Discussion: Why are Terri's friends Acting this way.

I felt badly for that one woman whose house was shown on the news (the one that has since moved).

I no longer feel badly for her. What in the heck was she thinking?

(again, trying to keep up)

Is this the one with her face blurred out?

Why does she warrant that, when everyone else has their mug splashed all over the media?
(again, trying to keep up)

Is this the one with her face blurred out?

Why does she warrant that, when everyone else has their mug splashed all over the media?

I think that she took the 6 hour polygraph, but I read on here that her face was shown on some TV channels.

I don't think many people's faces have been on the media, have they? Chelsea, Michael Cook, Dede. Who else besides TH/DY/ and KH?

What I mean is people that have been friend's of TH's that didn't voluntarily get on the media such as Jaymie Finster or Kim Holm.
(again, trying to keep up)

Is this the one with her face blurred out?

Why does she warrant that, when everyone else has their mug splashed all over the media?

I think it was said that she has cooperated with LE all along...her reward is a blurred face..for a while, anyway.
Maybe TH friends are like her............same mentality, same ideas, mental problems.
Birds of a feather....................JMOO
I just don't know how people can get to the age of 35 or 40? (however old these friends are) and not know any better.

Begs the question what have they learned about boundaries in their lives? Also gives me pause that these supposedly normal law-abiding citizens are possibly raising children and what are they teaching them about morals?

None of us are saints in life but most of us draw the line at helping someone be secretive when a child is missing. It's almost beyond belief for me.
Where did we learn the bat phones were bought under fake name??? Am not questioning whether its true just been offline all day working and this info is new to me.. Can someone tell me where we found this out(tho I'm hardly surprised by this info)... par for the course IMO..
Hi Smooth,

Check out the "friends buy cell phones" thread. The last few pages have a lot of info about the fake name.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=111093"]8.05.10 -Sources: 2 friends gave Terri Horman cell phones - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I just hope these other women got a reality check today watching or hearing about the extensive searching going on for Kyron's body. Maybe that will help jolt them into the real world and remind them what this is all about, that is not about Terri.
What would we do for a friend? It varies, I think.

Immediately I could think of 3 friends for whom I would rush out in the middle of the night, go through anything to help them, and even go into my resources if they needed money. And they'd do the same for me.

However, none of us are likely to be involved in criminal activity--as far as I know. But if one of them did wind up involved in something for which she avowed her innocence, I'd stand by her. And listen, too. And if she asked me to do something like the "buy cell phone under fake name" caper, I'd talk it over, and say that before we did anything like that we needed to talk it over with her attorney. And I'd make the appointment and drive her. And assess the situation and try and figure out what was going on.

Then again, sometimes I might bail out a friend who'd been arrested. Depends. Let me explain. I know a young guy with whom I shared an incredible experience, a spiritual/environmental mission. I spent the summer living in a tent, as did many others. (Google "Walk to Remember" Lake Superior).

He's not a close friend, not at all. Haven't seen him since then. But I know his values. Recently there was a camp-in at an environmental site. Good stuff. The corporation that was trying to ruin an environmentally and spiritually significant site were trying to run them off to bring in the bulldozers.

Sure enough, some folks got arrested. As soon as I heard about that, I raced to check and see if he was among them. Had he been, I would have shipped up bail $ immediately and looked for a lawyer in that state.

Why? I know his values. And even if he was legally wrong, he was morally right.

So there are times I'd march down to the jail if I had to and get someone out. And there are times I'd do anything I could. And in between are the times when something seems hinky, and then I'd work it out with that friend. My reaction would depend on the friend, the track record, the depth of the relationship, and its length. If I'd supported someone and then she acted totally out of characte, I'd assess that. But with these 3, I also wouldn't rush to abandon any of them, either. If I thought they needed it, I'd get medical or psychiatric help, even if I had to pay for it myself.

But "social" friends? That's different. Bringing cookies to the jail would be one thing. Anything else, something different. I have one ditzy friend who has a daughter (who loves the NW, natch) who's been troubled and is into booze, drugs, and men (I call it promiscuity, my friend calls it "being a free bird". Sigh). If that daughter got into trouble, I'd refer my friend to a lawyer and a psychiatrist. In fact, one time she did call me all hysterical over the daughter and I told her to instantly call the police. They didn't want to do that because of their "image" in the town. Dammitall. (She'd gone missing, with Mom's car, and even though she frequently disappeared, this time Mom was all cranked up. I suspect over the car mostly, don't start me.) I basically told her that her only option was to call the police and seek their help in finding her--it was winter, the roads were icy, and who knows what could have happened. A nice officer came out to the house, took the details, and put out a BOLO. They found her--shacked up with some guy--and oh yes, the damaged car, how it happened (not an accident) she just didn't know.

Ever since then Mom hasn't tried to loop me into that little drama. She knows better.

I think it's all about who's in need and what the situation is. For some, everything. For others, get the professionals and get out of the middle!

