2010.08.17 - Croslin says she heard Haleigh Cummings attack

Misty's first words to Ronald when he arrived home that night were,
"Do you have Haleigh?"
wow new to this but feel totally ignored-why tell plp to join in when you just ignore new plpl?sorry my thoughts were not relevant!

Welcome to the forum, Sherry!

Posters did thank you for your posts. That's another way of saying how relevant your thoughts were to us! :blowkiss:
Misty's first words to Ronald when he arrived home that night were,
"Do you have Haleigh?"

Is this your opinion? I don't remember ever hearing this before so that's why I'm asking. :)
I think that if her own dad killed her, he would be in prison for it as LE also has his cell phone pings and he was at work last I heard.

I do not believe, and never have believed, that Ronald Cummings murdered his daughter. I do believe, however, that it is possible Ron may have killed her. He could have hit or pushed Haleigh and she died from her injuries later, after Ron left for work. This would have been unintentional, IMO, so it was not murder.

That said, I have not heard that there is any forensic evidence to show that this is what happened, and I want to say loud and clear that I am not saying that this is what happened. I am saying it is a possibility, and I see considerable circumstantial evidence that points to that possibility. From the beginning, it looked to me as though Ron was involved in the cover-up. I am not sure why he would cover, but it appears to me that he did, and IMO there has to be a reason for that. The above is just one possible reason, and it is as plausible as any other, IMO.
Off the cuff, I would say that Ron traded drugs for the gun. That is done all the time. It has been reported that Ron gave the gun that he threatened to kill himself with to a biker who put it away for him. IMO, Joe transported drugs down for a deal with Ron and Ron screwed him over and didn't pay him. That is the absolutely only reason I can think of where Joe would come in demanding a gun that Ron had shown off to him. Why else would he be so pizzzzzzzzed that he would retaliate and take Haleigh? I can't think of anyother reason. I personally don't think that this is what happened, I'm just trying to explore any and all scenarios.

Lone, you are always in there digging and coming up with worthwhile information. Of course, guns for drugs! I must have been asleep.

That would put Jo in a foul mood if he was promised one for his end of a deal and when he didn't get it, when Ron stiffed him, he would take it upon himself to get what he thought was his due.

For a long time, I had trouble wondering why Jo would go to the motor home for a gun. Thanks for pointing out, in his mind, that was to be his gun. Not that I think he had a right to it, but in this mind, that was his payment.
Yikes! During the Shell Harbor river search, a neighbor claimed he saw Misty carrying a trash bag ... BRB, gonna hunt for the link

back to "her" story ... black cloth bag from where? Did he bring it with him?

back to Chelsea's story "Joe was sleeping in his clothes ..." You mean to tell me that after he abducted a child, stashed her in a cloth bag, he went to her place and took a nap!

what a bunch of B.S.


"Carl Brown who lives on Shell Harbour Road has heard many stories since he moved to the area about 18 months ago including one that Misty Croslin was seen in the area putting something in a garbage can after the disappearance of HaLeigh.

"He said he reported it to deputies," he said. Croslin reportedly had lived about two blocks from the Shell Harbour Road at some point."


The Bald Truth | ArtHarris.com » Police Confirm Misty ...
Someone said a neighbor saw Misty at night with a trash bag in that Shell Harbor area, could someone have ... help dispose of the body they did.A dog hit on the garbage bin ...
I think that Misty's story has a number of true elements, but perhaps she has left a number of points out.

1. I think both she and Haleigh were assaulted that night. I recall the stage in the case where she talked about being molested by Joe and Tommy when she was younger. I have no idea if THAT was true, but I do think that something happened to her that night. If she were sexually assaulted (which would not have to be full-out rape), that would explain, in part, why she went into the bedroom and covered herself and Junior with the blankets. She was trying not to be a witness or to have him be a witness. No doubt she would have been terrified.

It would be easy to blame Misty for not protecting Haleigh, but if she herself had been assaulted, her lack of protection for Haleigh would be more understandable. And even more so if Tommy was involved in the attack on Haleigh. It would have been 2 men against one teenage girl, with a toddler also in the house. Either Tommy or JO could have had a weapon of some sort. She also could have been high. And she is so young that she just might have done the wrong thing.

2. Tommy says he was high and doesn't remember what happened, which could be true. That could explain why he didn't protect Haleigh, or conversely, why he participated in her murder. Remember Haleigh's statement that the truth would hurt two people, but only one they care about, which would be Tommy.

3. So I think the story's true elements are: both Misty and Haleigh were assaulted, but Misty fought back or Tommy drew the line and so Haleigh became the target. The story also accounts for why RC couldn't get Misty on the phone--and perhaps why he was feeling the urgent need to speak to her. Maybe an instinct that something was wrong.

