GUILTY Canada - Marie-France Comeau, 37, & Jessica Lloyd, 27, slain, Ont, 2009 & 2010 - #6

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I wish a journalist had interviewed Det. Smyth. I would be interested to know his thoughts on Williams.

Smyth is a hero, in my eyes.
Here is part of another Detective's anaylsis on Det. Smyth's interrogation of Williams.

People often think about the old-style interrogation tactics of hot lights, aggressive investigators, shouting, pounding fists. But it’s starkly different. We tend to use a rapport-based system, and that’s the best way to describe what Jim was doing. He went in there and built a rapport with Williams, talked about things they have in common, and even threw out there in plain language things like, ‘I’ll treat you with respect and I’ve asked you to do the same for me.’ But Williams came in there with one purpose, and that was to deny and deceive the interviewer. So Jim systematically presented evidence and facts, and offered up ways to make it a little more palatable for the person to confess. He was starting to wear Williams down, and as Jim started to present more evidence, you could see Williams start to take a defeated posture — which is a clear indication to an interrogator that the person is about to confess

Hundreds attend 'healing event' in Belleville after Williams sentenced

"We're not here today to find answers. We're here today to be a community, to realize any burdens we face are lighter when we carry them.”

“Today, we recognize the pain. But more than that, we stand in solidarity as a community ... We are all survivors. We all found the strength to live through the pain.”

Mr. Lloyd used his turn at the podium to thank Belleville police and other law enforcement officials for capturing his sister's killer and bringing him to justice.

“Everyone did a fantastic job,” he said. “My sister would be proud of this.”

Ms. McMullan in turn praised Mr. Lloyd for his courage. As the legal process unfolded, he become a spokesman for his family and delivered a powerful victim impact statement in court.

“Any mother would be proud to call him a son,” the police chief said to applause. “He sets a wonderful example.”

Ms. McMullan encouraged people to deal with their grief by doing something positive in their community.

“It's our responsibility to continue to be strong,” she said.
I truly believe that RW's wife knew nothing. She may have known he had a fetish for lingerie and wanted her to wear it, but I doubt very much that she thought he WAS wearing it.

Don't forget - RW was here on IR (Imposed Restriction) which means you are posted somewhere without your family temporarily while on that assignment. His home was Ottawa. They probably saw each other only every other weekend (if that), she would have had no idea what was going on. Would she question why her husband wasn't home every night at 9:00 pm? Of course not! The Wing Comd's schedule isn't 9-5 Monday to Friday. He has to maintain his currency by flying, attending meetings, travelling, etc.

What REALLY, really has me ticked off, is the fact that Mary Elizabeth threatened to sue the OPP for scratching up her wood floors. How DARE she!!! The money that she (they) make and the circumstances and she's crying over $3,000 to fix her floors? The GALL of that woman!

Any sympathy I felt for her, is long gone. :furious:

and don't forget about the $1,400 lamp!!!

The brother of one of Williams' murder victims, Andy Lloyd, called it ridiculous that police paid "$3,000 to fix her hardwood floors and apparently $1,400 to fix a lamp because the OPP damaged them dragging boxes of bras out of her house."

btw, can we get Col. removed from the title of this thread!!!!
I wish a journalist had interviewed Det. Smyth. I would be interested to know his thoughts on Williams.

Smyth is a hero, in my eyes.

He can't talk to the media until the appeal period has elapsed, which is 30 days (or so I read).
DiManno: The enigma of Mrs. Russell Williams

Some items, including a hard drive that contained his vast photographic record of crimes committed, were stored in “safe places’’ — the basement ceiling of the Ottawa home, inside a piano at the Tweed cottage. Even Williams’ duffle bag could be described as secure, since military wives are unlikely to go rooting in there.

Yet nearly all the stolen undergarments and sex toys Williams kept were simply stuffed into bags and boxes found in the basement and garage of the Ottawa house, in plain sight.

Harriman never even glanced in them?

Sometimes we look but dare not see.

Is this true? I thought he hid these boxes in the ceiling or rafters or something like that.
DiManno: The enigma of Mrs. Russell Williams

Is this true? I thought he hid these boxes in the ceiling or rafters or something like that.

I remember reading in the confession transcipts that RW stated that the boxes of underwear would be found in the basement of the Ottawa home, and that there were alot of boxes as they just moved, but they were placed at the back against the wall behind the rest of the boxes. He mentioned that some were in the printer box (from his computer printer)
a reminder for tonight..The Fifth Estate...

Just watched it. Very good and detailed program. I saw an image that included rope, handcuffs, a dildo and what look like a whip (cat o' nine tails). Were these items he stole or did he use them on the victims. I didn't catch the context of that image. TIA.

American expert stated that the videoed confession with Det. Jim Smyth should be used as education around the world for how to properly interview crime suspects.
when I saw the picture tonight of RW & MEH standing in the driveway of their Orlean's home, if I hadn't known the difference I would have thought, Mother & son...I wonder if he called her "Mommy"...
He wrapped the tapes in electrical tape and hid them in a piano at his cottage

He played trumpet, and his interest in jazz is obvious from his entry in the 1982 College Times: He offered a quotation from the legendary U.S. jazz trumpeter Louis Armstrong: “If you have to ask what jazz is, you’ll never know.”

Read more:

I wonder if "jazz" meant something entirely different for RW?
Brace yourselves for this one, Sleuthers.

