Ron's possible plea deal?

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I think the public down theere who pay taxes need to get involved and find out just what the hey is going on.....Drugs have darn near ruined that place and it would appear the LE is a slack bunch.......:banghead::banghead::banghead: There is a baby missing, and Ronald Cummings is right smack in the middle of it (one way or another) as well as drug trafficking,,,,,What in the hey is going on??????:furious::furious:


As one who listens to the scanner for Putnam County every single night, I can assure you LE is most definitely not slack where drugs (or any other area) are concerned. A look at the booking log will show there are many people arrested and booked for drugs, but with the low bonds for most charges, the jail has a revolving door. Once they post bond, LE can't keep them there. That is the job of the judicial system and therein lies the problem. The judges and the DA need to step it up and stop letting people get off with a slap on the wrist. The consequences need to be more serious. All just my humble opinion.

ETA: southernvagirl, I hope you know my post was not meant to "slam" you and I do agree with the rest of your post. :)
I think Fields is operating independently of the others' cases. Misty's trial is set for August 23 but she also has trial in St. Johns that same day, so one might need to be continued. Fields may have his strategy all ready to go and might not need a continuance for any reason other than a conflict with two appearances on the same day. I am not sure Fields cares whether Misty's case is heard before Ronald's or not. I see no evidence that it really makes any difference to Fields one way or the other.

Tommy in a phone conversation asked that his attorney be contacted so his plea could be made. He wanted to get it over with and start doing his time. I do not think Tommy was advised by Werter to plea as charged; I think it was his decision and if that is true, I see no reason why Tommy would want his sentencing date continued until after Ronald's next court appearance. A legal reason for postponement could pop up, of course, but as of now I do not see Tommy wanting to wait around in Putnam County jail any longer than necessary.

If Misty's attorney is really going to take this to trial, he should try to get at least one of her charges dropped. That would be the one with her talking about Haleigh ruining her 17th birthday. Even if that charge carries the lowest minimum mandatory of all her charges, if that tape were to be played for a jury I do not think any of the jurors would sympathize with Misty. That statement about her birthday shows Misty as callous and without empathy for a lost child and, IMO, it will not sit right with either the judge or the jury. Even though a jury would be hearing the trafficking issues only, they would see the videotapes and they would be allowed to consider everything on the tapes when deliberating.

I really do not see Fields taking this to trial but Misty has no priors, and a lot of people will accept that she was under RC's control, so she might get a certain amount of sympathy from a jury. Unless, of course, that one especially-damning video is part of the evidence.

All IMO, of course.
I still do not understand why this judge would give Ron another 30 days. He had already denied a continuance, gave him a date of July 9th to plea, and then today all that was just thrown out the window. For what I ask? Ronald has had since Jan to give up info, regardless of what kind of info. Yet today he manages to get 30 more days to piss away. Sorry if I sound rude, just really irritated. :furious:
Ron will still end up in front of the judge before Misty, Donna, and Hope's appeal. I wonder if Tommy will manage to have his sentencing hearing continued, I would not be the least surprised.

IMO the judge gave an extension because both sides asked for it.
He was being fair, it wasn't just the defense that asked for it.
If just the defense asked for the continuance I feel he would of said no, just as he did previously. MOO and all that.
Will the public get to hear what the plea entails? In other words, will any information that Ron may offer up be heard in the courtroom on August 20, 2010 or will it be just for those chosen few to know?

This is from the article I posted earlier about a plea. I don't know if this is the way it works for all cases, just posting this as an example.

Kelly declined Friday to discuss details of the plea agreement, however, he said more information may be available after Coring's sentencing, which is scheduled for 1 p.m. Monday in Palatka.
In all that has gone down this morning, this photo of Ron Cummings in chains with his tongue sticking out, just warms the cockles of my heart. I feel better already.

Noooo, that's not his tongue. To me, it looks like a fat lip from a good shot to the mouth.

i remember in high school, guys would look like that and follow that with

Why you grillin me, dog?

makes me sick.....
Thanks KSH.

WHAT? Am I reading this correctly. Are we to assume that the State has already agreed to drop the two BIG charges and they want to play around with the other three that are left? Oh, this is too much!:furious:

Well, no wonder he looked so happy!! He was happy going in and happier going out. Guess the bragging rights are in order when he returns to his cell.

............NOW, I am getting really piffed!:furious: :banghead::banghead:

I think you are misinterpreting what was stated. Shoemaker stated that the 2 charges would be dropped and the plea would be on the 3 remaining charges. That is all part of the deal they are working on right now.

Another words Ronald will be sentenced on the 3 remaining charges. The trafficking charges will be dropped.
IMO the judge gave an extension because both sides asked for it.
He was being fair, it wasn't just the defense that asked for it.
If just the defense asked for the continuance I feel he would of said no, just as he did previously. MOO and all that.

The state asked for the continuance. Not the defense. The State said that there were some things that needed to be worked out before the plea and they needed 30 days . The judge at that time asked if there IS going to be a plea. He asked Shoemaker and that state. They both said YES
Here's for hoping that something regarding Haleigh will come out during that month. They've been stalling long enough.
What is there to possible hammer out unless it has something to do with Haleigh?

I am starting to feel like Ronald is the Lindsay Lohan of Putnam County. If the deal was today, the State is dropping the Trafficking charges and will then let him keep the 3, and then they are going to run those congruent? And if thats what Ron wants, its obvious thats not what the State wants, otherwise we would not be continuing this. I just hope the State has something up their sleeve, because as it stands right now, Ron could be sentenced before Mistys trial, and she could get a continuance, so how can Fields say Ron is gearing up to testify against Misty? I think the State wants him to testify against Misty just to see if he dares, I dont know what to think at this point.

