Cyndy Short: "I will continue to search for Baby Lisa" PC tomorrow

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Cyndy and her husband, Brian McCallister, are both attorneys with excellent reputations. Before you judge her ethics, maybe you should read her bio.

I know she does. However imo the way she handled this one was less than well. For whatever reason, it was the attorney's version of keystone kops. This latest just seems to be about as bizarre as you can get from an attorney off a case. As others said, why a media release and presser if all you are going to do is act like any other concerned citizen.

She knows how circus like the atmosphere is now, adding to it is not in her ex clients best interest imo. There can't be a lot of good it will do them. Given that the relationship between the two entities extends beyond actual representation, I find inserting herself into it on her own is very strange.

A legal eagle may tell me I am nuts, that it is perfectly ok for fired attorneys to have pressers saying they will continue to the case on their own (case also includes finding lisa) but even if it is, the perception is not a positive one.

Narcissistic supply appears to be in high demand in Kansas City lately. I wished the media would cut off "supply junkies" and keep Lisa's and her parent's photos on the tv screen along with frequently advertising the large reward.

They should add Megan's photo as well, IMO. And who is her ex that she went to this neighborhood with? Where is his photo?
I know she does. However imo the way she handled this one was less than well. For whatever reason, it was the attorney's version of keystone kops. This latest just seems to be about as bizarre as you can get from an attorney off a case. As others said, why a media release and presser if all you are going to do is act like any other concerned citizen.

She knows how circus like the atmosphere is now, adding to it is not in her ex clients best interest imo. There can't be a lot of good it will do them. Given that the relationship between the two entities extends beyond actual representation, I find inserting herself into it on her own is very strange.

A legal eagle may tell me I am nuts, that it is perfectly ok for fired attorneys to have pressers saying they will continue to the case on their own (case also includes finding lisa) but even if it is, the perception is not a positive one.

IMO her ex-clients. Maybe she is acting on her husband's advice.

I just don't know. I agree that the whole thing is bizarro.
If she did then she should have been working towards a plea bargain if the parents were involved (and kept fairly quiet in the media)

She has a problem if it comes from privileged communications. It would all be fruit of the poisoned tree imo if she found a body due to that. Cases have been thrown out for less imo.

If it has nothing to do with privileged communications she should be in KCPD's office with her information, not holding a press conference. She is an officer of the court.

BBM. Pretty Brilliant Strategy, IMO.
Thanks for sharing that.
When she took press into the home, I think (in part) Cyndy was trying to make it clear (without actually saying so) that she had serious doubts about LE's motivations for a search warrant.

For one, they didn't take the carpet that the cadaver dog supposedly hit on, and that was one of the prime reasons for the search. So you have to wonder if that was a bogus event. Otherwise, why wouldn't they take the carpet?

I believe she possibly knows what happened, and was ousted because she was pushing from within for honesty from the parents. Something the 'head' attorney wouldn't want -- the more publicity for him, the better.
I haven't yet seen anyone mention this (sorry if I missed it.) There is a darned good reason that she might be doing this, and that would be if she believes in her heart that the parents are TRULY innocent. I'm not saying that is the case, but it sure seems like a reasonable explanation to all the questions floating around.

I would like that to be true. I would like for someone who has no reason to lie defend these parents if they are innocent. I know that Gil Abeya said something like that, but he did not get much attention. And if Cyndy did say something like that, it would actually mean something, because she has no horse in this race anymore.

We'll see.
BBM. Pretty Brilliant Strategy, IMO.
Thanks for sharing that.

yep... that is where my little thoughts strayed to also, and who is the puppetmaster? But in the same thought is how badly that could backfire on them, too... ahhhh!
:wave: Just stopping by to say "Hi" and let y'all know that I'm taking a break from the case but have read new posts. The announcement of Ms. Short's presser tomorrow is intriguing, to be sure, and I wonder what she will have to say about her former clients and their missing baby.

Happy Halloween!
Ms Short has had all weekend to choose her words and I'm quite interested in what she will say.

The press conference is scheduled for 10:30 a.m. on Oct. 31. at 917 W. 43rd St. in Kansas City, Mo

I'll have the popcorn ready. :innocent:
I haven't yet seen anyone mention this (sorry if I missed it.) There is a darned good reason that she might be doing this, and that would be if she believes in her heart that the parents are TRULY innocent. I'm not saying that is the case, but it sure seems like a reasonable explanation to all the questions floating around.

I would like that to be true. I would like for someone who has no reason to lie defend these parents if they are innocent. I know that Gil Abeya said something like that, but he did not get much attention. And if Cyndy did say something like that, it would actually mean something, because she has no horse in this race anymore.

We'll see.

I wouldn't be so impressed with it because she is a defense attorney. I wouldn't expect anything else.

If she let it be understood that she thought that her ex clients are guilty it wouldn't be good for business. No one wants a lawyer that's going to badmouth you or drop deep dark hints in case something goes wrong with the working relationship and you have to get a new lawyer.
yep... that is where my little thoughts strayed to also, and who is the puppetmaster? But in the same thought is how badly that could backfire on them, too... ahhhh!

They would be disbarred. Its a strategy no decent attorney would use if only for self preservation.

She's doing what so many want her to do....protecting DB and JI. Doesn't matter if they are guilty....this case stopped being about baby Lisa long ago. But, she still has to pretend Lisa is still alive....

