NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct 2010 - #19

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They're examining these mattresses under a tent. My question is how do they decide it's an important mattress. What do they look for under the tent?
My first thought would be blood or something easily detectable, and go from that point forward. MOO
I think AF has told far more than we know. I also think she has real reasons to fear her EB.


I agree mytime. I'm sure her interview with LE was "interesting" (I'm assuming they interviewed her).

OK i think it may be possible that the whole dragging out the mattress at the landfill is a red herring to keep the media from the other search site.. or at least it is a slight of hand so the focus is elsewhere while the look for her body.

I it is known "fact" that children murdered by family will be found within 3 blocks of their home, why do we have so many kids that have yet to be found?

And give me a break to comment that if you have a good lawyer you are guilty is beyond the pale.

Respectfully, BBM. I've never heard that before :confused:
This is my theory and my opinions only.I have to say it again ,but, I dont think the furniture store lady is credible,the reason LE is still asking for anyone to come forth that may have seen Z.
I think Z was killed at the trailer, they got the "new" matress after they moved in 21, Z never slept in it, its the same frame they had at the trailer,
AB & EB have been planning how to get rid of the body for some time, I say check all sewer lines in and around ttrailer and dump. Dump contains a lot of evidence, matress, personal items with blood from Z, everything of Zs , may be in several piles at dump.
I think AB has opened up & EB has probably too to some extent.
LE really has their work cut out for them. So many homes, different counties, no real time line (that we know of). I am just glad that Team Adam and others are helping.

God Bless them all.
My first thought would be blood or something easily detectable, and go from that point forward. MOO
ok help me out here and BTW Hi Panthera:seeya: Was a mattress missing? sorry if thats a dumb question, just cant keep up.
OK i think it may be possible that the whole dragging out the mattress at the landfill is a red herring to keep the media from the other search site.. or at least it is a slight of hand so the focus is elsewhere while the look for her body.

I it is known "fact" that children murdered by family will be found within 3 blocks of their home, why do we have so many kids that have yet to be found?

And give me a break to comment that if you have a good lawyer you are guilty is beyond the pale.

I'm not sure LE would waste time trying to fake out the media. But you never know.

Wasn't reported as fact it was stated by M. Klaas as a statistic.

Yeah she was being pointedly argumentative with that defense attn. LOL But that's Nancy :)
Okay, my apologies in advance if this becomes a long post. I've got numerous family and friends in and from Aus, and I've just had a long conversation with my best friend in Sydney about this case. I will reference his comments during this diatribe. :)

I've listened to AB's 911 call, and I know that many people find his "Hey, how ya doin'?" odd. I must tell you that I found it completely normal. This is a *very* common way to start any conversation in Australia. At least it is with my friends and family. When I told Ec (my best friend) about it he said, "Yeah, that's Oz." and then went on to say, "yeah I got a problem with me arm.. sawn right off.. she'll be right tho, got a towel wrapped around it." He found nothing odd or sinister in his starting that phone call that way. I'd love to hear from our Aussie members whether they find it odd or not.

Then he went on to say something that surprised even me. "I'm actually surprised he called 911 for a missing person." So I asked him who he would call, and he said he'd just ring the local police station. So maybe it isn't so odd that AB called his boss before calling 911, or seems to not know what to say. I'd love to hear what the boss has to say about the conversation they had.:waitasec:

All in all, I'm still leaning towards AB being dense to everything, either because he was working so much or because child-rearing is the woman's domain, or a combination of the two. And boy, oh boy, do I hope I'm not going to eat crow on this one. (If I have to, I'd appreciate someone passing the salt shaker.)

P.S. I'm not saying AB shouldn't face the consequences of his actions. But I do believe he's been living with the biggest consequence for the last 12 days. Where are you Zahra? Know we're all looking for you, hoping for the best (a miracle) and preparing for the worst.

Okay, here's an Aussies imput re: emergency calls.

This year I have made two calls to police. First one was when some teens set off a small bomb in the park right next to our house.
My kids and I were so shaken and scared by it, that I immediately dialled 000 (our emergency number) and was really panicked when I spoke to them.

