2011.06.23 TRIAL Day Twenty-six (Afternoon Session)

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UNTIMELY, DS, Learn to think quickly like JA, lol

JA doesn't even think quickly....it seems he pre-thinks.....he knows his stuff so well he KNOWS what's coming next and next and next. He's more than a couple steps ahead in his mind. I'm really glad he's on the Prosecution side of this case.
I love when JA gets all riled up, especially since he's RIGHT. Reminds me of a good court drama on tv, lol
Sooooo...milk and butter appear as decomposition?
Ouch - JA is losing his temper!

As an unofficial *mock juror* this does NOT look good when JA slams the cans down & raises his voice to the witness. IMO, it's unprofessional.

Just sayin'.

Why? I think its hysterical really.
I called this earlier, I knew CA would have a fit, I bet she will fire him soon.

I'm sure that will be next. I don't doubt for a moment it's true and that CA doesn't think she's innocent any longer but it's another thing altogether to admit it publicly. CA is making baby steps and on her own time she might be able to admit it publicly, on her own terms.
And even tho the cans are sealed and don't smell right now...Logan has to just sit there during the entire length of sidebar! LOLOL
Yep - sitting there looking at 'em.

Rut ro - Jury being removed. Jeeze
Freak here we go. A brief legal matter.
I want to hear the answer.

Cause we were not ask to.

ABSOLUTELY. It's the let's just criticize someone else's testing but not do our own because ..... we will probably get the same results defense! If I were a juror I'd certainly be wondering why, in 3 years time, the DT did NO independent testing.
We now interrupt this proceeding at this regularly scheduled time so that JA can now beat down DS.
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