2010.06.28 - Kyron's Dad files for divorce and restraining order

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But according to Terri just a couple of hours ago, "Everything's good. Everything's fine." Has she had a reality break or what?

Maybe she did not know all of this was coming? Maybe she did not know Kaine was leaving with the baby because he told her he was heading out to the grocery store (or whatever). The link says she did not know about the statement being issued. Maybe she also did not know about his plan to file for divorce & get a restraining order.

My prayer continues to be that Kyron is located ~ for Desiree, Tony & Kaine's sake.
Not me. I've been sitting back and just waiting for this to all happen.

Yep, looks like I will not be dining on my laptop...I said in the very beginning "if this turns out to be anyone other than Terri, I'll eat my laptop."
But my heart is truly breaking and I so wish things were not going in this direction because that means that at some point we will all have to accept what we've pretty much suspected all along, Kyron is no longer alive. :cry:
Could it also be that Kaine was mentioning divorce BEFORE Kyron went missing..ie TH desperate attempt to stay with Kaine by creating this situation!!!!!!!!!!


I think your speculation is very possible. Makes a great deal of sense and would explain how and why he would take their daughter and leave now. moo

ETA: Maybe he already had the divorce in the works.
Another poster posted this link to the MCSO booking page just a bit ago (before the divorce news came in). At the bottom of the page, if you rest your cursor over 'test', the url says 'Horman' in it. I don't know that it necessarily means anything, but it's certainly odd...especially with everything else coming out today.


ETA: The url also says 'images' in it...though it seems out of place on the booking page.

That doesn't work for me but if I right click it I see information. Sorry, right click and then click "properties"
I just read on another blog something I don't want to believe - breaking news to be announced. What is the breaking news in this case? Surely it can't be the divorce!
The statement says that they (Desiree, Tony, Kaine) have been apprised fully of investigative details. Was this the case Friday morning for the news rounds?

I have to go watch that 20 minute interview one more time.

It seems Kaine's been busy with more than just making t-shirts. To file today for divorce, Kaine was poised to take this action Friday. He's filed for divorce, restraining order...
...maybe he finally got around to reading her FB?

Either way, I think Kaine aforementioned investigative details include all the evidence he needs to cut Terri out of his and baby's life and get a restraining order.

At the very least, someone is going to be sued for false reporting of a missing child and related expenses - in addition to everything else. And Kaine is out of there the moment the investigative details are revealed to him.

What a mess.

IMO, if you asked Terri's father the odds of an arrest today, he'd give you better odds than 50/50. Likely, he'd say 99%.
I need a breather too. I'm still trying to wrap my head around Terri saying "Everything's good. Everything's fine," while her stepson is missing, her husband moved out, took her baby, and filed for divorce and a restraining order. In what world does all that add up to, "Everything's good"?
I'm just catching up here. Where and who did she say this to? tia
Could it be a little bit possible the divorce is for something else that came out, i.e where she was that morning after she left the school? I am grasping at straws, I know.

I am so sick about this for Kaine and Desiree, if what seems to be happening is happening, that I feel kind of at a loss. No one could have predicted anything like this but I am sure there will be feelings of guilt all around.


I am a professional straw grasper, so I like your thought. I wasn't even near the fence until TH's friend confirmed the miscommunication about the appointment. Then I put a foot up on the fence. Still not anxious to crawl up and jump on the other side. I lived in Chicago during the Jaclyn Dowaliby case, so I come at these things with an interest in finding explanations that don't involve parents.
Could it also be that Kaine was mentioning divorce BEFORE Kyron went missing..ie TH desperate attempt to stay with Kaine by creating this situation!!!!!!!!!!

Maybe it was possibly a bitter fight between them?and very sadly Kyron was in the middle of it.Maybe they both need to be looked into.
anyone sitting on the fence has surely slipped off now..

