11/1/11 Parents to return to home on N. Waldron 11/2

I sure hope this new attorney is able to negotiate another sit down with LE now.

If he wants to...? This is what he said before he got involved:

Just the thought of putting his clients in a room with police officers makes defense lawyer John Picerno nervous.

“My own view is that my clients should never talk to police,” Picerno said Tuesday. “I tell them, ‘The prisons are full of people who talked to the police. The police are going to do what they are going to do, with or without your cooperation and your statement.’ ”

1) The 8:30 call hasn't been confirmed by LE. We got that from MW, right?

2) It all depends on when the "kidnapping" occurred. The last time DB saw Lisa was at 6:40 pm, right? If we believe her black out story, I doubt she even knew the phones were gone.

BBM Very glad to see someone mention that! Everyone finds MW unreliable, yet so many seem to accept that 8:30 call as a fact.
Not when they're accusing you of murder. Sorry but I would not be cooperating with LE if I were in their shoes. I think they're doing the right thing. They wanted a confession and it's so blatantly obvious from how DB described it. I would bet my last penny that LE would never imagine the parents lawyering up.

Billie Dunn failed a poly. Hailey is still missing and as far as I know, they're nowhere closer to finding out what happened to her. And that is just one case off the top of my head.

I do understand why they don't want to talk to the police but it's the right thing for them, not for Lisa. JMO.

Every hour the police spends working under the mistaken assumption that the mom did it it's an hour away from finding Lisa.

I don't know why DB and JI would think that she should not be suspected of anything if she reports a missing baby and meets the first responders drunk enough to have blacked out, unable to tell when she saw her baby for the last time.

Oh no I hadn't seen that :(
I'm certain a lot has developed over the course of this investigation...since the parents last sat down for talks with LE.
I wish that LE hadn't used the accusation tactics with the parents last time (if thats true, and I do tend to believe it is). But they have lawyers now to attend questioning with them. Okay...so my message to the parents.... put that in the past and move forward with LE. Work together!
There has been a significant amount of "neighborhood" information that has come to the front since their last sit down, and we probably don't even know the half of it through media. Its just as likely as not that the parents can shed some light on what they too have seen or not seen.
If LE doesn't solve this...who do they think will??????
I do understand why they don't want to talk to the police but it's the right thing for them, not for Lisa. JMO.

Every hour the police spends working under the mistaken assumption that the mom did it it's an hour away from finding Lisa.

I don't know why DB and JI would think that she should not be suspected of anything if she reports a missing baby and meets the first responders drunk enough to have blacked out, unable to tell when she saw her baby for the last time.

Mistaken assumption? They should NEVER have made an assumption PERIOD. Certainly not within the first 12 hours. They may have a theory but it's up to them to investigate.

If they made a mistake, it's not the parents problem. It's theirs. Find Lisa.
I agree with him 100%

I'd say 90 %... It makes very much sense to follow his advice if I ever get accused of some random crime but if I've called LE in order to get them to find my baby and I was the last one to see her it's just not true. They're not going to be equally likely to do what they do and find her with or without my cooperation.
1) The 8:30 call hasn't been confirmed by LE. We got that from MW, right?

2) It all depends on when the "kidnapping" occurred. The last time DB saw Lisa was at 6:40 pm, right? If we believe her black out story, I doubt she even knew the phones were gone.

Correct - the 8:30 p.m. phone call to MW's phone hasn't been confirmed or denied by LE. That information came from MW.

LE hasn't refuted or substantiated much of anything regarding the investigation, including statements made by DB and/or JI in their media interviews - including DB's claims that LE outright accused her of being responsible for her daughter's disappearance, as well as DB's claims that LE told her she failed the polygraph.

But DB herself stated that after the polygraph, she asked "How did I do?"
BBM Very glad to see someone mention that! Everyone finds MW unreliable, yet so many seem to accept that 8:30 call as a fact.

Whatever happened with MW's phone, it was significant enough for the FBI to come back for it and keep it after it had initially been inspected by KCPD.
I think it's more than reasonable for the police to look at the parents first. Because in 90%+ of these cases it IS the parents that did it. So clear the parents and then move outward. There is only a problem if the parents can not be cleared. There is also a reason why the parents can not be cleared. Sure there have been some cases where the parents were falsely accused but that is the exception, not the rule. And it WOULD be my business to help the police if my child was missing. I would do anything to find her, anything!
Mistaken assumption? They should NEVER have made an assumption PERIOD. Certainly not within the first 12 hours. They may have a theory but it's up to them to investigate.

If they made a mistake, it's not the parents problem. It's theirs. Find Lisa.

Of course it's the parents' problem IMO, it's their baby that is missing.

Confronting the suspects within the first 12 hours with the suspicion is one way to investigate IMO. Sometimes it works. DB could have been sobbing and trembling on the floor because of guilt and she could have been moved to confess and save everyone a lot of trouble if she'd told where Lisa is and what happened to her. It didn't work this time but LE had no way of knowing that before they attempted it.

I think DB should just face it that she was the obvious suspect due to obvious reasons and there was no way LE could have just ignored it. She may know she's innocent but LE didn't, maybe they still don't. She has not been sainted or anything that would make her beyond all suspicion so bearing a grudge at LE that they had to pursue that avenue is unhelpful IMO. Her baby is still missing and the people who are looking for her need her help.
Whatever happened with MW's phone, it was significant enough for the FBI to come back for it and keep it after it had initially been inspected by KCPD.