I think you are misinterpreting what was stated. Shoemaker stated that the 2 charges would be dropped and the plea would be on the 3 remaining charges. That is all part of the deal they are working on right now.

Another words Ronald will be sentenced on the 3 remaining charges. The trafficking charges will be dropped.

All 5 charges are trafficking charges, though. BBM
i remember in high school, guys would look like that and follow that with

Why you grillin me, dog?

makes me sick.....

that talk makes me sick also, but I remember when my son first went to high school here they go at 12 13, he came home late and I was telling him off and he said hey dude stop the grilling, well let me tell you he never talked like that again, I told him I would show him what grilling was all about, so he got to clean the bar b que grill, and I said the next time you call me your mom dude I am going to dude you.

Ok now on to the Ron in court, yes he does think he is a bad boy with being special in a way, but I think his time is coming and he is going to be in for a shock of a lifetime, at least I hope so, cause this is getting ridiculous.
I am trying to understand why so many people are upset today. I understand that we want Ron to pay for his crimes, but this happens daily in court rooms all across the world. We have to try our best to separate this case from Haleigh's, because they are not related. (in the law).

Casey wasn't punished severely for her fraud/theft charges, but she has the matter of a murder charge to contend with. Those are separate cases also.

Deal or not, plea or not, trial or not, they don't have enough evidence, YET, to charge the person(s) responsible for Haleigh's death. Yet.

Am I upset because Ron got yet another chance to plea? Sure I am. Do I think this is special treatment for HIM? HELL NO!
Mr Cummings may be finding out the hard way that there's a Jesse for every James where he's at and heading.
Well now, this thread should have a warning to open at your own risk! That huge pic hit me unexpectedly, and I have to be braced in order to view even a normal-sized photo of that (unusual person).

I am glad now that I did not eat lunch today. <gag>

As one who listens to the scanner for Putnam County every single night, I can assure you LE is most definitely not slack where drugs (or any other area) are concerned. A look at the booking log will show there are many people arrested and booked for drugs, but with the low bonds for most charges, the jail has a revolving door. Once they post bond, LE can't keep them there. That is the job of the judicial system and therein lies the problem. The judges and the DA need to step it up and stop letting people get off with a slap on the wrist. The consequences need to be more serious. All just my humble opinion.

ETA: southernvagirl, I hope you know my post was not meant to "slam" you and I do agree with the rest of your post. :)
Thanks peachy, I really dont mean to slam LE,,,I am so frustrated with the rest of you,,,WHERE IS OUR GIRL hALEIGH???????,,,,I have the utmost respect for our judicial system,,but something needs to be done to STOP people like this @@@@@@,to be able tosell drugs, and keep a child (butterbean)for a year after his little girl has GONE misssing...I guess I need to back away,,,this has been an emotional stresser for me for sure.......This child needs to come home,,,,,what did Annette mean she wanted Ronald home as soon as possible,,does she want more people to die from the drugs he pushes...doesnt make sense.
Glad I forgot about the "trial" earlier and just remembered a short time ago. At least my entire day wasn't ruined. However, I didn't expect anything else. We've already seen many continuances in connected cases, and also in the Anthony case before the judge set May 2011. So I'm not surprised they found another way to drag out Ronald's case until August. I bet he's disappointed his new date is set before Misty's and Donna's. No, I'm not shocked or surprised.

Nevertheless, :banghead: :furious: Videos, people. There are videos of his deeds! :banghead: Can't the prosecution see that?

PS - It would have been nice to be warned about the HUGE skeery photograph buried within this thread. :eek: Oh, my eyes! My eyes!
I am trying to understand why so many people are upset today. I understand that we want Ron to pay for his crimes, but this happens daily in court rooms all across the world. We have to try our best to separate this case from Haleigh's, because they are not related. (in the law).

Casey wasn't punished severely for her fraud/theft charges, but she has the matter of a murder charge to contend with. Those are separate cases also.

Deal or not, plea or not, trial or not, they don't have enough evidence, YET, to charge the person(s) responsible for Haleigh's death. Yet.

Am I upset because Ron got yet another chance to plea? Sure I am. Do I think this is special treatment for HIM? HELL NO!

bad, while I know that you're right...I am just SO SICK of Ronald Cummings and what seems like preferential treatment, whether it is or not...I just want to throw up..:sick::sick::sick:..

He knows exactly where HaLeigh is (IMO of course) and will never ever tell. :furious:..I honestly believe that he thinks that he can do his drug time and HaLeigh will be forgotten about about by the time he's done..

My patience has run out, can ya tell, lol?
You're lucky your cockles only got warmed AZ...mine got charred! Every da#$m photo of him, he looks happy. I told everyone jail was good for him. It is a place where he can shine. Living on the outside was way too stressful for him....having to try to earn a living and all. He needs meds and they make sure he has them. His laundry is done for him and all he has to do is spill bravado all is perfect! Since he can't live alone, where else could be better? I think he likes it there...I'm serious as all get-out. Make the guy even happier, give him all the time he has coming!

But Wisp, that's not a happy-go-lucky look. Ron is trying to look as intelligent as TN claims he is.

I agree, it does seem Ron does like life in jail. Maybe the drug business is more profitable in there.
We know the prosecutor doesn't need Ron's testimony, the tape says it all, do you suppose they just want Ron to testify against Misty in front of her so she will get mad & spill the beans (assuming Ron was involved that is) either then or later? It's the only reason I can see Ron could be of value.
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