Interview with Mike Thompson

You all have made some great points. I wonder if there would be a different reaction to this if small details were changed. What if he made an ID w/o having previously been shown a picture? What if he had reported it the day Lisa went missing? What if he had asked the man where he was headed at 4 am w/a naked baby?

I guess him IDing the man that much later and the circumstances of the ID are questionable in my mind.

I've been thinking a lot lately about Lisa and the cell phones. Quite frankly the cell phones don't make a bit of sense. So let's say Lisa was truly abducted (stranger, friend, family, acquaintance, whatever you prefer for your scenario) and that DB & JI were not involved with her disappearance. Which leaves us with the possibility that DB (most likely) or JI disposed of them and that's why the pinging is close to the house. Maybe Lisa was taken and DB did notice but had not been watching the kids (which we know) and was drunk, maybe there were pics on the phone documenting the night and she felt like she'd be to blame, so simplest solution is ditch the phones and have JI discover Lisa missing?

Wow! Pix on the phone that could be "suspicious" in nature? That is an angle I haven't thought of, but makes me think in all new avenues! Thanks for the theory, Iamnotagolen!
Sometimes in the confusion and rush for information in the early part of a case, things get overlooked. Interviews conducted by reporters are often edited for time or the euphoria of the scoop overshadows the detailed questions that need to be asked. With those things considered, I thought several things that came out early in the disappearance of Lisa Irwin merit reexamination.................

The above statement by Ron makes the reader believe Ron wants to really investigate this witness testimony. Part of that investigation should be to review exactly what the person has told other people. He should also try to disprove what this witness is telling him. If he can not disprove it then there is a good chance it is true. One of the things he should have done was recreate the event as much as possible but he did not do that from what I can tell. He did not go there at night. They went during the day.

When I called Thompson, he was most cooperative. I wanted to meet him at the intersection of NE 48th St. and N Randolph so he could show me the exact locations of what he saw just after 4 a.m. on the morning of October 4, 2011.

We met today. A much colder day than the lower 50's the night Lisa went missing. But that night was cool enough a baby should have had more than just a diaper on.

Mike was getting off of work driving due south on his motorcycle on Hwy 435 taking the off ramp at NE 48th St. in Kansas City, Missouri. As he slowed down to turn west on NE 48th St., he saw a man walking from the south side of 48th, crossing the road, and heading north on N. Randolph. Mike stopped his motorcycle at the intersection. It was very well lit with street lights. By this time a man, carrying a baby was probably around 20 to 30 yards north of the intersection walking on N. Randolph. Mike says he hollered, "Are you okay?" The man turned toward Thompson, a baby clearly visible in his arms, only in a diaper, sitting straight up in his arms and alert. The man responded only with a nod.

Mike says the man had salt and pepper hair; short hair, but long enough for a comb. It was not a buzz cut. He is confident the man not only had a baby in his arms, but a live baby. The baby's body was clearly visible, not mistaken for a bag.

After he got the nonverbal response, Thompson recalls telling the man that he better get a coat or a blanket or something to that effect on the baby. He found it odd. Mike then drove off, westward down NE 48th Street to visit a cousin. The man continued to carry the baby north on N. Randolph.
Twenty to thirty yards away at night or even during the day is really far. Did he pull up next to him and clearly see up close and personal a baby, unclothed or did he yell from 20 to 30 yards to the stranger? If he yelled from a distance, there is no way he could be 100% positive of what he saw...IMO>
I can not dismiss the cadaver hit in the bedroom. For a few reasons, why isn't there a reasonable explanation for the cadaver hit? Why haven't the defense attorneys came out and said "the previous owner passed away in the house and accounts for the cadaver hit". They haven't the best the DT came up with is "poopy diaper", which we all know is a poopy theory. My second reason for not dismissing the cadaver hit, is that it was in DB's bedroom and it seems pretty clear based on the pictures of the crib that Lisa was not sleeping in that crib for a very long time. The height of the crib was far too high for a child over 5 months old, let alone a 12 month old.
Details in memories change a lot. Its a function of the brain and it is the reason why LE wants to talk to people ASAP after a crime and also the reason why lawyers go through testimony with people. Its not lies that are intentional but our brain will actually change details we studied it in my biology class. Memories are not the same thing has taking a picture and people are not always lying intentionally but are recalling the incident differently has time passes. I don't have MSM links but you can google it and see. The guy may not be telling the same story over and over but he may not be lying. His perceptions may have changed but the fact he seen a man with a baby has not changed. He never said it was Lisa just a baby. Just because he story isn't exactly the same doesn't mean it never happened or that he didn't see a man and a baby. Saying something like yards and feet can easily be misunderstood. Also he has been visited by many people but that doesn't mean his original story wasn't factual. He said he told a friend and the friend told him he should call after the case broke, a week later. My husband doesn't watch the news he just isn't to into it. He plays video games and watches the History channel. If it weren't for me he would have no clue whats going on. Also some people wouldn't call the cops just because they seen something like that. Not like he witnessed the baby being harmed he just found it odd. I see parents do things all the time that I wouldn't recommend but if its not illegal I can't stop them.
Thanks matou for this update !

