Japan: 9.0 Earthquake-Tsunami-Nuclear Reactor Developments #2

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'No danger at this time,' California health officials have been reassured

"State health officials kept close watch Monday on potential radioactive releases at Japanese nuclear plants, making conference calls to local and federal officials every few hours, ... "

"Jordan Scott, a spokesman for the California Emergency Management Agency, said nuclear experts also reassured officials in his office that, “there is no danger at this time.” Scott said they also have been told that, should a meltdown occur at one of Japan’s quake-damaged nuclear reactors, “it is highly unlikely that we would see any effects of it here.”"

much more...

I'm a read-between-the-lines type of person. My opinions are not directed at you, but the article. I thank you kindly for the link :)

1. 'No danger at this time".
At this time? How about 4-5 days from now?

2. Sicilia said federal nuclear regulatory agencies have reassured state officials that the Japanese nuclear troubles do not pose an immediate danger to California.
I'll agree with that - we're not in immediate danger...not right now anyway.

3. We do have a plan of response and constant contact with our partners. From a health standpoint, we’re not concerned at this point

What's the plan then? I know you're not concerned at this point, it hasn't reached us...yet.

4. should a meltdown occur at one of Japan’s quake-damaged nuclear reactors, “it is highly unlikely that we would see any effects of it here.”

Don't use the word unlikely to pacify me. It's not going to work!

Seems the american public isn't buying it.

Some potassium iodide tablets and personal radiation detectors were selling out on Amazon.com Monday morning, with price hikes drawing angry accusations of gouging from commenters.

Finally it ends with:

“It’s a big reminder to people that we are vulnerable to all sorts of disasters and we need to get prepared,” Scott said.

Yes, Scott, I believe we are very vulnerable to this kind of disaster.


Yes, the West Coast is literally buying out the pharmacies of potassium iodine tablets. I fear that they will begin giving them to their children in doses too high or start taking them, and when the normal side effects set in, mistake it for radiation poisoning, since the effects of both are similar in terms of stomach problems. That will just cause more panic as people flood ER's convinced that they are contaminated...
Link please to the 'buying out the pharmacies ..."
How Nuclear Reactors Work ... And the Dangers When They Don't

How does a nuclear reactor work?
The core of a nuclear reactor contains both water and fuel rods made of zirconium and pellets of nuclear fuel, such as uranium, that set off a controlled nuclear reaction. The reaction, heats the water, creating 550-degree Fahrenheit steam, which powers a turbine, generating electricity.

Read more: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704893604576200982857244782.html#ixzz1GeHq4CgG

ETA: Well, that wasn't very nice. i got to read the whole article.........I didn't realize it would pull this carp of having to subscribe and shorten the dang article. Sorry peeps.​
There's been a run on iodine tablets in San Francisco (just google, as I would have to link to another forum). Maybe it was the great quake of San Francisco that is making them extra cautious.
I googled and I cannot find this information regarding a 'run on iodine tablets in San Francisco'. Could you please supply a link?
Yes, the West Coast is literally buying out the pharmacies of potassium iodine tablets. I fear that they will begin giving them to their children in doses too high or start taking them, and when the normal side effects set in, mistake it for radiation poisoning, since the effects of both are similar in terms of stomach problems. That will just cause more panic as people flood ER's convinced that they are contaminated...

People really need to do their research now on these tablets. I'm diabetic, have heart issues -- I'm not a good candidate (my liver would probably go out if taken along with my other meds). However, I'm not so much concerned about myself than I am my 13 DS. And I would never give him one without knowing if radiation was here (if we're ever told). These tablets only last 24 hours, so it should only be used as a short-term thing. Having kiddies all over CA popping these pills will have ramifications itself. KWIM?

But, hey, if I have to get the house ready for a long term vacation, I'm more than willing to do that. It wouldn't hurt any of us to check the window seals in our home, make sure we have disposable cash, and gas in our cars)! I also better make sure I have plenty of duct tape (my house will be the one with gray tape all over the windows) ;)

Hugs to everyone this evening!


