2011.05.11 Kc sick removed from court

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It could be a ploy, especially since Casey's mind works in strange ways. However, I'm betting that her appearance/reactions to the stress of the situation resemble very much her "attack" on learning that Caylee's remains had been found. The difference is: Baez can't get THIS video sealed and it looks very bad for her.



Again I don't think she is faking it for attention. She proberly was having a attack.
I doubt that. From what it looks, she really did had an attack and needed medication.
Personally, I wish I could feel sorry for her, but what she went though yesturday was minor compared to what she did to that poor little child she murdered without mercy.

What she went through yesterday is nothing compared to what she is about to go through. Wait until the SA gives their opening statements. ;)
I haven't used the quote feature correctly since coming back to WS...so I'll add that I mean to add OneLostGirl's quote about "...that manly lady..." next to Casey in court.

This person has white and grey thick short hair, glasses, dark pointy eyebrows, a pinstripe blue man's shirt and a blazer. And you all are saying that's not a man? Well then, who is it? Looks just like a man to me. As I've said, I'm recently back into the Anthony case.

Whoever it is surely looks "mean"!

ETA: I believe the term for self soothing behaviors which are repetetive, sort of like a tic, is called "stimming", for stimulating themselves. Read up on it on Google if you'd like. It's seen in mental issues. Some autistic children have it, for one. They will repeat one gesture over and over, like beating a hand on a table constantly, etc.

The attorney is Ann E. Finnell. She is a graduate of Duke University and very well respected. What you see is her serious look because apparently she is very nice and certainly one of the best attorneys KC could ever want for the mitigation process. jmo
And all that conversation would have been about getting her free, perhaps that the "State has no case", that the "Junk science would be thrown out". She is getting a large dose of reality; that those opinions are apparently the small minority, not reality.

Strawberry, I am not saying she is not guilty or that she does not deserve what she gets. I am saying that her mind now has become a prison IMO.
What she went through yesterday is nothing compared to what she is about to go through. Wait until the SA gives their opening statements. ;)

I'm waiting for the last tape of Caylee--that one gets me--especially when they have the voices on it...such a waste!!! That baby was full of life.....I remember when my kids were that young and read me stories like that!
In spite of taking medications, I still have occasional attacks of anxiety (they don't panic me, never have) which can cause all my muscles to constrict. It feels like there are steel bands around my chest and back, pain in my jaw even to the point of feeling like every tooth in my mouth needs to be yanked, pronto! Minor attacks cause my hands to go numb or tingle uncomfortably. There's more things that can happen, like the time my entire skull went numb all of a sudden.

That's why I don't think Casey is "faking" this. I do think that Baez is sick of her behavior, which has changed dramatically since the hearings. Her lawyers have so many things to worry about in jury selection, Casey's behavior is being viewed as a detriment to the case and a nusiance.

I do believe she has hit the Wall of Reality and can't figure a way around it. The new surroundings and many new, strange faces have probably all affected her.

She is her own worst enemy and always has been. She may be able to keep her cool about her daughter's remains because they don't mean anything to her. But she now clearly sees her own jeopardy and it is becoming more and more difficult for her to keep control of herself.

Notice how "her boys" have abandoned her and no longer comfort her constantly. They have other things to be concerned about and probably think it's "all in her head" and there's nothing much they can do. That attitude only adds to her anxiety. The comfort of women does not help as much, probably because of her attitude towards her own mother and other women in general (think Amy Huizenga).

She needs meds pronto or she is going to sink even faster than she was before.

Exactly...she's almost at the end of the proverbial hallway but, this time there is nowhere to turn around and go the other way.
Her airway is clear and she's breathing. She's conscious and alert. There are no signs of bleeding or blood loss. She can self ambulate. After her dramatic escort out of the courtroom, she's attended to by her lawyer, not medical personnel and is deemed fit to return to court.
Such a dramatic medical emergency. Makes you wonder how the family reacted when she started to grow a huge abdominal tumor. Oh wait, they ignored it. :)
Jean Casarez was just on HLN and said that KC couldn't move her hands. She is totally losing it. She can't handle the pressure of jury selection? What the hell will she do when the prosecutors start there case? No cowtowing parents trying to placate and walk on eggshells with her.

I hope that they come on strong like Navy Seals from the minute opening statements begin. I foresee plenty of panic attacks and theatrics from KC. I wonder if she can request some type of anti-anxiety meds without being able to later claim she wasn't of sound mind? I don't put anything past her or the DT for an appeal.

Actually, good enough for her. Those are the same hands that put duct tape across Caylee's face!!!

I have not one ounce of sympathy for that killer. JMHO, of course.

Yes, she can. I'm on anti-anxiety meds and they don't blunt anything. They just ease my anxiety so that I am not a crying mess every day. My hands going numb or tingling is the first sign I am having an anxiety attack. I know enough now to work through them. Shoot all they had to give her was a hot cup of tea with lots of sugar. That stops the attack for me anyway
It sounds like an anxiety attack to me also. I agree with catnron that she is institutionalized. The new surroundings, probably indifferent treatment by jail staff (remember she had the last staff wrapped around her pretty little finger?) the reality of having potential juror after juror say they already determined she was guilty.....the list goes on.....this truly could be the 'ol subconscious bubblin' up to show us how ICA handles reality......she can't....she never has..........and this is what happens when it is forced upon her. Yep, I see more than one A breakdown during this trial.....
I'm also of the opinion it was not an act. Finally, the harsh reality of what she has done is sinking in. I don't see how she's going to make it thru trial. Would not be surprised to hear of a plea at the 11th hour.
Well I don't see any shallow breathing but the color of her hands is strange. And she looks alittle green around the gills. My personal opinion is that she is struggling under the constraint of it all. She looks more angry than anything else to me??

