WA WA - Sky Metalwala, 2, Bellevue, 6 Nov 2011 - # 8

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he also, contributed (my word) to leaving the baby in the car while the rest of the family went shopping in Target for nearly an hour, until police were called.

Yes, they both made that horrific decision and I'm not excusing that. But, he didn't do it again with the result being his son going missing. The fact that his son is missing right now is the fault of the mother. Whether she did something intentionally or accidentally to cause his death or disappearance or if she made the same enormously flawed decision that they were both cited for and required to take parenting classes for.

At least he claims to have learned from that while she has openly admitted to police that she has left both of her children alone on several occasions since the Target incident. I'm amazed that nothing happened to these children sooner under her negligent parenting.
Why does everyone keep thinking they married when she was 15? :banghead:

They married in 2003. She is 30, please, respectfully, do the math.

Julia was 22 when they married! :banghead:

According to The Associated Press, the couple had been together for 14 years. They married in 2003 and separated in 2010,


I was married in 2003 and I was 22. I am turning 33 in two months. How did her age not progress? I want a do over!:waitasec:
Where have you been? The photos were taken for that very reason. To disprove him and it worked. She got what she wanted and now her kid is in the wind. He is in a way defending her actions by bringing in her illness.

I'm here and been here from the start. :seeya:

Speculation on your part. Some are suggesting the photos were staged. There is no evidence that they were. None.

He obviously didn't get his daughter now either. He got supervised visits. There is obviously something wrong with him not getting full unsupervised custody.
he also, contributed (my word) to leaving the baby in the car while the rest of the family went shopping in Target for nearly an hour, until police were called.

Yes he did once that can be confirmed. Mom, according to her own words, did it repeatedly and for extended periods of time. Both went through the same 'repercussions' from the first incident. One learnt from that lesson, the other per her own words, chose not to learn from it.

On whose time did Sky disappear? His father hasn't seen him in 10 months. His mother admitted to LE she left both children alone for a 12 hour mediation session 5 days prior to his disappearance.
TY so much for your input, Rouge!

I would like your professional opinion regarding patients who have been diagnosed with severe OCD, bi-polar disorder, and depression.

It seems to me that the co-morbidity of Julia's diagnosed mental illnesses may have made it impossible for her to make rational decisions - especially rational decisions regarding herself & her children.

It's distressing to read the derogatory comments about JB, since (according to her husband) she has been diagnosed with multiple mental illnesses - OCD, bi-polar disorder, and depression. My heart breaks for this family.

Mental illness is a very real affliction - and those who suffer from it are not "psycho" or "crazy" or "evil" or any of the other pejorative terms that have been used recently to describe JB.No one chooses to be afflicted with mental illness, anymore than one chooses to be afflicted with Alzheimer's disease or Dementia.

I suffer from severe panic attacks. They have a pretty significant impact on how I live, the things I can do. Not just the attacks themselves, which are horrid enough, but the fear that doing something might lead to an attack. My thoughts and fears are insane.


Not psycho mind you, I have no dead hookers in the trunk of my car, so I am pretty sure I am not psycho. Just crazy. Crazy is the word used by non-professionals like me to describe a mental illness severe enough that the victim has a real problem. Crazy. Psycho is the word used by folks like me for crazy people who use their cellars for more creative purposes. Or people who kill their kids. It's probably short for something, but who cares.

If you insist on medical terminology then I am sorry to disappoint you, but words like crazy and psycho are here to stay, they are shorthand, the same way that we type initials here rather than people's names.

I didn't say he did but I think he tends to exaggerate. He claims he had to pick up the kids because she would not feed them, etc. Well, we've seen pictures of the kids with food in their plates.

Like I said in earlier posts, they don't look like abused kids to me. They look happy, well fed, no visible bruises. Yes, she probably does suffer from OCD but that doesn't make someone a murderer.

There are always 3 sides to a story. His, hers and the truth.

I think Julia is totally responsible for Sky's disappearance but to go on TV to answer questions about her "illness" serves no purpose imo. The focus should be on finding Sky and not Julia.

