OR - Kyron Horman, 7 yo Second grader, Portland, 4 June 2010 - Part #7

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I'm hearing and reading this to mean that the Substitute teacher is the one who left...

Me, too. Ms Porter blew the sub off when the sub reported Kyron missing, and then the sub said, "OK" and then the sub left.
Wouldn't Kyron have had to ask permission from one of the 2 teachers to go get a drink or go to the bathroom? I know when I was in school I had to ask before I just left.
Wouldn't they have questioned each other to see if he had asked/said he was going somewhere? Asked the other kids if they had seen him? Could have been "Did he tell you? No, you? Oh I better go check....."
Or was this when the groups was 1st being assembled?

from above quote ~

And she was like 'oh no where's Kyron there's only five' and Mrs. Porter was like it's okay calm down, calm down he's probably in the bathroom or getting a drink of water and she said alright I'm going to leave and she left, "

the way i took it it was the substitute teacher that left - but isn't this the account from a little kid?
On such a busy day, science fair and Talent show, teachers failed to notice Kyron missing. And I guess assumed someone knew why. Even though they marked him absent, no one at that point would call home to let parents know.
Just maybe if so much wasn't going on someone would of realized Kyron was here but know gone. I'm sorry to say this but if his mom left at 8:45 then that school failed Kyron. Way before this incident they should of had meetings, and had all teachers and staff aware of these situations. They let there guards Even if Kyron walked out those doors, they should of had someone monitoring the doors since strangers where walking in. Even if Kyron left with someone, such a small school, everyone knows each other kinda setting, with a staff member by the door maybe none of this would of happen. Just my two cents.

The school system failed them, plain and simple. As a parent what are we supposed to do if we can't send them to school -without us? This is 2010 and having no phone system in place here in Portland, OR is no excuse. It has nothing to do with absences, but SAFETY, especially in grade school.

I'm not sure I could release a statement - being the parents. So much anger would flow out of my mouth by today that it would make their head spin.

I don't care how busy the school was that day - safety is safety. My 30 year high school reunion is this year and when I was a sophmore they promptly shut and locked all the doors immediately due to Stephanie Ann Newsom (can't remember exact spelling) disappearing. Granted that was in Salem but holy cow Portland is supposed to be bigger and smarter.

I'm sorry for ranting and raving about the school but holy cow. Come on... How in the world did he go unnoticed for the whole school day?:furious:

Can you imagine taking your 2nd grader to school on a very exciting day for him, and leaving thinking it was just another ordinary day? Going about your business and yes playing games on FB and dilly dallying but that is "your" normal days routine. I see nothing out of the ordinary of what this woman did that day. She is a stay at home mom and she still has to keep in contact with the outside world. There aren't many moms at home these days and it is hard to have friends to do things with making it sometimes lonely.

I am sure that Kyron's parents are burying themselves in their little girl. They have to keep his love alive somewhere and keep focused otherwise it will eat them alive. Can you imagine going to get your child this afternoon off the bus and he is not there?

Just about anybody could of walked off with this child. He is probably pretty sheltered, naive and only 7 years old. He would of fit in that duffle bag that Joran VDS walked out with from that hotel. It doesn't take much for someone to hide in the bathroom and wait. It's been done before...

Plus the article said his classroom was a 2 / 3 split. That could mean there were two teachers for that room (one for 2nd and one for 3rd) but NOT ALWAYS. With the economy that way it is alot of "split" rooms are being taught by 1 teacher.

This is why all the "no comment" answers yesterday. Something is foul in that school and LE knows it.
I have a pretty good idea but fb can't be discussed...:banghead:

Yes, I found Kyron's father's interest in the horse farm quite illuminating. I don't think the person took Kyron that far though. The police don't seem to think so either since they are still searching so intensively around the school, but the horse farm is probably on the way. If you know what I mean.
I hope this hasn't already been discussed, but the parents in this video seem startled and shocked to be approached by the reporter. It seems like they weren't expecting any press to notice them? Am I missing something?


