2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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Another example of a mother involved in child abuse *advertiser censored*:

"An eastern Ontario woman is facing a two-year sentence for sending pornographic images of her daughter to the toddler's father."

Sick, sick, sick :(


At first, I'm thinking they had pics of their naked baby, maybe in the bathtub or being diaper changed. I can't imagine how a 16 mo. old baby girl can be seen this way by her own parents!

Hailey was at such a vulnerable age, too, to have SA move into the same house. No one was that concerned even if they were creeped out by SA.

BD would probably say she never even imagined SA would see Hailey in a sexual way...she'd say something dumb like that. Nothing seems unusual to these family members.

Yes, sick, sick, sick.
Respectfully snipped/bolded, Smooth.

This story from Detroit indicates that there are plenty of women who can be persuaded by males not only to view, but also to participate in, this type of criminal activity... Man Admits Exploiting Children by Having Mothers Molest Them

"DETROIT — A Michigan man built an online profile posing as a good-looking single dad and caring psychologist and persuaded mothers across the country to sexually assault their children as a form of therapy, then send him the images of the attacks, authorities said Monday."

Billie gets no free pass from me on this one, no sir.

I started my day reading this news story. Yeah, this guy and the stupid mothers :sick:
New article on KTXS regarding why no arrests have been made.....


Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs met with KTXS today to explain why no arrests have been made in both cases.
"You have more than one person in the home in each case," Sheriff Toombs said, "So you have to make sure and verify who is going to be the one responsible."
Sheriff Toombs says this will be decided by a grand jury and for February the grand jury met the 17th more than a week before the child *advertiser censored* was brought to light last Friday.

New article on KTXS regarding why no arrests have been made.....


Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs met with KTXS today to explain why no arrests have been made in both cases.
"You have more than one person in the home in each case," Sheriff Toombs said, "So you have to make sure and verify who is going to be the one responsible."
Sheriff Toombs says this will be decided by a grand jury and for February the grand jury met the 17th more than a week before the child *advertiser censored* was brought to light last Friday.


That was probably a huge job. LE must of just gotten it back from forensics.
There was recently a story of a fast food manager who made a fifteen year old female employee strip naked in his office when a voice on the phone told him they were LE and he needed to search the girl who had stolen something. It was a hoax.

A guy staying in a hotel, and the hotel manager were BOTH pranked by some guy who called claiming to be with Poison Control or the Health Department and convinced the guest to eat his own feces, then (I believe) to deliver some to the front desk clerk. The clerk was called before he got there and given some crazy story about why this guy was about to come in with poop.

People will do CRAZY stuff if someone perceived as an authority tells them to.
These women were STUPID and GULLIBLE, but certainly were not deriving pleasure from the acts, nor were they aware they were creating *advertiser censored* for a pedophile. They thought they were documenting a medical procedure for their counselor.

When my daughter was small, she projectile vomited every bit of formula she was fed. Her doctor said not to worry and that it was normal. He said she would not starve to death. But she was small, and getting smaller, and her grandparents thought I was a failure as a mom. But I felt intimidated demanding an explanation from someone who obviously had studied medicine and knew more than I. FINALLY, I asked him to explain what it WAS, what CAUSED it, and WHY it wasn't a problem (By this point, my baby was in the 5th percentile for weight) and he gave me a look like I had NO business questioning him. He did explain (in a very patronizing tone), explaining it would stop at age 1. I got a new pediatrician immediately because of his attitude, although he was right about the vomiting which stopped almost exactly when she turned one. But, what kind of doctor doesn't want a new mom to understand what is going on with her baby?

WoW! Above BBM.. The parts bolded were if they were my own words..exact and to a Tee.. I experienced this same EXACT..TO THE TEE EXACT projectile{and boy do I mean projectile}vomit from my son with his formula..22yrs old and he being my first child I was mortified.. Fortunately I did have a very patient and caring pediatrician who very nicely and assuredly told me this was not abnormal and that he too would stop the projectile vomiting by age 1.. Tho I did still worry at times as well as changed him to every formula known to mankind{Finally ended up with Nutrimagen..of course the most expensive and the projectile still happened but occured less on the Nutrimagen than anything else}..But absolutely magically and seemingly just overnight it all just went away right at 1yoa..Tho I am certain it is not abnormal and that are many others that have had this experience I will say Lisa you are the first one I have ever heard personally that experienced this exact issue..

We laugh about it now when its talked about mostly by my sister who has never had kids{and for good reason..lol}she calls that time in my life "when Jess smelled of baby puke everyday instead of perfume"..lol..and I did..he's 13 now and big..strong..and healthy..so alls well that ends well..