RBBM: I do NOT remember Mike Thompson saying this ...

:waitasec: Every time MT "speaks" he adds -- or changes -- "something" to "his story" ...

:waitasec: And don't forget he did not report this so-called "sighting" until a week later ...

JMO, but I have always found this "witness' story" HINKY ... and JMO, but I think he is a "defense plant" ...


Hmmmmm.....Defense plant...I am not certain why this "sighting" by the biker is being brought up again...but it may just be time for DB's and JI's defense team to do a little diversion techniques. Remember the last one where defense lawyer said that there were to be very important revelations that were going to be shared soon? I don't remember him ever following up on this promise.
Twenty to thirty yards away at night is far. Did he pull up next to him and clearly see up close and personal a baby, unclothed or did he yell from 20 to 30 yards to the stranger? If he yelled from a distance, there is no way he could be 100% positive of what he saw...IMO>

I suck at judging distances, I wouldn't even try to guess. I would have gone back out and said I was standing here, man with baby was there, let's measure.

Ever seen My Cousin Vinny? (pretty sure that's based on a true story :wink:) haha anyway, the witnesses were not lying, had not been tampered with, weren't planted by any defense team, they just didn't see what they thought they did.

I believe that MT believes he saw a man carrying Lisa at 4 am. He's allowed to have that opinion, but the realities are that his testimony just wouldn't hold much water. It would have been in his and Lisa's best interest to have only discussed the matter with the police and not spent so much time discussing details with reports, PIs, and GA.
The thing I find most interesting in this new blog is that Mr. Brando is living back next door to the Irwin's. Apparently SB and he are divorced now. So where is SB?

Besides the parents, she has been the person I am most suspicious of. She is the only one in all of this that fits the profile of somebody who would take a baby.

There is just something about her behavior. . .keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Hmmmm. . .:waitasec:
The thing I find most interesting in this new blog is that Mr. Brando is living back next door to the Irwin's. Apparently SB and he are divorced now. So where is SB?

Besides the parents, she has been the person I am most suspicious of. She is the only one in all of this that fits the profile of somebody who would take a baby.

There is just something about her behavior. . .keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Hmmmm. . .:waitasec:

I think SB fits a pretty good suspect profile. I'm not sure how much info on her we're allowed to discuss, but she should be one of the usual suspects. JI sure ran straight to her house, why would he do that?
snipped from :

He says he was driving his motorcycle and was approximately 30 feet away from a man carrying a baby. He stopped, and the man turned around and looked at him. He says the man was walking in an area far away from any houses and thought about offering the man a ride, but couldn’t because he was on a motorcycle. “I thought, what an idiot, with a man out there as cold as it was with no clothes, no blanket on the baby,” says Thompson.

snipped from :

Mike was getting off of work driving due south on his motorcycle on Hwy 435 taking the off ramp at NE 48th St. in Kansas City, Missouri. As he slowed down to turn west on NE 48th St., he saw a man walking from the south side of 48th, crossing the road, and heading north on N. Randolph. Mike stopped his motorcycle at the intersection. It was very well lit with street lights. By this time a man, carrying a baby was probably around 20 to 30 yards north of the intersection walking on N. Randolph. Mike says he hollered, "Are you okay?" The man turned toward Thompson, a baby clearly visible in his arms, only in a diaper, sitting straight up in his arms and alert. The man responded only with a nod.

RBM: Soooooo many inconsistencies ... 30 feet away . . . 20-30 yards . . .

And that is why all of these "alleged sightings" are hinky . . .

MOO ...