I'm shocked.Why didn't they say something?The reporter wasn't being mean.I'm sorry.I just don't understand this.I don't know what to say or think here.
Anyone know (or have) the link to the teachers statement - was that yesterday or the day before? I just checked the sheriff's site and its not there.
I hope this hasn't already been discussed, but the parents in this video seem startled and shocked to be approached by the reporter. It seems like they weren't expecting any press to notice them? Am I missing something?

Wow, I think this is the first time I've ever seen innocent parents of a missing child avoid the media like that.
IIRC, the poster also said this wasn't something you were going to hear from the media, and sure enough we didn't, nor did we hear it from LE or anyone else. But, IMO, that doesn't make it true or untrue, just a point to ponder along with many other points.

BBM Why do you think he would have said that? Because of all the "no comments" and "I can't answer thats" or did he know something else? I wonder if he was a local?
Wow, I think this is the first time I've ever seen innocent parents of a missing child avoid the media like that.

I know, right?! Even more, why would they expect NOT to be approached under the circumstances and why weren't there more reporters there? You'd think they would be mobbed.
:blushing: Um I wondered, I may have known once but forgot. Is the second teacher that was in the room a subsitute or an assistant teacher (I think that is the term)?

Ok why it matters to me. When a substitute teacher is there that early in the day? Why not take the whole day off then, I know that I would because would assume that she knew that it would be a busy/hectic day? It was like before 10:00 am?

Now, maybe it was a student teacher or assistant teacher along with his regular teacher and one of the left...true she could of left to look for Kyron. Got information that he went home with someone else (parent, or someone that has permission to take him home) there for no more concern..just mark him absent.

Or...they didn't see him that morning, not saying he wasn't there for the looking at the science projects early that morning before the first bell, just saying that they didn't see him themselves and marked him absent.
We already saw one interview with this classmate....where he described Kyron going off to see an electrical science project, right? Is this newest just a continuation of that interview?
Wow, I think this is the first time I've ever seen innocent parents of a missing child avoid the media like that.

It's possible that they have attorneys advising them to keep silent for whatever reason.

I'm shocked.Why didn't they say something?The reporter wasn't being mean.I'm sorry.I just don't understand this.I don't know what to say or think here.

It's like they're inviting scrutiny. I mean, come on. The KNEW press would be at the gym. Terri announced that she would be there on her facebook before it went private.

These parents' behavior is the oddest I've ever seen in a missing child case. Except for the Anthonys', and we know how that went.

I'm going to look back over the letter that Kaine sent his company and see if there's anything odd about that.
It's possible that they have attorneys advising them to keep silent for whatever reason.

I'd hope he'd also advise them to stay away from public places where their actions and reactions can be gauged.

Know whut I mean?
Oh, and the Cummings/Croslin clan, too. Very odd...

Gettin' hitched while the baby is missing and all that. Very odd.

But THIS. This. Odd.
I think I saw it being mentioned on the news somewhere about why the father wanted the farm checked?why that farm?

Here is the quote:

After today, searchers hope to have covered all of those areas, Olsen said.

She said in addition to those areas, searchers also have responded to requests from Kyron’s father, Kaine, about areas where the boy may be, including a horse pasture in Banks, which was searched Sunday.

We already saw one interview with this classmate....where he described Kyron going off to see an electrical science project, right? Is this newest just a continuation of that interview?

Isn't it the same kid?

Why a grandmother or mother would put the child out there like this one has--perplexing.

I know we all say what we'd do--If it were my son, he would be nowhere near the media, even if it meant I picked up assignments til the end of school and we started summer five days early.

For the media to interview this child, someone had to contact the media and say "My kid knows something and he'll talk on camera." WHY would someone do that?
I think at this point I would be shocked to learn that LE didn't tell them to stay quiet. With what we know about LE not wanting anyone to talk, Kyron's dad not wanting people at Intel to talk, and LE making it very clear that the family wants to talk but only if its helpful. Poor Kyron, but this at least gives me hope that they know whats going on, and believe he is alive and they are trying to keep it that way.
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