Penn State athletic director plus ex-Paterno assistant charged in child rape case #2

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Is the towel-snapping this sick narcissist's attempt to explain away what McQueary reported to the grand jury as "a rhythmic slapping sound"?


That's exactly how I took it when I heard it last night. An attempt to put it into the collective mind of the public and perhaps eventually, the minds of future jurors.

I had another thought about his description of what happened juxtaposed against McQueary's description of what he witnessed, but I need to let my breakfast digest a bit before I attempt to go there.
The latest sickening thought brought to me by too much time on the road, thinking...

'"We were showering and horsing around and he [the boy] actually turned all the showers on and was actually sliding across the floor and we were, as I recall, possibly like snapping a towel," Sandusky said. McQueary's allegations were never reported to the police.'

Is the towel-snapping this sick narcissist's attempt to explain away what McQueary reported to the grand jury as "a rhythmic slapping sound"?


Yes-now, how will he explain that pesky sodomy thing?
It does for me, but then again I'm signed in at Google. This may very well be a misperception on my part regarding Google news links.

Ok what I did was click on the link to the article button on the far right then it told me to click on the article I wanted to link so I clicked on the Sandusky Reaches next level, it highlighted that article and put a link in that link button slot to copy.
If an Incident Report, regarding the child abuse observed by McQ (and others),
was not filled out & submitted to all superiors & to the Dept of Public Welfare within 48 hours...
as the law states... there are NO loopholes.

Thanks ~ I'm actually quite glad to hear that the law is already in place, since on several news shows (HLN, Dr. Drew, even MSNBC) they were saying that there were loopholes. And I thought such laws were nearly universal in this day and age, so they should throw the book at all these people!!!
Scapegoat: a person or group made to bear the blame for others.

Board act's, you're satisfied they're taking a position of acknowledgement while covering their own involvement in a pedofile ring.

Go higher, dig deeper.

There has been one article that makes me step back towards the fence about Paterno. One in the last week that focused on anothers portrayal of Paterno and gave me pause.

Children, about 20 now and many more to come, deserve the engery and outcry being put into this. A pervert and a front for a pedo-ring need the anger, the resentment, the pure disgust put into this. An AG that didn't act because election was more important, now governor and on BOT deserves more scrutiny, as does every high-power exec, elected official, gov't agency and the PSP.

I think I previously shared my view on Paterno knew. He did what he was required to do, by law. He went further in 98, why wouldn't he in 02? You don't know where the cover-up started and neither do I. Until we know how far, wide, etc the 02 incident was reported and where it was quashed, the perceived moral reponsibility can not be assessed to anyone.

IMO, Joe Paterno and Mike McQueary are NOT scapegoats by the very definition you have posted, particulary the words "to bear the blame for others". They are rightfully bearing the blame for THEMSELVES and their own lack of action.

Your reminders of digging deeper or going higher are likely important parts of a complete understanding of this situation, but in no way mitigates their own personal accountability or blame. Even if this coverup went all the way to the President of The United States, it does not lessen the pain and agony these children went through because these two men chose to not do something as simple as dial 911.

It is my opinion that words like "required to do by law" and "scapegoat" only tend to trivialize the trama inflicted on these children because they offer excuses for the very ones who could have, and should have, stopped their agony.
The latest sickening thought brought to me by too much time on the road, thinking...

'"We were showering and horsing around and he [the boy] actually turned all the showers on and was actually sliding across the floor and we were, as I recall, possibly like snapping a towel," Sandusky said. McQueary's allegations were never reported to the police.'

Is the towel-snapping this sick narcissist's attempt to explain away what McQueary reported to the grand jury as "a rhythmic slapping sound"?


OMG, I think you're right!!!! :furious::furious::furious: Ugh!

Sandusky has gotten away with so much over the years that he thinks he can explain it away as if he were just another kid in the shower, and what they did was "boys" playing around and not adult-on-child violence. :maddening:

He's a big tall (ugly) football coach, and a child would be intimidated by him, and we all know that. The whole world is watching, yet he is making these juvenile claims so that all kinds of psychological traits seem apparent - narcissism, egomania, lying, magical thinking, adolescent regression, arrested development.

Why not? All those excuses have worked for him before! :banghead:

My husband was just saying the other day that when he played football in Jr. High (back in the 70s) coaches never came into the shower area - not ever. And the boys would usually try not to look at each other, and would just take a shower and get out as quickly as possible. That's the reality.

When my son played football from age 9 till 17, he never had a coach who laid a hand on him. And if the boys roughhoused in the locker room, they had their clothes on at the time. :twocents: So Sandusky is just making up his own reality, and it's scary.
I think Sandusky hated Paterno. I think it was no accident that the rape witnessed by McQ took place right under the nose, as it were, of Paterno and his staff. I think that if the "big kid" Sandusky wanted to ingratiate himself and become one with some of the kids unfortunately in his care then there were others, and I bet they were as a rule far less compliant, that he wanted to exert power over, dominate. By doing so on PSU's campus, he was extending that domination to Paterno, to whom he was subordinate, especially by the end when he had been ruled out of the succession.