4. I think motive is over-rated here. This might be an example of a dyad, a killing pair in which neither would cross the murder line on his own. Dave Cullen in his book Columbine describes Eric Harris as a psychopath (based on post-mortem diagnoses by FBI experts) and his partner Dylan Klebold a depressive personality with suicidal tendencies.) According to the research Cullen cites, such a dyad is usually assymmetrical, with one killer the definite leader. I think Tommy fits the depressive category pretty well. I don't know about JO's history. But I think it is possible that there was no motive other than the wish to injure or control. It may be that one or the other is a pedophile. Who knows?

5. I think the cover-up happens in different ways for different reasons. JO wants to get away with his crime and go back home. Tommy was a participant (he can't very well argue he was assaulted or so high he couldn't defend a child). He has to cover up or he's going to prison and won't see his own kids. Misty can only think to somehow turn the clock back and construct a lie. So what happens next is actually a very "teenage" moment. If she tells what happened, the whole world will know she was assaulted or that she let a child be killed or both. She would lose Ronald and her home and perhaps be blamed for everything. She reacted like a teenager and made up a story that was fairly obviously untrue. I think that she was worried about the police but terrified of what Ron would do to her brother because I do believe if she had told RC what happened before the police arrived, he would have killed Tommy and Joe. And if she heard or saw Haleigh being murdered, she would indeed have real reason to fear JO. So she had to keep quiet and keep her head metaphorically under the covers hoping that it would all go away.
Hi & Welcome .... sherrymurph
You had a question answered twice on page 6 .Like the poster above said ...sometimes the thread moves so fast we miss seeing post .We have all had that happen.I don't post much but i hit the thanks button a lot .
Misty's first words to Ronald when he arrived home that night were,
"Do you have Haleigh?"

"this is from Dot'sEyes transcript of the hypnosis session:

What was she wearing?
She was wearing her pink Hannah Montana shirt and her underwear. She had shorts on but she took them off. She don’t like to sleep in clothes at all, she hates clothes, wants to strip all the time and be in her underwear. And probably it took 30 minutes for it to wash and probably like 60 minutes for it to dry and as soon as that was done, I got in my pajamas um and I laid down on the bed. And I remember I was halfway asleep and I remember Jr. getting up and going over me and was out the bedroom door. And then when I woke up and he was on one side of me but he was moved to the other side of me and that is when I woke up and noticed that the light was on in the kitchen, so I went to the kitchen and I seen the back door was open so I started freaking out about the back door. So I ran to my bedroom and got my phone and then um I tried to call Ronald he didn’t answer, well before I called Ronald, I turned around, while I was grabbing my phone, I turned around and saw that Haleigh was gone and I tried calling over and over again, I was freaking out, looking under beds, in closets, everywhere and screaming her name. Bubba’s up at that time and he’s freaking out too. That’s when I opened the front door and Ronald was pulling up and I asked him “do you have Haleigh? Do you know where Haleigh is?” And he was like “what do you mean?” And I’m like “Haleigh’s gone.” And we looked and searched and we couldn’t find her. And that’s it."
Joe is the guy that did this. Misty and Tommy both know and did nothing to help that child. She was thrown in the river.

Exaclty what I have said from the very start of this case. Why is this still not solved? I figered out this case in one week.
Misty didn't have any marks or bruises on her from any assault. The kids could have ran out or been screaming during an attack, and Tommy doesn't mention hearing any crying or screaming from a bag. In fact, he claimed that Joe came by his home, held a knife to his throat, and that he saw Haleigh in the back of the van. What a bunch of liars. Tommy was the one who was hard to wake up when the call came about Haleigh. Joe was easy to wake up, seemingly straight, and went right to the hospital to visit Hank. Why didn't Lindsey hear the pit bull barking (the one she hates so much) or hear Tommy up and about since she claims to have woken up if he so much got up to watch tv for even 30 minutes. And: Why do none of them or any of the tv shows ever mention those blankets. Haleighs blanket and the one from the window or that was taken in the van.
I know this is going to sound like a really dumb question, but did they notice a blanket missing in the beginning of this case. It says that the cousin covered Haleigh with a blanket.....was the blanket taken from the MH? I have not followed the case for awhile.....
I know this is going to sound like a really dumb question, but did they notice a blanket missing in the beginning of this case. It says that the cousin covered Haleigh with a blanket.....was the blanket taken from the MH? I have not followed the case for awhile.....

In the beginning Misty claimed she had to wash Haleigh's blanket because it smelled like pee. She also claimed she had to wash another blanket that was hanging up on a window because her blanket was in the van "they" took...
Joe is the guy that did this. Misty and Tommy both know and did nothing to help that child. She was thrown in the river.
Exaclty what I have said from the very start of this case. Why is this still not solved? I figered out this case in one week.