But making those kinds of decisions requires a firm grounding in a moral sensibility--vs. "situational ethics". The latter gets us to situations like knocking over a gas station for $20 if your family is hungry deserves 10 years in the pen; raiding a corporation for millions & destroying pension funds just because you can gets bad press, early retirement and maybe probation or a year in a country club pen. Don't start me on Enron and Bethlehem Steel.

And the kinds of decisions about how far to go to help any friend also require discernment--and a sense of reality instead of playing "spy vs. spy" or something. And these "women" apparently lacked those things--as well as maturity.
What would we do for a friend? It varies, I think.

Immediately I could think of 3 friends for whom I would rush out in the middle of the night, go through anything to help them, and even go into my resources if they needed money. And they'd do the same for me.

However, none of us are likely to be involved in criminal activity--as far as I know. But if one of them did wind up involved in something for which she avowed her innocence, I'd stand by her. And listen, too. And if she asked me to do something like the "buy cell phone under fake name" caper, I'd talk it over, and say that before we did anything like that we needed to talk it over with her attorney. And I'd make the appointment and drive her. And assess the situation and try and figure out what was going on.

Then again, sometimes I might bail out a friend who'd been arrested. Depends. Let me explain. I know a young guy with whom I shared an incredible experience, a spiritual/environmental mission. I spent the summer living in a tent, as did many others. (Google "Walk to Remember" Lake Superior).

He's not a close friend, not at all. Haven't seen him since then. But I know his values. Recently there was a camp-in at an environmental site. Good stuff. The corporation that was trying to ruin an environmentally and spiritually significant site were trying to run them off to bring in the bulldozers.

Sure enough, some folks got arrested. As soon as I heard about that, I raced to check and see if he was among them. Had he been, I would have shipped up bail $ immediately and looked for a lawyer in that state.

Why? I know his values. And even if he was legally wrong, he was morally right.

So there are times I'd march down to the jail if I had to and get someone out. And there are times I'd do anything I could. And in between are the times when something seems hinky, and then I'd work it out with that friend. My reaction would depend on the friend, the track record, the depth of the relationship, and its length. If I'd supported someone and then she acted totally out of characte, I'd assess that. But with these 3, I also wouldn't rush to abandon any of them, either. If I thought they needed it, I'd get medical or psychiatric help, even if I had to pay for it myself.

But "social" friends? That's different. Bringing cookies to the jail would be one thing. Anything else, something different. I have one ditzy friend who has a daughter (who loves the NW, natch) who's been troubled and is into booze, drugs, and men (I call it promiscuity, my friend calls it "being a free bird". Sigh). If that daughter got into trouble, I'd refer my friend to a lawyer and a psychiatrist. In fact, one time she did call me all hysterical over the daughter and I told her to instantly call the police. They didn't want to do that because of their "image" in the town. Dammitall. (She'd gone missing, with Mom's car, and even though she frequently disappeared, this time Mom was all cranked up. I suspect over the car mostly, don't start me.) I basically told her that her only option was to call the police and seek their help in finding her--it was winter, the roads were icy, and who knows what could have happened. A nice officer came out to the house, took the details, and put out a BOLO. They found her--shacked up with some guy--and oh yes, the damaged car, how it happened (not an accident) she just didn't know.

Ever since then Mom hasn't tried to loop me into that little drama. She knows better.

I think it's all about who's in need and what the situation is. For some, everything. For others, get the professionals and get out of the middle!

But making those kinds of decisions requires a firm grounding in a moral sensibility--vs. "situational ethics". The latter gets us to situations like knocking over a gas station for $20 if your family is hungry deserves 10 years in the pen; raiding a corporation for millions & destroying pension funds just because you can gets bad press, early retirement and maybe probation or a year in a country club pen. Don't start me on Enron and Bethlehem Steel.

And the kinds of decisions about how far to go to help any friend also require discernment--and a sense of reality instead of playing "spy vs. spy" or something. And these "women" apparently lacked those things--as well as maturity.

I have met some of the people in the Walk to Remember.
I think that she took the 6 hour polygraph, but I read on here that her face was shown on some TV channels.

I don't think many people's faces have been on the media, have they? Chelsea, Michael Cook, Dede. Who else besides TH/DY/ and KH?

What I mean is people that have been friend's of TH's that didn't voluntarily get on the media such as Jaymie Finster or Kim Holm.

She is the only one I've seen blurred out; just wondering why she would warrant special treatment above all the others.
I think there are a variety of reasons that people will go to any lengths to assist a friend and they are simple ones:

1. they have a need to be included in the spotlight

2. they love to support the underdog (in their eyes)

3. they lack good judgment when it comes to manipulative personalities
What worries me is that one of her friends spoke up and said "They are barking up the wrong tree.. I SPOKE with her once that day..""