University campuses are thick with good and smart people who make great and often unheralded contributions to our worlds. They are also dense with power networks, egos and arrested development. I think the same is doubly true of departments like athletics that have the added complication of big money and therefore greater latitude. All kinds of commentators have noted the effects of these crimes on PSU. But they were in my view ALWAYS about PSU, an organization that systematically (in his view) undervalued Sandusky. Well, he showed them.

I think this may partly explain why so little attention was paid then (and now) to the victims, the boys subjected to terrible and forceful rape and molestation. They, appallingly, were not Penn State.


Your thoughts about Sandusky and a possible "I'll show you" attitude on his part reminded me of an excerpt from his book that's recently been quoted in the press:

I had always professed that someday I would reap the benefits of maturity, but my lifestyle just wouldn't let me. There were so many things I had done in my life - so many of them crazy and outlandish. But I have always had fun, and one this is for certain: My time on this earth has always been unique. At the times when I found myself searching for maturity, I usually came up with insanity. That's the way it is in the life of Gerald Arthur Sandusky.

Perhaps that one sentence sums up not only his life in general but also his blatant misuse/abuse of the Penn State facilities post-retirement. Using his own formula, if he was angry about being forced into retirement*, his ability to act like a mature adult in response to that might have resulted in, as he calls it, insanity.

The armchair psychologist in me says it's a passive/aggressive response to an authority figure who thwarted his goal of becoming head coach at his beloved alma mater.

Of course, if an agreement was made for his "retirement" (based on what happened in 1998) then he was the architect of his own professional demise - which might have resulted in even more self-hatred (I'm recalling his conversation with the mother of the victim who participated in the eavesdropping set-up: ""I was wrong. I wish I could get forgiveness. I know I won't get it from you. I wish I were dead."

Sandusky's book was available on Google books (for free) a few days ago. I'm not sure if it's still there but one section I read about his father's charity group and the men that were involved left me wondering if he had been a victim of abuse as well. And then there's the title of the book...

His attorney describes his client as a grownup big kid (I was immediately reminded of Michael Jackson). Could something have happened to him that resulted in arrested development at a certain age? (more armchair psychoanalyzing here!)

Sandusky was obviously not mentally impaired in terms of academic ability. He graduated at the top of his high school class as well as the top of his graduate studies class (I have links on this somewhere). However, this degree of academic intelligence obviously didn't translate into emotional intelligence, as witnessed by the fact that he openly admitted to showering with young boys - an act that goes against every social more imaginable, especially in a situation regarding an academic and a minor.

I've even gone as far as to wonder if the title of his book isn't his "insanity" side (as he refers to it) screaming out for (gulp) help.

(sorry for that long ramble)

*purely speculative, of course
Very disturbing. Looking at Jerry Sandusky, he cannot really keep a straight face and is hiding the true Jerry Sandusky. Video Player
IMO, Joe Paterno and Mike McQueary are NOT scapegoats by the very definition you have posted, particulary the words "to bear the blame for others". They are rightfully bearing the blame for THEMSELVES and their own lack of action.

Your reminders of digging deeper or going higher are likely important parts of a complete understanding of this situation, but in no way mitigates their own personal accountability or blame. Even if this coverup went all the way to the President of The United States, it does not lessen the pain and agony these children went through because these two men chose to not do something as simple as dial 911.

It is my opinion that words like "required to do by law" and "scapegoat" only tend to trivialize the trama inflicted on these children because they offer excuses for the very ones who could have, and should have, stopped their agony.

Exactly, call 911.

Because Paterno and McQueary were so lacking in humanity we do not know to this day if the little boy survived the violent rape.

He might very well be buried in some woods because Jerry thought he was caught and in serious trouble.

I hope those 2 dream about him every night.
Sandusky's book was available on Google books (for free) a few days ago. I'm not sure if it's still there but one section I read about his father's charity group and the men that were involved left me wondering if he had been a victim of abuse as well. And then there's the title of the book...

His attorney describes his client as a grownup big kid (I was immediately reminded of Michael Jackson). Could something have happened to him that resulted in arrested development at a certain age? (more armchair psychoanalyzing here!)

I've even gone as far as to wonder if the title of his book isn't his "insanity" side (as he refers to it) screaming out for (gulp) help.


My oldest daughter is a psychotherapist and she told me the other night it is highly probable Sandusky, himself, was sexually abused as a child...JMHO
I guess enough time has passed for breakfast to have digested so here goes. This is what came to my mind as a possible scenario, based on McQueary's latest remarks and last night's Costas interview.

Last night before I saw/listened to the Costas interview I posted on this thread regarding whether or not McQueary might have perjured himself with his latest statements (via an email to his teammates) regarding what happened March 2, 2002 (post #364 on this thread).

After listening to Sandusky's answer to Costas' question regarding the incident I came up with a scenario that might fit in with what McQueary said in his email: "I didn't just turn and run…I made sure it stopped…I had to make quick tough decisions"

The presentment states (I cringe to even post this):

Looking into the shower the graduate assistant describes seeing a naked boy estimated to be about 10 years old, with his hands up against the wall, being subjected to anal intercourse by a naked Sandusky.