I completely agree with you on this.
I have been lurking on this thread and typically by the time I "catch up" someone has already said what I was going to say :) Being a local, this is a bizarre and curious story that has captivated me.

One thing I want to add, I always wondered what the "editted" (her sp. not mine) pics on Flickr were for. THe dates happen to be around the time the "sugar baby" profile was supposedly made and the profile includes these images from ("editted") from what I can tell. I'm inclined to believe the pics were edited to make her profile look more attractive....I'm not sure if this has been mentioned yet.

Glad you decided to join in Marcijoy. I think she "eddited" her children out of the pics...so she could find shugah daddie
I think there was an article that said they married when she was 15 and he was 19. In the kitchen at his parent's house. I think. :waitasec:

They began dating at that time. They married in 2003 when she was 22.
I finally got to see the clip with SM being asked about not being allowed to use the "commode".

First of all, this guy shows no emotion. There is something about him that bugs the heck out of me and I can't really put my finger on it just yet. I think he tends to exaggerate and perhaps it has to do with the custody issue, IDK.

Honestly, he doesn't come across as being totally truthful to me.

These two wouldn't known a good marriage if it smacked them in the face. It takes more than two people having chemisty it takes work by both.The beginning was shaky at the most ...then it went down hill from there playing out like a Greek tragedy. While these two lived out what could only be characterized as a farce of a marriage two innocent lives have been hung in the*
balance. They(let me make this very clear both of them) spent more effort on their vehicles,shopping trips,cleaning rituals,church,$$$ and*
homes than worring about leaving a 3 month old child in a freezing car for an hour. Sure they all apologize when their caught.Every child deserves to be given the best start in life you can give them. Sky and M deserved to feel safe and were failed miserably.

My rant is from having followed two local missing children cases Kyron's and now Sky's. I am sick of these p*** poor parents and their apologies,ignorance,selfishness,pointing fingers at each other,lack of common sense and excuses.MOO
I didn't say he did but I think he tends to exaggerate. He claims he had to pick up the kids because she would not feed them, etc. Well, we've seen pictures of the kids with food in their plates.

Like I said in earlier posts, they don't look like abused kids to me. They look happy, well fed, no visible bruises. Yes, she probably does suffer from OCD but that doesn't make someone a murderer.

There are always 3 sides to a story. His, hers and the truth.

I think Julia is totally responsible for Sky's disappearance but to go on TV to answer questions about her "illness" serves no purpose imo. The focus should be on finding Sky and not Julia.

but wouldn't her illness help to explain her behaviour and actions? yes, Sky is missing but the police have stated that Julia or someone close to her, knows his whereabouts. Imo the focus has to be on the mother to find the child. She was the one who was with him last.
These two wouldn't known a good marriage if it smacked them in the face. It takes more than two people having chemisty it takes work by both.The beginning was shaky at the most ...then it went down hill from there playing out like a Greek tragedy. While these two lived out what could only be characterized as a farce of a marriage two innocent lives have been hung in the*
balance. They(let me make this very clear both of them) spent more effort on their vehicles,shopping trips,cleaning rituals,church,$$$ and*
homes than worring about leaving a 3 month old child in a freezing car for an hour. Sure they all apologize when their caught.Every child deserves to be given the best start in life you can give them. Sky and M deserved to feel safe and were failed miserably.

My rant is from having followed two local missing children cases Kyron's and now Sky's. I am sick of these p*** poor parents and their apologies,ignorance,selfishness,pointing fingers at each other,lack of common sense and excuses.MOO

I finally got to see the clip with SM being asked about not being allowed to use the "commode".

First of all, this guy shows no emotion. There is something about him that bugs the heck out of me and I can't really put my finger on it just yet. I think he tends to exaggerate and perhaps it has to do with the custody issue, IDK.

Honestly, he doesn't come across as being totally truthful to me.

Your unwavering loyalty to female "suspects" is interesting, and I am thankful for it.

I am not interested in an echo chamber, and with you here I know that's never gonna happen. The day you come off the fence and say "I think maybe that woman did it" I will know they are guilty beyond any possible doubt.