Sorry for going OT but as I said I'd never heard of anyone personally that had the "projectile issue"..lol
I started my day reading this news story. Yeah, this guy and the stupid mothers :sick:

IDK, there is a very popular book called "The Road Less Traveled", and IIRC, the book is broken up into 3 sections. One of the sections deals with, IMO, WAY TOO MUCH of this guy discussing how he never had, but he would be willing to have sex with a patient if he thought it would help them. Maybe I misinterpreted the whole thing, but this book and this guy who wrote it gave me the creeps, big time. This book got rave reviews, though, so maybe it's just me, or maybe it's the mindset of people looking up to psychiatrists and/or psychologists.
Adding my story

My oldest child projectile vomited too I had him in the Dr's office from 3 weeks on at least twice a week.. they made me stop breastfeeding, had him on so many different formulas including the 22 cal stuff for preemies.... Finally he started to vomit blood and didn't want to wake up 1 evening after having been to the Dr earlier that day he was rushed to the ER.. in 5 seconds the ER dr. was able to feel his stomach and tell me he had pyloric stenosis. He was beefed up with IV fluids and some medication and 3 days later was able to undergo surgery. He never has caught up on the growth charts he's never been above the 1 percentile except for his first 2 weeks after he was born.
Today he turned 10 years old :) We almost lost him from the pyloric stenosis. I tell everyone who has boys that projectile vomit to have them checked for it!!

ETA: Also the Dr. kept telling me IT"S NORMAL for babies to spit up and kept saying I know this is your first child andyou don't know all the ins and outs yet.. I kept believing him... because he was our trusted Dr and had been the 1 to deliver him....

The investigations will eventually be presented to the district attorneys in both Howard and Mitchell counties, Toombs said.
So charges separate from Hailey's case, as we suspected.

Question is now WHO has access to the computer and memory stick.

Gitana1 posted on how they could include/exclude people in the verified lawyer thread. AZlawyer also posted there.
[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=129618"]Legal Questions for our Verified Attorneys - Hailey Dunn case - *No Discussion* - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
You're singing to the choir where I'm concerned.
The above activity IS beyond hope. I pray the owners of this trash are arrested and charged soon. I hope Hailey is found first.

It goes without saying that I'm singing to the choir here.

I feel that in attempting to expose the heinous, factual circumstances of this vile material, the disastrous effects it has upon the innocent child victims, and the true nature of those who participate in it, that it will hopefully bring public awareness and will help to dispel a dangerous myth that "Most people that are into stuff like that...they're more into it for the pleasure than actually doing any physical harm."

I don't mind singing to the choir in the process of speaking out, if there is the chance that those who are tone deaf may somehow hear the song - the Truth.

Tone deaf meaning: anyone who may be reading here who may adhere to the fallacy that the viewing of child sexual abuse/torture media does not cause harm to children, when in fact, it does.

For anyone to believe that the viewing of child abuse/child rape/child torture photos and videos is only for pleasure, and to believe that those who do so do not cause physical harm or are not compelled to cause physical harm - that person is clinging to a grossly uniformed viewpoint that needs to be corrected.

This website has reliable, factual information:


I will not be silent - even if it appears that I'm singing to the choir or talking to the wall.

A Beloved Teacher once said: "I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you."

So May It Be.
New article on KTXS regarding why no arrests have been made.....


Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs met with KTXS today to explain why no arrests have been made in both cases.
"You have more than one person in the home in each case," Sheriff Toombs said, "So you have to make sure and verify who is going to be the one responsible."
Sheriff Toombs says this will be decided by a grand jury and for February the grand jury met the 17th more than a week before the child *advertiser censored* was brought to light last Friday.

But LE have known about this before it was "brought to light last Friday", so why wasn't this brought before a grand jury?
But LE have known about this before it was "brought to light last Friday", so why wasn't this brought before a grand jury?

I think it takes a long time for the forensics computer tech people to have everything they need. As said earlier, lots of people lived in and had access to both homes. So they had to show solid evidence pointing to the individuals which they want to charge. That it time consuming.
WoW! Above BBM.. The parts bolded were if they were my own words..exact and to a Tee.. I experienced this same EXACT..TO THE TEE EXACT projectile{and boy do I mean projectile}vomit from my son with his formula..22yrs old and he being my first child I was mortified.. Fortunately I did have a very patient and caring pediatrician who very nicely and assuredly told me this was not abnormal and that he too would stop the projectile vomiting by age 1.. Tho I did still worry at times as well as changed him to every formula known to mankind{Finally ended up with Nutrimagen..of course the most expensive and the projectile still happened but occured less on the Nutrimagen than anything else}..But absolutely magically and seemingly just overnight it all just went away right at 1yoa..Tho I am certain it is not abnormal and that are many others that have had this experience I will say Lisa you are the first one I have ever heard personally that experienced this exact issue..

We laugh about it now when its talked about mostly by my sister who has never had kids{and for good reason..lol}she calls that time in my life "when Jess smelled of baby puke everyday instead of perfume"..lol..and I did..he's 13 now and big..strong..and healthy..so alls well that ends well..

Sorry for going OT but as I said I'd never heard of anyone personally that had the "projectile issue"..lol

Mine is 19 now. We eventually switched to Carnation formula which was advertised as easier to digest. It certainly smelled better, was cheaper and was the only formula that didn't stain (the last two being especially desirable in formula the kid won't keep down anyway). The condition is called chalasia. But the doctor wanted me to just "believe him" that everything was ok, when it sure didn't SEEM ok. None of my friends' babies did that, and my parents and mother in law hadn't experienced it with their kids.
New article on KTXS regarding why no arrests have been made.....


Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs met with KTXS today to explain why no arrests have been made in both cases.
"You have more than one person in the home in each case," Sheriff Toombs said, "So you have to make sure and verify who is going to be the one responsible."
Sheriff Toombs says this will be decided by a grand jury and for February the grand jury met the 17th more than a week before the child *advertiser censored* was brought to light last Friday.


I have a slight issue with this. It was not until last Friday that the information was obtained by FOIA request. But certainly LE was aware much sooner that there was child *advertiser censored* and bestiality on the computer and flash drive, and that it was extensive, though perhaps they had not catalogued each image yet. I am CERTAIN they had enough to have put it to the GJ on the 17th.
I feel that in attempting to expose the heinous, factual circumstances of this vile material, the disastrous effects it has upon the innocent child victims, and the true nature of those who participate in it, that it will hopefully bring public awareness and will help to dispel a dangerous myth that "Most people that are into stuff like that...they're more into it for the pleasure than actually doing any physical harm."

I don't mind singing to the choir in the process of speaking out, if there is the chance that those who are tone deaf may somehow hear the song - the Truth.

Tone deaf meaning: anyone who may be reading here who may adhere to the fallacy that the viewing of child sexual abuse/torture media does not cause harm to children, when in fact, it does.

For anyone to believe that the viewing of child abuse/child rape/child torture photos and videos is only for pleasure, and to believe that those who do so do not cause physical harm or are not compelled to cause physical harm - that person is clinging to a grossly uniformed viewpoint that needs to be corrected.

If you view it, you are creating a market for it. If there is a market for it, there will be a producer of it, waiting to cash in. Supply and Demand. Because of the internet, pedophiles are bolder about obtaining new images, and so have larger collections than ever, feel there is a community of like-minded others who support and accept their "lifestyle" and create a much larger "demand" for the material than pre-internet. More and more kids are needed to fill the demand for new faces and fresh images. It really needs to be stopped. EVERY ONE of these downloaded images represents a crime against a child and should leave a digital "trail" from the camera used to IP addresses of the people who upload and download it. NOBODY should EVER get away with it. Make ISPs responsible for this. It is way more important than illegally sharing MUSIC which they ARE getting tough on.
*thud* (me falling off my soapbox)
Wasnt sure where to post this so I posted here too
Im wondering now, if perhaps this family thing and going out of town is either BD and everyone else in fam -CD..kids etc were by le for safety reasons only them and le are aware of OR shes saying her goodbyes because there was a deal made long ago? or recently and shes taking a lesser charge for being a witness or other- theres more to this sudden going out of town here-- and we all feel theres an arrest coming..
Wasnt sure where to post this so I posted here too
Im wondering now, if perhaps this family thing and going out of town is either BD and everyone else in fam -CD..kids etc were by le for safety reasons only them and le are aware of OR shes saying her goodbyes because there was a deal made long ago? or recently and shes taking a lesser charge for being a witness or other- theres more to this sudden going out of town here-- and we all feel theres an arrest coming..

Personally, I don't think she really went out of town. In the KTAB blog article, it said IIRC when Maria went back to get Billie on camera with her reason for backing out of the chat, that Billie wouldn't answer the door. That gave me the idea that Maria knew Billie was still in there.

IIRC Billie said she "was trying to" go out of town, versus that she was going out of town.

I don't know. I just think someone showed her the questions, or told her about the questions, on the chat, and she backed out.
Credit to Knox from the Attorney thread:

Why No Arrests After Child *advertiser censored* Was Found In Dunn Residence? Authorities Respond

By Jocelyn Tovar, KTXS News
POSTED: 7:06 pm CST March 1, 2011EmailPrint
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UPDATED: 8:45 pm CST March 1, 2011ABILENE, Texas -- Many are asking where are the charges or arrests to reflect the child *advertiser censored* found in the home of missing teen Hailey Dunn.KTXS caught up with Hailey's mom Billie Jean today at the home where investigators removed a memory stick containing 300 pornographic pictures some of those children, and yet no one has faced any charges and she's free to come-and-go as she pleases.Her daughter 13-year-old Hailey Dunn was last seen at the same home more than two months ago and hasn't been seen since.Child *advertiser censored* was also found in Big Spring in the home of Shawn Adkins' mother. Shawn is Billie Jean's boyfriend.Mitchell County Sheriff Patrick Toombs met with KTXS today to explain why no arrests have been made in both cases."You have more than one person in the home in each case," Sheriff Toombs said, "So you have to make sure and verify who is going to be the one responsible."Sheriff Toombs says this will be decided by a grand jury and for February the grand jury met the 17th more than a week before the child *advertiser censored* was brought to light last Friday.


What? Didn't they seize this memory stick in early January? This explanation doesn't fly with me. It seems like they would have had the infomation for at least a month and a half when the grand jury met. Did LE just now look at the memory stick? No, I'm not buying that explanation. It was "hidden" so I think they would have immediately looked at it.
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