Her fatal mistake was being accommodating to the local media. DB gave orders at the beginning of this....NO LOCAL MEDIA!! Her friends and family, near and far, have bowed to that demand. Local media....bad. National media....good. I bet she had a feet stomping hissy fit when she heard of that home of the famous tour being set by CS. For the local media!!! WHAT??? CS forgot just who is the star here! But, all is well, again. She's gone and DB even got to do a rock star getaway from the massive amt. of media ( a handfull, probably) camped out to get a glimpse of her. JT sure knows how to pick em....DB and JVS.
I wouldn't be so impressed with it because she is a defense attorney. I wouldn't expect anything else.

If she let it be understood that she thought that her ex clients are guilty it wouldn't be good for business. No one wants a lawyer that's going to badmouth you or drop deep dark hints in case something goes wrong with the working relationship and you have to get a new lawyer.

The point is that she would normally be expected to say NOTHING.

If she were to go out of her way to support the family, it would indicate that she believed it sincerely. Otherwise she would just shut up and say nothing. Like I said, I don't know, but it's very curious indeed.
If she did then she should have been working towards a plea bargain if the parents were involved (and kept fairly quiet in the media)

She has a problem if it comes from privileged communications. It would all be fruit of the poisoned tree imo if she found a body due to that. Cases have been thrown out for less imo.

If it has nothing to do with privileged communications she should be in KCPD's office with her information, not holding a press conference. She is an officer of the court.

Fruit of poisonous tree? Doesn't that apply to LE? I don't think it would apply to a private lawyer.
Things that make you go hmmmm.....

Keep hmmmming. ;)

Under the category homicide from Cyndy’s website:

“If charged with homicide, child sex abuse or if you are in need of support with mental health......”

“Our team includes a paralegal and the availability of two Mitigation Investigators with backgrounds in mental health.......”

“Our team has strengths in interviewing, research, relationship building, mental health, addictions,......
She's doing what so many want her to do....protecting DB and JI. Doesn't matter if they are guilty....this case stopped being about baby Lisa long ago. But, she still has to pretend Lisa is still alive....

Her fatal mistake was being accommodating to the local media. DB gave orders at the beginning of this....NO LOCAL MEDIA!! Her friends and family, near and far, have bowed to that demand. Local media....bad. National media....good. I bet she had a feet stomping hissy fit when she heard of that home of the famous tour being set by CS. For the local media!!! WHAT??? CS forgot just who is the star here! But, all is well, again. She's gone and DB even got to do a rock star getaway from the massive amt. of media ( a handfull, probably) camped out to get a glimpse of her. JT sure knows how to pick em....DB and JVS.

What possible reason would Cyndy Short have for protecting the parents? All responsibility ended when she quitfired. And, if DB is as unpleasant as she seems to be according to your theory, I assure you that Cyndy would put it behind her and just shut up. There is absolutely nothing that Cyndy can gain professionally or personally by staying involved in this case. Nothing!
What possible reason would Cyndy Short have for protecting the parents? All responsibility ended when she quitfired. And, if DB is as unpleasant as she seems to be according to your theory, I assure you that Cyndy would put it behind her and just shut up. There is absolutely nothing that Cyndy can gain professionally or personally by staying involved in this case. Nothing!

And what possible reason does she have to search for baby Lisa as a concerned citizen? Either she knows something that can lead to her to finding this child/body, or she doesn't. And if she doesn't know anything, why does she think she can do a better job than police and FBI?
I would like to hear from someone, anyone with enough legal knowledge to explain how and if this is ethical?? Thanks Silk for being braver than me ;)

There is nothing she is doing that would get her in trouble with the state bar. She is allowed to speak with the media. She is allowed to hold press conferences. She is allowed to state that she will continue to search for the child of her former clients.

As long as she doesn't reveal anything privileged to the media, to LE or to anyone else, she's okay. And I don't see how stating she will continue to search for her former clients' missing child breaks privilege in any way. I also think this woman is experienced enough not to do anything unethical in the future, like at the press conference.

That being said, I find the whole thing questionable. Attorneys have no business holding press conferences about a case after they stop working on a case. But, let's be clear, her job was NOT to find Lisa. It was to represent her clients, and their interests may not have included finding Lisa. So, her press conference may have nothing to do with her representation of the parents.

Nevertheless, I find it in poor taste. What's the point? I agree with whoever said this was probably damage control or to do with her ego. She doesn't like the impression that she may have been fired. She wants to make sure her reputation doesn't take a hit. But she needs to be careful because this kind of press conference, in which she announces she will continue to search for the missing child of her former clients, could be seen as a dig against those clients. Kind of like, "Well they may have fired me but I still care about their child, even if they don't. So while they stick with spinners like Tacopina, I will do what they should be doing - look for their child." While not necessarily a state bar issue, I find such a thing questionable.

I'm getting the sense that people in the area are being totally caught up in the sensationalism and fame of this case. They all seem to be really losing their heads. I think the media has contributed to this is a huge way and it makes me sick. And here I have been lamenting that Aliayah Lunsford's case has almost no media attention. I think I was wrong. Maybe that's a good thing. Maybe that allows LE to simply get on with its job without a total circus being created.

Poor, baby Lisa.
Keep hmmmming. ;)

Under the category homicide from Cyndy’s website:

“If charged with homicide, child sex abuse or if you are in need of support with mental health......”

“Our team includes a paralegal and the availability of two Mitigation Investigators with backgrounds in mental health.......”

“Our team has strengths in interviewing, research, relationship building, mental health, addictions,......

My 2 pennies: I think Tacopina wants out of this case after the parents refused to go through with the Friday interviews with the boys. There is no way he can force his clients to take his advice.

CS is positioning herself to be the court-appointed attorney when an arrest is made.

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