MD MD - Anne Furst, 83, & Helen Larkin, 56, Aberdeen, 17 Oct 1989

Perhaps they got in another way then after the murders threw the brick thru the door to cover up evidence?

:seeya: Welcome to Websleuths, and I think you are right on track.

As for sleuthing the previous owners of the house, they cant be specifically named but let's see what people find and then we can see..fair?
The information is rather limited. There may be more to it. From what I can see, there are two "opposite" explanations.

1) A "Simple" burglary gone wrong. It is possible that some real amateur(s) who thought no one was at home may have panicked when they found the women there. A neighbor kid who Ann would have recognized would fit the pattern. I'm wondering if there was a kid who lived nearby who had a clean record at the time but has gotten into trouble later.

2) A planned killing with the brick being just "staging" after the fact. No one going there to kill the women would break the window with a brick. There is no mention of other "staging" (drawers emptied, desks and such riffled etc) to make it appear to be a "burglary gone wrong". The one obvious reason to "stage" the break- in through the back is to conceal the fact that there was no forced entry.

If one on the women opened the door for the assailant, this would suggest she knew him (or her). If that were the case however, you would expect there to be signs of a struggle near the door and one of the women would not have been killed in her bedroom. A more likely explaijnation would be that the assailant had a key and let himself in. Who might have had a key?

The fact that Ann was "putting her slippers on" when attacked is odd. If she felt there was a serious threat in the house she wouldn't bother with the slippers. If there was a loud argument between her daughter and a family member coming from her daughter's bedroom, putting on her slippers would be reasonable.

I'm wondering if there were any signs that Helen resisted her attacker. I am assuming that Helen was in her 40's or early 50's. She would have been able to fight back. A victim fighting back will suffer defensive wounds and will require more blows to subdue because a moving target is harder to hit. Confronted by a stranger in her house, she would realize the danger.

When a victim is killed by very few effective blows without any sign of resistance, they probably did not perceive any danger and allowed the perp to get close to them. This is suggestive of an "acquaintance or family member" murder.

The layout of the house is significant. If a burglar broke the window, Helen would get up to investigate. The location of any confrontation between her and the burglar would be pretty predicable. Was the location of her bedroom consistent with this scenario?

“Simple” break-ins do result in murder and deaths sometimes result in serious intra-family conflicts.
I can't access the article right now to double check the detaiils of where the brick was found, but it's possible the door was shatteres while the women were at the wake and the house was empty I imagine they were very tired and when right to bed, so the broken glass and brick went unnoticed. Burglaries are pretty common after a death. Sometimes whole neighborhoods are hit because perps figure neighbors will be at the wake or funeral. The perp might have found himself trapped when the victims walked in. He ducks into a closet, waits until he believes the women are asleep, then tries to slip out. Maxa's mom iis not asleep and sees him. The attack awakens Maxa's grandmother, and she is killed, too. Was the weapon identified? The scapular either went into the coffin, was pulled off during the attack and was lost/discarded in the aftermath.

That's the simplest, most straightforward explanation based on what we know so far. It's extremely unlikely that the perp would've burst into the house if he thought it was occupied. Unlesss you're dealiing with a psycho, perps don't like to attract attention.

ETA: Sorry, kemo. Looks like I was typing when you posted. I'm very slow on my nook. :)
I can't access the article right now to double check the detaiils of where the brick was found, but it's possible the door was shatteres while the women were at the wake and the house was empty I imagine they were very tired and when right to bed, so the broken glass and brick went unnoticed. Burglaries are pretty common after a death. Sometimes whole neighborhoods are hit because perps figure neighbors will be at the wake or funeral. The perp might have found himself trapped when the victims walked in. He ducks into a closet, waits until he believes the women are asleep, then tries to slip out. Maxa's mom iis not asleep and sees him. The attack awakens Maxa's grandmother, and she is killed, too. Was the weapon identified? The scapular either went into the coffin, was pulled off during the attack and was lost/discarded in the aftermath.