And this, from the Costas/Sandusky transcript:

Okay, we-- we were showering and-- and horsing around. And he actually turned all the showers on and was-- actually sliding-- across the-- the floor. And we were-- as I recall possibly like snapping a towel, horseplay.

McQueary said he "made sure it stopped." The presentment states:

The graduate assistant was shocked but noticed that both Victim 2 and Sandusky saw him.

If, as stated, they both saw McQueary I'm wondering if Sandusky didn't quickly push/shove the boy away with such force that the child fell to the floor and slid across the slippery surface with the towel remark, as ynotdivein mentioned, becoming the perfect (ugh) explanation for the rhythmic slapping sound.

In the above scenario McQueary's presence and Sandusky's shoving the child away in response to his presence could explain McQueary's statement "I made sure it stopped."

I'm not making excuses for McQueary - far from it. As Dr. Fessel mentioned above, loosely paraphrased, a person who could do this to a child could just as easily dispose of the child after the fact. In fact, who's to say that the Victim #2 that Amendola ends up presenting is the actual Victim #2? Almost ten years have come to pass and in those ten years a child that age goes through puberty, grows taller, features change, etc.

I'm just trying to imagine how it could have happened that McQueary was certain it stopped (or so he said) and Sandusky's mention of the child being on the floor brought all that together in my mind, quite unfortunately, I might add.
My oldest daughter is a psychotherapist and she told me the other night it is highly probable Sandusky, himself, was sexually abused as a child...JMHO

This is an excerpt from Sandusky's autobiography.

Art, Syl and Popeye formed the nucleus of the Old-Timer's football team. They were a bunch of older men who played touch football with my friends and me on late Saturday afternoons in the fall.

I grew up learning and playing so many wonderful games with them
I wish we knew if Sandusky has a "type." It might be easier for LE to comb Second Mile photos etc and come up with possible victims.
I guess enough time has passed for breakfast to have digested so here goes. This is what came to my mind as a possible scenario, based on McQueary's latest remarks and last night's Costas interview.

Last night before I saw/listened to the Costas interview I posted on this thread regarding whether or not McQueary might have perjured himself with his latest statements (via an email to his teammates) regarding what happened March 2, 2002 (post #364 on this thread).

After listening to Sandusky's answer to Costas' question regarding the incident I came up with a scenario that might fit in with what McQueary said in his email: "I didn't just turn and run…I made sure it stopped…I had to make quick tough decisions"

The presentment states (I cringe to even post this):

Looking into the shower the graduate assistant describes seeing a naked boy estimated to be about 10 years old, with his hands up against the wall, being subjected to anal intercourse by a naked Sandusky.

And this, from the Costas/Sandusky transcript:

Okay, we-- we were showering and-- and horsing around. And he actually turned all the showers on and was-- actually sliding-- across the-- the floor. And we were-- as I recall possibly like snapping a towel, horseplay.

McQueary said he "made sure it stopped." The presentment states:

The graduate assistant was shocked but noticed that both Victim 2 and Sandusky saw him.

If, as stated, they both saw McQueary I'm wondering if Sandusky didn't quickly push/shove the boy away with such force that the child fell to the floor and slid across the slippery surface with the towel remark, as ynotdivein mentioned, becoming the perfect (ugh) explanation for the rhythmic slapping sound.

In the above scenario McQueary's presence and Sandusky's shoving the child away in response to his presence could explain McQueary's statement "I made sure it stopped."

I'm not making excuses for McQueary - far from it. As Dr. Fessel mentioned above, loosely paraphrased, a person who could do this to a child could just as easily dispose of the child after the fact. In fact, who's to say that the Victim #2 that Amendole ends up presenting is the actual Victim #2? Almost ten years have come to pass and in those ten years a child that age goes through puberty, grows taller, features change, etc.

I'm just trying to imagine how it could have happened that McQueary was certain it stopped (or so he said) and Sandusky's mention of the child being on the floor brought all that together in my mind, quite unfortunately, I might add.


And he actually turned all the showers on

I know exactly what this is about and I had to go back in my memory 35 years or so.

I was in the army and we had shower rooms for each platoon. One guy would go into the showers when nobody else was in there and turn on all the showers on hot and then go clear to the back shower and take his shower and do whatever in privacy. We would walk by the showers and throw stuff at him. LOL

I bet all the showers were set on hot for the obscuring steam except the one Jerry and the boy were in. Just wasn't enough steam.
Even Sandusky's ex daughter-in-law has a RO against him so he doesn't come in contact with her children (S's grandchildren).

Interesting that the judge who reduced bail and let him out was a volunteer in his youth program. I smell a judge about to knocked off the bench - a bit of conflict of interest here, a big bit!
Interesting that the judge who reduced bail and let him out was a volunteer in his youth program. I smell a judge about to knocked off the bench - a bit of conflict of interest here, a big bit!

Takes a lot to remove a judge-I feel pretty certain she will need to recuse herself if any more of his stuff comes across her desk though.
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