There was no immediate danger to my family at this time, but I was all over the place ....couldn't remember the name of the park, my phone number etc.

Second call was just recent, when my sister said she was going to kill herself and since she had just recently taken an overdose, I took her seriously.

I didn't call 000, I called her local police station, and I'm pretty sure I started out by saying, "Hi. I'm really sorry to bother you but....."

That situation was more of an immediate concern, yet I was talking calmly to the officer.

I was genuinely concerned about my sister, but because I didn't know with absolute certainty what the heck was going on, I was a bit embarrassed about calling them, not wanting to put them out if my sister was just talking .

So I can kinda understand AB being so calm...if he really didn't know what the heck was going on.

I don't think it's just an Aussie thing to be cool calm and relaxed when making a phone call to police or emergency services, it depends on the person and the circumstances.

Also want to quickly add, I don't think AB is 'slow' or stupid.

I think the man had emotionally checked out a long time ago, possibly due to depression from being a single dad who had to rely on his mum and the community for so much help, and watching his daughter fight cancer, not once, but twice, and losing her leg and some hearing.

Men are far less likely to reach out for help if they are suffering depression, which is why their suicide rate is higher.
And a depressed person is an easy target for a manipulater like EB.

PS Can 'ya keep that salt shaker handy for me? And I might need some bandaids too for all the fence-sitting splinters.
The psychologist Bethany said that the stats say mothers usually dispose of children within 3 blocks of the home.

Does this stat include step mothers too??

When I rode by at lunch today. No one was anywhere around including people, LE or dogs. :-/
Respectfully, BBM. I've never heard that before :confused:

I have Daisy. It's from a study by either the FBI or I read it on the NCMEC.

It's been awhile. It was discussed at length during the KC case in her subforum almost 2 years ago, before Caylee was found. JMHO and recollection.
Yeah I found it to be an absurd statement but Marc Klass agreed with the woman.

Or it could just be an old study/statistc.

you know, from back in the day, when wives and mothers stayed at home ironing and defrosting things. :angel:
...NG talking about AB not visiting EB in jail and why he hasn't done so. One guest believes he may be trying to distance himself from her.

Things that make ya go hmmmmm...

Here he hasn't seen her

“After the hearing, Adam Baker was at the family’s Hickory, N.C., house removing belongings. He told the Observer he hasn’t spoken with his wife since her arrest”.

And here it says that he HAS been to see her.

"While Elisa Baker awaits her court appearance for obstructing justice, jail records show she has had three visitors, including a daughter, a man who appears to be a son-in-law and Adam Baker."

Wonder which it is?
you know, if anyone knows of good newssource search engine I would be so appreciative. I am like a dog with a bone. I am determined to find that story I know I saw. Also with all the things that get editted and removed after the fact online at newsites, I am trying to find a good search engine to help corrolate all the stories from MSM (tv and print). I want to gather them all up.

some of of more motivated member wo already do this sort of compilation could probably give me a lot of good tips.

feel free to pull me aside to discuss or send tips so I don't derail the thread. TIA
If nothing has been found on the "new" matress that was at 21, then, AB HAD to answer to LE,why it doesnt, I believe that when all came together to search that dumo. he HAD had to answer to questions, such as, when did Z get that matress, when did Z get that dresser, etc, he couldnt have kept saying "i dont know" to every question, remember hes out because hes supposed to be helping. Hes probably scared to death now because hes sorry that he ever got involved with EB, TOO LATE!!
My opinion only, not fact at this point.
FWIW, Daisy if you want to go hunt it down. It also talks about how Mothers (bonded moms, bonded adoptive mothers, etc...) will wrap the child and often place the child in water.

Just statistics. (it's on the internet somewhere, the actual study, but when I got my new puter I didn't transfer my links to this one). HTH.
At the bottom of the screen in a red banner it says:
(on NG of course)

Just In: Cops searching another secret location w/ dogs right now

Do we know if this is true yet? Also wondering if it's behind that trailer house (down in what that witness called a "hollar") they were seen at approx 3 weeks ago (via witnesses in the old neighborhood)
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