ETA: in an earlier post I said Iodine...I meant to say Iodide.
Link please to the 'buying out the pharmacies ..."
Pharmacies were inundated with hundreds of calls over the weekend with people asking for potassium iodide, a drug commonly used to treat low-level radiation exposure.
While experts in the Pacific Northwest say there is no reason to worry, the threat of a nuclear meltdown in Japan has raised concerns surrounding nuclear radiation making its way across the Pacific Ocean.
"We've probably had about 100 to 120 phone calls in the last 48 hours about potassium iodide and what's going on in Japan," says Beaverton Pharmacy owner Tom Herbage.
“We sold out,” said Maxine Ward, who works in the supplement department of the Ukiah Natural Foods Co-Op.

The store sold about 100 bottles of supplements containing potassium-iodide since Friday, she said.
"Based on present information, we do not expect any health risk following the nuclear reactor releases in Japan, nor is the consumption of potassium iodide tablets a necessary precaution," he said.

Kendall also said there have been reports of a run on sales of the tablets, which can protect the thyroid gland from high-levels of radioactive iodine 131.

But he stressed that pharmacies do not need to stockpile the tablets, nor do people need to take them.

Read more: http://www.vancouversun.com/health/...n+from+Japan/4438993/story.html#ixzz1GeJEQXhe

Nonetheless, press reports of radiation leaks at the Japanese reactors have caused many to scramble to stores from Walnut Creek to San Francisco in search of potassium iodide. The compound, sold over the counter or in prescription form, is being taken by Japanese people near the reactors to reduce the possibility of thyroid cancer.

"We've had about 100 calls in the past two days for it, and it's all people worried about radiation," said a clerk at Whole Foods on Fourth Street in San Francisco, who said company policy prohibited her giving her name.

Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/03/14/MN2E1IB6C9.DTL#ixzz1GeKQHNK1

And even though experts have repeatedly said there is no current threat of a nuclear release reaching the U.S., a holistic nutrition store on Seattle’s Capitol Hill had its modest supply of potassium iodide sold out in hours.
“Oh yeah, they’re really scared,” said Rae Diamond of Rainbow Natural Remedies, “and that’s the main thing…to try to quiet the fears.”

Literally from Seattle to San Francisco...the stores and pharmacies are selling out. You can't make this stuff up. Google Potassium iodide + West Coast + Japan fears and you get nearly 22,000 hits. 19000 are from the last two days...people are scared spitless.
Yes, the West Coast is literally buying out the pharmacies of potassium iodine tablets. I fear that they will begin giving them to their children in doses too high or start taking them, and when the normal side effects set in, mistake it for radiation poisoning, since the effects of both are similar in terms of stomach problems. That will just cause more panic as people flood ER's convinced that they are contaminated...

I hate these runs on medicines and essential supplies. Surely we can come up with a better system than "first come, first serve"!

I'm 57. I've had an interesting life and made a few small contributions to society. If there's a shortage, I'll gladly hand my iodine tablet to a teenager or even a 20- or 30-something who has more time left to contribute to the common good. (If there is NOT a shortage, I'd like a few more years, please.)

But how can decisions like this be made if we just run at the shelves like maniacs?
I googled and I cannot find this information regarding a 'run on iodine tablets in San Francisco'. Could you please supply a link?

Here's one MSM link talking about tablets up North (CA):

REDDING, Calif. -- On Monday, the Nuclear Regulatory Committee said Japan's nuclear problems pose little danger to the United States, but despite the reassurances, there's a run on potassium iodide, which are known as anti-radiation pills.


Jan Gertner says in the past two days they've received non-stop calls and visitors looking for potassium iodide from people who fear that radiation may spread from Japan to California.

I'll try to find a reliable link re: San Fran, which is also in Northern CA.


I don't know why a link was demanded from not_my_kids. For my money, she has been the most reliable source anywhere throughout this entire crisis. MOO, obviously.
I don't know why a link was demanded from not_my_kids. For my money, she has been the most reliable source anywhere throughout this entire crisis. MOO, obviously.

And I'm not! :floorlaugh:

I kid, I kid. Of course everyone should ask for a link from me!