30 feet...30 yards good catch!
I can not dismiss the cadaver hit in the bedroom. For a few reasons, why isn't there a reasonable explanation for the cadaver hit? Why haven't the defense attorneys came out and said "the previous owner passed away in the house and accounts for the cadaver hit". They haven't the best the DT came up with is "poopy diaper", which we all know is a poopy theory. My second reason for not dismissing the cadaver hit, is that it was in DB's bedroom and it seems pretty clear based on the pictures of the crib that Lisa was not sleeping in that crib for a very long time. The height of the crib was far too high for a child over 5 months old, let alone a 12 month old.

BBM LOL Sorry, I've been up since 4 a.m., and I am getting a little loopy ;)

Eh, that picture doesn't mean much to me as far as that goes. That was AFTER the police has been in the house, I'm sure they messed up that room quite a bit, If they took the mattress and stuff out to check for prints, etc. , they may have put it back in higher than it was normally.
The thing I find most interesting in this new blog is that Mr. Brando is living back next door to the Irwin's. Apparently SB and he are divorced now. So where is SB?

Besides the parents, she has been the person I am most suspicious of. She is the only one in all of this that fits the profile of somebody who would take a baby.

There is just something about her behavior. . .keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Hmmmm. . .:waitasec:

I know...she needs to be profiled along with Sean B. I would like to see more of these two. However, in the grand stream of things, what would either of these two done with Lisa? I can see Sean B being anry in the moment but am drawing a blank of Sam B. unless it was helping a friend hide a body.
Where did the Mike T. work? I think he lived far away from Kansas City. He was on his way to his cousins house @ 4:00am? Did he just leave work nearby?
BBM LOL Sorry, I've been up since 4 a.m., and I am getting a little loopy ;)

Eh, that picture doesn't mean much to me as far as that goes. That was AFTER the police has been in the house, I'm sure they messed up that room quite a bit, If they took the mattress and stuff out to check for prints, etc. , they may have put it back in higher than it was normally.

The problem I have with that theory is that in order to adjust the mattress height on a crib involves removing screws and taking out the slat, then moving the slat up and replacing the screws. It's a huge PITA and I'm really doubting LE did that.
I think SB fits a pretty good suspect profile. I'm not sure how much info on her we're allowed to discuss, but she should be one of the usual suspects. JI sure ran straight to her house, why would he do that?

SB sends red flags up for me all over the place!
She was at the house the evening Of Baby Lisa's disappearance
She lives next door, yet we never heard of any details she shared about that night
JI went running over there right after he discovered Lisa was missing
SB sticking like glue to DB

And, if SB and her "husband" are divorced, and he lives next door to DB and JI, then where is SB now?

IDK to all questions above!
I know...she needs to be profiled along with Sean B. I would like to see more of these two. However, in the grand stream of things, what would either of these two done with Lisa? I can see Sean B being anry in the moment but am drawing a blank of Sam B. unless it was helping a friend hide a body.

That's where the Samantha theory gets muddled, IMO. B/c I'm assuming if she was involved she took Lisa to raise as her own. Surely LE has interviewed anyone and everyone ever associated with SB to rule out her taking Lisa. My best theory is that Samantha hadn't been to see some relatives for a while, told them she was getting divorced please keep her baby hidden until the divorce was over.

Wait that just might fit, where is Samantha? If she's moved from next door to the Irwin/Bradley house, where is she? I'm sure LE is on it.
SB sends red flags up for me all over the place!
She was at the house the evening Of Baby Lisa's disappearance
She lives next door, yet we never heard of any details she shared about that night
JI went running over there right after he discovered Lisa was missing
SB sticking like glue to DB

And, if SB and her "husband" are divorced, and he lives next door to DB and JI, then where is SB now?

IDK to all questions above!

Are we allowed to discuss the pregnancy she lost?
Probably only if it was referred to by MSM. If it was off FB or something, it is most likely against TOS. But I guess you could PM a mod.

I figured that'd be the case, I checked and the FB is no longer public; so I'll assume it's off limits. :)
Are we allowed to discuss the pregnancy she lost?

I would assume in terms of what Jeremy Irwin said about that miscarriage in that interview. I always found it interesting that Debbie cut him off when he was about to delinate his suspicions.

I find Mr. Rugen's information fascinating.

But I know see why law enforcement were concerned about MT's testimony. Gil showed him a photo lineup before the cops did. And Gil has made clear he thinks the person picked by MT is the guy. So did Gil influence MT? That would be the question obviously and why prosecutors/LE may not have made a bigger issue out of this.

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