My heart is hurting for Kyron's family.

since i didnt think she was involved, i have no fence to fall off.

i just got a concussion from being hit in the face with reality though
I would venture to say this was in the works beforehand and maybe what led to Kyron disappearing.I hope to God she's hidden that child to cause them to get closer looking for Kyron.Who knows what people will do in a divorce situation?But,maybe he feels by filing she will see that it didn't work and she better give up where he's at.
Geez, I wonder what's been happening behind the scenes in their home. It sounds like he is holding her responsible for this.

I feel so sorry for the little girl.

Going by Terri's earlier comment that, "everything is fine," I still can't help but feel that she's living in her own private Idaho, so to speak. I wonder if she did something stupid that day...not wrong, in a legal sense, at least at the start. She seems the type who might actually keep up the pretense of "fine" instead of owning up, even when it would help find Kyron. His being missing is obviously the biggest problem, but I wonder if she isn't seeing that. Does she know who did this, and is her biggest fear losing her marriage, reputation, etc? While I've been pretty convinced that she is involved in some way, I really think the ultimate wrong was committed by someone she knows, and her lack of honesty in that regard is why she finds herself where she is, now. It doesn't look like this will be kept quiet for too much longer, so I guess we'll know either way, soon.
We don't know why the divorce action was filed, if it was. I still, for some reason beyond my comprehension, want to think it is unrelated...but then again, how could it be? And why would he do this now, if not related? He could have just gone to stay elsewhere with the child, without filing for a divorce. He has to know how this looks to the public, as far as guilt, etc...so does that mean he does not care? That is what he wanted? I know it is not our business, but he knew it would be big news. I am just so baffled and astonished tonight.

Before June 4 Kaine/TH have marital problems-
Why were they bringing Kyron out for Icecream after school that day, to tell him about the divorce?
June 4th happens...
Kaine forgets about the divorce discussions..
TH then is her husbands rock whilst his son has been abducted...

I think it's a motive..I think it is the only motive possible if TH is the perp..
IMO, she wasn't aware of this. Much like how battered women are advised to leave their abusive husbands, I think Kaine planned and carried out this move without Terri's knowledge.

I hope they take Terri into protective custody tonight even if they aren't prepared to arrest her. Once she realizes what's happened here, she's going to be a major suicide risk and I don't think her dad is enough to keep her safe.

JMO, of course.

Wow. Our heads are spinning over today's events and we aren't even involved. If she didn't know anything about him taking the baby, moving out, filing for divorce and a restraining order, her head will be spinning a thousand times worse than ours. I hope they have some mental health professionals on standby when she's given the news (if she truly didn't know it was coming).
I'm sorry to all my fellow Websleuther's that I stayed in denial so long. I wasn't quite getting the proof that I felt needed to go down this road. I feel so stupid. Terri seemed like she had the most to loose by hurting Kryon.

Now, I'm worried that because Kaine left with their daughter and that Terri is going to go into panic mode. I pray that she doesn't destory Kyron's room, pictures or anything of his to get back at everyone else because she feels betrayed.

Please pray that this situation won't get any worse than it already is and keep praying for all the children involved in this. They don't deserve this.

Imagine how stupid I feel. I thought she was guilty all along and just today started to think maybe she was innocent of this.
Another poster posted this link to the MCSO booking page just a bit ago (before the divorce news came in). At the bottom of the page, if you rest your cursor over 'test', the url says 'Horman' in it. I don't know that it necessarily means anything, but it's certainly odd...especially with everything else coming out today.


ETA: The url also says 'images' in it...though it seems out of place on the booking page.

It says HormanSAR0610, so I'm assuming it refers to an image of a search and rescue effort on June 10. Why it's there under a "test" link, I don't know!
That is weird.

I think that is because the poster was searching the name "horman" and sent you the link after they searched it. My page kept the name there for a while after I searched too.
The separation of TH and KH could simply be because TH had to finally confess her whereabouts after dropping Kyron off - she could have been caught cheating on her husband and he left her taking his little girl with him. Any good divorce lawyer recommends that you don't walk away from the house unless you want to lose it too. It doesn't necessarily mean she did anything to the little boy. JMO
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