ETA: if you go to Amazon.com and try to buy Iodide tablets, many are sold out. You'll find some interesting comments about price gouging, etc.

Amazon.com: iOSAT Potassium Iodide Tablets, 130 mg (14 Tablets): Health & Personal Care
People really need to do their research now on these tablets. I'm diabetic, have heart issues -- I'm not a good candidate (my liver would probably go out if taken along with my other meds). However, I'm not so much concerned about myself than I am my 13 DS. And I would never give him one without knowing if radiation was here (if we're ever told). These tablets only last 24 hours, so it should only be used as a short-term thing. Having kiddies all over CA popping these pills will have ramifications itself. KWIM?

But, hey, if I have to get the house ready for a long term vacation, I'm more than willing to do that. It wouldn't hurt any of us to check the window seals in our home, make sure we have disposable cash, and gas in our cars)! I also better make sure I have plenty of duct tape (my house will be the one with gray tape all over the windows) ;)

Hugs to everyone this evening!


ETA: in an earlier post I said Iodine...I meant to say Iodide.

LOL ETA I thought you were making a joke, like phonetically 'I died', were pooped and heading to bed. I thought it was spelled Iodine too.

I read today - who knows where at this point, but it is only little babies whose thyroids will hold radiation. Then about 20 years after being exposed is when they are prone to get thyroid cancer.

Did anyone else read that?

ETA 2 Here is a link about children and thyroid cancer:


Snipped . . . . 'One subset of children at an increased risk of developing thyroid nodules and thyroid cancer are children who have been exposed to radiation'.
Here's one MSM link talking about tablets up North (CA):

REDDING, Calif. -- On Monday, the Nuclear Regulatory Committee said Japan's nuclear problems pose little danger to the United States, but despite the reassurances, there's a run on potassium iodide, which are known as anti-radiation pills.


Jan Gertner says in the past two days they've received non-stop calls and visitors looking for potassium iodide from people who fear that radiation may spread from Japan to California.

I'll try to find a reliable link re: San Fran, which is also in Northern CA.



Just look above your post, I'm pretty sure there's one in there, lol. I went a llittle overboard with the linkage, but it's scary how scary this is, KWIM? I can only imagine what's going to happen if people start popping these pills every day for a couple of weeks, not knowing if there's a risk, or if they think, "Well, if one pill is a good safety, then two or three or five are better..."
Or if we start seeing kids in the hospital because people thought it was safer to dose their children, when it would have been better to wait. Don't get me wrong, I'm scared of radiation, I think everyone is. But we live in a culture where we think there's a pill to fix everything, and this could be one of those cases where the treatment ends up being worse than the disease we don't have yet. Like people that harm themselves by putting themselves on aspirin daily and get sick because thhey didn't need it yet.
Just look above your post, I'm pretty sure there's one in there, lol. I went a llittle overboard with the linkage, but it's scary how scary this is, KWIM? I can only imagine what's going to happen if people start popping these pills every day for a couple of weeks, not knowing if there's a risk, or if they think, "Well, if one pill is a good safety, then two or three or five are better..."
Or if we start seeing kids in the hospital because people thought it was safer to dose their children, when it would have been better to wait. Don't get me wrong, I'm scared of radiation, I think everyone is. But we live in a culture where we think there's a pill to fix everything, and this could be one of those cases where the treatment ends up being worse than the disease we don't have yet. Like people that harm themselves by putting themselves on aspirin daily and get sick because thhey didn't need it yet.

Hi NMK, Thinking about what you said, it might be a good idea for the Surgeon General to make a public statement about that, don't you think?
From the Press Democrat article link that not_my_kids so generously supplied, I thought this was interesting:

From Page 2

"State Department of Health spokesman Mike Sicilia said radioactivity levels in California are monitored by state and federal officials and there should be plenty of warning if a threat were to materialize, which he said was unlikely.

In the absence of real danger, the nationwide rush to buy the medicinal iodine is “unfortunate,” said Sonoma County Deputy Health Officer Dr. Mark Netherda.

