?

They always have pressured him, imo, but out of this drug bust - it appears he's the one with the most focus right now (I know it's early).

JMO and all that jazz

JMO...rightly SO......
Had any of the Croslin's ever been arrested prior to Misty meeting Ron? I seem to remember her mother having a bad check charge years ago. Was there anything else on the Croslin's prior to the Croslin-Cummings association?

How do they use Brillo pads in reference to smoking crack? I truly have no clue on that one. LOL
Had any of the Croslin's ever been arrested prior to Misty meeting Ron? I seem to remember her mother having a bad check charge years ago. Was there anything else on the Croslin's prior to the Croslin-Cummings association?

How do they use Brillo pads in reference to smoking crack? I truly have no clue on that one. LOL

Me either. Nothing is safe to have in your home anymore. I will not be surprised the next time I buy some brillo pads that i have to show my drivers license.
Tommy seemed to steal allot of stuff from many rooms..........duffle bag or help from someone like a look out and hauler???
Soap is heavy LOL.............

Yes, and based on the evidence found at Tommy's place of residence, he spent a considerable amount of time in the neighboring home and he left at his discretion. It sure would have been helpful if the home owners Tommy targeted had surveillance equipment installed onto their property or into their homes after HaLeigh went missing.

In light of what Junior said about a man in black taking his sissy, I wonder if Tommy's covered his head to conceal his identity.

I imagine Tommy took a sack with him to the scene too in order to avoid dropping something and waking up the tenant.
One thing that remaind consistent with our local Klepto, Tommy, is his taking of guns. Is he doing this because he loves guns or is he afraid of something and wants protection?

Might have something to do with that rat's head in his mailbox since his lil sis filed an RO on him and he had to give his own guns.
Had any of the Croslin's ever been arrested prior to Misty meeting Ron? I seem to remember her mother having a bad check charge years ago. Was there anything else on the Croslin's prior to the Croslin-Cummings association?

How do they use Brillo pads in reference to smoking crack? I truly have no clue on that one. LOL

The Brillo pads are used as a "filter" in the crack pipe. With meth you don't use a filter.

We had a relative who I would have never guessed did meth, I saw a lot, found a lot when she got kicked out, and researched a lot. Nasty stuff...
I agree. In my expereience there is a difference between decent, law abiding, tax paying citizens who get addicted to pain meds or alcohol and who hate their dependency but can't break it and the drug loving, crack smoking, robbing, trash who love the whole culture. I grew up surrounded by druggies, I feel that I am in a position to judge. They would rob their granny of her cancer meds if they could get high off of it. Actually that happens a lot.

I lost my point. Oh yeah, I think that this bunch falls into the latter category. They don't want to quit using. And for Lindsey to be a nurse and work around drugs, they will hound her into her grave or into jail. She better wise up and get out.

I wonder who makes the rules at 116 Tyler Avenue? I think Tommy will stay locked up for a very long time, as well as Ronald, so Lindsy has the space and time to take control of her own home and focus on getting her and her children's lives back on track. With her in-laws cooperation and a positive attitude, Lindsy is best staying where she is for the time being. Relocating is a huge project which requires a great deal of planning and preparation and although C & T were able to relocate very quickly after HaLeigh disappeared,IIRC Chelsea has relatives living in Cape Code, MA where she & Timmy and their 3 children went.

After hearing Misty was responsible for voluntarily revealing to the cops that Tommy was responsible for the recent break-ins in his community, I understood why Misty & Tommy didn't establish eye contact during their court appearance. Tommy was sitting almost directly behind Misty on a bench and had his head down and I don't think they said hello to each other when Misty came into the courtroom. I wonder if Tommy regrets allowing Misty back into his home after the Restraining Order was lifted?

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