cadaver dog hits in Irwin home~search warrant served on family home #5

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Kids have been killed in lots of ways unfortunately, so if this premise were true, why don't we see the search warrant being for a saw, or a hammer, or a pair of scissor, or rope, etc. etc.

Police were specifically looking for tape/tape dispenser. There's a REASON they were looking for that specifically. I just can't figure out what lead them to it. :waitasec:

Perhaps they were looking for something that would make a clicking sound? Or, perhaps they have more information they are keeping to themselves.
I'm reading through the posts, and it seems like some posters are having a hard time believing the cadaver dogs hit on Lisa's body, even though Lisa is missing without a trace. IMO if cadaver dogs hit in a house with a missing child, then that child is probably dead. I'm sorry to be so blunt, but we have to call a spade a spade.

That just doesn't follow. If this were a new home the hit would be Lisa (unless the dog alerted improperly.) But this is not only not a new home, it's an old one, that had older occupants.

If former occupant (an old neighborhood, an old house) died at home, as close relatives of mine have (including my mother), the cadaver dog could hit on remnant traces of decomposition in the floor/sub floor/joists. It would still be "hittable" if any fluids seeped into the flooring.
Another thought here......Remember that JI, in the beginning, supposedly asked DB, what is that kid doing in the bed? It's very possible that LI's body was in the room, had been in the room for a while, just covered up with something until they could dispose of it and he wanted to know why she let the son in there, and take the chance he would see his sister, dead.

I do find it strange how the dad responded to the boy being in bed....
You're missing my point. They had to have ALREADY found something that made them think the tape was extraordinary, otherwise, what on earth would prompt them to take one of MANY common, everyday house items. See what I mean?

It's just a difference of theory. Tape is a very common item to be used when covering up a crime of this type. LE knows this as they do this for a living. I don't find it strange at all that they took it. But, I think LE already know that Lisa was wrapped up before she was removed, so I guess you are right too! :)
Minors who are not victims or named POIs/suspects are off-limits at WS, in terms of both sleuthing and theorizing.

Remember that what we post on the interwebs stays on the interwebs... pretty much forever. Imagine being the innocent younger sibling of a victim, and one day years later, you Google your name and find out that you were being discussed as a murderer back before you even reached double digits. Or you get to high school and one of your friends finds these speculations and spreads it around. Or your significant other looks up your name on the internet before deciding whether to get serious about planning for marriage with you, and this sort of thing comes up.

In our zeal to find out what happened to Baby Lisa, we need to balance the desire to sleuth every possible angle against the responsibility not to unintentionally cause further or future harm to her siblings' lives.

Where this post falls is random.
I have to open it again. Give me a minute.

Thank you, I was going to send you a msg the other day asking if you would as there were some aspects of the trial I wanted to watch again, once again thanks :)
That just doesn't follow. If this were a new home the hit would be Lisa (unless the dog alerted improperly.) But this is not only not a new home, it's an old one, that had older occupants.

If former occupant (an old neighborhood, an old house) died at home, as close relatives of mine have (including my mother), the cadaver dog could hit on remnant traces of decomposition in the floor/sub floor/joists. It would still be "hittable" if any fluids seeped into the flooring.

Over 10 years ago!!! moo
Minors who are not victims or named POIs/suspects are off-limits at WS, in terms of both sleuthing and theorizing.

Remember that what we post on the interwebs stays on the interwebs... pretty much forever. Imagine being the innocent younger sibling of a victim, and one day years later, you Google your name and find out that you were being discussed as a murderer back before you even reached double digits. Or you get to high school and one of your friends finds these speculations and spreads it around. Or your significant other looks up your name on the internet before deciding whether to get serious about planning for marriage with you, and this sort of thing comes up.

In our zeal to find out what happened to Baby Lisa, we need to balance the desire to sleuth every possible angle against the responsibility not to unintentionally cause further or future harm to her siblings' lives.

Where this post falls is random.

Gotcha!! :crazy:
I do not know when this information was released today, but I would take a guess that you could hear a pin drop in the house when it was.
Notice that the outfit she was supposedly last seen in is on the list of items taken into custody.

Somehow this is the part that just made my heart go mad. Oh, my lord I'm stunned. I've believed Lisa was fatally harmed for the last 14 how does it hurt so much? :(
Kids have been killed in lots of ways unfortunately, so if this premise were true, why don't we see the search warrant being for a saw, or a hammer, or a pair of scissor, or rope, etc. etc.

Police were specifically looking for tape/tape dispenser. There's a REASON they were looking for that specifically. I just can't figure out what lead them to it. :waitasec:

We don't know that they didn't take a saw or a hammer, etc. in one of the searches. And, we don't know "specifically" that they were looking for a tape dispenser do we? Is there a link to this fact?
I knew it :furious: Just heartbreaking. Where did she/they put you Lisa :banghead:
The only thing that I don't understand about the diabolical muder theory is that she has 2 older children, with no previous indications of abuse. Why would she want to kill this little one and not the 2 before? Would it be because Lisa was a girl?

Sometimes it is as simple as wrong place, wrong time and this particular set of circumstances (whatever those circumstances happened to be.)

Have you never had days when things that never seemed to bother you before, just suddenly made you angry? Or had a headache and noises that maybe you were even used to upset you?
Kids have been killed in lots of ways unfortunately, so if this premise were true, why don't we see the search warrant being for a saw, or a hammer, or a pair of scissor, or rope, etc. etc.

Police were specifically looking for tape/tape dispenser. There's a REASON they were looking for that specifically. I just can't figure out what lead them to it. :waitasec:

What they found in the dumpster ? MOO
Reading through the search warrant, I'm really perplexed about the rolls of tape and tape dispenser. Seems a common every day item, so what did LE find that would lead them to think..."aha! Tape dispenser!" ? Not like they have a body wrapped in tape, or weapon with tape on it. So...what gives with the tape/tape dispenser, I wonder?


Two thoughts:

First, I'm thinking 'luminol'...?

Second, I just had this awful flashback to tape and poor little Caylee. :(

I wonder if something similar happened here. Casey (IMO) killed Caylee (accidentally, I think) b/c she was trying to occupy/subdue Caylee while she partied. Sounds like something like that may have happened with little Lisa also.

I don't know. It just hit me out of the blue the similarities.
Perhaps they were looking for something that would make a clicking sound? Or, perhaps they have more information they are keeping to themselves.

Oh, I'm sure they are keeping that to themselves. But that's not going to stop me from figuring out what it was. ;)
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