“It would be dangerous and not wise to take iodine without a reason,” said Dr. Craig McMillan, Mendocino County’s public health officer.

Doing so can be harmful to people with allergies to iodine and shell fish and could trigger thyroid problems in other people, they said.

Hi folks,
I'm short of time, and have only read this page of the thread, so forgive if some of this is repeat info, but I hope you find something helpful here (in no order).

I'm currently training in online disaster support and worked on the above the Crisis Commons Wiki over the weekend. At this point in time, I don't think anyone can say anything definitive about the reactors, except they are doing their best. It's a disaster unfolding in a disaster and none of it is good. Almost certainly they have at least one damaged container with radiation leaking, so keep your eye on the weather patterns, and you can dig around above for more info.
Frankly, I think there was a 2.5 to 3 day window to get everything possible done in Japan before it became too late to save the people who lived. I know most of these people will be survivors. But what with injuries, supplies of food and water dwindling fast, the electricity out, mobility impossible with petrol running so low WHEN by the 3rd day the 4th reactor is going down like the other 3. ~ now it is too dangerous to go into the area.

How could this happen in this day and age with the whole world watching. There are 2 airports I know of in Japan. The Starlifter {C-120} could have flown in helicopters, right?

Just my opinion. It is easy to criticize but I say if a country has the where-with-all to build nuclear plants for their power {55 of them !!}, especially when that country is prone to having earthquakes, they should have taken every possibility into account before building one right on the oceanfront.
Frankly, I think there was a 2.5 to 3 day window to get everything possible done in Japan before it became too late to save the people who lived. I know most of these people will be survivors. But what with injuries, supplies of food and water dwindling fast, the electricity out, mobility impossible with petrol running so low WHEN by the 3rd day the 4th reactor is going down like the other 3. ~ now it is too dangerous to go into the area.

How could this happen in this day and age with the whole world watching. There are 2 airports I know of in Japan. The Starlifter {C-120} could have flown in helicopters, right?

Just my opinion. It is easy to criticize but I say if a country has the where-with-all to build nuclear plants for their power {55 of them !!}, especially when that country is prone to having earthquakes, they should have taken every possibility into account before building one right on the oceanfront.

Very well put.

Another possible conclusion is that nuclear energy just isn't safe enough for humans to produce. I realize it's probably premature to make such a decision in the midst of a catastrophe, but I'm with Joe Biden: we should at least be looking at this latest mishap before we approve any more reactor designs.
Frankly, I think there was a 2.5 to 3 day window to get everything possible done in Japan before it became too late to save the people who lived. I know most of these people will be survivors. But what with injuries, supplies of food and water dwindling fast, the electricity out, mobility impossible with petrol running so low WHEN by the 3rd day the 4th reactor is going down like the other 3. ~ now it is too dangerous to go into the area.

How could this happen in this day and age with the whole world watching. There are 2 airports I know of in Japan. The Starlifter {C-120} could have flown in helicopters, right?

Just my opinion. It is easy to criticize but I say if a country has the where-with-all to build nuclear plants for their power {55 of them !!}, especially when that country is prone to having earthquakes, they should have taken every possibility into account before building one right on the oceanfront.

I think whether a country is prone to earthquakes or not, all nuclear power plants should be built to withstand castrophe's so severe that they haven't been experienced yet. Be realy for everything. I don't know if that's possible or not.

I live close to Oak Ridge Tennessee. It is awfully close to the San Madrid fault line. All this brings back memories of the 60's during the Cold War when bomb shelters were being built everywhere and my fears because my family didn't have one.

I think whether a country is prone to earthquakes or not, all nuclear power plants should be built to withstand castrophe's so severe that they haven't been experienced yet. Be realy for everything. I don't know if that's possible or not.

I live close to Oak Ridge Tennessee. It is awfully close to the San Madrid fault line. All this brings back memories of the 60's during the Cold War when bomb shelters were being built everywhere and my fears because my family didn't have one.

I remember those days but I had the opposite reaction: I always prayed I'd be right at Ground Zero. Because I didn't then and I don't now want to live in a world recovering from nuclear war.
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