The boys heard clicking Noises discuss here

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*Just wondering out loud - and that is ALL I'm doing here*

It seems like every single time there is a missing little one, someone here theorizes that the child was 'sold for drugs' or that a drug dealer took the child because they were owed money. Can anyone more experienced enlighten me as to how often this haas ACTUALLY happened (as in documented). It seems to me that - to a drug dealer - a baby would be a tremendous PIA.

For example, the recent case in Kokomo IN - the payment for the baby was drugs, cash and a vehicle - but the original 'deal' was a couple looking to adopt a baby, not a drug deal. I'm just curioous as to how often this ACTUALLY happens.

Go to Google and input "baby sold for drugs" and then sit back and read for a while. The babies are normally older though and the drug dealer is a pedophile. The sell them for sex many times....they don't actually keep them in all cases. One instance of this was done by a grandmother who sold her grandaughter for sex for crack cocaine.
Like I said last night on the other thread - JI was away - DB was having her "adult" time. I think her adult time involved drugs. I also think the clicking sound could have been cocaine being cut into lines on a mirror or a glass (table maybe). Think back to Scarface and those sounds....

The sound wouldn't be a common one or it wouldn't have been mentioned IMO

I doubt she was doing coke. It's really not as popular as it was in the 90's. These days it's pretty high brow. I'm not saying drugs are out of the realm of possibility, just that cocaine is unlikely. When you're financially pinched, it's not enough bang for the buck when there are so many cheaper highs these days.

:waitasec: Just so we're clear, I'm gathering this theory from work experience- not recreational activities. :floorlaugh:
You know where I have heard clicking, is from a gas stove or an electrical short. Was she using an appliance with a short - something the boys had never heard before around their rooms (above, below, outside window).

Or doing something with furnace?
*Just wondering out loud - and that is ALL I'm doing here*

It seems like every single time there is a missing little one, someone here theorizes that the child was 'sold for drugs' or that a drug dealer took the child because they were owed money. Can anyone more experienced enlighten me as to how often this haas ACTUALLY happened (as in documented). It seems to me that - to a drug dealer - a baby would be a tremendous PIA.

For example, the recent case in Kokomo IN - the payment for the baby was drugs, cash and a vehicle - but the original 'deal' was a couple looking to adopt a baby, not a drug deal. I'm just curioous as to how often this ACTUALLY happens.

Now and then an outraged person will report a drugged out mother trying to sell her baby for some outrageously low amount in a laudramat or grocery store parking lot - 300 bucks or so, and the person calls the cops and CPS steps in. That's the only scenario I've seen someone selling a baby for drugs, and it doesn't seem to work.

Drug dealers don't seem to cross over into the baby market business much.
You know where I have heard clicking, is from a gas stove or an electrical short. Was she using an appliance with a short - something the boys had never heard before around their rooms (above, below, outside window).

That's what I'm wondering. Was this one of the first nights the heater was on, and it kept coming on and off, short cycling?
I intially thought it was a lighter. But last night it occurred to me to me that, if the boy who heard it was in bed or sleeping, it would have had to have been a pretty loud noise to travel quite some distance in the house. That's when it came to me that whatever this boy heard might have come through the baby monitor. Makes sense to me...we have one of the boys sleeping in Mom's room, and Mom tells us the baby monitor was in her room.

I look up baby monitors last night and this morning, and lo and behold, the number one complaint about baby monitors is the clicking sounds they make.
I intially thought it was a lighter. But last night it occurred to me to me that, if the boy who heard it was in bed or sleeping, it would have had to have been a pretty loud noise to travel quite some distance in the house. That's when it came to me that whatever this boy heard might have come through the baby monitor. Makes sense to me...we have one of the boys sleeping in Mom's room, and Mom tells us the baby monitor was in her room.

I look up baby monitors last night and this morning, and lo and behold, the number one complaint about baby monitors is the clicking sounds they make.

Makes sense. If this was the boy who was sleeping with the mom, and he didn't usually, he wouldn't be used to the clicking sound.
My 11 year old son just suggested that the clicking could have come from an empty gun.
I doubt she was doing coke. It's really not as popular as it was in the 90's. These days it's pretty high brow. I'm not saying drugs are out of the realm of possibility, just that cocaine is unlikely. When you're financially pinched, it's not enough bang for the buck when there are so many cheaper highs these days.

