cadaver dog hits in Irwin home~search warrant served on family home #5

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I was on Effexor at one time under the supervision of my regular doc. The only warning was possible suicidal thoughts, not homicidal. And even at that it was for younger people like teens using the drug. Its supposed to have a more calming effect, not one that should get you riled up..
If you're prone to mania or have high anxiety, it can rev you up. It raises the BP in many people, thus making them more energetic. I suspect she was on other drugs than this alone.

They often say anti-depressants can make you suicidal but from what I experienced the suicide happens when one is coming OUT of the depression. When truly depressed, one is too tired and not enough inclined to kill themselves. Once they start to come out of their depression they have enough energy and motivation to go ahead with it.
A few of my family members do various wiring (electrical, cable, low voltage, etc). They go into attics or work from basement upwards to put the wiring into the walls (wall fish).

Possible a small amount of clothing would be taped into a tight bundle to be put up/down into the wall(s). jat
does MO have a law that requires potential home buyers to be notified before a sale is made that a person has died in the home?

this has to be done in California... i'm just not sure if it's a nationwide requirement.

also - would this information be available to the public anywhere?
I know this sounds ridiculous, as I do not know DB or JI, but for the life of me, I just cannot understand how one or both of them were able to pull this off. I am still not totally buying that they had anything to do with it.

From those TV interviews, I have a strong feeling that this couple are simple-minded people. I don't believe that they can make such a complicated plan.

FWIW, I've had personal experience with what others might call "simple minded" people, who were also quite sly and devious.
EVERYONE reacts to medications differently, too, so I don't think we can assume how it might alter her behavior. And who's to say she was taking it as prescribed? I don't think any of us can make any judgments regarding how it affected her, with what limited information we have. JMO.

OT but: On behalf of the millions of people worldwide who take Effexor for whatever reason and don't GO CRAZEE or start killing children, I really hope this doesn't degenerate into some sort of "maybe the evil psych med made her do it" thing.

We've already had someone post the exhaustive list of possible side effects and ask why "anyone" would take it. (News flash: all medications have extensive lists of possible side effects. Doesn't mean most people get them.)
What they found in the dumpster ? MOO

The dumpster, whatever they found in the woods the other day that they put into an brown evidence bag...they found tape, or tape residue, somewhere. Guarantee it.
EVERYONE reacts to medications differently, too, so I don't think we can assume how it might alter her behavior. And who's to say she was taking it as prescribed? I don't think any of us can make any judgments regarding how it affected her, with what limited information we have. JMO.

The poster was "wondering", not judging.

Judgment - She's a druggie
Sleuthing - I wonder if she over-medicated

Cases at this stage have very few facts to go on, that's why we sleuth :)
I had to take a cry break.

Knowing cadaver dogs hit feels like running into a brick wall.
Confirms so much for me.
And seriously, I'm not sure how Effexor would make you homicidal no matter how you took it or didn't take it properly unless you, say, COMBINED IT WITH PCP.
The poster was "wondering", not judging.

Judgment - She's a druggie
Sleuthing - I wonder if she over-medicated

Cases at this stage have very few facts to go on, that's why we sleuth :)

thanks vlpate
Thank you, I was going to send you a msg the other day asking if you would as there were some aspects of the trial I wanted to watch again, once again thanks :)

I am only going to leave it open for a little while, perhaps until Sunday. If at any time there is something you want to watch, and you have a YouTube channel, just post a comment on my You Tube channel.
It could be that baby Lisa was screaming her little lungs out for mommy who was blitzed on alcohol and drugs and couldn't hear a thing. One of the boys maybe put something over her mouth to stop the noise and accidentally smothered her. Perhaps mommy thought it better to claim intruder than be found drunk and negligent in charge of 3 children.

If that's the case, then DB needs to come forward to LE now & say so - that is, IF that's what happened, which I seriously doubt.
That just doesn't follow. If this were a new home the hit would be Lisa (unless the dog alerted improperly.) But this is not only not a new home, it's an old one, that had older occupants.

If former occupant (an old neighborhood, an old house) died at home, as close relatives of mine have (including my mother), the cadaver dog could hit on remnant traces of decomposition in the floor/sub floor/joists. It would still be "hittable" if any fluids seeped into the flooring.

It would not still be there after all this time. And, we don't even know if the person who lived there died in the house or in the hospital while they lived in the house. We also don't know if they died in a chair in the living room or in a bed. Decomp will not last for years. It will eventually go away as all smells do.
JMO but I think alcohol most definitely makes people more likely to kill. There are countries in Europe in which 70-80% of all homicides are committed when intoxicated by alcohol.
It lowers impulse control, increases aggression, makes it more difficult to assess situations , to seek rational responses to stressful situations and conflicts, and to control the physical force, all factors that may lead to unhappy ends.
And seriously, I'm not sure how Effexor would make you homicidal no matter how you took it or didn't take it properly unless you, say, COMBINED IT WITH PCP.

I took that medication years ago....I didnt want to committ homicide but I sure as heck didn't want to live.
OT but: On behalf of the millions of people worldwide who take Effexor for whatever reason and don't GO CRAZEE or start killing children, I really hope this doesn't degenerate into some sort of "maybe the evil psych med made her do it" thing.

We've already had someone post the exhaustive list of possible side effects and ask why "anyone" would take it. (News flash: all medications have extensive lists of possible side effects. Doesn't mean most people get them.)

Yes and we went through this days ago! It got really heated. moo I totally agree with u!
The evidence list that notes the purple shorts, top, and "Cars" movie themed blanket also lists tape, and a tape dispenser. There was talk earlier about whether this could be a "tape gun" type dispenser rather than a desktop model. Something like these:



just ventting here but I dont know how much more meaness from the world I can take! are there more crimes against children now or is it we have faster better coverage? I cant imagine we as a nation have been this messed up all along? I hate to think of any purposeful bad act being committed against an innocent child. I hope this baby is alive but after thinking about the possibilities now I think the poor child must be dead. If that walking man had her, he wasnt thinking about her interest being only clad in a diaper in the cold, his intentions could not be good, if the mom or dad did something either way she is a goner and I hate this.. makes me want to move to kinder gentler place... and where would this be? sad
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