2011.02.24 Deviant images & *advertiser censored* found on a computer and memory stick

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I have decided I am no longer going to refer to child *advertiser censored* by that terminology.

I am going to refer to it as *crime scene photos and videos*, because that's exactly what it is - crime scene photos and videos of the brutal torture, rape and destruction of children.

ETA: Anyone who possesses/views this horrific material enjoys participating in the rape, torture, and destruction of children. Anyone who enjoys that sort of sadistic activity is beyond all hope.

A lot of people are refering to it as Child Sex Abuse Media Child Sex abuse video / photos. I agree. I used to work in an adult video store for 5 years. *advertiser censored* is supposed to be enjoyable and is something mature adults share. There is no such thing as Child *advertiser censored*! Disgusting.
**ETA- I know that many will not agree and find such a proposal preposterous and outlandish.. I just want to make clear just what destruction is done when a child is violated in this way "JUST 1 TIME".. From the moment that the monster violates a child in this way it has FOREVER ALTERED THAT CHILD'S ENTIRE LIFE..HE/SHE'S ENTIRE FUTURE..HE/SHE'S EVERY LAST DAY OF THE REMAINDER OF THEIR LIVES..THIS IS A FACT..EVERY SINGLE TIME..IN EVERY SINGLE CASE..THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS EVER!..Yes some are more affected than others..some recover more than others{greatly dependent on the child's immediate family and support system}..and some in such tragic and traumatic..negative ways that it begins a cycle of abuse and violating children for generations to come... BUT WITHOUT EXCEPTION EVERY SINGLE CHILD EVER VIOLATED BY ONE OF THESE MONSTERS HAS FOREVER ALTERED THAT CHILD'S ENTIRE LIFE!

This IMO trumps all in crimes..So why not trump all with the punishment that this crime warrants?..but this is jmo..

Snipped By me for brevity. I absolutely AGREE 100%.

When a child is violated, molested or raped, The CHILD THAT THEY ONCE WERE, The adult that they COULD HAVE grown up to be, is murdered. You completely change who that child is, and who that child has the potential to become.
SmoothOperator Says:
I just want to make clear just what destruction is done when a child is violated in this way "JUST 1 TIME".. From the moment that the monster violates a child in this way it has FOREVER ALTERED THAT CHILD'S ENTIRE LIFE..HE/SHE'S ENTIRE FUTURE..HE/SHE'S EVERY LAST DAY OF THE REMAINDER OF THEIR LIVES..THIS IS A FACT..EVERY SINGLE TIME..IN EVERY SINGLE CASE..THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS EVER!..Yes some are more affected than others..some recover more than others{greatly dependent on the child's immediate family and support system}..and some in such tragic and traumatic..negative ways that it begins a cycle of abuse and violating children for generations to come... BUT WITHOUT EXCEPTION EVERY SINGLE CHILD EVER VIOLATED BY ONE OF THESE MONSTERS HAS FOREVER ALTERED THAT CHILD'S ENTIRE LIFE!I just want to make clear just what destruction is done when a child is violated in this way "JUST 1 TIME".. From the moment that the monster violates a child in this way it has FOREVER ALTERED THAT CHILD'S ENTIRE LIFE..HE/SHE'S ENTIRE FUTURE..HE/SHE'S EVERY LAST DAY OF THE REMAINDER OF THEIR LIVES..THIS IS A FACT..EVERY SINGLE TIME..IN EVERY SINGLE CASE..THERE ARE NO EXCEPTIONS EVER!..Yes some are more affected than others..some recover more than others{greatly dependent on the child's immediate family and support system}..and some in such tragic and traumatic..negative ways that it begins a cycle of abuse and violating children for generations to come... BUT WITHOUT EXCEPTION EVERY SINGLE CHILD EVER VIOLATED BY ONE OF THESE MONSTERS HAS FOREVER ALTERED THAT CHILD'S ENTIRE LIFE!

Amen. That child will no longer have the future they were on the way to before this happened to them. Their life is changed forever, and they are much more likely than before to end up behaving recklessly, even promiscuously, self-injuring or attempting suicide, in therapy, in jail, or in the bottle (or other addiction).