:waitasec: Just so we're clear, I'm gathering this theory from work experience- not recreational activities. :floorlaugh:

Well that is an assumption that would be wrong. I did random testing on a property with 8 employees last year - a manager, assistant manager, 2 leasing consultants, Lead Maint, Asst. Maint., painter, and a porter.

The porter, painter, and one of the leasing consultants failed - all cocaine.
The Asst. Maint. - pot

I was shocked by the porter. He made minimum wage. He couldn't pay his bills, but he could buy cocaine.

I see that here as well. Can't pay the phone bill, but she can buy a box of wine and cigarettes.
Yes, but Jeremy has said in other interviews that the computer room and the boys room are on opposite corners of the house. He was discussing if they could have heard someone coming in the window.

Also, I would imagine that this clicking noise would be non-routine to the boy, or he wouldn't have noticed it.

Here are other suggestions:
Baby swing
Sponge mop
Cigarette lighter
Phone texting
Baby coughing as heard over the monitor
Attic stairs
Clothing with snaps in the dryer
Baby wearing clothing with snaps in the dryer. :(
Tap shoes
Crib railing moving up and down
Giant cockroaches communicating :laugh:

That's all I can remember for now

Add to list-child proof medicine lid (my dd had tonsils and adnoids removed last week, just gave her her meds, clicky cap made me think of it being mentioned in the discussion!)
Surely, DB isn't keeping the boys from being interviewed again because they heard clicking noises. Most likely they had heard/seen much more.
The number of things that click is almost endless. We (and LE) need to know more about the click...
Suddenly reminded of "Breakfast Club"..."could you describe the ruckus, sir"
Now and then an outraged person will report a drugged out mother trying to sell her baby for some outrageously low amount in a laudramat or grocery store parking lot - 300 bucks or so, and the person calls the cops and CPS steps in. That's the only scenario I've seen someone selling a baby for drugs, and it doesn't seem to work.

Drug dealers don't seem to cross over into the baby market business much.

Shaniya Davis - one of the most heartbreaking. She was older, but who knows how many times she was sold before her mother was caught?
Okay guys I am new to this case and new to posting, but I think I have an idea. Help me out here.

There was a call around 2:30? Incoming or Outgoing?

Wasn't there a nearby dumpster fire around then?

How far do baby monitors broadcast?

I'm thinking that if mom was drunk (going from my personal observations of drunk/druggie ex-friends) that maybe she tried to use the baby monitor as a way to listen in on the house in case the kids/boyfriend/husband/whatevs started to poke around while mom was at the dumpster.

Drunks get turned around on logic pretty easily (and according to her comments about her drinking that night ... she was in a brownout at the least) and I don't think it is a stretch that she got confused that the monitor would transmit sounds from the house instead of broadcasting her sounds TO her house. (wouldn't the other monitor be in her room near the kids?

The most profound, repetitive clicking sound that comes to mind for me (I'm a smoker) is the sound of those fireplace/grill lighters. Those things are a devil to keep lit outdoors if there is any wind. From personal experience I can tell you that the "click click click" of someone trying to light a garbage fire with one of those things is a very distinct and unforgettable sound.

just saying. I'm not good enough with my facts in this case to know if I may have a valid idea.

ETA: Well that's what I get for not reading page 2. Sorry guys. I have classes today and was in a hurry.
Cheap cigarette lighters make an awful clicking noise.
There is no reason at this point to believe anything the family claims.
I think the idea of using the baby monitor to leave the house a bit is very interesting.

Here's what is concerning me. SHe says that she wanted to have "me" time, which I totally understand, especially as the mom of three kids. When they were little I couldn't go anywhere, so sitting in the front smoking and having wine is something I've done before. Usually only when Dad was home sleeping as well but to be honest there may have been a few times that the kids were home with me alone and I knew Dad would be there by midnight so I let loose a little.

However, one thing I can't get past is her putting the baby to sleep at 6:40. This is very early IMO and I can't imagine that a sick baby would sleep the whole night through. I don't understand how it would occur to her that it was ok to put the baby to sleep and never check on the baby until morning?

Just doesn't compute at all. This leads me to believe that there must have been some interaction with her and the baby around her original time frame of 10. And that also leaves plenty of time for her to get soused. So what happened then is the key.
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