NC - Zahra Clare Baker, 10, Hickory, 9 Oct. 2010 #29

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ok - my husband just figured out that it was actually "as useless as *advertiser censored* on a boar". He always thought it was "*advertiser censored* on a board" and he objected to their usefullness. (ok - way too much information and way off topic but couldn't resist!)

I have an awesome squeegee if anyone needs it after that one! :dance:
Can I get a link to that guys tweet page please so I can keep refreshing it?
ok - my husband just figured out that it was actually "as useless as *advertiser censored* on a boar". He always thought it was "*advertiser censored* on a board" and he objected to their usefullness. (ok - way too much information and way off topic but couldn't resist!)

While we're killing time... My hubby used to think they said "later on we'll perspire as we sit by the fire" in Winter Wonderland.
I was into my teens before I discovered an 'orphan inch' was actually an 'orphanage'.
When I was a kid I thought Suicide Bombers were 'sewer-side bombers'! I was VERY afraid of walking by the drain covers!!
When I was a kid I thought Suicide Bombers were 'sewer-side bombers'! I was VERY afraid of walking by the drain covers!!

There were no such thing as sewer side bombers when I was a kid...except the kamikaze pilots in the history books.
Since we are still killing time and anxiously awaiting on our "tenter-hooks". Here's another one to ponder. Back in the day (i will show my age) when the song "dirty deeds done dirt cheap" came out. I was walking by a girl in the mall who was singing at the top of her lungs "Dirty Deeds Done to Sheep!" I just couldn't not tell ya all that one.
I was 25 when I found out it was "intents and purposes"... always thought it was "intensive purposes." LOL

lol I was 31 because until I read your post I thought it was intensive too! I'm just glad it's not an expression I ever needed to use!
Respectfully, can we try to keep the O/T stuff off the thread as it will be very difficult for the members that come on later to catch up and read all this stuff!
..just to clarify-----val's a she..

<snort>! thanks laurie. I never can tell who's a he or a she LOL

:) you're a sweetie to let me know, but I prolly wont' remember haha. :blushing:
Okay - here's one...DH thought it was "one horse soap and sleigh" not one horse open sleigh...
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