2011.06.01 SIDEBAR THREAD Trial Day Seven

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An aside.....my DH is totally and increasingly annoyed with my interest in this and other cases. Yesterday he walked in to find me sobbing after CA's emotional breakdown on the stand.

I made him sit down and watch it....and FINALLY he got it. He even got a bit moist in the eyes and said......That is a pain that no parent should ever experience, to lose a grandchild and know that your own child did it.

I was quick to remind him that KC has not been found guilty and is presumed innocent. Then he said.....so are you taking the LSAT or not?

Okay - I was late and then I couldn't find you all. eeek!

Have my coffee and now
Am SO confused right now...

Can someone quickly explain this mini hearing this morning....

Motion was concerning bringing in previous felony convictions?

But involved speculated father of Caylee and hearsay??

I don't watch many trials, but I have never seen a DT openly state their client is a liar and make statements that show their client is a lazy, stupid, promiscous slacker. By talking about Caylee's paternity, brining up the fact that ICA did not even graduate from high school and could not hold down a job the DT keeps making things worse for ICA. But we are supposed to believe this far-fetched accidental drowning theory.

By talking about how much she lies, don't they realize that it is impossible to believe that ICA is telling the truth this ONE TIME? Oh, and coincidentally, the one time she is telling the truth is to save her own skin???

Is their defense "My client is a lying, stealing, unemployed, high school dropout who can't name the father of her child and therefore is too stupid to kill her daughter"?
JimLichtenstein Rode up on the elevator with Amy Huizenga. A bit nervous, but composed. Seemed ready for day 2. #caseyanthony #caseyanthonytrial14 minutes ago via Twitter for iPad

According to WFTV, Cindy and Geo Anthony just arrived.
OMG....I really hope that NONE of those folks were WS members because THAT was really really pathetic.

An aside....do people not dress with respect for the court anymore? I mean would it kill folks to put on a pair of dress slacks and a blouse?

I have been to court as a spectator and dressed as if I were going to work.


SOTS, ITA however....

I pulled jury duty in Feb this year - downtown Chicago, again, in Feb. (just after our blizzard). I had to walk about a mile from the train to the Courthouse (and then back, and then home). As much as I would have preferred to dress, weather and walking had me in (very very neat) jeans, boots, and a smart layered blouse combo and a couple of coats. Fla has different weather factors that drive fashion ...

Just saying
I believe, while KC sits in court looking all around instead of sitting in shame, thinking this is all because of me, she's thinking this is all for me. I am begining to understand the sociopath person. I do believe this is KC.
Sheaffer: Says a lot of men can relate to this. "This is a home ruled by a petticoat government." I thought that was kind of amusing.
Jose Baez is now here. Court will begin at 9 #CaseyAnthony -fell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 8:49 AM
About Eric Baker, I could have sworn somebody asked his parents, and they had never even heard of Casey. I would really have to go back to the thread discussing Caylee's father to verify, and there's just no time for that now, but it's what I vaguely recall for some reason.
Ca and Ga have arrived.


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An aside.....my DH is totally and increasingly annoyed with my interest in this and other cases. Yesterday he walked in to find me sobbing after CA's emotional breakdown on the stand.

I made him sit down and watch it....and FINALLY he got it. He even got a bit moist in the eyes and said......That is a pain that no parent should ever experience, to lose a grandchild and know that your own child did it.

I was quick to remind him that KC has not been found guilty and is presumed innocent. Then he said.....so are you taking the LSAT or not?


My hubby is now looking forward to "special recesses"....
This is what I think the State are doing, they know Baez is not up to the job, they know he's going to make mistakes, the State are giving him enough room to make those mistakes - such as the stipulation from the Frye Hearing that Baez nearly rescinded in open court by the way.
Sheaffer: Says a lot of men can relate to this. "This is a home ruled by a petticoat government." I thought that was kind of amusing.

PROVEN to be the BEST and most effective form of government IMO. :floorlaugh:
They are back in court.

[ame="http://www.websleuths.com/forums/showthread.php?t=138185"]Trial thread is open[/ame].
I still don't completely "get" why certain things that Casey told Amy are allowed in, and other things aren't. IE: Casey telling Amy that her mom is crazy was allowed, but Casey telling Amy that her dad had a stroke was not. :waitasec:
Morning all! After listening to the trial all day yesterday at work, I went home and watched The Bad Seed after someone had mentioned it here. What a day for sociopaths.

I really think the defense has their job cut out for them- I guess though at the end of the day ICA is their boss, and it is her right to completely deny any involvement whatsoever, so it's possible the defense had to just go with whatever she tells them, right, even though they might "know" it's ludicrous? It just irks me because she knows where she saw Caylee last. She knows. Is the argument that she really did drop her off at this vacant apartment at the bottom of the stairs because she's so delusional?
Jose Baez is now here. Court will begin at 9 #CaseyAnthony -fell
by cfnews13casey via twitter at 8:49 AM

everytime I see that, I think ICA fell down again

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