Williams greeted by head of Kingston Pen

Last Updated: October 23, 2010 1:09am

BELLEVILLE, Ont. - The disgraced ‘Killer Colonel’ was not even sentenced to life in prison for one hour and it appears he was already getting special treatment.

Sources tell me upon arriving at Kingston Penitentiary Thursday the low-life Russell Williams was given the VIP welcome.

“The new warden of KP (Jay Pyke) was on hand to meet Williams immediately upon his arrival,” said an insider.

Wonder what they talked about? High level warden to colonel, commanding officer stuff I guess. Above our pay grade. Any autographs?

“This is completely unheard of in any federal penitentiary or institution,” said an outraged insider. “Any federally incarcerated inmate who arrives at any prison is never met by a warden.”

If this did happen Williams, who rubbed noses with the Queen, prime ministers and some of the country’s most powerful figures, now has high level contacts his fellow inmates don’t have.

The source said “inmates are always processed through admissions by correctional officers, may go and see a Correctional supervisor in extreme cases, and escorted to their unit/cell. But not in this case. Special attention for this guy already?”

First he gets paid, then gets to keep his pension and severance pay, gets away without having a dangerous offender hearing that would solidify his life in prison (who is more dangerous?) and now gets to rub shoulders with the commanding officer of his new unit?

He was also greeted by a special psychologist (not an on-staff KP psychologist, either) as well — also unheard of for new arrivals. [Snip>]

There's a lot more in this article; seems Journalist Warmington is grinding his teeth about many of the issues we've discussed here.
RW is NOT getting his severance pay. It's worth about $70,000 and he has been denied due to his release item.

It really irks me when journalists don't bother to check their facts, and just write whatever they see fit. Who even knows if this is true?

Just because it has been written, doesn't mean it's the truth...
Sex killer Williams booted from military

OTTAWA - Convicted sex killer Russell Williams has been stripped of his rank as colonel and booted from the military — a swift, furious response from the embarrassed institution that once considered him a rising star.

Gov. Gen. David Johnston agreed to an unusual, but not unprecedented, request Friday from the chief of the defence staff to revoke Williams' commission and release him immediately from the Canadian Forces.
The head of the air force, Lt.-Gen. Andres Deschamps, said Friday that it is "an extraordinary and severe decision."

"Mr. Williams actions have constituted a fundamental breach of trust, duty and valour upon which the commission is based," Deschamps told reporters at 15 Wing in Moose Jaw, Sask., where he was to attend the year-end show for the Snowbirds aerobatic team.

"He is not commendable of the oath he took to serve Canadians as a serving officer of the Canadian Forces."

Defence Minister Peter MacKay said in a statement Friday that the Canadian Forces have undertaken all available actions to ensure that all possible sanctions are imposed against Williams and all possible benefits will be withdrawn.

"Mr. Williams committed horrific crimes against citizens that the Canadian Forces swear to protect, and he is not worthy of the oath he took to serve Canadians as an officer of the Canadian Forces," said MacKay.

Read more:
Brace yourselves for this one, Sleuthers.

Williams greeted by head of Kingston Pen

Last Updated: October 23, 2010 1:09am

BELLEVILLE, Ont. - The disgraced ‘Killer Colonel’ was not even sentenced to life in prison for one hour and it appears he was already getting special treatment.

Sources tell me upon arriving at Kingston Penitentiary Thursday the low-life Russell Williams was given the VIP welcome.

“The new warden of KP (Jay Pyke) was on hand to meet Williams immediately upon his arrival,” said an insider.

Wonder what they talked about? High level warden to colonel, commanding officer stuff I guess. Above our pay grade. Any autographs?

“This is completely unheard of in any federal penitentiary or institution,” said an outraged insider. “Any federally incarcerated inmate who arrives at any prison is never met by a warden.”

If this did happen Williams, who rubbed noses with the Queen, prime ministers and some of the country’s most powerful figures, now has high level contacts his fellow inmates don’t have.

The source said “inmates are always processed through admissions by correctional officers, may go and see a Correctional supervisor in extreme cases, and escorted to their unit/cell. But not in this case. Special attention for this guy already?”

First he gets paid, then gets to keep his pension and severance pay, gets away without having a dangerous offender hearing that would solidify his life in prison (who is more dangerous?) and now gets to rub shoulders with the commanding officer of his new unit?

He was also greeted by a special psychologist (not an on-staff KP psychologist, either) as well — also unheard of for new arrivals. [Snip>]

There's a lot more in this article; seems Journalist Warmington is grinding his teeth about many of the issues we've discussed here.

When it is quoted by "a source", I take that as a rumour! After all the journalist says "If this did happen" within his own story!!!
Possibly it is true, but overwritten with dramatics, as most journalists do this to grab our attention, and anything with RW's name grabs our attention. VIP Welcome...did they have balloons, a band???? With the warden being new to the position and with the Jailbird coming from a high position in society, perhaps the Warden was on hand to oversee the "checking in" process completed by his staff, to make sure all the t's were crossed and i's were dotted, to make sure that RW could not turn around and say he was mistreated etc. as this was an extremly HIGH profile case. If you were a guard at the KP, wouldn't you want to mistreat RW and give him what he deserves!!! If I were in the wardens shoes and new to the position, I would have done the same.

As for the "outside psychologist", Im sure there will be lots of those in RW's future. Everyone will want to get inside his head and figure out his double life and how he hid it.

This is all JMO!
Can we get COL. removed from the title of this thread.
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