That's the simplest, most straightforward explanation based on what we know so far. It's extremely unlikely that the perp would've burst into the house if he thought it was occupied. Unlesss you're dealiing with a psycho, perps don't like to attract attention.

ETA: Sorry, kemo. Looks like I was typing when you posted. I'm very slow on my nook. :)

The perp might have found himself trapped when the victims walked in. He ducks into a closet, waits until he believes the women are asleep, then tries to slip out. Maxa's mom iis not asleep and sees him. The attack awakens Maxa's grandmother, and she is killed, too.

Well Done!

That is a valid possibility...

Perhaps the killer/ers were already inside.
When they came home.........And waited for things to settle... One goes to bedroom other-one watch TV. They tried to escape where the one was by the TV and started there encounter with her. The other one heard the commotion going on and got out of bed trying to put on her slippers, but she didn't make it that far. They were on her quick.
And the glass could have been broken earlier in the day or whenever.
They may-had not even known about the broken glass. Hard to know for sure.

The one that got attacked first may had screamed being startled by someone in the house...

addon 529pm

I accept your theory.,
Until proven wrong.
We don't know the layout of the house but we do know that both women were in their bedrooms. A burglar might kill whichever woman confronted him but would he then seek out the other woman and kill her when, if she were in her bedroon, wouldn't be able to identify him. Murder does happen where a burgler does bump into a resident they didn't expect to find(but is actually quite rare) , but has it ever happened that a burglar would then go through the house and find and kill other residents who would not be witnesses?

If the layout of the house and positions of the bodies suggest that both women may have seen the intruder, it would be different.
Hi all -

I am the daughter/granddaughter of a 22 year cold case regarding a double murder of my mother and grandmother. It happened 2 days after my grandfather died. Any information would be great. Here is a link to the story

I am bumping the OP. I want to remind everyone that we have been given a great gift in having a family member reaching out for assistance with this case...I want to be sure we are clear on the rules of the road.

No sleuthing family of the victims please.

It would be great to have additional information on what directions LE headed that might have led to dead ends.
Hi - I have been asked that but was not privy to the will.
That is what the last detective I spoke to believed. There was not alot of glass brought through the house which would occur if they threw the brick in and came through. They believe it was definitely an after thought...
That's a great question that I cannot really answer and I see some others have thought the same thing. My mother and my grandfather I don't think had the closest of relationships. I am not sure she would have, but I wouldn't rule it out.
That's a great question that I cannot really answer and I see some others have thought the same thing. My mother and my grandfather I don't think had the closest of relationships. I am not sure she would have, but I wouldn't rule it out.

What does your family think happened, maxa?

Welcome to web-sleuths.
Your first posting with its articles and visual aids
were and are very much appreciated.

Can you tell us.
The brick that was used to break the glass.
(Was it a sliding glass door that lead into the living room area
where the TV was on?) - No the brick was thrown into the kitchen area. Apparently my mother was in the living room which was in the front of the house watching tv at the time.
And the murder weapon/weapons itself/themselves.
Were these items the killer/ers used determined to be already on the premises? - I have never gotten confirmation that they ever determined what the murder weapon was

Or has the murder weapon/weapons ever been found and identified? - No
I am trying to learn if the killer/ers brought anything with him.
Or if the killer/ers used items found at the scene. - I think they brought the weapons.

If it was determined he brought something with him.
That may have made it premeditated "something personal or gain from". - Blugeoning is more often a passion of crime, not a random crime. I have to believe it was premeditated

If the items were already there.
And it was determined he brought nothing with him there.
Then it could have been the result of something more or less random with possible variances .