Thanks :rocker:
Yes he did once that can be confirmed. Mom, according to her own words, did it repeatedly and for extended periods of time. Both went through the same 'repercussions' from the first incident. One learnt from that lesson, the other per her own words, chose not to learn from it.

On whose time did Sky disappear? His father hasn't seen him in 10 months. His mother admitted to LE she left both children alone for a 12 hour mediation session 5 days prior to his disappearance.

yes, I get all that.. I have been following this case since day 2. I just personally, do NOT think the father is 100% innocent.
I was married in 2003 and I was 22. I am turning 33 in two months. How did her age not progress? I want a do over!:waitasec:

they divorced in 2010..married 7 years..I think many got confused cause her mom said in court docs..they met 1997 when JB was 15 and SW was 21 they have been together for 14 years and married in 2003.

Many assumed they married when she was 15..not the case..she was 21 or 22.

Her pic in shugah daddies says she is 31 and that was from last july

I want a do over as well.
but wouldn't her illness help to explain her behaviour and actions? yes, Sky is missing but the police have stated that Julia or someone close to her, knows his whereabouts. Imo the focus has to be on the mother to find the child. She was the one who was with him last.

His job is to find his son not bash his soon to be ex wife on national television telling the viewers he wasn't allowed to use the commode. How does that help find Sky? Seriously. Who cares? I'm actually sick of seeing him. I think it's self serving and does nothing to help find Sky. He should do something productive like organize a search or call SAR organization.

Leave Julia to the experts and LE.
I think Julia is totally responsible for Sky's disappearance but to go on TV to answer questions about her "illness" serves no purpose imo. The focus should be on finding Sky and not Julia.

Respectfully snipped. Just for comparison, what purpose did it help to find Caylee when media was all over with pictures of Casey dressed scantily, puking in front of a toilet, urinating beside a car, and who knows how much more stuff.

SM is answering questions regarding the break up of his marriage. His struggles to keep his children safe and by answering these questions he is keeping his childs name and face in the media.

If he were silent, we'd all be griping about no media coverage on this case like there are thousands of others here at WS.

Dad, not mom, is keeping his childs name and face in the media. What are his other choices until his child is found? How would it help his child if media were not covering Sky's disappearance?
I was married in 2003 and I was 22. I am turning 33 in two months. How did her age not progress? I want a do over!:waitasec:

I would too! You've aged 10 years when only 8 have passed! :waitasec::floorlaugh:
I'm here and been here from the start. :seeya:

Speculation on your part. Some are suggesting the photos were staged. There is no evidence that they were. None.

He obviously didn't get his daughter now either. He got supervised visits. There is obviously something wrong with him not getting full unsupervised custody.

Yeah, he married a crazy broad.
IMO JB's mental illness is relevant. Where is Sky? Who took him? What happened to him? What could have caused this horrible thing to happen? Julia's personality, mental state, illnesses, and her background and actions are part of that picture and more than likely hold the answer.
Despite her mental state, she has reportedly fought for custody of her children. IMO, she may not be able to recognize that she is incapable of caring for herself or her children. I am not a mental health expert, nor have I evaluated her mental health status.

My point is that her husband has reported that his wife suffers from OCD, bi-polar disorder, and depression. Based on this information, I believe that JB was/is incapable of making rational decisions regarding herself & her children. I believe that JB is mentally ill.

I also care about her missing child.

I also believe that a mentally ill person does not deserve to be called "crazy" or "psycho" or "evil".

If JB had OCD she could have gotten treatment for her illness, she could have allowed the father to help look after the children. Crazycatladyfromscotland who had severe ocd stated that she chose to get help for herself for the sake of her nephew. She allowed her husband to help her, especially when it came to raising her nephew, because she cared and loved him enough to realize that he might be negatively affected by her behaviour. Julia had a choice, if she had cared enough about her kids and her husband, she would have gotten the help that she needed. She would not have manipulated her kids to turn away from their father, she would have gotten help if she cared enough about her kids and she felt that she couldn't cope. I think her behaviour is extremely selfish. She was capable enough to lie to the police, capable enough to convince everyone that she could look after the kids properly, so I seriously doubt anyone can argue that she so mentally ill that she didn't know right from wrong.
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