OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #4

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i am hoping that this little boy took off into the woods next to the school and is merely lost. There could be a number of reasons the family doesn't want to make a statement to the press. Since it hasn't been deemed a kidnapping yet, there really is no need for them to do so other than the thank LE for their efforts and to request anyone with info to call the tip line. It appears they did so through a written statement. Probably more preferable than having to get it together for a presser. Of course, there is that pesky statement that they don't want to interfere with the investigation. Perhaps LE believes he was kidnapped and this is directed at a family member and they don't want to show the family member. Perhaps they know he was kidnapped but don't want the family to publically disclose that knowledge yet. The possibilities are endless.
So there was/is no press conf that was mentioned in the 4 presser, to possibly take place at 7:30 or 8 this evening?

LE mentioned it, but I don't know if it will be happening.
Can someone remind me of the sex offenders in the area? I know about the blonde, he/she. TIA
The mobile postings on facebook will say posted from mobile or something like that.

I post from my phone and it never says it's posted from a mobile or anything. Looks the same as when I post from my laptop and desk top computers. However, most of my friends also post and most of those do say "posted from (company) mobile" or something. Can't remember without looking but I thought it was odd that mine didn't say that.
The science project looks like it's in a classroom. Was it? Was the teacher there? Did his teacher see Kyron at all that morning? If she did, didn't she wonder where he was when class started? Maybe I'm just confused about how this science fair was displayed....
In another case I have been following there is also a lack of information by LE. There's every indication that LE has a good idea of what happened; but to date lacks that one crucial piece of the puzzle that someone has.

If you are reading this and you think you even MIGHT have seen Kyron or have a tip that could even possibly help, please call LE. It could be that missing piece they so desperately need to bring this precious little boy home.
Did we ever find out if the science fair was for all the grades and all the age groups were in the halls?If it was till 10am,kids and parents were going in and out of classrooms till then.If he did go to his class and his teacher wasn't in the room,he might have not been sure what to do and just started wandering in the hall.

Since there was basically no security measures,no controlled supervision,disorganization and people everywhere,this could have happened to any child there where the parent didn't take them directly to class or was not there.And if he went to his class and teacher wasn't there,he might have went to see if his mom was gone yet,maybe why he was at that back door.If he was seen at 9am around that door,it was only about 15 minutes after she left.He's only 7 years old and he was probably confused,it was out of routine and a bunch of people he didn't know everywhere.

11:10 a.m. -- Vickie Coghill, a 35-year resident of Portland's Skyline area, pointed to the billboard outside the school, which reads "June 4, I.B. Inquiry Expo, 8-10, Talent show, 1-2:45." Kyron was to take part in both the expo/science fair and the talent show, Coghill said.

Parent Gina Zimmerman was at the school for the science fair, which she described as major academic and social event for the school where the day's events included an afternoon talent show.

No, the red dot is on what would be considered the west or north entrance, that picture is turned around. The south entrance is either the one on the other side opening to the parking lot or the main entrance in the front, depending on what you define as truly south.

Thank you for correcting this, that is what I figured out from the maps earlier today, but my head hurts right now and I did not want to post and have to try to defend my reasoning.
The science project looks like it's in a classroom. Was it? Was the teacher there? Did his teacher see Kyron at all that morning? If she did, didn't she wonder where he was when class started? Maybe I'm just confused about how this science fair was displayed....

One article said he dropped off his coat and backpack and took his mom to see the exhibit,so I believe it was another room.She brought him back to the hall of his room at around 8:45.
So there was/is no press conf that was mentioned in the 4 presser, to possibly take place at 7:30 or 8 this evening?

They said they were still discussing it... and had not decided. They may just issue a statement like they did last night and then not to do another press conference until Noon on Tuesday.

I have not seen one and on the 8pm news, there was nothing new that I saw.
1. I have a totally different take on the Somer case as on 20/20 LE was looking at the wrong perp for months . When he didn't pan out, they did go to the real one.

I feel that they were so tight lipped that they were lucky they got the perp, IMHO

I hope this doesn't happen with this case

2. Where I live, less than a month ago, a 14 year old, 2 16 year olds and an 18 year old (female), committed 2 horrendous crimes within a couple of days of each other.

I knew about the first crime that was in a tourist area (although late at night) because someone told me about it. We were trying to figure out what??? because there was NOTHING in the paper about it.

It came out 8 days later. Then, LE caught the perps because of the second crime. They had no clue from the first crime.

People were at risk, and no one even knew for 8 days. I don't understand it.

3. Not that it necessarily is a friend or acquaintance of Kyron's step-brother, ,but the perp could be a teen dropping of a sibling. It could just be any teen, male or female.

It seems like teens are committing all kinds of crazy crimes. It doesn't have to be an adult.

4. I, too, think that it has to be someone more familiar with the school lay out. But then again, there are so MANY crazies out there, it could be some random perp off the streets who saw the sign and thought that he would try his luck.

5. I truly, truly hope that LE has some clues and ideas.
11:10 a.m. -- Vickie Coghill, a 35-year resident of Portland's Skyline area, pointed to the billboard outside the school, which reads "June 4, I.B. Inquiry Expo, 8-10, Talent show, 1-2:45." Kyron was to take part in both the expo/science fair and the talent show, Coghill said.

Parent Gina Zimmerman was at the school for the science fair, which she described as major academic and social event for the school where the day's events included an afternoon talent show.


This is what I thought,so probably why they said class would start at 10am and they'd probably stay in thier class till 1pm.So,what was going on with the kids that had no parents coming,they could just roam the rooms till 10am?
Thank you for correcting this, that is what I figured out from the maps earlier today, but my head hurts right now and I did not want to post and have to try to defend my reasoning.

My head hurts from just finding out that all day I was led to believe it was the door.
There is apparently a 8:30pm local news... on Fox 12. Nothing new though. About twice as many kids were absent today as normal.

"Those who knew him tell us Kyron loved art."

That past tense again...the reporters really should be careful about that.
This is what I thought,so probably why they said class would start at 10am and they'd probably stay in thier class till 1pm.So,what was going on with the kids that had no parents coming,they could just roam the rooms till 10am?

My understanding is that at 8:45 am the kids broke up into groups of 4 or 5 and were led by an adult chaperone to the different classes to look at the displays. I might be wrong.
Fox does an 8-9pm broadcast on another local station but I checked the live feed and it's showing there.. It's on now

Hi neighbor <<wavy guy>>, Channel 12 also has their 10 O'clock news which I plan to watch. I haven't heard any news about Kyron today except what I've read here {Thanks to all for that} and hope they'll give us a crumb or two !!!
My head hurts from just finding out that all day I was led to believe it was the door.

Sorry, I was gone for a few hours and did not know that there was a conflict of information until I came back on awhile ago. Someone earlier today was talking about that door leading to the parking lot, and when I looked at the maps it appeared that from the angle of the school, that would be considered the south side of the building.

I wonder if there were people there that day like dj's, magicians, guest speakers, etc...

I say that because a magician type speaker came to my high school when I was younger - he enlisted a few guys to help him set up and tear down...rumor was - he did some perverted things to one of the guys - who was too proud and freaked out to tell.

I believe it too - that guy was creepy.

Anyway - someone like this might have been able to gain a childs trust.
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