My old landlord (male) was convicted for molesting young teen boys. He got a 53 year sentence. No breaks. Another of his tenants molested a little girl (3rd grade, I think) for a prolonged period (2 years?) and got a 60 year sentence with all but 15 suspended. The truth is that he will be out in less than 6 years and that little girl will still be in therapy, and will always be an addict.

Interesting point. Shawn knew when School reopened in the New Year there was a good chance Hailey would either reunite with her ex-BF or find another, so perhaps this explains why Hailey had to vanish from her home over the Holidays.

Did BD ever say who told her Hailey had been seeing a boy her own age shortly before the Xmas Break?


I thought the young bf was an interesting fact as well.To me it is another reason why Shawn might step up his grooming behavior into actual rape. It is very common that molesters and pedophiles step up their attacks or abuse when given 'excuses' from their victims behavior. If Shawn had been grooming her as his sexual partner since she was 11, he may have just been 'touching' her and speaking sexually to her, owning her and scaring her. But if he found out from DD or a friend of Haleys or her FB, that she had a bf, then he could have been very angry with her. That could have brough on the rape. IMO
All I can say about women and "child *advertiser censored*" is that the 1% come from somewhere..Meaning that though it may not be the "norm" to have a female engaging in child *advertiser censored* IT DOES INDEED HAPPEN{and IMO we will see with future stats that come out that it is on the rise..jmo tho..several recent articles have stated that women engaging in viewing/downloading/possessing *advertiser censored*{not child} has drastically risen}..

Respectfully snipped/bolded, Smooth.

This story from Detroit indicates that there are plenty of women who can be persuaded by males not only to view, but also to participate in, this type of criminal activity... Man Admits Exploiting Children by Having Mothers Molest Them

"DETROIT — A Michigan man built an online profile posing as a good-looking single dad and caring psychologist and persuaded mothers across the country to sexually assault their children as a form of therapy, then send him the images of the attacks, authorities said Monday."

Billie gets no free pass from me on this one, no sir.
Have they said how many of the 100K images are of child *advertiser censored*? Just curious.
My hope is that SA will roll on BD. I bet that is why she has been hanging on to him so desperately. She was involved in all his dirty pleasures.
Now that she might be charged with possession of filth, she wants to be regarded as a victim too. Now it is all innocence and denial. After all, didn't BD once boldly state that she was a "wonderful" mother.
Snipped By me for brevity. I absolutely AGREE 100%.

When a child is violated, molested or raped, The CHILD THAT THEY ONCE WERE, The adult that they COULD HAVE grown up to be, is murdered. You completely change who that child is, and who that child has the potential to become.

And it is RARELY an improvement...

I think that a forehead tattoo for RSOs might be useful.
And it is RARELY an improvement...

I think that a forehead tattoo for RSOs might be useful.

I bet if a few of them had one and walked around looking like freaks that some others may give it a second thought before they committed the crime.
Respectfully snipped/bolded, Smooth.

This story from Detroit indicates that there are plenty of women who can be persuaded by males not only to view, but also to participate in, this type of criminal activity... Man Admits Exploiting Children by Having Mothers Molest Them

"DETROIT — A Michigan man built an online profile posing as a good-looking single dad and caring psychologist and persuaded mothers across the country to sexually assault their children as a form of therapy, then send him the images of the attacks, authorities said Monday."

Billie gets no free pass from me on this one, no sir.

There was recently a story of a fast food manager who made a fifteen year old female employee strip naked in his office when a voice on the phone told him they were LE and he needed to search the girl who had stolen something. It was a hoax.

A guy staying in a hotel, and the hotel manager were BOTH pranked by some guy who called claiming to be with Poison Control or the Health Department and convinced the guest to eat his own feces, then (I believe) to deliver some to the front desk clerk. The clerk was called before he got there and given some crazy story about why this guy was about to come in with poop.

