2011.03.07 Motions Hearing

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I pray that the judge throws out the Universal interview. If not, I think it will present grounds for an effective appeal if/when she's convicted. AZLawyer cited several cases which supports that interview being excluded.

2011.01.04 Defense Motion to Suppress Casey's Statements - Page 6 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community

post #129

Until I read these I was convinced that interview should be allowed into evidence. Now, I'm hoping it gets thrown out. There's nothing there that wasn't stated in her initial written statement anyway. Didn't CM cite the Ross case in his argument today? I'll have to go back and listen again and see if he used any of these.

I don't think we'll see the Universal interview allowed. But I am firm in my belief that if CJBP does allow it, it will be because he feels that there is an iron-clad support in case of an appeal.

Marina2, like you I was initially worried about throwing out the Universal statement. The more I study, though... and while the SA is doing due diligence to keep it in... the State doesn't need it, IMO.

Oh! now I'm going to be on the edge of my seat for the next hearing to see if they read here and she shows up in a shell and jacket!

Whether they are reading here :)seeya: guys!) or just getting the general consensus from whiffing the more-public media feedback sites... they really need to dial in her outfit. Clingy sweaters, whether turtleneck or plunging V neckline, NO. Casual business jacket YES but preferably in a dark color. And under that jacket, a no-frills, simple neckline shell either slight v-neck or round collar.

It won't do a darn thing for her fidgeting but will reduce the sleeve-tugging-over-the-hands and the clasping-at-the-turtleneck issues. :cow:
I think LDB enjoyed the affect the F bomb would have on HHJP, because who talks so angry and indignant like that about their own well being when their baby has been kidnapped.
She finally gave the defense a dose of her own medicine. I sure hope that tape stays!
home from work, kids fed, followed as best I could from work but am now listening to CM's wandering ramblings and stomping all over the true timeline. So basically, ICA was psychologically arrested. Hmmm never heard that one before. Wondering if I myself have ever been psychologically arrested.
I wish Judge Perry would STOP this hearing and throw GA and CA out of the courtroom. It is going to take that to make them STOP their monkey shines

ITA-He needs to establish the rules NOW and throw them out. It's going to be too distracting for a jury with their sideshow antics. He also needs to make them spit out their gum.

I tend to think that CM used the term loosely..due to his advanced age..anyone under the age of 25 is a child...tho for his argument purposes doesnt fit..but I'd bet anyone of us would refer to such a term when we see such young faces in responsible jobs...Yikes..It's a sign of the age of the person making the statement...For sure Jose couldnt use that term..but CM may..however Casey/Child just isnt appropriate to his argument..as the CHILD in this case was 2 years old (CAYLEE)..not 22 young women/mother..:banghead:

ITA. CM referred to JBs youth in his motion and pleading against the first request for sanctions, and he's 42+ years old.
Please start winding it down here and taking the detailed discussion to the appropriate thread(s). TIA.
Mr. Cheney, I am up to here with your "totallity of circumstances" The totallity of circumstances is that your client is guilty, does not have a valid defense and we are grasping at straws here. Very tiny miniscule, nearly non existent straws.
I have not been informed that I can leave this thread to check on my others -

Does this mean I think I am being detained or am "in custody" of the WS crew?

home from work, kids fed, followed as best I could from work but am now listening to CM's wandering ramblings and stomping all over the true timeline. So basically, ICA was psychologically arrested. Hmmm never heard that one before. Wondering if I myself have ever been psychologically arrested.
I'm psychologically arrested when I see Hugh Jackman shirtless.
Casey Anthony: Central Florida News 13 apologizes for F-bomb


Okay, who would think dropping the F-bomb while reading from a transcript for the court record would be worse than talking about the smell of death in the trunk of KC's car in relationship to the fact that her daughter was found dead with duct tape across her mouth and nasal area and was just dumped into the swamp (swamp in gatorland means, well, you know).

Has no one in the last 20 some years been to the movies lately?????? Unless it's Bambi you are more likely than not to hear that word and on cable tv, too. If you are offended by the word don't watch CourtTV. Better yet try to find a deserted island. Don't use the word myself and don't like it but let's be real here, it's a word. Even the word Hitler does not require an apology. jmo
I was psycholocigally arrested by this lame motion and CM's equally factless (wink nod) argument therefore.
ITA. CM referred to JBs youth in his motion and pleading against the first request for sanctions, and he's 42+ years old.

