A year since Haleigh vanished (psych profiles of those who surrounded Haleigh)

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Those who know her say family has always been at the center of Misty Croslin's world.

That sense of togetherness is part of what Lindsy Croslin, whose family previously had included just her and her father, said she fell in love with when she met Misty and Tommy.

"I thought it was so neat that (Tommy's) parents had been married since 16 and were still together. I thought it was neat that they had a mom and dad," Lindsy Croslin said. "That's how their upbringing is, very close - they all stick together. They all watch out for each other."

Does anybody else think there's a slight discrepancy between the account these two articles gives of the Croslins? Does a close family let their children just drop out of school in sixth grade because there's nothing they think they can do about it? Does a girl who is all about her family run away from home at 15?

I do believe that they watch each other's backs but...
:waitasec:I'm with ya! I want to know why TN did not care for her own children. Do we know if she goes by a different last name? How many times she was married? I would like to know more about her past as well.

I want to know that too! Cause people bashed Crystal for not having her kids. TN didn';t have Ron from age 3 til a teenager. Crystal had everyother weekend. And was a part thier lives!

I read the article to mean something else. She (GGMS) now gives details as to RC's upbringing, and how he "changed". She knows this grandson like the back of her hand. She also probably knows the jig is up and has resigned herself to the fact that he's going to be spending a lot of time behind bars but deep down, she doesn't want Haleigh's disappearance to fade away as a result of that. She's a no bones about it, double crusted woman that has seen a lot in her life.

It sounds like she was sure he was going to turn out to be a fine man until circumstances beyond her control with her husband's Alzheimer's disease took over. She attributes these things to why he "changed"..........

He went to live with TN.......
He lost his grandfather.........
Became a father..........
Got mixed up with MC.......

TN's story is not in defense of her beloved son. It's in defense of HER actions as a mother. She says his focus was "his children"? Where was her focus while he was growing up? She's defending herself as a mother when she says these things because he's a product of HER and she can't take that kind of responsibility for those kind of actions. It just won't sink into her psyche. "Can't comprehend it". While in truth, the biggest favor she can do for her son is to encourage him to tell the darn truth, she cannot fathom how it could possibly come out and that she would be able to endure the guilt. I've thought about this over and over in my head.

While all the family is more exposed so we can see between the lines a little more, I really don't care who did what during their childhood, who lived with who or who didn't go to school. Just tell me where Haleigh is and they can all work on their other "stuff" later. Seems to me, the last person on this family's list (with the exception of GGMS) is Haleigh. I believe this great-grandmother wants the truth to come out NOW.
Cummings was born in Palatka and later lived in Central Florida, his mother said. He played baseball and football when he was younger.

Cummings said he later graduated from school in the Wildwood area.

When Cummings was with Crystal Sheffield, 24, his now ex-girlfriend, she became pregnant with Haleigh. To support the baby, Cummings said he left ITT Tech, where he had been studying for months and was pursuing a computer technology degree.

Baseball and ITT Tech are news to me. I was under the impression that he dropped out of school at some point in high school. I must have been confused.

His career since, he said, has been in construction. Work became harder to get once Haleigh disappeared and the economy worsened, he said.

Cummings said having steady work and being a good provider later helped him win custody of his children when he and Sheffield vied for Haleigh and Ronald Jr.

Here's some bad editing... Which steady work did he have when he and Crystal were in the family court after Haleigh's disappearance? Has he been trying to get employment? Blaming the economy for his difficulties in the job market is a quaint half truth at best IMO since the coverage of the storms in his private life and his dismissal from PDM gave a somewhat unfortunate impression to prospective employers.

Today, with his father in jail, toddler Ronald Jr. is living with Sheffield.

The night Haleigh vanished, Cummings was working a late shift at PDM Bridge in Palatka. Video camera footage from PDM Bridge confirms he was at work that night. Cummings is no longer employed there.

Have we heard about the video camera footage and what times he was captured in it?
I read the article to mean something else. She (GGMS) now gives details as to RC's upbringing, and how he "changed". She knows this grandson like the back of her hand. She also probably knows the jig is up and has resigned herself to the fact that he's going to be spending a lot of time behind bars but deep down, she doesn't want Haleigh's disappearance to fade away as a result of that. She's a no bones about it, double crusted woman that has seen a lot in her life.

It sounds like she was sure he was going to turn out to be a fine man until circumstances beyond her control with her husband's Alzheimer's disease took over. She attributes these things to why he "changed"..........

He went to live with TN.......
He lost his grandfather.........
Became a father..........
Got mixed up with MC.......