People will do CRAZY stuff if someone perceived as an authority tells them to.
These women were STUPID and GULLIBLE, but certainly were not deriving pleasure from the acts, nor were they aware they were creating *advertiser censored* for a pedophile. They thought they were documenting a medical procedure for their counselor.

When my daughter was small, she projectile vomited every bit of formula she was fed. Her doctor said not to worry and that it was normal. He said she would not starve to death. But she was small, and getting smaller, and her grandparents thought I was a failure as a mom. But I felt intimidated demanding an explanation from someone who obviously had studied medicine and knew more than I. FINALLY, I asked him to explain what it WAS, what CAUSED it, and WHY it wasn't a problem (By this point, my baby was in the 5th percentile for weight) and he gave me a look like I had NO business questioning him. He did explain (in a very patronizing tone), explaining it would stop at age 1. I got a new pediatrician immediately because of his attitude, although he was right about the vomiting which stopped almost exactly when she turned one. But, what kind of doctor doesn't want a new mom to understand what is going on with her baby?
I fully support harsh lengthy prison sentences for child sex offenders. No time off for *good behavior*. LWOP.

I think public awareness & public education is the first step in pursuing that goal.

I think if more people are made aware of the horrendous brutality of child sex abuse media, and the torture inflicted upon the children depicted in the photos and videos, as well as the alarming statistic in the 2006 North Carolina study that revealed 85% of child *advertiser censored* possessors admit to having child sexual abuse victims (13.5 victims on average) it will put to rest the ridiculous myth that those who possess/view it are "more into it for the pleasure than actually doing any physical harm".

It's an uncomfortable topic. But until we shine the light on it, and speak out against it, and refuse to be ignorant of the hideous reality of it, children will continue to be victimized.
Why haven't either of these two been charged with possession of child *advertiser censored* yet??? LE could use these charges as a stepping stone towards getting these to talk against each other. JMO
All I can say about women and "child *advertiser censored*" is that the 1% come from somewhere..Meaning that though it may not be the "norm" to have a female engaging in child *advertiser censored* IT DOES INDEED HAPPEN{and IMO we will see with future stats that come out that it is on the rise..jmo tho..several recent articles have stated that women engaging in viewing/downloading/possessing *advertiser censored*{not child} has drastically risen}..

I'll also say that Billie herself..as well as her behaviors..statements..and actions..NOT ONE OF THEM ARE OF THE "NORM"..INFACT EXTREMELY ABNORMAL..

And that is why I will not be surprised in the VERY LEAST when it is infact proven that she was involved just as deeply as Shawn Adkins..


Another example of a mother involved in child abuse *advertiser censored*:

"An eastern Ontario woman is facing a two-year sentence for sending pornographic images of her daughter to the toddler's father."

Sick, sick, sick :(
I have decided I am no longer going to refer to child *advertiser censored* by that terminology.

I am going to refer to it as *crime scene photos and videos*, because that's exactly what it is - crime scene photos and videos of the brutal torture, rape and destruction of children.

ETA: Anyone who possesses/views this horrific material enjoys participating in the rape, torture, and destruction of children. Anyone who enjoys that sort of sadistic activity is beyond all hope.

You're singing to the choir where I'm concerned.
The above activity IS beyond hope. I pray the owners of this trash are arrested and charged soon. I hope Hailey is found first.
Why haven't either of these two been charged with possession of child *advertiser censored* yet??? LE could use these charges as a stepping stone towards getting these to talk against each other. JMO

I totally agree and asked the same thing yesterday. They have had this crap for over two months.jmo
Respectfully snipped/bolded, Smooth.

This story from Detroit indicates that there are plenty of women who can be persuaded by males not only to view, but also to participate in, this type of criminal activity... Man Admits Exploiting Children by Having Mothers Molest Them

"DETROIT — A Michigan man built an online profile posing as a good-looking single dad and caring psychologist and persuaded mothers across the country to sexually assault their children as a form of therapy, then send him the images of the attacks, authorities said Monday."

Billie gets no free pass from me on this one, no sir.

OMG. What a bassxxxx this guy is.. and I can't believe these women fell for this.
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