Oh, CM thinks that JB is just a young whipper snapper.
I tend to think that CM used the term loosely..due to his advanced age..anyone under the age of 25 is a child...tho for his argument purposes doesnt fit..but I'd bet anyone of us would refer to such a term when we see such young faces in responsible jobs...Yikes..It's a sign of the age of the person making the statement...For sure Jose couldnt use that term..but CM may..however Casey/Child just isnt appropriate to his argument..as the CHILD in this case was 2 years old (CAYLEE)..not 22 young women/mother..:banghead:

I think Cm used the term child very purposefully to create the impression she was very young, weak, ineffectual and couldn't possibly have had the strength or motivation to hurt anyone. Unfortunately she looks anything but a child in too tight sweaters and obvious anger management problems, from her furious angry writing to her excited smiling entrances to the court room, no one is seeing Casey the child. JMO
someday I'll tell you all about the day I pulled myself over - I wonder if I have a case against me?

sorry for the o/t going back on point now.....

Well, it depends - did you read yourself your rights??
If not, you'd better be getting your stuff together for a case.

I'm pretty sure you can handle representing yourself !!:woohoo:
After hearing CM's closing today, let's all pause and reflect on his wise words just before he joined the defence team.

Defense attorney Cheney Mason said claims made by Casey Anthony and Baez that Caylee was alive will now work against them at trial. "Then all the talking, all the press interviews and the parents going on this show and that show and the lawyer going on different shows establishes they have no credibility whatsoever," Mason said.

"You can pretty well predict there's going to be a life sentence, either a plea and get it over with or have a circus trial and then be convicted and get life," Mason said.

citation from http://www.clickorlando.com/news/18268796/detail.html

Wouldn't it be nice to have that played over and over again before trial by the media.
TY guys for being so awesome and paraphrasing the hearing for those of us who could not watch!!!! Ya'll rock!

Please don't get mad at me for this, but if I had to choose which of the DT between JB and CM did a better job, it was JB...neither is perfect, not even close, and JB annoys me immensely. But I felt like, he made better points on cross (minor victories) than CM and I thought cross was supposed to be CM's deal. I think, the summation, would have been a trifle better coming from JB. AND I hate myself for saying that. But honestly, CM is difficult to understand (trying to abide by TOS), moves around a lot more, and I just feel like, even though JB tends to be a "tad" obsessed with what others think about him, he might be the better option when it comes to opening statements...or that Simms lady. Either way, I was disappointed with CM's rebuttal to the state...very. (and yes, I believe ICA is guilty and want the jury of her peers to find her as such...so by disappointed I just mean, I had heard all of this stuff about him, and from my perspective as a law grad...his arguments seem tired and old and he got WAY too flustered).

The Defense, by the account of most media outlets, had a good chance of getting some of what ICA said to LE on the day before and the day she was arrested tossed out and not to be heard by a jury BUT...CM's rebuttal today made it seem like it was that Supernatural episode entitled, "Abandon All Hope" for the Defense.

Frankly, I was expecting more from a seasoned vet like CM. This whole, "I only just got on this case two weeks ago,"/ "The State is evil and powerful and liars and omnipresent and trickery and has lots of money and our client is weak and pitiful and childlike" routine reads like it came out of one of those summations from the 1970's in a class action law suit or something.

Oh well.

ICA appears to be as beligerent and as immune to responsibility as always.

It is interesting watching the hearing footage online...All of her life, she was allowed to lie without impunity...now she is forced to listen to her lies (recorded for all the world to hear) and be judged for them. Which I think...is AWESOME and inspiring.

Winning!!!! (LOL...had to throw that Charlie Sheen-ism in there...jmo of how ICA "thinks" all of her helpful notes are "helping" the Defense Team...)
I think Cm used the term child very purposefully to create the impression she was very young, weak, ineffectual and couldn't possibly have had the strength or motivation to hurt anyone. Unfortunately she looks anything but a child in too tight sweaters and obvious anger management problems, from her furious angry writing to her excited smiling entrances to the court room, no one is seeing Casey the child. JMO

I still haven't had a chance to watch the hearings {but can hardly wait}.
But, if Mr. Mason is going to insist on calling Casey a child, they better have her break out her pony tail holders, part her hair into pigtails, give her some polka dot ribbons and little white socks with white lace ruffles on them.

Oh, and they better wrap and strap her "girls" down, too.:floorlaugh:
Mr. Cheney, I am up to here with your "totallity of circumstances" The totallity of circumstances is that your client is guilty, does not have a valid defense and we are grasping at straws here. Very tiny miniscule, nearly non existent straws.
It's funny how that works. The defense will embrace the "totality of circumstances" when arguing a motion of theirs but when the prosecution uses the "totality of circumstances" to convict their client, they won't be nearly as receptive.
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