Her airway is clear and she's breathing. She's conscious and alert. There are no signs of bleeding or blood loss. She can self ambulate. After her dramatic escort out of the courtroom, she's attended to by her lawyer, not medical personnel and is deemed fit to return to court.
Such a dramatic medical emergency. Makes you wonder how the family reacted when she started to grow a huge abdominal tumor. Oh wait, they ignored it. :)

:clap: wonderful observation.
I have secondary Raynaud's caused by a rare immune system disease. It is my understanding through research that my personal experience with the disease is common in that only the digits are involved ~ not the entire hand or foot. If her whole hand was involved it would be quite rare. It appeared to me that she was indicating that her hand (as she was showing her palms) was what was bothering her.

In a serious flare, my finger (or several fingers) will first turn white then a deep, deep purple. That's when it's painful. You can even see a distinctive line, usually for me at the second joint, where it changes dramatically from normal color to the white or purple.

So based on my years of personal experience and diligent researching for relief, I would be surprised if Casey has Raynaud's. If she does, it's certainly an atypical presentation.

My son and father both have their whole hands involved each time. The cut-off is the wrist. The pedi rheumatologist said that it is better that the cut-off is the wrist, if it's only certain fingers or just halfway down the fingers it is more concerning. My son's hands are affected with discoloration 90% of the time but there are worsening symptoms (pain) at various times such as being outside in the cold or under stress.

ETA: my son's seems to be opposite yours. His are purple/red most of the time and only turn white if he has had a severe episode, they turn white after he warms them up.
Jean C. was just on PrimeNews, HLN, describing the incident. She said Casey's hands 'would not move.' And the guards were surrounding her, trying to help and they escorted her out of the room.

I know that anxiety attacks make your hands go numb and they feel paralyzed.


Just guessing here but maybe "Carpal Tunnel Syndrone" from repeated hand movements while primping her hair! :crazy:
I don't think she's acting and expect some more of these attacks. I used to have horrible anxiety attacks, but they were always brought on by the fear of the unknown. She has had a long time to prepare and should be ready for this. This makes me think she has insulated herself from everything but her own little world...where she's in charge. oh well, harsh reality sets in.
CHLOROFORM will sooth and calm all the anxiety she is suffering.

Ha. And I agree.

I have recently come down with some social anxiety. Just moved to a new state (DH is a military dude and we move all the time), I've gained a ton of weight and for some reason, answering the phone and going over to meet new people and even THINKING about starting over has me pretty much sandbagged. To top it all off with finding another doctor to help me out with this new problem on top of being a successful bi-polar sufferer has really caused me to feel comfy in my home, my home alone with the doggies.

I get numb, tingly and do exactly what some of you guys have mentioned earlier...pick at my skin/head and really zone out to the point of almost forgetting to breathe at times.

But you know what? Life still has to go on. Sure, I've got work to do to find a doc, find a job, find some friends...but before that big stuff happens? I have to eat, have to take care of the poopsters, maintain a house and talk and inquire about my family (especially right now cause my little brother is going through some major legal problems that have taken over our family...)

This isn't a pity party on me...but LIFE STILL HAS TO GO ON. Anxiety or not. I have to go tot he grocery store to get foods for me and the poopster and The Soldier when he is here...and as much as that leaves me scared and nervous and maybe short on breath? I STILL HAVE TO DO IT. Meds or not.

So she can have a panic attack. Real or faked. But she is still gonna have to do this. Face this...guilty or not. All of us that suffer from anxiety, whether it be large or small scaled, have to go on with life, small steps, big steps preventative steps...whatever. WE HAVE TO GO ON WITH WHATEVER LIFE GIVES US...ON A DAILY BASIS.

It sucks to have anxiety. It's horrible and for those of you who suffer, I applaud you for speaking out about it, telling everyone what it does to you an how you deal with it. Not only does WS figure out the horrible details of crimes and guilty/non guilty people and find missing people...we learn so much from eachother...so much. Anxiety is a super real thing...detrimental to a lot of people.

So, Ms. Anthony can have her panic attack and deal with it the way everyone else deals with it. Face life. This is something she isn't going to get out of...

JMOO...I spoke too long, sorry!!!
I don't understand all of this because I'm learning about pathology of personalities by reading books that were given to me as suggested reading (long story won't derail this thread with explanation-but I'm not the one with a disorder)

And sociopathy is on a spectrum too and there are primary and secondary diagnosis.

Secondary sociopaths can and do feel anxiety in particular situations.

Perhaps we can get someone to explain that and if it's possible that this is what is going on with KC today given the assumption that is her diagnosis.

Primary: KC is creating attention for herself thereby gaining a bit of control.

Secondary: She has anxiety because she is not in control and can't figure out how to take control. (have a look at her face after JP ate the juror up who approached a IS producer earlier today, she looked like she was stumped as to how tough he was, kind of like in her recent mug shot--almost scared).

all jmho

Read anything in your books about people who take pleasure in the suffering of others?
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