2011.07.21 HLN & FOX News Coverage - Caylee Anthony

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He also said that her demeanor was completely normal, despite all that SHE has been through. She was spunky, likable and had a great personality.. Um, excuse me....:sick:

Sociopaths are always charming, charismatic, likable... have good personalities.
That's why they're able to con, manipulate & steal from so many people.
He also said that her demeanor was completely normal, despite all that SHE has been through. She was spunky, likable and had a great personality.. Um, excuse me....:sick:

But I thought GR said he never talked to her. Did he get this from the jailhouse release video or how else would he know??? Not trusting JB are you now. With her temper I bet everytime they tell her a deal fell through she pushes someone through a plate glass window. Where have I heard that before???? jmo
Did Geraldo mention the crazy many 1 million $ accusations? Figured he would refute them.

He did a few days ago.
But I thought GR said he never talked to her. Did he get this from the jailhouse release video or how else would he know??? Not trusting JB are you now. With her temper I bet everytime they tell her a deal fell through she pushes someone through a plate glass window. Where have I heard that before???? jmo

Geraldo didn't say that. Al "I'll take a lie detector!" Taylor did.
He also said that her demeanor was completely normal, despite all that SHE has been through. She was spunky, likable and had a great personality.. Um, excuse me....:sick:

And Hitler was an animal rights advocate. Big freakin' deal, Jerry. :snooty:
He also said that her demeanor was completely normal, despite all that SHE has been through. She was spunky, likable and had a great personality.. Um, excuse me....:sick:

Bold mine

Oh, but according to Mason, KC is 'just now learning how to grieve.' Puleeze! Guess she 'grieves' in a likable and great personality way! :maddening:

I am sick to death of JB, CM, DS, KC, CA, GA.
Geraldo on Fox News minutes ago...

Apparently he was discussing the CacheBack/Chloroform search issue. (Gee, Fox is late on that on. Guess 'ol Rupert took up much of their time in the previous days.)

Geraldo:Extremely weak. Flawed. This jury recognized that. Let the Constitution apply. I have never spoken to CFCA. I don't know where she is. She's not on my boat.

According to this report GR did say he has never spoken to KC.
He also said that her demeanor was completely normal, despite all that SHE has been through. She was spunky, likable and had a great personality.. Um, excuse me....:sick:

everything you could want in a sociopathic child killer. :loser:
The computer expert is now backtracking his story and claiming he never said what the media is claiming.

He most certainly did imply misconduct on the part of the Prosecutors. Then when the heat started coming down, he conveniently deleted his statement and is now trying to deny it? Wow! Of course, he SHOULD know there's still a cached version of it floating around.
Bold mine

Oh, but according to Mason, KC is 'just now learning how to grieve.' Puleeze! Guess she 'grieves' in a likable and great personality way! :maddening:

I am sick to death of JB, CM, DS, KC, CA, GA.

I could see her grieving over the loss of that million dollar check, followed by a venting call to her favorite attorney and handler....jmo
Will this madness ever end???
It was more fun to watch Murdoch's wife attack the pie thrower the other day.
He most certainly did imply misconduct on the part of the Prosecutors. Then when the heat started coming down, he conveniently deleted his statement and is now trying to deny it? Wow! Of course, he SHOULD know there's still a cached version of it floating around.

I'm thinking not only the State of Florida is not using him anymore, but a lot of people won't. He just shot himself in the foot, business wise. He's made himself out to be not trustworthy, and who wants software from someone that they can't trust? Way to go, software guy!
I keep waiting for the day that W**re-aldo says something really stupid and gets kicked off FoxNews.

:waitasec: I remember a long time ago ... Jerry Rivers got "socked" in the "nose" on "live" television ... :innocent:

He just loves "drama" ....

I'm still watching.
The story about Caylee didn't die just because her murderer got out of jail IMO.
I liked the fact that NG had someone down at the 'dump site' to show how vile it was there, while at the same time showing JB's comments about Macaluso having 'fun' with the press.

BBM: I agree ... I was very happy to see that NG had a reporter at the site where Caylee's remains were found. The reporter did a great job showing the site where people brought stuffed animals, flowers, balloons, notes, etc. for Caylee.

This is kind of news I like to hear ...

It is great to know that Caylee is not being forgotten amongst all this "drama" by CFCA and the DT shenanigans ...

Only time I would watch Casey Anthony on TV is her hooked up to a lie detector with the best examiner in the world. And of course being asked the correct questions.
GR spinning tales again about the chloroform issue. He is trying to rehabilitate FCA. GEE I wonder He says that LDB used the chloroform in her closing argument. Of course! there main argument was that chloroform was found in the TRUNK! This was testified to. LDB discussed the mistake from the computer searches DURING the trial. That's where I heard it first. The fact also remains, which no one is discussing, the chloroform search was found on the DELETED files and IT WAS INCOMPLETE!. NO one is talking about the more significant search HOW TO MAKE CHLOROFORM. Apparently this was typed in to the search bar. also neck breaking and household waepons. Hello???? GR is hoping we will start to think FCA may be innocent.:banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Don't confuse him with the facts, manatee, or his mustache might explode!

Naturally, he's trying his best to rehabilitate her, as is the rest of the DT. (I consider him an honorary member). Did you hear Al Taylor's interview on Dr. Drew's show? Taylor claims that he was trying to broker a deal with Casey AND Geraldo for the first interview, and that Geraldo had double-crossed him and was attempting to arrange the interview directly, cutting Taylor out of the deal. Now, why Geraldo would need Taylor in the first place is questionable, since he's BFFs with JB and all. However, it's plain to see that GR is actively trying to "win" the interview, and therefore wants to polish up Casey a bit in the eyes of the public to encourage them to watch.

Only time I would watch Casey Anthony on TV is her hooked up to a lie detector with the best examiner in the world. And of course being asked the correct questions.

How about an electric chair disguised as a lie detector?? ;)
Only time I would watch Casey Anthony on TV is her hooked up to a lie detector with the best examiner in the world. And of course being asked the correct questions.

Yes! Nancy Grace cross examining her! that would be fabulous...will never happen though
Only time I would watch Casey Anthony on TV is her hooked up to a lie detector with the best examiner in the world. And of course being asked the correct questions.

DITTO, I agree that is the only interview I care to watch and it would be an added bonus to have George and Cindy hooked up to one at the same time. That would be worth watching, I might even pay for that one!
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