TN's story is not in defense of her beloved son. It's in defense of HER actions as a mother. She says his focus was "his children"? Where was her focus while he was growing up? She's defending herself as a mother when she says these things because he's a product of HER and she can't take that kind of responsibility for those kind of actions. It just won't sink into her psyche. "Can't comprehend it". While in truth, the biggest favor she can do for her son is to encourage him to tell the darn truth, she cannot fathom how it could possibly come out and that she would be able to endure the guilt. I've thought about this over and over in my head.

While all the family is more exposed so we can see between the lines a little more, I really don't care who did what during their childhood, who lived with who or who didn't go to school. Just tell me where Haleigh is and they can all work on their other "stuff" later. Seems to me, the last person on this family's list (with the exception of GGMS) is Haleigh. I believe this great-grandmother wants the truth to come out NOW.

BBM.... Green...I agree.
BBM.. Red.. I respectfully disagree.

IMHO..None of the Cummings/Neves/Sykes want the REAL truth revealed.. JMO
BBM.... Green...I agree.
BBM.. Red.. I respectfully disagree.

IMHO..None of the Cummings/Neves/Sykes want the REAL truth revealed.. JMO

That's fine Emeralgem. The truth is inevitable though and I think this woman knows that.
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TN speaks out. Said Ron is very intelligent person and everybody makes mistakes in life. Ronald straightened out his life. His main focus has mainly been his children." I find that really hard to believe TN.

Croslin's, Cummings' lives tied to family, misfortune

Misty's 'life spiraled' Grandfather was a mentor to Ronald Cummings
"Snip" http://www.gainesville.com/article/2...S/2071006/1002
By Lise Fisher & Cindy Swirko and Cindy Swirko, Staff writers

Published: Sunday, February 7, 2010 at 6:01 a.m.

( page 1 of 6 )

Teresa Neves is certain of one thing. Before the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings, Misty who cared for the little girl and Junior, was caring and responsible.

"She loved them," Neves, 50, said of Misty Croslin. "There was no doubt in my mind about that."

Today, TN says she doesn't know who Misty has turned out to be. "I feel that somewhere in those two or three days before Haleigh went missing, she took a wrong turn in life, and that brought her to where she is today," Neves said. "I do not feel she is the same person she was when I first met her. It's like night and day."

As for Ronald Cummings, Neves wouldn't talk about the current criminal charges against him, but acknowledged he has made mistakes in the past.

"He was a very, very intelligent person. He has a very high IQ," Neves said of her son. "He has made some mistakes. You know what they say, they that can cast the first stone. I say that

Much more at article link!

BBM - I just love it when TN talks religion.
Snipped for space....

As for Ronald Cummings, Neves wouldn't talk about the current criminal charges against him, but acknowledged he has made mistakes in the past.

"He was a very, very intelligent person. He has a very high IQ," Neves said of her son. "He has made some mistakes. You know what they say, they that can cast the first stone. I say that

Much more at article link!

BBM - I just love it when TN talks religion.

I hate it when people use religion to swerve the attention away from the subject.
"On Feb. 9, the night after Croslin returned to Cummings' mobile home from the weekend of partying, Sykes dropped by. She said she was upset that Croslin had gone off and left her grandson without anyone to watch over the two kids."

So basically she was mad because, God forbid, her. Teresa or Ron had to watch the kids themselves instead of pawning them off on Misty.

And as far as Kirby being Ron's role model..........well, hmmmmph. Kirby must have not been all that either!

BBM - That's what teen-aged girls are for dontcha know.
I hate it when people use religion to swerve the attention away from the subject.

Well, how about...:

To pass the time, Cummings said he has been reading the Bible in jail. "I've been going to church since I was knee-high to a grasshopper," he said, citing Bible verses that he said give him "a little hope."


It was probably Kirby who was taking him to church as a child.
TN's "they can cast the first stone" goes along with RC's "only God can judge me". Reads: we are Godly people and thus cannot be involved in the death of a child or the cover-up of a child's death. Anytime I hear anyone spouting passages from the Bible, I become immediately suspicious. Hiding behind God and religion.
What is some of the evidence that we have of Ronald's high IQ?
You would think that Ronald would of spent his time off with his children, but that seem to be such a burden to him..the grandmother's blame Misty for not being there to take care of the children..when these children were not hers.

:banghead:I just don't understand how Ron, TN and GGMS expected Misty to become these children's mother and care giver. It was Ron's responsibility to care for "HIS CHILDREN", not Misty. The grandparents are supposed to be a support system, so why did they not take matters into their own hands? Why dump all the sitting to a 17 yr old drug addict? Why did they not alert authorities on how these children were being cared for? Why did they not keep the children themselves? If they were to much to handle why not work something out with the mother or the state?

:furious:None of this would of happen if Ronald had been a good father, and if TN and GGMS didn't enable his behavior. I blame Ron, TN and GGMS! Haleigh would not be missing if someone would of stepped up to the plate and taken responsibility for these children!