From your articles and interviews given make the possibility of this being a "revenge killing/something to gain from killing"
more or less no longer if ever had/has been a probable reason/motive for the crime. - I have yet to understand the motive!!
Which may leave us with a thrill type of killing.
The brutality of the crime makes me wonder if this was a thrill
killing instead of someone taking revenge or someone being in a position to benefit from these killings. - there is a theory that it was revenge for a bad drug bust. I have been in touch with the FBI/Secret Service but they find no evidence of this apparent drug bust

With no witnesses with any information from that night has come forward as far as I know. Someone was able to get in and get out without any notice or drawing attention to themselves as far as we know.
So it could have been a young neighbor from the neighborhood. And not some random act from someone being in town and deciding to invade this particular home. - there was a theory it was a drugged up neighbor who has since died. I spoke to his brother. He denies any involvement.
Do you remember or can you tell us if there are any POI whom lived in the neighborhood at one time and perhaps still does to this day? - same as above. Two druggy brothers....
They have not told everything about the crime scene.
Which is usual in most cases if not all as it seems at times.
But in this particular case there may-had been something left to leave no doubt that only the killer/killers themselves would know. - There were some fingerprints but 22 years ago, technology was not so good...

Where there any messages left behind by the killer/killers in any manner that you know of or can recall being said even if only a based theory or speculation without being fact? - Not than I am aware of and I will share everything!!
or can share?
Without more intimate knowledge we could theorize based on speculation this was some kind of initiation/ritualistic killings.
Since they both were murdered and not just killed. - Agreed!
My family doesn't speak about it. I am isolated in trying to find out what happened.
My family doesn't speak about it. I am isolated in trying to find out what happened.

Thank you maxa. I changed up your post to Mr TT so that your answers appear in bold. If I missed anything, let me know.

Are you receiving much help from the cold case detective named in the article?
Was the evidence taken back then saved? they may be able to do DNA testing on it,like the brick?
Thanks for answering our questions, Maxa.

I'm curious about the drug bust theory. I realize it's probably not be true, but what was the basis of the theory?

The article said your grandparents had not lived in Aberdeen for very long. Can you tell us how long they had been there? Where did they live previously? Also, was your grandfather's death sudden, or had he been ill for awhile?

The answers might or might not be relevant. I'm just trying to establish some background. If you'd rather not answer, just scroll on by. I understand.
I cannot begin to express the depth of my sympathy for you & your family, Maxaroad. How incredibly horrific for you all... I truly hope for some closure for you!
As far as the layout of the house, the living room was in the front, kitchen in the back where the brick was thrown through the sliding glass door. The bedrooms were on the side between the living room and kitchen. It is believed my mother was in the living room watching tv and my grandmother in the back bedroom. My mother was found dead in the first bedroom which means she moved from the living room to the bedroom. There was no trace of blood between. She was killed in the bedroom and found seated in a chair. She was beaten in the head. My grandmother was laying in the hallway right in front of the bathroom which is on the backside of the house between the bedrooms. I don't recall where my grandmother was beaten. To my knowledge, the weapon was never found.

A neighbor did hear the brick go through the sliding glass door and went out with a flashlight to investigate. He took a quick look and did not see or hear anything and went back inside. He was interviewed on a Unsolved Crimes programmed that aired a few years after the murders that I recently got a copy of. I have also spoken with him and he says he regrets everyday not investigating further. He still lives in the same house.

I did contact the Vidocq Society and ask them to take the case on. They were willing and contacted the Sheriff's department and were told they (Sheriff's department) could not give up a resource to work with the Vidocq Society. If you are not familiar with the Vidocq Society, check out their website. They have been featured on 20/20 and other similar shows.

I have gotten significant run around from the authorities. I was interviewed by 2 detectives (one being Nick who is on the ABC spot) just about a year ago. They seemed to be all over the case and then when I tried following up I was told this case was not a priority. Seems odd to me that they would drive up to NYC on short notice, interview me, get the ABC spot taped the next week, aired in 3 weeks and then nothing.

It's definitely quite the mystery and one I will hopefully have solution to at some point! I can't tell you how much I appreciate all your thoughts and comments. Keep them coming!
Bessie - the tv spot was wrong about how long my grandparents lived there. I never knew them living anywhere else. My grandfather had cancer and had been ill for some time. The death was not unexpected.

As far as the drug bust, another family member made the acquisation about that. I never found anything more about it and my family denies that.

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