With the recent searches again near the school, This case has me slowly slithering back up on the fence...
What worries me is that one of her friends spoke up and said "They are barking up the wrong tree.. I SPOKE with her once that day..""

With the recent searches again near the school, This case has me slowly slithering back up on the fence...

Hi froginTtown,
will you explain why CA stating to a reporter that they(I'm assuming she means LE, media, public or all of these) are looking into someone that leads to dead end( i.e Im assuming meaning Terri's involvement that she believes is "dead end" because her opinion is that Terri was NOT involved).. and I know that CA talked to Terri once on June 4th(of course as always with this case no time of day released of when she spoke with Terri on the 4th)
and (more importantly TO ME is that CA has NOT spoken to Terri since that one convo on June 4th)and that CA says "Terri WAS her friend" (was, as in past tense)... So all of that said I guess I'm still confused as to why this would sway your thoughts of whether Terri was involved in Kyron's "disappearance" and possibly sway you enough to be back on the fence... I just don't understand how this would affect an opinion either way of Terri's guilt OR innocence?..

So am interested to know what signifigance this had to sway your thoughts?.. TIA.
Hi froginTtown,
will you explain why CA stating to a reporter that they(I'm assuming she means LE, media, public or all of these) are looking into someone that leads to dead end( i.e Im assuming meaning Terri's involvement that she believes is "dead end" because her opinion is that Terri was NOT involved).. and I know that CA talked to Terri once on June 4th(of course as always with this case no time of day released of when she spoke with Terri on the 4th)
and (more importantly TO ME is that CA has NOT spoken to Terri since that one convo on June 4th)and that CA says "Terri WAS her friend" (was, as in past tense)... So all of that said I guess I'm still confused as to why this would sway your thoughts of whether Terri was involved in Kyron's "disappearance" and possibly sway you enough to be back on the fence... I just don't understand how this would affect an opinion either way of Terri's guilt OR innocence?..

So am interested to know what signifigance this had to sway your thoughts?.. TIA.
The biggest sway to me is that they keep going back to search around the school, the 2nd biggest is that the one friend said she had spoke to her that day, but with so little info, it's hard to tell if they spoke on the phone or in person... :)
The biggest sway to me is that they keep going back to search around the school, the 2nd biggest is that the one friend said she had spoke to her that day, but with so little info, it's hard to tell if they spoke on the phone or in person... :)

Ya, I'm at the same place, only it's not just that they're searching at the school, but that something DDS TOLD them has them searching at the school.

The only way I can imagine this case not bearing down on TH like a roaring freight train at this point is if DDS's triumphant look exiting the GJ is because she had damning evidence on someone else.

But that's a little hard for even me to swallow. I just can't imagine MCSO having the same old areas searched that have been gone over, unless there's a darn good reason. How that reason can be due to anyone but TH given the location...? That's a mental leap too big for me to take.
Ya, I'm at the same place, only it's not just that they're searching at the school, but that something DDS TOLD them has them searching at the school.

The only way I can imagine this case not bearing down on TH like a roaring freight train at this point is if DDS's triumphant look exiting the GJ is because she had damning evidence on someone else.

But that's a little hard for even me to swallow. I just can't imagine MCSO having the same old areas searched that have been gone over, unless there's a darn good reason. How that reason can be due to anyone but TH given the location...? That's a mental leap too big for me to take.

ITA...No one would move a body after 1 1/2 months... even 3 weeks for that matter.. With them going back there again and again is really making me wonder...:waitasec:
IMO they have either run out of places to look, which I highly doubt as the area looks in pictures like its rich ground for hiding something like a body, or they have so much ground to cover they can't possibly say they have searched everyplace Kyron could possibly be. I dunno cos I am not there to see how massive their search efforts are. They have no idea where Terri was for several hours that day and really, he could be anywhere.I think he will be found when someday someone stumbles on his body. Could be years from now. Very sad. Everyday I wake up feeling so sad for Kaine and Desiree, and even Tony.

[Can we remove baby K's name from upthread??]

I'm interested in MC's actions and motives.

I can see him being a sort of clumsy self-styled vigilante, galloping off with a half-baked scheme to get Terri to confess to him after being wooed with flirtatious text messages.

I wonder what it was about Terri's behavior or personality that allowed MC to believe it was okay to flirt with her, when most people would think that flirtation would be considered tasteless and gross at best, suspicious enough to call LE on at worst when a child's life was on the line?

Could MC really have been naive enough to think those texts wouldn't be discovered and cast suspicion on HIM, perhaps make him a suspect (as mothers' affair partners often are suspected when one of her children goes missing)? That's not how it played out, as it happened, but how could he not have considered that?

Or was MC all the while planning to share the results of his hapless sextgate mission with LE? Sure that when they saw his intention to sext information out of Terri they'd commend him? DID LE know about it and give him the green light in case info came out of it?

Or was he just your garden variety jerk preying on a woman in an incredibly vulnerable time?

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