:furious: Don't get me wrong, Misty is also at fault to an extent, but the problem did not begin with her...IT BEGAN WITH RONALD CUMMINGS THE CUSTODIAL GUARDIAN OF THE CHILDREN.

This post deserves more than a thank you, it deserves a standing ovation!

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
What is some of the evidence that we have of Ronald's high IQ?

He knew Haleigh was dead only a few hours after her "abduction" when he made the statement "I would give my life for my child's life back". That indicates Mensa qualified intelligence to me. LOL
Does anybody have any ideas as to why the family is coming clean with this stuff now?
I mean, most of this has been out in rumor form from last February or so, but there has been a lot of outraged denying going on. "It's a crock." What has changed now?

Did they decide it was no use trying to sugarcoat things any more once the co-defendants were jailed and nobody would believe them if they continued claiming all things were shipshape anyway?

Have they finally gotten tired of pampering people who have caused them a great deal of heartache during the years?

Were they covering for somebody out of fear and now they are in jail and not a threat any more they can start telling the truth?

Did somebody figure out that if you lie and cover for somebody who looks guilty you make yourself look guilty too?

A changed strategy to cover for him? Poor Ronald, he has had a tough life, but that Misty sure is trouble...

I'm thinking mainly about Annette who seems to have done a complete 180.
Teresa does not appear to have had anything to say for the article, so her stance is a riddle at this point.

I believe the moral high ground they professed to stand on got carried away in a mud slide when RC's dirty-boxer-clad hiney ended up in jail for DRUG TRAFFICKING!

'Course that's only how I see it.
Donjeta, I don't see grandma as doing a complete 180.

She is in CYA mode..As I see it she is still covering for Ron and planning to throw Misty under the bus..Only difference I see.. She is now trying to cover for both her and TN..JMO

Yep, busier than a cat on a hot tin roof.
What is some of the evidence that we have of Ronald's high IQ?

I haven't seen any, Donjeta, but if she's talking about street smarts, I guess you could say he's pretty smart.
I don't think he graduated high school, did he?
And to be honest... l can't see a genius doing the things he's done since he was a teenager.
Sykes said she saw another side of her grandson's girlfriend in the months after Haleigh vanished, when Cummings, Croslin and Ronald Jr. moved in with her.

"You can't threaten her or do anything to her emotionally or mentally that will affect her," Sykes said. "She doesn't have the ability."

Sykes said even repeated interrogations by investigators had little impact.

"When the sheriff's department was threatening her and doing all their doings and stuff, it didn't faze her," she said.

You know I would sure like to hear an example of this. I don't believe for a second they ever pushed her on anything or threatened her. She is either repeating something Ron or TN told her or she is lying.

Finally someone in the Cummings family admits that Misty is a cold hearted, void shell of a person. The irony between GGMa's statement and view of Misty versus TN's annoiting Misty as the best thing ever is absolutely baffling to me.

Dr. Fessel I tend to think this description of Misty is what GGMa Sykes believes and has believed for a while. You will recall it was GGMa Sykes that threatened to throw Misty through a window if she didn't take the LDT and other tests that Tim Miller was willing to provide.

I think this also demonstrates, by the disparity between views of Misty - that TN would be willing to make up stuff to cover Ron - without even blinking and despite Haleigh being missing. JMO but TN will lie to cover up, just like she never once mentioned that Misty did not want to watch the children that evening or that she - TN- offered money to Misty to get her to do it.

I'll ask once again - would anyone here leave their children in the hands of 17 year old who had just spent 3 days on a drug binge and didn't want to watch your kids ? Would you ignore that fact and offer to pay that person to watch your grand children (if you have them) ? Would you do nothing just as Ron, TN and GGma Sykes did ?

I'm sorry but everytime I see TN on tv bawling about Haleigh - all I see is fraud, and that is all I see from Ron as well. Misty - cold, very cold and very capable of doing some very bad things IMO.
I haven't seen any, Donjeta, but if she's talking about street smarts, I guess you could say he's pretty smart.
I don't think he graduated high school, did he?
And to be honest... l can't see a genius doing the things he's done since he was a teenager.

Hmmm, he seems to know when to keep his mouth shut and talk in code.
Not sure if it's OK to post this info here. If not, mod's please edit/delete.
I have been looking for possible last names- Middle names for TN and address.

I found a Middle initial J. I found a Teresa J Neves in Lake County.
I would like to know if she ever used the name Cummings. Did she ever marry Ron's father that was said to be Cummings, Jack L.

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730 Citrus Ln
Lady Lake, FL 32159-4662

View phone Household: JGH, BAH, Teresa J Neves

203 Ann St property in Lady Lake Florida:

1990 - M. and Annette Sykes

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Mount Dora
The Villages
Lake Panasoffkee
Fruitland Park
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