I think there's something important in MW's phone but I don't think she has any idea what it is. She's a flake and LE might have convinced her that they were after some 8:30 phone call, but that could be a total decoy.

If she was really interviewed for 6 hours, or whatever, IMO they talked about a lot more than one phone call, even if they left her with the impression that the phone call was their main focus. LE is being completely tight-lipped about everything. If an 8:30 call is so central to their investigation, why would they reveal it to her so that she can blab it to every camera crew in KC?
Of course it's the parents' problem IMO, it's their baby that is missing.

Confronting the suspects within the first 12 hours with the suspicion is one way to investigate IMO. Sometimes it works. DB could have been sobbing and trembling on the floor because of guilt and she could have been moved to confess and save everyone a lot of trouble if she'd told where Lisa is and what happened to her. It didn't work this time but LE had no way of knowing that before they attempted it.

I think DB should just face it that she was the obvious suspect due to obvious reasons and there was no way LE could have just ignored it. She may know she's innocent but LE didn't, maybe they still don't. She has not been sainted or anything that would make her beyond all suspicion so bearing a grudge at LE that they had to pursue that avenue is unhelpful IMO. Her baby is still missing and the people who are looking for her need her help.

Apparently she was sobbing and trembling and one can interpret it the way they want to. Guilt or distraught of a missing child.

I guess we'll have to just agree to disagree in this case. All I know is if I was being wrongfully accused of murdering my child and I knew I was totally innocent, I wouldn't trust LE.

ETA: Police errors is NOT their problem.
I think there's something important in MW's phone but I don't think she has any idea what it is. She's a flake and LE might have convinced her that they were after some 8:30 phone call, but that could be a total decoy.

If she was really interviewed for 6 hours, or whatever, IMO they talked about a lot more than one phone call, even if they left her with the impression that the phone call was their main focus. LE is being completely tight-lipped about everything. If an 8:30 call is so central to their investigation, why would they reveal it to her so that she can blab it to every camera crew in KC?

I'm sure you're right that they talked about other things beyond that phone call and some of it may even be more important than the phone call, but I think if there was a phone call at 8:30 that they needed to ask questions about it could have been a little difficult to achieve without revealing its existence to her.

Anyway, it was her phone so if they didn't know it was freely used by 8 other people they may have thought she already knew all about the phone call.
Apparently she was sobbing and trembling and one can interpret it the way they want to. Guilt or distraught of a missing child.

I guess we'll have to just agree to disagree in this case. All I know is if I was being wrongfully accused of murdering my child and I knew I was totally innocent, I wouldn't trust LE.

ETA: Police errors is NOT their problem.

Yes, let's agree to disagree.

I think that as long as my child was missing anything that the police was on the wrong track on would absolutely be my problem.
Correct - the 8:30 p.m. phone call to MW's phone hasn't been confirmed or denied by LE. That information came from MW.

LE hasn't refuted or substantiated much of anything regarding the investigation, including statements made by DB and/or JI in their media interviews - including DB's claims that LE outright accused her of being responsible for her daughter's disappearance, as well as DB's claims that LE told her she failed the polygraph.

But DB herself stated that after the polygraph, she asked "How did I do?"

To add to this, we shouldn't be taking anything DB says as truthful either. DB has changed her story several times in the media and shown that she is not truthful. Why would we assume something to be true just because she said it?
I think it's more than reasonable for the police to look at the parents first. Because in 90%+ of these cases it IS the parents that did it. So clear the parents and then move outward. There is only a problem if the parents can not be cleared. There is also a reason why the parents can not be cleared. Sure there have been some cases where the parents were falsely accused but that is the exception, not the rule. And it WOULD be my business to help the police if my child was missing. I would do anything to find her, anything!

Police searched inside the homes of random neighbors who had absolutely nothing to do with this child being missing.

I didn't hear any of them complaining about being set up or falsely accused by LE. Nor did they refuse to open their doors until they consulted their attorneys.

Just sayin'.
Yes, let's agree to disagree.

I think that as long as my child was missing anything that the police was on the wrong track on would absolutely be my problem.

One reason they got a lawyer! :wink:
Just the thought of putting his clients in a room with police officers makes defense lawyer John Picerno nervous.

“My own view is that my clients should never talk to police,” Picerno said Tuesday. “I tell them, ‘The prisons are full of people who talked to the police. The police are going to do what they are going to do, with or without your cooperation and your statement.’

So keep your mouth shut and DO NOT help LE find your precious baby!!! Dispicable!!!
Police searched inside the homes of random neighbors who had absolutely nothing to do with this child being missing.

I didn't hear any of them complaining about being set up or falsely accused by LE. Nor did they refuse to open their doors until they consulted their attorneys.

Just sayin'.

Well lets be reasonable though. Allowing ones home to be searched for a missing child ...is a far cry from being sat down at headquarters and being accused of staging a kidnapping and/or harming your baby. One is worthy of complaint, the other...not so much. JMO

However, I still believe that LE can run parallel investigations. Work the family insider angle...while working the potential outsider angle. I believe thats what they're doing.

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