I respectfully disagree.. Jo did not kill Haleigh and neither did Misty or Tommy..
They may have helped hide her body for a short period of time and Jo and Tommy may have taken her body to a certain location for Ron or someone in his family to dispose of when the time was convenient but she was not thrown in the river....JMHO..
I don't have a link sorry, if anyone does please post. I recall reading that the time clock was not working at PDM that night. LE has never really said what time Ron worked. Ron said early on that he was working his "8hrs" making an honest living. Months later his attorney said he had worked 3hrs over time. Nobody has factual information on what time Ron was at work. LE has never given those details. The only thing they have said is that they are satisfied with his work hours.

I agree that as for Misty we also don't know where she really was that night and LE has been asking for anyone with creditable information regarding her whereabouts to come forward. Tommy did say he stopped by around 10pm and she was not home. But heck, he lies to. They all do IMO and I will not believe anything until Haleigh is found and LE can prove what really happen to Haleigh.

If a time card existed with Ron's punches in and out at the 5 pm and 3 am times then the Cummings or Ron or Ron's attorney would have published that long long ago. They have got to know that a major segment of the population who follows this case believes there is something fishy about Ron's work times and if they had evidence of his time punches we would have seen it long ago. I find it remarkable that after 18 months there is still no definitive info on Ron's work hours - that leads me to believe that there is an issue with just when Ron was at work.
I think that Misty's story has a number of true elements, but perhaps she has left a number of points out.

1. I think both she and Haleigh were assaulted that night. I recall the stage in the case where she talked about being molested by Joe and Tommy when she was younger. I have no idea if THAT was true, but I do think that something happened to her that night. If she were sexually assaulted (which would not have to be full-out rape), that would explain, in part, why she went into the bedroom and covered herself and Junior with the blankets. She was trying not to be a witness or to have him be a witness. No doubt she would have been terrified.

It would be easy to blame Misty for not protecting Haleigh, but if she herself had been assaulted, her lack of protection for Haleigh would be more understandable. And even more so if Tommy was involved in the attack on Haleigh. It would have been 2 men against one teenage girl, with a toddler also in the house. Either Tommy or JO could have had a weapon of some sort. She also could have been high. And she is so young that she just might have done the wrong thing.

2. Tommy says he was high and doesn't remember what happened, which could be true. That could explain why he didn't protect Haleigh, or conversely, why he participated in her murder. Remember Haleigh's statement that the truth would hurt two people, but only one they care about, which would be Tommy.

3. So I think the story's true elements are: both Misty and Haleigh were assaulted, but Misty fought back or Tommy drew the line and so Haleigh became the target. The story also accounts for why RC couldn't get Misty on the phone--and perhaps why he was feeling the urgent need to speak to her. Maybe an instinct that something was wrong.

4. I think motive is over-rated here. This might be an example of a dyad, a killing pair in which neither would cross the murder line on his own. Dave Cullen in his book Columbine describes Eric Harris as a psychopath (based on post-mortem diagnoses by FBI experts) and his partner Dylan Klebold a depressive personality with suicidal tendencies.) According to the research Cullen cites, such a dyad is usually assymmetrical, with one killer the definite leader. I think Tommy fits the depressive category pretty well. I don't know about JO's history. But I think it is possible that there was no motive other than the wish to injure or control. It may be that one or the other is a pedophile. Who knows?

5. I think the cover-up happens in different ways for different reasons. JO wants to get away with his crime and go back home. Tommy was a participant (he can't very well argue he was assaulted or so high he couldn't defend a child). He has to cover up or he's going to prison and won't see his own kids. Misty can only think to somehow turn the clock back and construct a lie. So what happens next is actually a very "teenage" moment. If she tells what happened, the whole world will know she was assaulted or that she let a child be killed or both. She would lose Ronald and her home and perhaps be blamed for everything. She reacted like a teenager and made up a story that was fairly obviously untrue. I think that she was worried about the police but terrified of what Ron would do to her brother because I do believe if she had told RC what happened before the police arrived, he would have killed Tommy and Joe. And if she heard or saw Haleigh being murdered, she would indeed have real reason to fear JO. So she had to keep quiet and keep her head metaphorically under the covers hoping that it would all go away.

I agree with much of what you say; it could have happened this way and Misty could truly have been too frightened/threatened to do anything in the heat of the moment to help Haleigh.

However, once JO was gone, she should have called 911, and she could have. At the very least she would not have gone out with him the next morning to hang Haleigh Missing posters. Sorry, I will never buy that she was too afraid by then to NOT go with him to hang the posters. And at one point a few months after all this supposedly went down, Misty goes off to Tennessee--is she no longer afraid of JO? Because, she's venturing closer to him rather than staying far away. Obviously her fear had diminished enough for her to travel to JO's home town...WHY at that point did she not go to LE and tell her story of what happened and why she was too afraid to talk before?

