Billie texts Clint about trading custody for house

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Another thought of mine is going back to BD stating in January 13 on Nancy Grace,

GRACE: To Billie Dunn. Billie Dun, you`ve been doing a lot of defending yourself. I want to hear your response to that.

DUNN: I have every horrible emotion imaginable. I break down several times in my room by myself. I try my hardest not to do it on TV. But I do try my hardest not to do it around family. I shouldn`t have to be defending my self. The fact is, Hailey is not in this house, and nobody`s found her. Everybody needs to remember that the whole reason her face is being put out there is because she`s not in her house.

This creeps me out in regards to the sudden news of the text to Clint.
Is BD wanting to sell the house and distance herself from what happened in that house?
Or is she wanting to hold up in that house?

BD should be having nightly visitors, nightmares or just going plain crazy with reoccurring thoughts over what happened in that house.



Whoa...never thought of that! Boy, would I love to know what that woman dreams about now.
Mikki and Mallory natural born killers

they like movies natural born killers

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If Billie thinks she can sue LE for saying, for example, that she admitted to buying illegal drugs on 12/28, she would have to prove she did not buy illegal drugs and it is kind of hard to prove that type of thing. She would also have to have a tape of the interview, which I really hope exists...and her not saying it on the tape.

While I don't have a problem with LE inferring certain things to get warrants, etc, if there is enough to believe it to be true, I really hope they haven't literally made up any statements and attributed them to SA or Billie...and don't believe they have.
IMO, if BD is a "WONDERFUL" mother as she said she was, she would let CD live in the house and give DD a home to live in also.
Hailey will not have a mother to come home to if BD gives up her parental rights.
BD is thinking of only how to SAVE SA and herself.
Why not give her share to CD to raise her children?
Lawyers will take it all anyway fo pay and bonds.
SA & BD can get pro bono or public defender...........
A divoce would be better for CD/courts would give him the house to care for children
IMO in this case.
Sooooo if Hailey were to walk into her home tonight, she'd find......

Her living room has been decorated.
Her bedroom has been totally altered.
Her brother is living with relatives.
Her mother offered to swap her for the house title.
Her mother got a tattoo of her (before the other $15k value of the house became important).
Her mother has been charged with lying to LE whilst trying to shield the guy who LE thought had harmed you.
Her mother never actually got around to attending any of the vigils or searches (except the appreciation dinner - and she left early).
Her mother and SA were hiding CP in her home.

What a way to say Welcome home Hailey !!!!!!!
If true about Billie sending Clint the custody-house text, it's a lose-lose for Billie regardless of whether or not she attends the vigil. My prediction is she will attend, BUT ONLY if Clint and family agree beforehand to surround her, to embrace her so-to-speak.
ITA. He REALLY needs to get a divorce from her like yesterday. I don't understand why he hasn't before now. I hope he gets one as fast as he can from her. He needs to make sure she can't legally screw him over because they're still married. I would hate to see that happen to him.

I agree about the divorce. More so that they are still legally married and any large attorney bills she gathers could also be his responsibility. Do they even have a separation agreement (I sure hope so).

If he's still legally attached, he could end up paying in more ways that just losing his precious daughter :(


Didn't know where to post this:

Clint invites all to 3 month vigil held in CC this Sunday. He and his family will be there.
-Left of page (Kbest 95.7 FB Posts)

I wonder if she'll go. We'll then know if she and Clint are really a united front in finding Hailey. However, I would think she may be far too embarassed to attend.

Just my opinion.




Please can I get clarification? Was the house Clint's through inheritance? Or was it paid for by (or willed to) both of them? I am getting conflicting information.

I would love clarification..As I too have conflicting info..If no one knows off hand I will research the issue later this evening when I have time..But anyone who happens to know off hand TIA..
Inherited or not, once the house is listed in both their names, it becomes community property.
If in fact it is in both their names.
Thanks Kimster, it is community property.

Thanks Jo! So it matters not whether the house is inherited.. Good deal Thanks!
It's only worth about thirty thousand? Is that normal for that neighborhood or this just a crappy house? Wow, that just seems like a really low worth for a house to me. Of course, that probably seems like a lot of money to someone like BD.
I agree about the divorce. More so that they are still legally married and any large attorney bills she gathers could also be his responsibility. Do they even have a separation agreement (I sure hope so).

If he's still legally attached, he could end up paying in more ways that just losing his precious daughter :(



Do they have a separation agreement?
I highly doubt if there is any kind of legal agreement about their separation.
This whole thing is so kattywompus, I doubt if anything has been done, boyfriends moving in, babies being born, child gone missing, child taken out of home, how in the heck would they have had time to take care of legal matters.
Thanks Jo! So it matters not whether the house is inherited.. Good deal Thanks!

Not so sure, smooth, I guess Texas laws are a little different, than they are here in Ca.
Shudda done some research on Tx. laws, before posting that.
They would have to sell the house, payoff any money owed on the house and then split the remaining proceeds 50/50.

They would be very hard pressed to find a buyer in CCity for that house, IMO. I'd be willing to bet it wouldn't even pass inspection. There isn't a buyer or lender that would touch that property without an inspection.

Colorado city is a small town - who would want it? Besides not being the nicest looking house in the area, the thought of what went on in that house would give me the creeps. I'm sure there are people willing to buy it for some notoriety (hoping to make a buck off of it in the future), but I can't imagine that going over very well.

The Peterson home has gone through a couple of sales already and that was a nice home!

Laci and Scott Peterson bought the 1949 bungalow-style house in October 2000 for $177,000. After Laci's murder, the home was bought by Gerry Roberts for $390,000. By the time the prospective buyers stepped in, Roberts had been trying to sell the house for five months and was facing foreclosure.
The house was last sold in 2007.

11/21/2007 Sold
07/01/2005 Sold
10/04/2000 Sold


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