2011.06.21 TRIAL Day Twenty-four (Morning Session)

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But ICA has been asked repeatedly whether she is happy with her counsel and if she wants him to continue. He is her choice.

Exactly. And I think that when an appeal is made for ineffective counsel this will be taken into consideration along with JP's many efforts to school Baez and allow certain things (such as a frye hearing in the middle of this trial) to prevent a guilty verdict being overturned. Hopefully!!!!:twocents:
Just before sidebar, Regarding Jb not being able to form his last question correctly requiring all the Objections:

I can bet my first-born that at least 75% of WS'ers, not counting the excellent Legal Eagles here, could've formed that question in a way that wouldn't have received an objection from JA.
Setting up their lab now, trying to accredited......hmmmm, jury will consider all of this.
Again, I'm new at posting here... but dear sweet lord above! Can Baez at least SOUND like a professional?

Please say it didn't take JB to make you come out of lurkdom? :floorlaugh:

:welcome: Trubie!
He has no MD or Ph.D. He's not a Dr. he's a Mister

Thank you MissJames! :blowkiss:

OT I quit smoking 8 months ago (after a decades long habit) and flippin' Baez is making me want one so bad today LOL Hah!
Dumb question but is the jury in the room right now?
Nevermind, my question was answered. I was going on what HHJBP said about not sending evidence out of the country and remembered JB telling him that Eiklenbloom was setting up a lab in Colorado.

Still setting it up...
Carry on...
IMO, the SA is thinking that a trial that comes back for inadequate counsel/not allowing this witness in is far better than allowing this testimony in and getting an acquittal b/c of this evidence. Their goal is justice for Caylee and to put ICA behind bars. This cannot happen with an acquittal. So as much as we are wanting this to be over and done, the SA is looking at the big picture and are not worried.

Jumping off your post...
Many talking acquittal. Are the charges against ICA an 'all or nothing deal"? Meaning, can't ICA be found guilty of SOME charges? And, possibly acquitted for others? Just trying to understand. TIA
It's a good thing my laptop and tv don't realize what jeopardy they are in right now. LOL, they'd run away if they knew how much I want to throw something at JB!
Regarding Jb not being able to form his last question correctly regarding all the Objections:

I can bet my first-born that at least 75% of WS'ers, not counting the excellent Legal Eagles here, could've formed that question in a way that wouldn't have received an objection from JA.

Yes - but JB is trying to ring a bell (that will be sustained) not actually form a coherent question
I hope River Cruz aka KH brought a good book with her.
I totally agree. She dug her heels in after being advised over and over to seek a new attorney. You made your bed ICA...

One of our attorneys here said that doesn't really matter, that she is not expected to know if her lawyers are ineffective...just saying...
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