Also, this scenario doesn't explain Ron's behaviors and what looks alarmingly like cover-up on his part. While it is true no one can assume how they would act in the face of a horrendous situation such as a child abduction or murder, I do see far too many unexplainable behaviors and statements by Ron Cummings. I have tried to give Ron the benefit of the doubt for many of his words and actions but some are just so far out there that to me they scream cover up! The question is, why would Ron cover for anyone who hurt his child? He was at work, so obviously he was not at the MH to be scared or threatened. Did JO text Ron the next morning with a warning not to do or say anything? Maybe it was added as a PS on the same text Misty got to meet JO to hang flyers, eh?
wow new to this but feel totally ignored-why tell plp to join in when you just ignore new plpl?sorry my thoughts were not relevant!

Looking at the thread this morning and I'm not sure why you feel people ignored your posts. Two previous ones were followed immediately by a post addressing your comments/questions. And the others were thanked by quite a few people.

So I hope you keep posting!
Misty didn't have any marks or bruises on her from any assault. The kids could have ran out or been screaming during an attack, and Tommy doesn't mention hearing any crying or screaming from a bag. In fact, he claimed that Joe came by his home, held a knife to his throat, and that he saw Haleigh in the back of the van. What a bunch of liars. Tommy was the one who was hard to wake up when the call came about Haleigh. Joe was easy to wake up, seemingly straight, and went right to the hospital to visit Hank. Why didn't Lindsey hear the pit bull barking (the one she hates so much) or hear Tommy up and about since she claims to have woken up if he so much got up to watch tv for even 30 minutes. And: Why do none of them or any of the tv shows ever mention those blankets. Haleighs blanket and the one from the window or that was taken in the van.
one of the few things that LE released early on, (& still), is that they had reason to believe that Misty wasn't in the trailer that night. Since they rarely go to the trouble, of releasing information, I believe that, at least at some point, Misty wasn't home. Since a neighbor heard a female scream, & then another neighbor saw her in the yard, crying on the phone, I think Misty was gone earlier in the night, & came home to find Haleigh gone. Early in the evening, it has been reported that she & Ron argued over babysitting. I think it's possible that instead of the argument being about her wanting to babysit her brother's kids, it was about her wanting her brother to babysit Ron's kids. I think it's possible that she left the kids with him anyway, or just left them alone. If Ron called Tommy, looking for Misty, & he really did go check, then he would've found the kids alone. & whatever happened happened. It seems that the cinderblocks, yellow rope, etc...can be connected to Tommy. I don't know about the bag. Tommy being responsible, could explain why this story doesn't jibe. Misty, coming home to a gone Haleigh, would've suspected Tommy, but wouldn't have known for sure, & she would've latched on to a stranger abduction theory. (at Tommy's urging, maybe). & claimed to have been asleep, (again, maybe at Tommy's urging), because to a teenager, there wouldn't be much difference, between being asleep & being gone. After they were arrested, & Tommy came up with the 'Joe did it' story, Misty's role was kept to a minimum. She was in another room, under the covers, & wasn't an actual witness. But Tommy claims to have been there for the whole thing. He explained the rocks, the rope, the disposal location, etc...It's MOO, that Misty has been repeating the story that Tommy later fed her. & this is why I think she would go along. #1, she's in deep, & knows it. She has lied & lied & lied. #2, she didn't hurt Haleigh, so that in her warped logic, makes it ok to lie about other stuff. #3, her dad has put the screws to her...threatened to move away & not visit anymore, relayed a question from Tommy, on why she hated him, claimed (at a very late date), that he was on the fishing expedition that implicates Joe, related the story of Joe stabbing his sister, & (very early in this case), made a point to verify that Misty had always been a rock solid sleeper, that wouldn't have awakened to a stranger. IMO, these things point to Hank, taking suspicion off of his kid(S), & on to other suspects. I think Hank knows where Misty was that night, so it's MOO, that Tommy is the kid he's been protecting. & one other thing, in an attempt to stay on topic. I think Misty is lieing about hearing Haleigh's attack, & Jr.'s account leads me to believe that there was no screaming Haleigh or Misty, no raging Joe, no struggle or ransacking for a gun. The house was quiet, Jr. heard the squeaky shoes, & saw the bouncing couch.
wow new to this but feel totally ignored-why tell plp to join in when you just ignore new plpl?sorry my thoughts were not relevant!

sherrymurph welcome to WS and please don't feel ignored. I have just now seen your post. I check in and out all day and part of the night and sometimes misses new posters and miss replies to my own posts. Dive in and feel free to share your thoughts...........:dance:

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